Trust Board (performance and monitoring) Tuesday 24 September 2019 at 9.30am Small conference room, Wellbeing & learning centre, Fieldhead, Wakefield, WF1 3SP AGENDA Item Approx. Agenda item Presented by Time allotted Action Time (mins) 1. 9.30 Welcome, introductions and apologies Chair Verbal 2 To receive 2. 9.32 Declarations of interest Chair Paper 3 To receive 3. 9.35 Minutes and matters arising from previous Trust Board Chair Paper 5 To approve meeting held 30 July 2019 4. 9.40 Service User Story Director of Operations Verbal 10 To receive 5. 9.50 Chair and Chief Executive’s remarks Chair Verbal 15 To receive Chief Executive Paper 6. 10.05 Performance reports 10.05 6.1 Integrated performance report Month 5 2019/20 Director of Finance & Paper 60 To receive Resource and Director of Nursing & Quality 11.05 Break 11.15 6.2 Serious incident report Quarter 1 2019/20 Director of Nursing & Paper 10 To receive Quality Item Approx. Agenda item Presented by Time allotted Action Time (mins) 11.25 6.3 Brexit update Director of HR, OD & Paper 5 To receive Estates 7. 11.30 Business developments 11.30 7.1 South Yorkshire update including South Yorkshire & Director of HR, OD & Paper 10 To receive Bassetlaw Integrated Care System (SYBICS) Estates and Director of Strategy 11.40 7.2 West Yorkshire update including the West Yorkshire & Director of Strategy and Paper 10 To receive Harrogate Health & Care Partnership (WYHHCP) Director of Provider Development 11.50 7.2.1 Calderdale Health & Wellbeing Plan Director of Strategy Paper 10 To receive 8. 12.00 Governance matters 12.00 8.1 Medical Appraisal / Revalidation Annual Report 2018/19 Medical Director Paper 10 To approve 12.10 8.2 Sustainability Annual Report 2018/19 Director of HR, OD & Paper 10 To receive Estates 12.20 8.3 Workforce Equality Standards Director of HR, OD & Paper 10 To approve Estates 12.30 8.4 Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection update Director of Nursing & Paper 5 To receive Quality 12.35 8.5 Five year plan Director of Finance Paper 5 To receive 12.40 8.6 Finance, Investment & Performance Committee Director of Finance Paper 10 To approve Item Approx. Agenda item Presented by Time allotted Action Time (mins) 9. 12.50 Receipt of public minutes of partnership boards Chair Paper 5 To receive 10. 12.55 Assurance and receipt of minutes from Trust Board Chairs of committees Paper 10 To receive Committees - Clinical Governance & Clinical Safety Committee 10 September 2019 and, including ratified Minutes from 11 June 2019 - Equality & Inclusion Committee 10 September 2019, including ratified Minutes from 4 June 2019 - Mental Health Act Committee 29 August 2019, including ratified minutes from 14 May 2019 11. 13.00 Use of Trust Seal Chair Paper 5 To receive 12. 13.05 Trust Board work programme Chair Paper 3 To receive 13. 13.08 Date of next meeting Chair Verbal 2 To note The next Trust Board meeting held in public will be held on Tuesday 29 October 2019, Room 49/50, Folly Hall, St Thomas Road, Huddersfield, HD1 3LT 14. 13.10 Questions from the public Chair Verbal 10 To receive 13.20 Close Trust Board 24 September 2019 Agenda item 2 Title: Trust Board declaration of interests, including fit and proper persons declaration - further Non-Executive Director declaration Paper prepared by: Company Secretary on behalf of the Chief Executive Purpose: To ensure the Trust continues to meet the NHS rules of Corporate Governance, the Combined Code on Corporate Governance, Monitor’s Code of Governance and the Trust’s own Constitution in relation to openness and transparency. Mission/values: The mission and values of the Trust reflect the need for the Trust to be open and act with probity. The Declaration of Interests and independence process and the fit and proper person declaration undertaken annually support this. Any background papers/ Previous annual declaration of interest papers to the Trust Board. previously considered by: Policy for Trust Board declaration and register of fit and proper persons, independence, interests, gifts and hospitality approved by Trust Board in March 2018. Executive summary: Declaration of interests The Trust’s Constitution and the NHS rules on corporate governance, the Combined Code of Corporate Governance, and Monitor / NHS Improvement require Trust Board to receive and consider the details held for the Chair of the Trust and each Director, whether Non- Executive or Executive, in a Register of Interests. During the year, if any such Declaration should change, the Chair and Directors are required to notify the Company Secretary so that the Register can be amended and such amendments reported to Trust Board. Trust Board receives assurance that there is no conflict of interest in the administration of its business through the annual declaration exercise and the requirement for the Chair and Directors to consider and declare any interests at each meeting. As part of this process, Trust Board considers any potential risk or conflict of interests. If any should arise, they are recorded in the minutes of the meeting. There are no legal implications