Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11118-8 - Shostakovich Studies 2 Edited by Pauline Fairclough Index More information Index Abbate, Carolyn 211 Brecht, Bertolt 32 Akhmatova, Anna 196, 207, 212, 213, 223 Life of Galileo, The 32–3 Akimov, Nikolay 129 Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui, Alekhin, Alexander 258, 314 The 32 Alexandrov, Grigoriy 261–2 Bright Stream, The (ballet score) op. 39 71, Alone (film score) op. 26 3, 100–20 236, 276 ‘American Song’ (unpublished, from Britten, Benjamin 196, 205, 207, 226 Meeting on the Elbe) 3, 261 War Requiem 196, 205, 226 Anti-Formalist Rayok 270 Bruckner, Anton 94–5, 262 Arapov, Boris 42 Bulgakov, Mikhail Arkad’yev, Mikhail 246–7 Heart of a Dog, The 14, 270, 275 Arkanov, Boris 8–10 Master and Margarita, The 270 Arnshtam, Lev 41 Asaf’yev, Boris 99 Carpenter, Ellon 122 Aseyev, Nikolay 7 Cello Concerto No. 1 op. 107 50, 252 ASM (Association of Contemporary Cello Concerto No. 2 op. 126 205 Music) 263–4, 266 Chaikovsky, Pyotr 96, 256 Overture ‘1812’ 268 Bakhtin, Mikhail 3, 191–3, 196, 200, 204, Queen of Spades, The 84 206, 209–12, 213–17, 219–22, Symphony No. 6 96 225, 227 Yevgeniy Onegin 84 Bedbug, The (incidental music) op. 19 23, Chelyapov, Nikolay 238–47, 248, 310 26–7, 28, 127–30, 259 Chemberdzhi, Nikolay 238, 242, 244 Bednïy, Dem’yan 8–10 Children’s Games op. 69 126, 155 The Solution 8–9 Chopin, Frederic 124 Beethoven, Ludwig van Prelude in D minor op. 24 135–8 Piano Sonata No. 32 op. 111 66 Committee for Artistic Affairs 232–3, 234– Piano Trio in C Minor, 48 op. 1 No. 3 126, 131 Conditionally Killed (revue) Symphony No. 9 op. 125 39, 124, 162 op. 31 30–1 Beethoven Quartet 43–5 Cone, Edward 203, 208, 211, 214–15 Belïy, Viktor 242, 265 Counterplan, The (film score) Belyayev, Alexander 274 op. 33 8, 134 Big Lightning, The (unfinished operetta) 11–13, 29–30 Davidenko, Alexander 129–30, 265, 266–7, Bizet, Georges, Carmen 80, 84 269–70, 316 Black Monk, The (unfinished opera) 26 ‘They Wanted to Defeat Us’ 316 Blanter, Matvey 238, 242, 260 Declared Dead, see Conditionally Killed Bogdanov-Berezovskiy, Valeryan 9, 56–8, Dolmatovskiy, Yevgeniy 3, 249–54 59–60, 69, 72–3, 118 Dolzhanskiy, Alexander 122 Boldïrev, Igor 43 Alexandrian pentachord 122, 144, Bolt, The (ballet score) op. 27 30, 31, 266 155, 170 319 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11118-8 - Shostakovich Studies 2 Edited by Pauline Fairclough Index More information 320 Index Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 192–3, 198, 225, 226, Haas, David 79, 101, 122 227, 268 Hakobian, Levon 101, 196, 198, 200–3, 300 Crime and Punishment 193 Hamlet (incidental music) op. 32 126, 129, Devils, The 225, 226, 268 133, 214 Dunayevskiy, Isaak 244 Holquist, Michael 217 Dzerzhinskiy, Ivan 233, 235, 241, 242 Human Comedy, The (incidental music) The Quiet Don 233, 235, 242 op. 37 12 Eight Preludes for Piano op. 2 56, 57, 61, Kabalevskiy, Dmitriy 234 66–7, 69–71, 73 Kerzhentsev, Platon 232–3, 234, 236, 237, Eisenstein, Sergey 46, 