o I 73595 67522 The barrel, sighting rib, and ejector rod housing are a rugged,integral unit, made of heat-treated stainless or chrome molybdenum steels, The spring-loaded firing pin The rear sight provided on is enclosed in the frame, Security-Six models is ad­ Note: With the trigger re­ justable for Windage and eie­ leased and transfer-bar with­ vation, drawn below the firing pin, the hammer nose rests di­ rectly on the frame and can­ not contact the firing pin, The transfer-bar ignition sys­ tem provides that the ham­ The cylinder interlock feature mer blow can be transmitted ensures that the hammer can­ to the firing pin only when not be cocked when the cyl­ the trigger is pulled all the inder is open, nor can the way to the rear. This is a cylinder be swung out of the positive internal safety fea­ frame when the hammer is ture designed to prevent fir­ cocked, Music wire or stainless steel ing if the revoiver is dropped coii springs are used through- ' accidentally, or if the ham­ out the Ruger double action mer spur receives a sharp revolvers, blow. FIELD STRIPPED VIEW RUGER Double Action Revolvers These are the revolvers created by Ruger engineers who In addition to traditional Ruger quality and dependable started with a fresh sheet of paper and an unlimited performance, the shooter enjoys the advantages of the budget! There is nothing in the design of these Ruger durable stainless steel mechC'.nism parts, even in standard double action revolvers which is there simply because blued models. "it has always been done that way"; nothing which re­ flects a commitment to outmoded production methods or obsolescent factory facilities. Representing a signifi­ cant improvement in design, these revolvers incorporate Ruger Security-Six Revolver in creative Ruger engineering, sophisticated manufacturing 357 Magnum caliber with rear techniques, and superior materials. sight adjustable for windage and elevation, Choice of 23/4", The Ruger design philosophy of strength, simplicity, 4", or 6" barrel in blued fin­ and ease of maintenance has been applied throughout ish or stainless steel. the design of these revolvers. Composed of a series of integrated subassemblies, the Ruger double action re­ volver can be field stripped to its basic components in seconds, without the use of tools. The entire lock mech­ anism is installed through the bottom of the grip frame as a unit, permitting the use of solid frame side-walls which contribute to the great strength of these revolvers. The complex milled-out frames and delicately fitted side­ plates of other double action revolvers, and the difficul­ ties of maintenance and weaknesses inherent in older designs are eliminated entirely. The finest materials are used in Ruger double action Ruger Speed-Six Revolver with revolvers. Music wire or stainless steel coil springs are compact round butt in 357 Mag­ num, 38 Special, and 9 mm used throughout and frames, cranes, cylinders, and barrels parabellum (blued modei only) calibers with fixed sights, are of heat-treated stainless or chrome molybdenum Choice of 23/4" or 4" barrel in steels. Most of the small internal parts of all models of blued finish or stainless steel. Ruger double action revolvers are made 6f stainless steel. RUGER, Security·Six, Service·Six, and Speed-Six are registered U, S, trademarks FOR YOUR ,COPY OF A FREE ILLUSTRATEO CATALOG OF ALL RUGER FIREARMS, WRITE DEPT. AH STURM~ RUGER & Company~ Ine. Southport~Connecticut 06490 u.s.A. ALL RUGER FIREARMS ARE DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED IN RUGER FACTORIES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA YOU'LL SEE OUR NEW ALUMINUM CASE 385 IN SMALL GROUPS EVERYWHERE. It seems about half the Good 01' Boys at CCI are plink­ ers. And the other half are paper punchers. But they all have one thing in common. They like the idea of shooting more and spending less. Which is exactly why they got together and developed the new, non-reloadable aluminum case Blazer 38. In fact. an independent lab compared Blazer with brass cartridge 38s, and found that Blazer performed as well as all other factory ammo. Yet they cost less than a normal round. So ifyou like plinking or paper punching. we think you'll like our new Blazer 38s. Especially when you see them perform in small groups. @1981 Ornark Industrles L...- ~ ..,;;;:.,~""~~. AMER.CAII SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER, 1982, Vol. 7, No. 36 FEATURES ALUMINUM FRAME FOR .45 AUTO, Karl Bosselman 19 Fits aI/ models except Colt Commander MASTER TIPS, Jon Winokur 23 Shooting tips ta make you a winner SCOPE-TYPE HANDGUN SIGHT, David Bradshaw 26 Aimpoint Mark 11/: fast and direct NEW SUBSTITUTE FOR LEATHER, AH Staff 28 Porvair: said to wear better, longer STAFF TAURUS DA 9MM AUTO, Dave Reynolds 29 GEORGE E. VON ROSEN, Publisher Features good accuracy, fuilctionability JEROME RAKUSAN, Editorial Director THE NEW AUTO ORDNANCE .45, Dave Reynolds 30 LEN DAVIS, Editor Can be easily tuned for combat shooting SYDNEY BARKER, Art Director RICHARD DOWDY, Art Assistant TEN-RING COMPETITION MUZZLELOADER, James D. Mason .... 