Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62095-6 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839: Volume 3 Edited by Suraiya N. Faroqhi Index More information Index Abaza Hasan Pas¸a, 51, 191 markets, 43; domestic, 386–9; export, 389, Abaza Mehmed Pas¸a, 47, 48–9, 92 390 Abaza Siyavus¸Pas¸a, grand vizier, products, 37–2; see also individual crops 253–4 see also individual products, animal ‘A b b asˆ I, Shah, xvii, 47, 91 husbandry; c¸iftliks; peasants; and under ‘Abd al-Ghaniˆ al-Nabulsˆı, 196 individual regions and taxation; workforce ‘Abd ul-Kadirˆ Gaylanˆ ˆı, 47 ahidname, see capitulations ‘Abd al-Rahmanˆ Kathuda,ˆ 473 ahis (urban brotherhoods), 349, 351, 354 Abdal Han, library of, 429–30 Ahizade Huseyin,¨ s¸eyhulislam¨ , 221 ‘A b dˆı, 491 Ahmed I, sultan, xvii, 48 ‘A b d ulahad¨ Nurı, 502 architectural patronage, 419, 450–3, 454; ‘A b d ulbaki¨ Arif, 502 mosque complex, Istanbul, xvii, 15, Abdulbaki¨ Nasır Dede, 399 416, 419, 448, 450–3, 455, 456;in Abdulhamid¨ I, sultan, 251, 444, 478, Topkap Palace, 454, 455 479 Hungarian campaign, 412 Abdulmecid¨ I, sultan, 113 hunting, 424 Abdurrahman Pas¸a, Kadi, 185 legitimisation, 459 AbuHanˆ ˆıfa, 47 and literature, 424, 454 abuses, 71–4, 139, 310, 384 and pictorial arts, 419, 420, 421, 422, 431, see also corruption and under: ayan; 437 desertion and resettlement; kadis; and Safiye Sultan, 449, 450 notables, provincial; political culture; throne, Arıfe Tahti, 437 provincial power-holders; taxation Ahmed III, sultan, xviii Acre, 199, 335 architectural patronage, 15, 464–5, 469, 471, adab (literary culture), 69, 226 472, 474 adaletname (decrees), 138 and army, 344–5 Adana, xx, 126 court, 100–1, 438–9, 443, 464–5, 467 Adile Hanım, 200 deposition, xviii, 55, 100–1, 252, 344–5, administration, see bureaucracy; government 443 organisation; provinces; state external relations, 54–5, 109–10, 252 Adrianople, see Edirne governmental reforms, 117, 469 advice books (nasihatname), 52–3, 72–3, library, 441, 469, 471 165–6 and painting, 438–9, 441 Aegean islands, 303, 335, 367–8, 380 and poetry, 471, 484 Afrasiyabˆ household, 141, 201 and ulema, 223 Africa, North, 26, 158, 202–4, 272 women of family, 227, 240, 251, 252 see also individual states Ahmed Cezzar, 198, 199–200 agriculture, 38, 41–2 Ahmed Naks¸i (Nakkas¸ Ahmed), 420–4, 425–7, and climate, 21, 22–3, 383 431–2 578 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62095-6 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839: Volume 3 Edited by Suraiya N. Faroqhi Index More information Index Ahmed Nami, 508–9 Ali Ufki Efendi (Wojciech Bobowski, Ahmed Pas¸a, governor of Baghdad, 143, Albertus Bobovius), xvii, 395, 397–8, 405 200 Ali Usk¨ udar¨ ˆı, 465 Ahval-iˆ Kiyametˆ , 419 alum mines, 357 Aigen, Wolffgang, 364–5 aman (pardon, amnesty, safe-conduct), 293 Ajiman family, 264 Amasya, 374 Akhisar; library, 471 Ambelakia, 368, 385 Akif (biographer), 493 Amsterdam, 303 Akif Pas¸a, 77–8 Anadolukavagı,˘ fortress of, 458 Alaeddin Sabit Bosnalı, 481 Anatolia ‘Alawi dynasty, 189, 202–3 agriculture, 25, 36, 39, 41–2 Alaybeyizade Mehmed Emin, 489–90 ayan, 154, 161–2, 174 Albania, 34, 41, 160–1, 456 census, 