102, 103 238–9, 240–1, 243–8 Battleship Potemkin 102 Khachaturyan, Aram 79, 238 Emerson, Caryl 192, 193, 198, 206, 209, Kholopov, Yuriy 201–2 213, 224, 226 Khrennikov, Tikhon 241 Ermler, Friedrich 41 Konstantinovskaya, Yelena 80, 84 Eskin, Michael 211 Korchmaryov, Kliment 115–16 Kozintsev, Grigoriy 41, 46, 100–5, 108–10, Fairclough, Pauline 144, 209, 301 111–15, 117, 119 Fanning, David 122, 124, 142–4, 189 on the shaman Kondraty Tanashev Fay, Laurel 1, 29, 190 113, 293 Five Fragments for Orchestra op. 43 71 on work on The New Babylon 101, 103, Five Romances on Texts from ‘Krokodil’ 108–10, 116 Magazine op. 121 211 Kuba, Natasha 56 Five Romances on Texts of Ye. Kustodiyev, Boris 57 Dolmatovskiy op. 98 249, 253–4 Four Monologues on Texts by A. Pushkin Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District, The op. 91 223, 253 (opera) op. 29 8, 11, 25–6, 29–30, 51, Four Romances on Texts of A. Pushkin op. 111, 121–5, 132–4, 138–40, 144, 146– 46 125, 134, 142–62, 169–70, 172, 173, 9, 154–5, 161, 162, 168, 170, 173, 180, 175–80, 187–8, 218, 223–4, 227 181–2, 188, 233, 235, 236 Four Songs on Texts of Ye. Dolmatovskiy LASM (Leningrad Association of op. 86 249–50, 252, 254 Contemporary Music) 264 Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin op. 146 Lebedinskiy, Lev 237, 239–40, 270 211, 225–6 Limpid Stream, The, see Bright Stream, The From Jewish Folk Poetry op. 79 2, 51, 125, Litvinova, Flora 253–4, 312 183–7, 216, 254 Loyalty (choral work) op. 136 252 Lyubimov, Yuriy 32, 277 Gergiev, Valery 3, 77–8, 98, 99 Life of Galileo, The 32, 277 Girl Friends (film score) op. 41a 71 Glazunov, Alexander 53, 67 Machavariani, Alexey 79–81, 88, 93, 99 Glière, Reinhold 244–5, 267 Maes, Francis 210 Glikman, Isaak 29, 32, 37–9, 41, 48, 88, Mal’ko, Nikolay 63–4, 68 195–6, 197, 253 relations with Shostakovich 286 Glivenko, Tatyana 57, 59–60 Mariengof, Anatoliy 7–8 Gmïrya, Boris 253 Maximenkov, Leonid 1, 232, 243 Golden Age, The (ballet score) op. 22 Mayakovskiy, Vladimir 10, 13, 26–7, 28, 12, 266 259, 262 Golden Mountains, The (film score) The Bedbug 13, 23, 127, 259 op. 30 119 McBurney, Gerard 274 Gorodinskiy, Viktor 238 Meeting on the Elbe (film score) op. 80 3, Greek Songs sans op. 2, 254 252, 261–2 Grinberg, Moisey 238, 239–42 Meyer, Leonard B. 88, 95 Gypsies, The (unfinished opera) 26 Meyerhold, Vsevolod 26–7, 28, 259 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11118-8 - Shostakovich Studies 2 Edited by Pauline Fairclough Index More information 321 Index Michurin (film score) op. 78 49 Proletkul’t 263–4, 268 Moskva, Cheryomushki (operetta) Pshibïshevskiy, Boleslav 246–7, 266, op. 105 253 267, 317 Mosolov, Alexander 266 Pudovkin, Vsevolod 46, 103 Muradeli, Vano 49, 241, 243 Pushkin, Alexander 207, 209, 213, 221, Musorgsky, Modest 196, 200, 226, 253, 222, 223–5 257, 269 Boris Godunov 84 Rabinovich, David 44 Khovanshchina 84 Rabinovich, Nikolay 119 Songs and Dances of Death 196, 269 Raikh, Zinaida 27 Myaskovskiy, Nikolay 241, 266 RAPM (Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians) 130, 134, 237, 239–40, New Babylon, The (film score) op. 18 46, 246, 264, 265, 266–70 100, 101, 103, 106, 108–9, 111, 114, RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian 116–17, 120 Writers) 264, 265 Nielsen, Carl, Symphony No. 5 87, 96 Redepenning, Dorothea 145–6, 149, 161, 226 Nikolayev, Leonid 69 Return of Maxim, The (film score) Nose, The (opera) op. 15 26, 29, 104, 108, op. 45 241 111, 129, 266, 267 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay 163, 207, 235 ‘I Waited for You in the Grotto’ 61–2, 67 Ogolevets, Alexey 242 Rodchenko, Alexander 259, 314 Oistrakh, David 34 Roseberry, Eric 299 Roslavets, Nikolay 264, 266 Partisan’s Son, A (unrealised opera project) Rozanova, Alexandra 62–3 2, 21–3 People’s Will (unfinished opera) 11, 29 Saint-Saëns, Camille, Danse macabre 200 Piano Concerto No. 1 op. 35 54, 134 Salzer, Felix 78, 99 Piano Quintet op. 57 44, 182 Samosud, Samuil 233, 235 Piano Sonata No. 1 op. 12 54–6, 194 Satires (Pictures of the Past) op. 109 211, Piano Sonata No. 2 op. 61 182 221, 226 Piano Sonata in B minor (lost) 53–65, 70, Schenker, Heinrich 78, 83, 90–2, 99 72–3 Scherzo in F♯ minor op. 1 53–73 Piano Trio No. 1 op. 8 54–6, 57, 58–60 Scherzo in E♭ major op. 7 57, 73 Piano Trio No. 2 op. 67 182 Schmelz, Peter 201 Pokrass, Dmitriy, ‘March of Budyonniy’ Selvinskiy, Ilya 274 115–15, 116, 119 Seven Verses of A. Blok op. 127 195, 212, Pokrass, Samuil 238 214, 218, 221, 227 Popov, Gavriil 22–3, 29, 39, 240 Shaporin, Yuriy 10 relations with Alexey Tolstoy 22 The Decembrists 10 Portrait, The (unrealised opera project) 26 Shatïlov, 245–6 Pravda, attacks on Shostakovich 134, 142– Shcherbachev, Vladimir 39, 266 5, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236–7, 239, 240, Shebalin, Vissarion 10, 190, 237, 241, 266 247–8 Sheinberg, Esti 126, 301 Preface to the Complete Edition of My Shirinskaya, Nina Borisovna 44 Works and a Brief Reflection on This Shirinskaya, Nina Vasil’yevna 44 Preface op. 123 225 Shneyerson, Grigoriy 72, 287 Preys, Alexander 26 Shostakovich, Dmitriy Prokofiev, Lina 256 as football fan 41 Prokofiev, Sergey 125, 126, 241, 242, 243, as teacher 260 246, 250 attack on light music 267 PROKOLL (Industrial Collective of attitude to civic duties 256, 257 Student Composers) 265 attitude to Davidenko 266, 269–70 The Path of October 265, 269 attitude to Mayakovskiy 259, 262 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-11118-8 - Shostakovich Studies 2 Edited by Pauline Fairclough Index More information 322 Index Shostakovich, Dmitriy (cont.) String Quartet No. 4 op. 83 121, 124–5, 134, attitude to Meyerhold 259 182–8 attitude to Weinberg 47 String Quartet No. 7 op. 108 188–9 on Five Romances on Texts of Ye. String Quartet No. 8 op. 110 2, 92, 188, 189 Dolmatovskiy 253 String Quartet No. 14 op. 142 188–9 on his composing processes 190 String Quartet No. 15 op. 144 205 on Moskva, Cheryomushki 253 Suite in F♯ minor for Two Pianos op.
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