ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES I PAGE 0~ PAGES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. I 1 13 1. DATE OF ORDER 2. CONTRACT NO. g' aE~ 6. SHIP TO. HSHQDC-13- - 075 06/09/2017 a. NAME OF CONSIGNEE 3. ORDER NO. 14. REQUISITION/REFERENCE NO. Departme nt of Homeland Security HSSCCG17J00025 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence to) b. STREET ADDRESS USCIS Contracting Office Citi zenshi p & Immigration Services Depar t ment of Home l a nd Securi ty Chi ef Informa t ion Officer 70 Kimball Avenue 5th floor #102 South Burlington VT 054 03 111 Massachus etts Ave NW c CITY Id . STATE I:e ZIP CODE Washington DC 20001 7. TO I SHIP VIA a NAME OF CONTRACTOR SEVATEC INC 8. TYPE OF ORDER b. COMPANY NAME O a PURCHASE IRJ b. DELIVERY c. STREET ADDRESS REFERENCE YOUR: 3112 FAIRVI EW PARK DR IVE Sevatec Of fer Except lor billing instructions on the reverse, this delivery order is Dated Decembe r 2, 2016 subject to instructions contained on thiS side only of this form and is Please lumish the lollow1ng on the terms issued subject to the terms and and conditions specified on both sides or conditions or the above-(lumbered d. CITY Ie . STATE Ir . ZIP CODE this order and on the attached sheet, il contract FALLS CHURCH VA 2204 245 04 anv. 1ncludinc deliverv as ind1cated. 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 10. REQUISITIONING OFFICE See Schedul e users Co ntracting Office 11 . BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION (Check appropriate box(es)) 12. F.O.B. POINT IKJ a SMALL D b. OTHER THAN SMALL O d. WOMEN·OWNED e. HUBZone D c. DISADVANTAGED 0 Des t i nat ion I. SERVICE-DISABLED O g. WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS (WOSB) D 0 h. EDWOSB VETERAN-OWNED ELIGIBLE UNDER THE WOSB PROGRAM 13. PLACE OF 14. GOVERNMENT B1L NO 15. DELIVER TO F O.B. POINT 16 DISCOUNT TERMS ON OR BEFORE (Date) a. INSPECTION Ib . ACCEPTANCE Mu ltip le Destination Destination Net 30 17. SCHEDULE (Soo rovorso for Ro]oct1ons) UNIT QUANTITY ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED (e) DUN S Number: 132599668+0000 Da t a a nd Business I ntelligenc e Support Services {DBIS} III Continued 18. SHIPPING POINT 19. GROSS SHIPPING VVE IGHT 20. INVOICE NO. 2 1. MAIL INVOICE TO. a. NAME See I nvoicing I nstructions SEE BlUING INSTRUCTIONS b. STREET ADDRESS ON REVERSE (or P.O. Box ) 17(1) GRAND 22. UNITED STATES OF 23. NAME AMERICA BY (Signature) James A. Boehm TITLE: CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER AUTHOR IZED FOR LOCAl R EPRODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 347 (ROY 21>0121 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABlE Pre sc:nbed byGSAJfAR 48 CFR $3 2 13(f) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 2 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 06/09/2017 HSHQDC-13-D-E2075 HSSCCG17J00025 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) AAP Number: None DO/DPAS Rating: NONE Period of Performance: 06/12/2017 to 06/11/2021 POP: 06/12/2017 to 08/11/2017 0001 Transition-In IAW PWS Section 4.1 FFP Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Base Period Full Performance POP: 08/12/2017 - 06/11/2018 0002 eCISCOR and SMART Development Accounting Info: VISMDRN 000 OS 70-01-00-000 07-20-0200-00-00-00-00 GE-25-76-00 000000 Accounting Info: SVEMDRN 000 EX 60-01-00-000 07-20-0100-00-00-00-00 GE-25-76-00 000000 Accounting Info: ITENTSR ECC EX 20-01-00-000 23-20-0600-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 Accounting Info: ITENTSR SMA EX 20-01-00-000 23-20-0600-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 0003 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and End User Support eCISCOR and SMART FFP Accounting Info: ITAPPIN LSS EP 20-05-00-000 Continued ... TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17(H)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. 4/2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.213(f) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 3 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 06/09/2017 HSHQDC-13-D-E2075 HSSCCG17J00025 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 23-20-0500-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 0004 Program Management IAW PWS Section 4.6 FFP Accounting Info: SVEMDRN 000 EX 60-01-00-000 07-20-0100-00-00-00-00 GE-25-76-00 000000 Accounting Info: ITAPPIN LSS EP 20-05-00-000 23-20-0500-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 0005 Infrastructure Support IAW PWS Section 4.5 Accounting Info: ITAPPIN LSS EP 20-05-00-000 23-20-0500-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 0006 SAS Development and Support Accounting Info: ITENTSR ECC EX 20-01-00-000 23-20-0600-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 Accounting Info: ITENTSR SMA EX 20-01-00-000 23-20-0600-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 Continued ... TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17(H)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. 4/2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.213(f) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 4 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 06/09/2017 HSHQDC-13-D-E2075 HSSCCG17J00025 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 0007 Government Directed Travel - Ref. H.6.1 of the EAGLE II Contract (NTE) IAW PWS Section 5.5 ODC Accounting Info: ITAPPIN LSS EP 20-05-00-000 23-20-0500-00-00-00-00 GE-25-86-00 000000 Option 1 POP: 06/12/2018 - 06/11/2019 1002 eCISCOR and SMART Development (Option Line Item) Anticipated Exercise Date:08/12/2017 1003 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and End User Support eCISCOR and SMART FFP (Option Line Item) Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2018 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 1004 Program Management IAW PWS Section 4.6 FFP (Option Line Item) Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2018 1005 Infrastructure Support IAW PWS Section 4.5 1 Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2018 Continued ... TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17(H)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. 4/2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.213(f) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 5 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 06/09/2017 HSHQDC-13-D-E2075 HSSCCG17J00025 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 1006 SAS Development and Support Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2018 1007 Government Directed Travel - Ref. H.6.1 of the EAGLE II Contract (NTE) IAW PWS Section 5.5 ODC Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2018 Option 2 POP: 06/12/2019 - 06/11/2020 2002 eCISCOR and SMART Development Anticipated Exercise Date:08/12/2019 2003 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and End User Support eCISCOR and SMART FFP m) Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2019 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 2004 Program Management IAW PWS Section 4.6 FFP Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2019 Continued ... TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17(H)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. 4/2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.213(f) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 6 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 06/09/2017 HSHQDC-13-D-E2075 HSSCCG17J00025 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2005 Infrastructure Support IAW PWS Section 4.5 Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2019 2006 SAS Development and Support Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2019 2007 Government Directed Travel - Ref. H.6.1 of the EAGLE II Contract (NTE) IAW PWS Section 5.5 ODC Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2019 Option 3 POP: 06/12/2020 - 06/11/2021 3002 eCISCOR and SMART Development Anticipated Exercise Date:08/12/2020 3003 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and End User Support eCISCOR and SMART FFP Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2020 Continued ... TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17(H)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. 4/2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.213(f) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 7 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 06/09/2017 HSHQDC-13-D-E2075 HSSCCG17J00025 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 3004 Program Management IAW PWS Section 4.6 FFP Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2020 3005 Infrastructure Support IAW PWS Section 4.5 Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2020 3006 SAS Development and Support Anticipated Exercise Date:06/12/2020 3007 Government Directed Travel - Ref.
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