QIPC QUANTUM INFOR MAT ION PROCESSING AND C OMMUNICATION Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for re search in Europe Version 1.5, February 2008 Roadmap Committee Members Th. Beth† (Karlsruhe) A. Imamoglu (ETH Zürich) G. Rempe (MPQ Garching) R. Blatt (Innsbruck) A. Karlson† (EC Brussels), A. Sergienko (Boston) H. Briegel (Innsbruck) J. Kempe (LRI Orsay) D. Suter (Dortmund) D. Bruss (Düsseldorf) L. Kouwenhoven (TU Delft) R. Thew (Geneva) T. Calarco (Trento) S. Kröll (Lund) J. Twamley (Maynooth) J.I. Cirac (MPQ Garching) G. Leuchs (Erlangen) G. Wendin (Göteborg) D. Deutsch (Oxford) M. Lewenstein (Barcelona) R. Werner (Braunschweig) J. Eisert (London & Potsdam) D. Loss (Basel) A. Winter (Bristol) A. Ekert (Cambridge) N. Lütkenhaus (Erlangen) J. Wrachtrup (Stuttgart) C. Fabre (Paris) S. Massar (Brussels) P. Zanardi (Torino) N. Gisin (Geneva), J. E. Mooij (TU Delft) A. Zeilinger (Vienna) P. Grangier (Orsay) M. B. Plenio (London) P. Zoller* (Innsbruck) M. Grassl (Karlsruhe) E. Polzik (Copenhagen) S. Haroche (ENS Paris) S. Popescu (Bristol) Document coordination: ERA-Pilot WorkPackage 1 – QUROPE WorkPackage 2 Editing & Composing: D. Binosi † Deceased. *Editing author http://qist.ect.it http://www.qurope.net 2 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 1. 1 OV ERVI EW OF QIPC RES EARCH AND ITS GOALS FOR THE CO MI NG FIVE TO TEN YEARS 5 1. 2 THE L EADI NG RO L E OF EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS IN QIPC 9 1. 3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR F UNDING ON THE EU AND NATIONAL L EV EL 10 2. INTRODUCTION: THE MAJOR VISIONS AND GOALS OF QIPC 11 3. DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF QIPC RESEARCH IN EUR OPE 13 3. 1 QIPC RESEARCH IN EUROPE – EUROPEAN UNIO N L EV EL 13 3. 2 QIPC RESEARCH IN EUROPE – NAT IO NAL LEVEL 16 3. 3 QIPC RESEARCH IN THE INTERNATIONAL CO NT EXT 18 3. 4 THE EUROPEAN F LAVO R, VISI O NS AND GOALS 20 3. 5 QIPC IN A W IDER S CI ENTI FI C AND TECHNOLOGICAL CO NT EXT 20 4. ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT RESULTS AND OUTLOOK ON FUTURE EFFORTS 24 4.1 Q UANT UM COMMUNICATION 24 4. 2 Q UANT UM CO MP UTI NG 28 4. 3 Q UANT UM INFORMATION S CI ENCE -THEORY 39 4. 4 FUNDAMENTAL I SS UES ABOUT QIPC P HYSI CS 47 APPENDIX A. QUANTUM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 49 APPENDIX B. CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 53 3 4 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY QIPC overview Quantum Information Processing and in the United States, Canada, Australia and in some Communication (QIPC) has the potential countries in Asia (see section 2.2). Europe has played a to revolutionize many areas of science and technology. leading role in the early development of QIPC, and, It exploits fundamentally new modes of computation given appropriate research infrastructure and suitable and communication, because it is based on the physical funding, European researchers are well positioned to laws of quantum mechanics instead of classical maintain Europe at the forefront of the field. However, physics. It holds the promise of immense computing this requires a significant effort at national level and a power beyond the capabilities of any classical consolidation, coordination and unification of many computer, it guarantees absolutely secure national projects and initiatives under one common communication, and it is directly linked to emerging European umbrella with the lead of the research quantum technologies, such as, for example, quantum program of the European Commission. For Europe to based sensors. The worldwide interest in the subject remain competitive in this field in the future there is an may be gauged by the recent significant increase of urgent need for a substantial EU-programme in QIPC. funding in quantum information technology; in particular 1. 1 OVERVIEW OF QIPC R ESEARCH AND ITS GOALS FOR THE COMING FIVE TO T EN YEARS 1. 1.1 Q UA NT UM C OM P UTI NG these systems in view of scalability, coherence and speed of QIP, in particular also concerning their From classical to Classical physics is at the root of present- reliability, fault tolerance and use of error correction. quantum computing day information processing: strings of bits Finally, development of a computer architecture must (discrete digital states) are represented be complemented by interfacing with quantum and processed in electronic devices (registers , logic communication to allow building of quantum networks. gates etc.) through quantities such as charges, Ultimately, the goal must be to transfer voltages, or currents. In Quantum Computing and more From academy to this academic knowledge about the generally in Quantum Information Processing (QIP), industry one makes instead use of the laws of quantum control and measurement of quantum mechanics replacing bits with qubits, two-state quantum systems to industry. Major international companies systems that do not