HE 2771 .C2 C42 2001/02 2001 -02 to 2010-11 LIBRARY COPY CALIF. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY 1120 N STREET, SACRAMENTO March 2002 California Department of Transportation GRAY DAVIS, Governor MARIA CONTRERAS SWEET, Secretary . Business, Transportation and Housing Agency ;_ --~--.-JEFF MORALES;~reaor · :--. j'·California'be': ·n~emofT iarlooifaoon rlil \ r ~TE OP CALJ1:QRWA-BUSINESS. TRANSPORTATION AND HQUSlNG AGENCY GRAY DAVIS Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ~ 1120 N STREET ~ P. 0 . BOX 942873 Flex your power! SACRAMENTO, CA 94273-0001 Be energy effic1enU PHONE (916) 654-5267 FAX (916) 654-6608 ITY (916) 654-4086 March 1, 2002 Members, California LegisJature State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Members: I am pleased to submit to you the California Department of Transportation's (Department) California State Rail Plan 2001-02 to 2010-11. The Department has prepared the Plaa as an examination of intercity passenger rail and freight rail transportation in California, in accordance with Section 14036 of the Government Code. The passenger element of the Plan reviews the current operations of the three State-supported intercity rail passenger routes (Pacific Surfliner, San Joaquin, and Capitol), and outlines ten-year plans for capital improvements and service expansions. This element aJso addresses the Depanment's vision for intercity rail and its standards for achievement of ten-year goals, and discusses potential new routes including high-speed rail. ~ The freight element of the Plan is an overview of the State freight rail system, looking at commodities and volumes of goods moving in and out of the State. This element aJso looks at freight issues like capacity concerns, intermoda] traffic, passenger and freight trains sharing right of way, short line railroad issues, funding programs, environmental issues, new technology, and future needs and objectives. Draft copies of the Plan were reviewed by various stakeholders. The passenger rail element was reviewed by each regional rail corridor advisory group or authority. The freight rail element was reviewed at public meetings held in Oakland and Los Angeles in August 2000. Comments received have been reflected in the Plan, as appropriate. On January 18, 2002, the Draft Plan was presented to the Departmental Transportation Advisory Committee (DTAC). The Plan was presented to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for advice and consent in February 2002, and the Plan has been revised to reflect DTAC and CTC comments. Enclosed is the CTC's transmittal letter and resolution. Sincerely, ~!/J#~ JE~~ES Director Enclosures ~Caltrans improves mobility across California!' DIANNE McKENNA, a,,.;, STATE OF CALIFORNIA GRAY DAVIS R. t(_ LINOSEV. Vice Chair GOVERNOR 808 BALl3ENORTH JEREMIAH F. HP.LUSE'I' ALLEN !A, LAWRENCE JOHN R. LAWSON ~ ES1E6AH E, TORRES SENATOR KEVIN MUFIRAV, Ex Ol11C!o ASSEll6LYMAN JOHN DUTRA, Ex Officio '¥11 DIANE C, EtOAM, EucutNt Dlrecto< CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 1120 N S'fREET, MS-S2 P.O. BOX 942873 SACRAMENTO. CA 942r.l•0001 FAX (91e) 6~2134 FAX (918) 654-4364 (1116) 654 ◄ 245 March I, 2002 Honorable Kevin Murray, Chairman Senate Transporta1ion Committee State Capitol, Room 2209 Sacramento, CA 95 814 Honorable John Dutra, Chairman Assembly Transportation Committee 1020 N Street, Room I 12 Sacramento, CA 958 14 Dear Senator Murray and Assemblyman Dutra: The California Transportation Commission is transmitting to the Legislature the 2002 Ten-Year California State Rail Plan by the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) with the Commission's resolution (#G-02-07) giving advice and consent, as required by Section 14036 of the Government Code. The ten-year plan provides Caltrans' vision for intercity rail service. Caltrans' 10-year plan goals are to provide intercity rail as an alternative mode of transportation, promote congestion relief, improve air quaJity, better fuel efficiency, and improved land use practices. This year's Plan includes: standards for meeting those goals; sets priorities for increased revenues, increased capacity, reduced running times; and cost effectiveness. The plan describes California's intercity rail ner.vork and connecting bus service. The plan also presents Caltrans' ten-year recommendations regarding the level of state-supported service on specific routes, as well as the capital and operational funding required for supporting such service. The report also discusses rail planning and marketing, programming, funding processes for operations and capital improvements, freight rail, and potential new service and routes. In reviewing Caltrans' draft 2002 ten-year report, the Commission at its November 2001 meeting advised Caltrans to include in its final ten-year plan a constrained historic funding