130–1 Ali of Janina’s power, 59, 177–8 Christians, 272, 480 mercenaries, 12, 175 consumption, 338, 374 religions, 272, 377 demography, 19, 246 album paintings, see under painting depopulation and migrations, 10, 35, 45, alcohol, 49 164, 376, 377 see also wine domestic architecture, 246, 471 Alemdar Mustafa, see Bayraktar Mustafa Pas¸a ecology, 23–5, 26, 27, 28–9 Aleppo, xx Greek presence, 303, 480 architecture, 15, 190, 464, 470–1 malikaneˆ s, 127–8 ashraf, 143–4, 192 music, 394 ayan, 153, 154, 192, 193, 196 nomads, 171, 380–1 caravan trade, 299, 361 power-holders, 80, 135, 137, 157–85, 185n.117 Christians, 277–8, 365, 464 revolts, see Abaza Hasan Pas¸a; Celali court procedures, 151 uprisings earthquake damage, 245 taxation, 125, 154 European merchants, 290, 313, 335 textiles, 364; see also under cotton; silk family law, 243, 248 women of magnates’ families, 13 governors, 142, 143–4, 151, 194–5, 199, 508 ‘Anaza tribal confederation, 190, 193, 379 hinterland, 126, 189, 196, 364, 386–7 Ancona, 303 military and paramilitary establishment, Ani Fatma Hatun, 514–16 142, 143–4, 146, 147–8, 154, 192, 193 animal husbandry, 25–6, 41, 127, 388 revolts and lawlessness, 145, 191, 192, 193; see on c¸iftliks, 30–1 also Abaza Hasan Pas¸a; Canboladoglu˘ soil damaged by, 30–1, 36, 43 Ali Pas¸a taxation, 119, 179–80 supply, 30, 154, 386–7 animals, draught and pack, 38, 42, 95 textiles, 128, 364–5; cotton, 322, 327, 361, Ankara and region, xx, 26, 162, 245, 246, 352 366–7; silk, 299, 360, 365 textiles, 298, 342, 343; mohair, 298, 313, 316, women vakıf founders, 240 342, 343, 358, 361 Alexandria, xx, 274, 335, 367 Antalya; library, 471 Algeria, 26, 202 Antep, 371 Algiers, 3, 46, 137, 203 Antioch, 274, 277 ‘Ali b. ‘Abdullah el-’Us¸s¸aki Nebi Efendi-zade, apocalyptic and eschatology, 413–19, 455 484–5 apprentices, 343 ‘A lˆı ibn AbˆıTalib,ˆ sword of, 14 aqueducts, 469, 473 Ali Bey Bulut Kapan, 199 Arab lands, 186–206, 206n.35 Ali Bey al-Kabir, 144–5 Christians, 272, 273–4, 277; see also under Ali of Janina (or of Tepelen), 59, 144–5, 177–8, individual countries and cities 182, 185, 206 demographic expansion, 19 Ali Pas¸a, grand vizier; library, 441 Jews, 256, 262 Ali, Catalcali, ¸eyhs ulislam¨ , 214 national and Ottoman identities, 205–6 579 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62095-6 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839: Volume 3 Edited by Suraiya N. Faroqhi Index More information Index Arab lands (cont.) public buildings, 162, 478 power-holders, 186–206, 206n.35; ayan, 142, secularism, 251–2 152–5, 187–8, 192–5, 196; and centre, see also Christianity (church buildings); 112, 135, 188, 189, 196; governors, 188, commerce (buildings); foundations, 190, 194, 195, 196, 199; military, 187;on socio-religious; fountains; housing; periphery, 186, 202–6;inSyriaand inscriptions, poetic; kiosks; libraries; Northern Iraq, 189–96; tribal/clan mosques; palaces; sebils; individual based, 186, 187, 188; warlords, 186, 188, architects, and under individual patrons, 189; see also Mamluks and regions and places, and legitimacy, neo-Mamluks Ottoman; painting Revolt (1916), 204 archontes (notables), 163–4 taxation, 125, 