31 TOM HOLLANDER, Circulation Director The Rival: looks and feels like Gold Cup STEVE LIPSKY, Advertising Sales Len Davis 'STEEL CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT,' 32 NATIONAL ADV. OFFICE: Bob Cusick, Steve Draws 154 handgunners from 21 states Lipsky, 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108 (714) 297-8520 HANDGUN STOPPING POWER, Robert M. Price 36 WEST COAST REPS.: Media Sales Associates, First of three-part series Bill Hague, Rick Ayer, 26944 Camino de Es­ Don Shuman trella, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 (714) 661­ UNIQUE SHOESTRING HOLSTER, 39 2423 Easy to make; and it works! EAST COAST ADV. REPS.: Buchmayr Associ­ COLT'S FIRST .45 AUTO, Robert T. Shimek 42 ates, 980 Pot Rd., Darien, CT 06820 (203) 655­ 1639 P.S.: the M1911 was second TUNING THE AMT .45 HARDBALLER, Russ Gaertner 44 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER (ISN 0145-4250) is published bi-monthly by Publishers Development Corp., An amateur gunsmith can do, easily 591 Camino de la Reina, San Diego. CA 92018. Second class postage paid at San Diego. CA 92108, and at addi· tional mailing offices. Subscriptions: One year (6 Issues) 'I HAVE HELD THIS GUN BEFORE,' AI Pickles 48 $11.95. Single monthly copies $2.00 (in Canada $2.50). It's nostalgia, aI/ the way Change of Address: Four weeks' notice required on all changes. Send old address as well as new. Contributors submitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Material cannot be returned unless ac­ companied by sufficient postage. Payment will be made DEPARTMENTS at rates current at time of publication and wlll cover re­ production in any or all AMERICAN HANDGUNNER Magazine editions. Advertising rates furnished on re­ quest. Reproduction or use of any portion of this maga­ SPEAK OUT 5 zine in any manner,.without writ1en permission, is prohibited. All rights reserved. ntle to this publication passes to subscriber ony on delivery to his address. INDUSTRY INSIDER, J. Rakusan 6 SUBSCRIPTION PROBlEMS: For immediate action write to AMERICAN HANDGUNER, Attention Christi HANDGUN LEATHER, Bob Arganbright 9 McCombs-591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200, San ~~8~mc;,~ ~;1~08mO~';,'!I~~~;) 297-8524 Ask for Christi HANDGUN RELOADING, Dan Cotterman 10 COP TALK, Massad Ayoob 14 SILUETAS, Philip C. Briggs 16 HANDGUN HUNTING, J.D. Jones 18 AMMO SCENE, Michael Dixon ,: 20 PISTOLSMITHING, John G. Lawson 22 SIGHT SETTINGS, Lucy Chambliss 24 WHAT'S NEW 62 HANDGUN MARKET 78 4 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER . SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1982 Ten combat pistol. propels a 200-grain reloading; however. the firing and JTC projectile at between 1.100-1.200 reloading is designed for those officers SPEAK fps and produces between 538- and who carry their extra rounds in loop 640-foot pounds of energy at the muzzle carriers The majority of our officers. It retains more kinetic energy at 100 however. use speedloaders or drop our yards than the .45 ACP does at the pouches. therefore. reloading is done muzzle. This cartridge. combined with the from pockets. Not very practical. 12-round capacity of the Bren Ten and its Would you please suggest some amazing controllability. might help to shed training techniques for a police a little light on the question Mr. Hoots department where the majority of officers NEW .40 CAL. 'SUPERIOR asks. "How would it fare In a fire fight?" carry S&W 66s; please Include courses of TO LEGENDARY' .45 ACP My answer quite simply is. better than fire. reloading. and night shooting. In any other combat cartridge. regards to night shooting. we have had In the May-June issue of the American next to nothing in the way of training. Handgunner. you received a letter from C Michael W Dixon Mark R. Jones Dan Hoots of Rowland. North Carolina in • Cerritos. California which he makes several comments about Police Dept. Ann Arbor. Michigan his perceived decline of IPSC. He also made an interesting statement concerning a "new .40 caliber round." COP SEEKS MORE For Mr Hoots' information. as well as ON-RANGE PRACTICE STICK WITH .38 SPEC. your general reading public. the .40 INSTEAD OF .357 MAG. caliber round that he makes reference to I have recently become involved in our has been conceived by none other than department's shooting program as range The letter from the Mississippi reader who Jeff Cooper. with the engineering and officer The plan is that we will all be says he can't qualify with the ammunition development having been carried out by trained and certified as instructors by the he carries on duty (May-June issue of my firm. This round was developed to be state and the NRA.
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