CONGRESSIONAL RECORD'-SE· ATE. 'lPRII 16 ' on Hermon cannon or fieldpiece-; ta-the Committee on Mllitary afso-petition o-:f J . T. Ben on & Co., of B'al'tirnore, ~ILl'., opp - ing Affairs. sales tax; to the- Committee on Ways and 1\leans. Also, a bill. ('H. It. .W62) UJutho~izing the Secretary ot Wacr· to 146. Also, petition af John 'V: Darley, Baltimore, Md, fa-ver­ donate to the town of Hustontown, State of Pennsylvania, one­ ing House bill 210, increase of cornp n ation to Patent Office­ G~man cannon or fieldpiece-; to the Committee em· Military employees; to tile- Committee on Pn.tents. Affairs. 147. Also, petition of Mount St. Joseph's College, Baltimore, Alga, a bill (H. R. 4003)· authorizing the Secretat:y of War to 1\id., opposing Smith-'rowner bill, to the · ommittee on Educa­ donate to the town of Hartleton, State of Pennsylvania, one tion. Germru cannoru or freldpfece; to the Committee _on- Military 14& Also, petition of William G. Albrecht, Baltimore, 1\Id., Affllirs. regarding repeal of' ta:x on battled beverages; al o petitien·· of Al··o a. bill (H. R. 4064} authoriZing the Secretacy of War- to Baltimo1·e· (Jhamber of· Commerce; regarding repeal' of subdi-rt­ donate to the town of Laurelton, State of Pennsylvani-a, ene· s:i:on A of section 500 of revenue act;· to-the Committee· on Ways German caruwn or :fielapiece ; ta· the Committee en Military and Means. Affairs. 149. Also, petition of Mrs. Mary B. S. Carroll!, Baltimore, Md., Also, a bill (H. R. 4065) authm:izing· the S'e-creta-uy of Wa-r te opposing- Ackerman daylight bill; to tfie· orumittee on Inter­ donate to the town of New Columbia, State of Pennsylva:nia, state and Foreign· Commerce. one GermUID cannon· or fieldpiece ; ta the COmmittee· on :Military 150. By Mr. PARK of Georgia.: Petition of Southwe t Geor­ Affuix . gia Watermefun Growers" Association, a:sking a reduction in •-\1~, a bill (H. R. 4Q66) a=utliotizing. the Secretauy of War to the freight rate on melons; to the Committee on Ways and donate to the town of Newport, State of Pennsylva~ one llletmS-. l'Dlflll cannon o~; fteitlpiece ; to the Committee on :Mil'ita:ry 151. By M.r. ROSE: Petition of Local Union, No. 3519, United Affair . Mine \forker of Amerreu, Di trict .c e. 2,. Gallitzin, Pre.., for 3.1J:ro1 a bill (1H. R. 4067)1 authorizing the SecretaJJy· of Wa;u te. release e:f Eugene· V. Debs !tlld' otfier pelitlcal! pri oner ; tu the dounte to the town of Ickesburg, State of Pennsyhaniru,. one­ Commf.ttee-on· the Judiciary. German ru.mnen.. or fieltlpieee;: to ~ the Committee on Miil'it:tTY 152. By l\1r. SANDERS of New York: Petition of the Gargoyle A.ffai:r~. Athletic and R'ecreation ~~s octn.tion:, composed! of betw-een: 700 B;r- ML Fl~ -CHi:· .A bill (1H. R~ 4068) gr:tnting an increase· ana 8GIJ, empl{)yees of the Vacuum' 00 Co-.