alternative to place in context the $4 billion in potential funding for capital improvements. Caltrans' final ten­ year report incorporated the Commission's advice. The Commission, in granting its consent at its February 2002 meeting recommended that Caltrans include in its 2004 Ten-Year Rail Plan more infonnation: on life cycle capital costs; on rail and land use in the Central Valley; and on emissions from mobile sources (cars and locomotives). March 1, 200:2 Senator Murray Assemblyman Dutra Page2 The Commission adopted its Advice and Consent resolution (attached) at its February 2002 meeting. (Caltrans is responsible for transmitting the ten-year report, after it has prepared the report for publication.) The Commission appreciates the opportunity to give advice and consent on Caltrans' 2002 Ten-Year California State Rail Plan. The Com.mission intends its advice to be constructive in producing a report that identifies cunent and potential future issues for the Administration and the Legislature. The Commission intends to continue, in cooperation with Caltrans and local agencies, to implement and expand intercity rail service in California. Sincerely, h~ DIANE McKENNA Chair Attachment adv iocandconsent02. doc PASSED BY CTC FEB 2 8 2002 CALIFORNIA TflNtSPORTATtON COMMISSION CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Commission Consent to the Department's Teo•Year California State Rail Plan Reso)ution G-02-07 1.1 WHEREAS the California Transportation Commission (Commission) is required by Government Code Section 14036 to give its advice and consent on the Department of Tr¥filsportation (Department) Rail Passenger Program Report; and 1.2 WHEREAS the Department has prepared the 2002 California State Rail Plan in order to provide a comprehensive 10-year plan; and 1. 3 WHEREAS the Commission has reviewed the draft of the California State Rail Plan at its November 2001 meeting and the final report at its February 2002 meeting; and 1.4 WHEREAS the Commission provided advice on the draft State Rail Plan and requested that the final ten-year plan contain a constrained historic funding alternative provide some context to the $4 billion in potential funding for capital improvements; and 1.5 WHEREAS Caltrans' fmal ten-year report incorporated the Commission's advice; and 1.6 WHEREAS the Commission, in granting its consent at its February 2002 meeting recommended that Caltrans include in its 2004 Ten-Year Rail Plan more information: on life cycle capital costs; on rail and land use in the Central Valley; and on emissions from mobile sources (cars and locomotives). 1.7 WHEREAS Caltrans agreed to include the provisions requested in Section 1.6. 2.1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission does hereby consent to the information contained in the California State Rail Plan and directs the Department to transmit to the Legislature, the Governor, and the Public Utilities Commission in connection with the 10-Year State Rail Plan for FY 2001-02 to FY 2010-1 1. California State Rail Plan 2001-02 to 2010-11 March2002 California Department of Transportation Division of Rail Table of Contents Table of Contents Executive Summary ......................................................... (Executive Summary)] Part I -- Passen ger Rail Element .......................................................... ......... 1 Chapter I - Introduction ................................................................................. 3 Public Participation ......................................................................................... 3 The Department's Vision for Intercity Rail .................................................... 4 St andards for Achievement of Ten-year Goals ............................................... 5 Congestion Relief ......................................................................................... 5 Alternative to Other Travel Modes ............................................................. 6 Air Quality.. ........................................................................................ .......... 7 Energy Efficiency ......................................................................................... 9 Land Use.... ...................................................................... ............................. 9 Amtrak's California Passenger Rail 20-year Plan ....................................... 13 Amtrak's Strategic Business Plan ................................................................ 14 Interregional Strategic Planning .................................................................. 15 St at ewide Rail Assessment ........................................................................... 15 Chapter II - The California Rail Network ...............................................
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