. / , > » FRIDAt, NOVEBJBBR 10, IM l ^nrli^sfter IS^rolb Aterage I ^ y Net PrcM Run The. Weather ■■ I ...I .11. Ml M I. , ■ i 1l. I I I, II »,| ■ II — For ^ Week Ended roTMUt ef O. S. Weather Bemee Nevenber 4, IM l LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF MON. thru FRI. 1:10<rSAT. 11:10 Fhlr, not qnlt* eo eoM teatglA. 13,460 Low M to M. Snndny thnwmrtBg Member e( tbe Andit cloodlneee, milder. High W tn di. Enrena ef Ortmlntien Mimche»ter— A City of Village Charm TONIGHT i OPEN TONIGHT t ' ' VOL. LXXXI, NO. 36 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1961 (CImrifled AdverttslBg on Page 0). PRICE FIVE CENTS TILL9.-00P.M. TILL9K)0 P.M. ^ ------------------------------------------------ Birth Clmic ^Fate of JVo .. • Importarwe^ State News Ban to Get Molotov Goes Home Roundup Head y Court Test For More Censure Democrats Asked New Haven, vNov. 11 (/P) To Back Kowalski —The first phase of an ex­ Vienna, Austria, Nov. Xl^expreM here and crossed pected battle over the legal­ border into Czechoslovakia For U.S. Senator (JP)—A Vienna-Moscow ex­ 11 p.rri. State Republicans ity of birth control clinics in press train bore former Soviet Connecticut has begun with Hohenau cuatonu officials said Meriden, Nov. 11 <jiP)—The Foreign Minister V. M. Molo­ he shook hands with them, saying. Democratic town committee the arrest of two officials of tov home today to face the "Goodby. I am satisfled." the Planned Parenthood consequences of his denounce­ The customs niem were unable will be asked to endorse Con League. to explain whether the old guard gres.sman Frank Kowalski for ment last month by the Soviet revolutionary meant that he was the U.S. senatorial nomina­ Move Seen S i:^ STAMPS Tonight and Saturday Taken Into custody yesterday Communi.st Party. satisfled over the prospects of his were Mrs. Richard W! Griswold, The 71-year-old Bol.shevik, a trip home or about leaving the tion next year. executive director of the league, loser in top level in-flghting be­ country without fanfare. Edward t>. Papandrea. commit- \ and Dr. C. Lee Buxton, ita medical tween Communist theoreticians, The express Is due in Moscow at tec chairman, confirmed yesterday As Step to WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES! director. slipped out of Vienna virtually 3:0.5 p.m. Sunday. that the meeting had been ached- After poating bond they were re­ unnoticed last night. He had been Witnesses said the couple en-1 DOUBLE leased pending a court appearance. tered the Vienna railway station Should the endorsement be giv­ They had been served with ar­ a quiet resident of this city for en. Kowal.ski is expected to an­ Nomination W A SH and W EAR SPECIAL GROUP more than a year as Soviet dele- through a' side door only moments FAMOUS NAME MEN’S DRESS 1007. DUPONT NYLON rest warrants at the birth control I1 gate to the International Atomic . before the train's scheduled de­ nounce his randidocy soon after­ clinic opened here la.st week by Energy Agency (IAEA* — the! parture. They promptly pulled wards. BOYS’ ALL WEATHER BOYS' and STUDENTS' the league with considerable pub- atonus-for-pence organization. j down the shades in the sleeping A oongrea»nian-at-large, Kowal­ Hartford, Nov. 11 (/P)—Ed­ ski won more votes than any other WOOL WORSTED SHIRTS ^*'^At’ the time leaene officials! Molotov went to the Soviet Em- i car compartment which railway Democrat on the state-wide ticket. win H. May Jr., announced to­ made it'dear’Th'eyiru^g’h't a t«t of bassy ye.,terday ' ?o"rX m t" advance"" ^ Including President Kennedy, in day his resignation as chair­ COATS W O O L SUITS TRICOT the U.S.- Supreme Court’a^ conten- , maintained a watch on for them in ad\ance. winning his second term la-st year. man of the Republican State compare 4.50 to 5.00 tion that the state’s 82-year-old the building said they did not see The journey could close the book on the public career of the Soviet His name figured prominently Central Committee. rag. I7.R? and • anticontraeeptlve law was a nul-1 "Im depart in speculation about which Demo­ The chairman gave no reason for SUITS llty. An unexplained power failure official who dropped from his for In the night blacked out the area eign ministry po.=it and member­ cratic flgure.s might seek the op­ his action in the telegram of resig­ That opinion was the basis for ship In the Politbureaii under portunity to go after the seat now- nation to the secretary of the state 2.79 SUPS the high court’s refusal this June around the embassy for about 20 SPORT COATS minutes, plunging it into darkness. Joseph Stalin to disgrace and rela-. held bv. Sen. Prescott Bu.»h, a P.e- committee and committee mem­ to rule on the constitutionality of live ob.scurity under Premier puoiican. , . bers, but it 'is the commonly ac­ 2 for 5.00 12.99 the law. The statute was ’’mere Electricians came to try to find the trouble, but the power came on Klirushchev Others mentomed include New cepted bellefi'ttat this is the first reg. 15.99 to 32.50 de.