~ of Rochester~ N_ Y., of pension to Nellie Thompson; to ~e Committee on Invalia uruing the repeal of the 16• per cen tax on atflletic' goods ; to Pen ions._ · the Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. B;>.' ~fr. lU0NDELL..: .A. bill (H lt. 4G69) authm.izing the Sec-­ 153. By- UT; 'Jl''AGUE :· P titian of sundry citi-zen of Boston, retary of th-e Interio~ to sell aertain. landS on. the Wind River­ Mass., for- the- repeal. of the 1o- per- cent ta:x on yacht ;- to the Re. e1:,ation, 'Vyo. ; to the Committee on Indian Affair . C mmittee an W11ys· and Nrearr . 154. Also, petition of John L. Whiting-J. J. Adams Co.,. of B(}StOI:t, 1\fa.ss., concerning propo eel tar~ Iegi ·lation; to the ?E'.ITTION$, ETC .. Committee orr Ways and Mean . ihtle~· clause 1 of Rule ..~. ..~.~II, petitions and papers were taitl 155. Al o, petftien ef' . Crawford Hollidge, of Bo ton, 1\lass. OJIJ tlle· Clerk's desk. and referred' as fbllow .: concerning exces -profits taxes; to the Committee on Ways- a:nd i''..J.. By- ML CHALMEitS: Peti:tiorn of Put fu_Bay Yacht lub­ 1\lea.ns. m uu e.us fQB LYep.eal of· i"'IDL om ya£htsc;- to the. Committee on· 156'- AI o, petition of. Baker,. Smali &. Cb:, engineers, of Boston, W:w:-; and Means. ~ra. ., concerning the propo ed repeai af the Pittman Aet; to l~ri. By Mr:.. DRANE.: Petitiorr a.il Tampa, Fla., A..n:tOmebile the Committee on :Mine and Mining. .As odation,. relative to "'antidn:mping" Iflw as applied• to auto· 157. By Mrr. WATWN: Petition: of. Philadelphia Yearly l\Ieet­ m:ahile- ; to tb.e' Committ-ee on 'Vay: aD.d Mleans. inoo of Friends, Fourtfi. and Arch Str.eets, urging. the President 136. By Mr. FULLER : Petiti<>n of· Chicago Leaf Toba.-ceo. of the- United State to can in the immediate future au inter­ Merchant 1 Asoocifl:tion~ opposing any. increase- o: taa.,i.ff: on national conference on disarmament; to the Committee :on imported. eigan leaf tobacco ; to the O:mu:nitrtee. on Wa;y and. F'orefgrr Affa:irs. 1\fean.·~ · 137. Also, petition of General Federation of Women's CTub , fi~nrring passage- of' 8-neppard;_Tbwne-r· m:rrte1·nity biil; to tfi.e SENATE. Cbmmitree on rnterst<tte and Fereign• Commerc~ 1 . By 1\fr; (!j.A:,LLIVAl : Petitions: o.f !toston Cl1amber of A'l'URDAY, Apri!J 16, 19~1. Commerce; E. T. Slattery Co. ; Cohbs, Bates & Yerx:a. C<n; andl (Leg·islatiw clay of Wednesclay, Ap·r-il 13, 1921.) Hodgson, Kenn.-'U'U ·· Co,, all of' B<JStoll', Mass., relative to taxa- tion matters:; to the Committeeo on W 'ays :md: l\Iean . The- Sena.teo met at 12.: olcloek rueridfu.n, orr the expiration of n9. By 1\fr. HUT<D.Hl!NSON·:. Petition of' Presoyter o~· New the rece ·. Rxmnswiek; at Trenton. N.J., req:ue ting su.eh action by the - ffiw- ~ Ur: URTIS. l\Ir: Pr iden. t, r sugge~t the ab ence o.f a erllluerrt of tlle United States a:& llllly be- neeeasar. to suppressc quorum. p :rmanently· tlte· atr:ociti'es. committed! by the ':Purk ag-a,inst the Th~ VICE: PRESIDENT. Tfi.e Secretary- will call the roll. Armenians; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. I The re-ading- derk called the roll,. aml the following Senator- 140L By :Mr. J0.1ifNSO~ of Mfssissfp:pi:: :Petffunr of women: em- answered to tfierr mrmes: pl.oy.ee:-' of. the: Ttensury Department t-o, the Nationall Woman's Ball Hale M.cKinley Smoot Republican Co1lllllfttee, of tne Distrtct- of Columb-ia,. protesting :Bnndegee Hm•~ M'<!L.