possess in general the definite have shown interest and support for developing and values of 0 or 1 of classical bits, but rather are in a so- providing systems suitable for quantum manipulation. called „coherent superposition‟ of the two. Full Short term goal I: test exploitation of this additional freedom implies that new Few-qubit applications. A first short bed demonstrations processing devices (quantum registers, quantum logic range goal is the realization of a few- gates etc.) need to be designed and implemented. As qubit general purpose quantum computer including several sets of universal quantum gates acting on one error correction, as a test bed for demonstrating and two qubits are known, a large scale quantum operation of a quantum computer. In parallel, however, computer can in principle be built, provided the special effort must be made to further develop few qubit quantum physical system used meets some basic applications which range from quantum information requirements (the so-called DiVincenzo criteria) on processing and quantum communication all the way to scalability, faithful initialization, manipulation, quantum assisted precision transmission and readout of qubits, and long coherence measurements. Short term goal II: times with respect to the gate operation time. Many-qubit specialized applications. quantum simulators Physical systems At present, a number of physical systems As a second short range goal, special suitable for QIP are under investigations for their suitability purpose quantum computers with a large number of to implement a quantum computer. These qubits should be developed. A highly relevant example include trapped ions and neutral atoms, cavity quantum is provided by quantum simulators, programmable electrodynamics (CQED), solid state devices (such as quantum systems whose dynamics can be engineered superconducting qubits, possibly in combination with such that it reproduces the dynamics of other many circuit CQED, and spin qubits), all-optical devices, as body quantum systems of interest, e.g., atoms in optical well as impurity spins in solids, single molecular lattices simulating high temperature superconducting magnets etc.. During the last few years remarkable systems and/or quantum phase transitions. Full progress, measured in terms of the aforementioned simulation of a quantum mechanical system consisting DiVincenzo criteria, towards demonstrating the basic only of a few hundred particles (spins) requires in fact building blocks of a quantum computer have been classical computing resources in terms of memory of reported in these systems. At present no fundamental the order of the number of atoms in the visible universe physical roadblocks seem in sight for building a – clearly demonstrating the inadequacy of any classical scalable quantum computer including error correction. computer for this task. Quantum simulators could be the However, a mixture of significant technological first nontrivial applications of quantum information, challenges and some open physical questions remain providing answers to problems which are fundamentally to be answered. At the same time it is premature to beyond classical computing capacities, such as the select a winner, rather research should progress on a study of microscopic properties of materials permitting broad front across all physical disciplines which studies free variation of system parameters, an accurate 5 description of chemical compounds and reactions, or work will have to cover a wide range of physical find out the reason why free quarks are not found in systems and technologies. Nature. 1. 1.2 Q UA NT UM C OMMUNICATION Long term goal I: Quantum interfaces. In the long term a hybridization first goal is the development of hybrid Quantum Communication is the art of Quantum technologies and architectures for transferring quantum states from one communication quantum computation, including interfaces between place to another. The general idea is them. This will stretch the theoretical and experimental that quantum states encode quantum information: resources of many branches of physics, from quantum hence quantum communication also implies optics and atomic physics to solid state devices. It is transmission of quantum information. Quantum likely that there will not be a single winner in this Communication covers aspects of basic physics as well search, but rather a number of different technologies as of practical relevance. Additionally, it will take care of complementing each other: some will be more suitable the whole “wiring” inside a quantum computer, i.e., for quantum memories, some for quantum processing, contribute to the quantum interface. Already now, one and some for quantum communication and so on. of its outstanding results is the emerging technology of Therefore, in addition to developing individual quantum cryptography,
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