^d words," the court said, ignor­ Khrushchev forced Molotov out -Haven Ma.vor Richard C. Lee. for- step in May's \u e s t for the Repub­ • our own Torman brand ed by Connecticut resldenUs and again before they pinpointed the lican gubernatorial nomination. e ziprout orlon pile lined rag. 3.99 cause. of his cabinet rank and had him • other famous brands law enforcement officials alike. exiled as smbassador to Mongolia Southport and U.S. Rep. Emilio Said the telegram: e combed cotton twill The law prohibits persons from Austrian authorities confirmed Q. Daddario. "I hereby resign as chairman of e whites, colors using drugs or devrnes to prevent that Molotov and his wife. Paul­ the Republican State .Central Com­ e raglan sleeves 11.00 ^ ina. boarded the Vienna-Moscow (Continued on Pago Two) Kowalski, a 54-year-old former • wash and wear, sanforized conception. A second law. which I Army colonel, is expected to attend mittee effective upon the election e fly front would affect the ataff of the birth the meeting of the Meriden Demo­ of my successor. In order to pro­ • fine combed cottons • slash pockets e broken sizes control clinics, makes anyone who crats. Democrats around the state vide for the immediate and order­ e oxford in whites, solids counsels the breaking of a law No Hint of Concessions have been cultivating support for ly continuation of the State Central • scotch guard • regulars 2.78 liable for the same punishment as him for several weeks. Yesterday Committee operations, a special meeting of the Republican State e white broadcloth rain and stain the 4>rinlcpal offender. the Democratic Town Committee at Central Committee Is hereby called e repellent e huskies In the case of the antlcontracep- Durham gave him its unanimous button-downs tlve law. violators may be fined *t endorsement. to be held immediately following • permanent stay collars e olive, tan •'charge for least *50, imprisoned for not less Lee's candidacy has been given the regular meeting of the commit­ tee at the Hotel Bond, Hartford, #8 to 20 alterations 2 for than 80 days or more than a year, Puzzled U.S. Awaits the. backing of John M. Golden. e 14 to 17 or teth. Democratic National Committee­ Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1961 for the spe­ reg. 50. and 55. For five yeara during the I930a, man from New Haven. cial purjxjse of action on the resig­ the league maintained several This week Lee won his fifth con­ nation of Edwin H. May Jr. as REG. 1.15 QUALITY clinics around the atate. They were Red Plan on Berlin secutive term, downing his Re­ chairman of the Republican State closed following a police raid on Central Committee and electing a FAMOUS DELUXE IMPERIAL publican opponent by 4,000 votes. new chairman to fill the vacancy.” 39.90 * embroidered one in Waterbury. ’The margin waa conaiderably leis Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York talks to Jawaharlal Nehni during yesterday's courtesy call on May had said earlier that if he In the ensuing litigation, the Washington, Nov. 11 <iP>—Puz-#described by these dispatches, was than the 14,000 ajid 23,000 by the Indian Pnme Minister at the latter’s hotel suite In New- York. Rockefeller said he told Nehru MEASURED LENGTHS tailored style law's constitutionality was upheld he favors resumption of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons by the United States. Nehru op­ decided to seek the GOP g»iber- zled U.S. officials aw-aited today that Russia and the United States, which he had won in the last two natorlal nomination he would re­ reg. 59.50 and in proportioned Britain and France w-ould agree poses all nuclear testing. (AP Photofax.) clarification from Moscow of wide­ elections and this may weaken sign as state chairman. 65.00 lengths with (Contlaned oa Page Threa) on a new status for West Berlin, his chances. ----------------- ------------------------------------------ The resignation clears the way SEAMLESS NYLONS ly published reports that the Soviet guaranteeing the freedom of the Benton was appointed senator for a political duel between May, shadow panel Union has developed a 4-point pro­ city and access to it. East Ger­ in 1949 by Gov. Chester ,Bowle.g to who became atate chairman in De­ posal for negotiation on a settle­ many w-ould respect this new So­ fill the vacancy created by the Asks UN for Utopia Bel-Air Blaze cember 1958.
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