~an- Spen-eer- . · t t f 1 d R · t . -"' ~,. ~ Bl:ous ard Harnoon Me1l ' . tarn-field· agamst the appom men o a co ore man as egiS er 0'1: ~ Burs.um Heilin Nelson. terling Trea.sm:y, to the Committee- on Ef::Q?enditm.·es in tile- Trea-sffi'y Ca:J:cle· J'ofinson N'ew- Swanson Department• Cameron .To.nes, Wru·h. Nicholson ~·ownsend T>""""'mR D . J?· t-'ti .,- P"" ai "'' d Pur.. Capper ~Jlogg' Nol!beek Trammell 14.1.. By l\fir. n..u.":'-' liJ : · e I: · Gn O,t: u:nnae n. ·vance u- Ca.r.a:way- Kendrick: Norris Underwood lishing Co. and 1\fetroiJolltan Lodge, Brotherhood of Ra-ilroad olt Kenyon Pemose- Wad worth r:R:rainmen in conneetion with. the proJ!O ed sa.16 tux; to ·fue cum~-son Keyes Phipps- Walslr, Ma . ' ·n7 ~~J 1 . "~"'' Curtis Ladd Pomerene Walsh, Mont-. Committee' en ""a-ys ll.lllll .w:eans-. Dial La Follette Ransdell' Warren 14'2:. Also-, petition• o:fi GeneraD Fedel'3lhlun of- Womell"s. 0tul.)s; Dillingha-m Eenroot Slleppard WatsGn, Ga-. f tn:or]ng the Sheppard-Towner maternity bill; to the Committee'- Fle~er' Lodge ~o1·tridge Watson, Ind. ....w.~.,_ .,.,...~ IDhreign. Commel)<!e FJ)elinghu~:sen :If<:f.:umbe-r ~l~llS Wllll on ] ~ tel;:,t.u~ ........ ~:>~.>. .ll.V • • • •• • • • . Gooding :.\fcKellar Smlth 14.'). By Mr. KISSEL . Petlti.onJ of U~n Stove 'Yorks,. 1\:retre- Th VICE PRESI.DEN~ Siny-tlicee- Senn.to • . havin!! a.n- politan Lodge· of Bnotliedwe:d of ltallread Tua:.mmen-, ], F. e . , , · . , < r ~ Robert on, and Talking l\1achine Men (Inc.), all of New 1fgr..R.;, · we:ted to then! names, ~~ qnornm rs. presen'-'-. in connection. with the pi.:opo ed sal s tax-;: to the Col.lliDittee- en ME A-GE" ERGM. THE H.OU E. W:m·.· and! Means. A me::; age from the House o'f Representative , by Ur. 0 r- 144. Also, petition: of' Vietery Han Assoriation andi the-" Eest 11u:e, its enrolling clerk, announced: that tile Hou · lla.d" passed <t We- Forget" Cornmitt~e, favoring further relief for wounded bill (HL R~ 2435)· impo ing· temporary duties upon certain agt'i:­ e-x,- oldters-; t<J the Committee· an.. InteJ.:Stat and Foreign Com- cnLtul•ai pr6duet to meet prese-nt eme-rgencies urul to provi.de met:cc. revenue; to regulate commerce with fo1-eign countries; to pre- 145. By Mr. LINTliTCUl\f: Petitio.n-· of .Toseph· W1esen1!eld, vent dumpin-g or fo.reign merchandise on me mm~ts' of the Hanley Jewelry Shop, Osborne & Olmstead, H. Clay WaJdina:Il', United St:rtes; to re-gnlate tb·e· '\'!aiue o:f foreign mone ; and: for Elem:y Cas.tleberg WiU'i.am .T. Milf-(M;, Hf. 0: Gartl'Ht\ C.
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