127–8, 206 Arife Tahtı (throne), 437 timar system, 190 aristocratisation, see under elite, ruling; ulema tribes and clans, 187, 188, 190, 192, 196, 272; Aristotle, 56 see also Bedouin; Druze Ariyeh family of Samokov, 264–5 see also individual regions and under ulema Armenia and Armenians Arabian Peninsula, 204–6, 272 bankers, 168–9 agriculture and ecology, 23, 36, 41–2, 298 in Istanbul, 277–8, 351, 474 ‘Anaza migration, 190, 379 language, 274, 278 see also Mecca; Wahhabi movement merchants, 7–8, 269, 277–8, 299, 325, 369;in Arabic loanwords Europe, 302, 303, 325 in Judaeo-Spanish, 262 music, 397, 399 in Ottoman Turkish, 482–6; in poetry, 496, nationalism, 274, 278 497, 502, 507, 509, 512; in prose, 517–18 tax and customs farming, 269 Arabzade family, 224 see also under Christianity architecture, 463 armour, 16, 96 architects: non-Muslim, 474, 476–8; see also army individual names, particularly Mi‘mar barracks, 104, 105, 344–5; culture of, 14 Kasım Aga;˘ Sedefkar Mehmed Aga;˘ clothing, 62, 358, 359–60, 386 Sinan, Mimar commanders’ households, 76–7 ‘baroque style’, Ottoman, xviii, 473–4, discipline, 70, 83, 85, 94, 102, 106 477–8 economic activities, 14, 39, 142, 147 Byzantine influence, 476–7 engineering, 88–9, 96 dimensional decoration, 474 failure to modernise, 57, 97, 98–9, 102, 106, European influence alleged, 465, 116, 179 473–4 gratuities, 92, 94–5, 458 financed by conquests, 448, 458 janissaries: effectiveness, 70, 92, 104; historicism, 15–16, 479–80 Mahmud II eliminates, xix, 60–1, 62, imperial style and influence, 446–7 79, 105, 112, 130; and Osman II, 47, 48, models used in, 477 92, 122; pay tickets (esame), 70–1, 88, Ottomanisation, 463–4 98, 104, 105; in political elite, 45–6, 49, patronage, 446–7, 467–71; imperial, 67, 50, 111; privileges, 139, 147; revolts, 67, 251–2, 447, 450–3, 458–9 (see also under 111, 145, 172, 180–3, 185, 206 individual sultans and royal women); justice in, 213; see also kadıaskers Phanariot, 477; in provinces, 194, marriage and divorce, 248, 250 462–3, 464 (see also under individual miri levendat system, 98, 99 regions and places); by ruling elite, mobilisation, 98, 104, 139, 140, 150 446–7, 461–3, 469–70, 474–5, 478 (see Muallem Asakir-i Mansure-yi also under individual names) Muhammadiye, 105 perspective, 474 oppression and looting, 12, 106, 145 political careers of architects, 448–50 pay, 12, 122, 123, 124, 172–85, 346 provincial, 15–16, 162, 446, 462–3, 471; protection bought from, 128–9, 346–7 domestic, 464, 470–1, 479–80 provincial regiments, 96, 105 580 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62095-6 - The Cambridge History of Turkey: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839: Volume 3 Edited by Suraiya N. Faroqhi Index More information Index recruitment, 45–6, 82, 88, 92, 94, 98, 147, As¸ık C¸ elebi, 495 176; see also conscription As¸ık ‘Omer,¨ 501, 511 reforms, 60–1, 83, 113, 116, 179; Osman II’s as¸ıklar, see saz¸airleri s plans, 92, 122;MahmudII,60–61, 62, ‘A t a y i , 431 80, 105–7;(see also under janissaries Athos, Mount; Xeropotamou monastery, 477 above); Selim III, 60–61, 179;(see
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