arising from the paper; however, the requirement for the Chair and Directors of the Trust to declare interests is part of the Trust’s Constitution. Non-Executive Director declaration of independence Monitor’s Code of Governance and guidance issued to Foundation Trusts in respect of annual reports requires the Trust to identify in its annual report all Non-Executive Directors it considers to be independent in character and judgement and whether there are any Trust Board: 24 September 2019 Trust Board declaration of interests relationships or circumstances which are likely to affect, or could appear to affect, the Director’s judgement. This Trust considers all its Non-Executive Directors to be independent and the Chair and all Non- Executive Directors have signed a declaration to this effect. Fit and proper person requirement There is a requirement for members of Boards of providers of NHS services to make a declaration against the fit and proper person requirement for Directors set out in the new fundamental standard regulations in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, which came into force on 1 April 2015. Within the new regulations, the duty of candour and the fit and proper person requirements for Directors came into force earlier for NHS bodies on 1 October 2014. Although the requirement is in relation to new Director appointments, Trust Board took the decision to ask existing Directors to make a declaration as part of the annual declaration of interests exercise. All Directors have signed the declaration stating they meet the fit and proper person requirements. The Company Secretary is responsible for administering the process on behalf of the Chief Executive of the Trust. The declared interests of the Chair and Directors are reported in the annual report and the register of interests is published on the Trust’s website. In February 2017, NHS England released new guidance on Managing Conflicts of Interest in the NHS including a model policy which took effect from 1 June 2017. The Standards of Business Conduct Policy (conflict of interest policy) for staff was updated to align with the model policy and approved by Trust Board in October 2017. A revised version of the Policy for Trust Board declaration and register of fit and proper persons, independence, interests, gifts and hospitality was approved in March 2018, with minor amendments to align it to the staff policy. Further declarations received The annual declarations were made at the Trust Board meeting on 26 March 2019. The attached declarations relate to Chris Jones, Non- Executive Director, who was appointed by the Members’ Council on 2 August 2019. Risk appetite The mission and values of the Trust reflect the need for the Trust to be open and act with probity. The Declaration of Interests and independence process and the fit and proper person declaration undertaken annually support this. Recommendation: Trust Board is asked to CONSIDER the attached summary, particularly in terms of any risk presented to the Trust as a result of a Director’s declaration, and, subject to any comment, amendment or other action, to formally NOTE the details in the minutes of this meeting. Trust Board: 24 September 2019 Trust Board declaration of interests Private session: Not applicable Trust Board: 24 September 2019 Trust Board declaration of interests Trust Board 24 September 2019 Addition to the register of interests of the directors (Trust Board) from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 All members of Trust Board have signed a declaration against the fit and proper person requirement. All Non-Executive Directors have signed the declaration of independence as required by Monitor’s Code of Governance, which requires the Trust to identify in its annual report those Non-Executive Directors it considers to be independent in character and judgement and whether there are any relationships or circumstances which are likely to affect, or could appear to affect, the Director’s judgement. The following additional declarations of interest have been made by the incoming Non- Executive Director appointed by the Members’ Council on 2 August 2019: Name Declaration Non-Executive Directors JONES, Christ Director, Chris Jones Consultancy Ltd. Non-Executive Director Addition to the register of interests of the directors (Trust Board) from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 1 Minutes of Trust Board meeting held on 30 July 2019 Conference centre boardroom, Kendray, Barnsley Present: Angela Monaghan (AM) Chair Charlotte Dyson (CD) Deputy Chair/Senior Independent Director Laurence Campbell (LC) Non-Executive Director Kate Quail (KQ) Non-Executive Director Erfana Mahmood (EM) Non-Executive Director Sam Young (SYo) Non-Executive Director Tim Breedon (TB) Director of Nursing and Quality/Deputy Chief Executive Alan Davis (AGD) Director of Human Resources, Organisational Development and Estates Mark Brooks (MB) Director of Finance and Resources Apologies: Members Rob Webster (RW) Chief Executive Dr.
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