Medway Third Local Transport Plan SA Report Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment August 2010 Medway Council Medway242330 EVTThird EMS Local 002 A http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll/properties/1458166703 Transport Plan SA Report02 August 2010 Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment August 2010 Medway Council Civic HQ, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent. ME4 4TR Mott MacDonald, 2nd Floor, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR, United Kingdom T +44(0) 113 394 6700 F +44(0) 113 394 6701 W www.mottmac.com Medway Third Local Transport Plan SA Report Issue and revision record Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description A 02.08.10 N Levy K Leather E Thomas Draft for Issue This document is issued for the party which commissioned it We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this and for specific purposes connected with the above-captioned document being relied upon by any other party, or being used project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which used for any other purpose. is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. Mott MacDonald, 2nd Floor, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR, United Kingdom T +44(0) 113 394 6700 F +44(0) 113 394 6701 W www.mottmac.com Medway Third Local Transport Plan SA Report Content Chapter Title Page Abbreviations i Glossary ii Non-Technical Summary iv 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Terms of Reference _________________________________________________________________ 1 1.2 Purpose of SA/SEA and the SA Report __________________________________________________ 1 1.3 Structure and Components that make up the SA Report _____________________________________ 2 1.3.1 Structure of the SA Report ____________________________________________________________ 2 1.3.2 Components that make up the SA Report ________________________________________________ 2 1.4 Limitations of the SA/SEA_____________________________________________________________ 3 2. Approach to the SA/SEA 4 2.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment Legislative Requirements _______________________________ 4 2.2 Sustainability Appraisal Legislative Requirements __________________________________________ 4 2.3 Integrating NATA into the SA/SEA Process _______________________________________________ 4 2.4 SA/SEA Project Team________________________________________________________________ 6 2.5 Medway LTP3 SA/SEA Timetable ______________________________________________________ 7 2.6 SA/SEA Methodology ________________________________________________________________ 8 2.7 Scoping Consultation Results __________________________________________________________ 9 3. LTP3 Context 10 3.1 LTP3 Process _____________________________________________________________________ 10 3.2 LTP3 Priorities ____________________________________________________________________ 10 3.3 LTP3 Objectives ___________________________________________________________________ 11 4. Stage A Scoping Results 12 4.1 Relationship with other Policies, Plans and Programmes ____________________________________ 12 4.1.1 Plans and Programmes Review _______________________________________________________ 12 4.1.2 Policy Context_____________________________________________________________________ 14 4.1.3 Implications of the Policy Review ______________________________________________________ 18 4.2 Baseline Conditions and Key Challenges and Opportunities _________________________________ 19 4.2.1 Introduction _______________________________________________________________________ 19 4.2.2 Environmental, Social and Economic Conditions and Issues _________________________________ 19 4.3 Evolution of the Baseline without the LTP3_______________________________________________ 35 4.4 Developing the SA/SEA Framework ____________________________________________________ 36 4.5 Developing SA/SEA Indicators ________________________________________________________ 39 4.6 Compatibility of LTP3 and SA/SEA Objectives ____________________________________________ 42 5. Development and Appraisal of LTP3 Strategic Options 43 5.1 LTP3 Strategic Options______________________________________________________________ 43 5.2 LTP3 Strategic Options Assessment ___________________________________________________ 43 5.2.1 Assessment against National Transport Goals ____________________________________________ 43 242330/EVT/EMS/002/A 02 August 2010 http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll/properties/1458166703 Medway Third Local Transport Plan SA Report 5.2.2 Assessment against SA/SEA Objectives ________________________________________________ 44 5.3 Preferred Strategic Option ___________________________________________________________ 45 6. Appraisal of LTP3 Strategy 46 6.1 Assessment Workshop ______________________________________________________________ 46 6.2 Appraisal Results __________________________________________________________________ 46 6.3 Risks, Uncertainties and Assumptions __________________________________________________ 50 7. SA/SEA Mitigation and Enhancement 51 7.1 Mitigation and Enhancement Measures _________________________________________________ 51 8. Conclusions and Recommendations 55 8.1 Conclusions ______________________________________________________________________ 55 8.2 Recommendations _________________________________________________________________ 55 9. Implementation and Monitoring 57 9.1 Links to Other Tiers of Plans, Programmes and the Project Level _____________________________ 57 9.2 Proposals for Monitoring _____________________________________________________________ 57 10. References 61 Appendices 63 Appendix A. Scoping Report Comments___________________________________________________________ 64 Appendix B. Polices, Plans, Programmes and Environmental Objectives relevant to the Medway LTP3 __________ 72 Appendix C. Appraisal Tables ___________________________________________________________________ 96 C.1. LTP3 Objective 1 Appraisal Table______________________________________________________ 96 C.2. LTP3 Objective 2 Appraisal Table_____________________________________________________ 105 C.3. LTP3 Objective 3 Appraisal Table_____________________________________________________ 110 C.4. LTP4 Objective 4 Appraisal Table_____________________________________________________ 119 C.5. LTP3 Objective 5 Appraisal Table_____________________________________________________ 132 Appendix D. LTP3 Strategy Objectives and Priority Schemes and Actions________________________________ 140 242330/EVT/EMS/002/A 02 August 2010 http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll/properties/1458166703 Medway Third Local Transport Plan SA Report Abbreviations AMR Annual Monitoring Report AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty AQMA Air Quality Management Area BAP Biodiversity Action Plan CSPs Community Safety Partnerships CTRL Channel Tunnel Rail Link DaSTS Delivering a Sustainable Transport System DCLG Department of Communities and Local Government DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DfT Department for Transport GOSE Government Office South East LDF Local Development Framework LTP Local Transport Plan LTP2 Second Local Transport Plan LTP3 Third Local Transport Plan NKTS North Kent Transport Strategy NO 2 Nitrogen Dioxide NVQ National Vocational Qualifications ONS Office for National Statistics PPG Planning Policy Guidance PPS Planning Policy Statement RIGS Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites RSS Regional Spatial Strategy RTS Regional Transport Strategy SA Sustainability Appraisal SAC Special Area of Conservation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEEDA South East England Development Agency SPA Special Protection Area SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage System TAG Transport Analysis Guidance TaSTS Towards a Sustainable Transport System TGK Thames Gateway Kent 242330/EVT/EMS/002/A 02 August 2010 http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll/properties/1458166703 i Medway Third Local Transport Plan SA Report Glossary Baseline A description of the present and future state of an area, in the absence of any development, taking into account changes resulting from natural events and from other human activities Consultation Body An authority which because of its environmental responsibilities is likely to be concerned by the effects of implementing plans and programmes and must be consulted under the SEA Directive. The Consultation Bodies designated in the SEA Regulations are Natural England, English Heritage and the Environment Agency Climate Change Involves adjustments to natural or human systems in response to Adaptation actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities Climate Change Involves taking action to reduce the impact of human activity on the Mitigation climate system, primarily through reducing greenhouse gas emissions Indicator A measure of variables over time, often used to measure achievement of objectives Local Development Sets out, in the form of a ‘portfolio’, the Local Development Documents Framework (LDF) which collectively deliver the spatial planning strategy for the area in question. The LDF also includes the Statement of Community Involvement, the Local Development Scheme and the Annual Monitoring Report. Mitigation Measures
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