6. EndangeredSpecies FWSOnlineProjectReviewCertificationLetter[12Ͳ11Ͳ2015] ConfirmationofProjectReceipt[12Ͳ11Ͳ2015] SpeciesConclusionTable USFWSCriticalHabitatMap SpeciesProfileͲIndianaBat IndianaBatFactSheet SpeciesProfileͲNorthernLongͲEaredBat SpeciesProfileͲVirginiaBigͲEaredBat SpeciesProfileͲVirginiaFringedMountainSnail CCBEaglesNestMaps(2) HabitatRequirementsStudies Bats Snails CorrespondencewithVirginiaFieldOffice ProjectSummary IPaCTrustResourceReport FinalRuleofCriticalHabitatforVirginiaLongͲ EaredBat USDepartmentoftheInteriorSpeciesList[Nov13,2015] VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Search Report [November13,2015] VA Department of Conservation and Recreation Natural HeritageResourceList[November13,2015] VACDBG#15Ͳ15PulaskiKerseyBottom/CaseKnifeRoadRevitalizationProject EnvironmentalReviewRecord 8QLWHG6WDWHV'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH,QWHULRU ),6+$1':,/'/,)(6(59,&( (FRORJLFDO6HUYLFHV 6KRUW/DQH *ORXFHVWHU9LUJLQLD 'DWH December 11, 2015 2QOLQH3URMHFW5HYLHZ&HUWLILFDWLRQ/HWWHU 3URMHFW1DPH Pulaski Kersey Bottom / Case Knife Road Neighborhood Revitalization Project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in “no effect” andRU“not likely to adversely affect” determinations for listed species DQGFULWLFDOKDELWDWDQGRU“no Eagle Act permit required” determinations for eagles UHJDUGLQJSRWHQWLDOHIIHFWVRI\RXUSURSRVHGSURMHFW:H FHUWLI\WKDWWKHXVHRIWKHRQOLQHSURMHFWUHYLHZSURFHVVLQVWULFWDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHLQVWUXFWLRQV SURYLGHGDVGRFXPHQWHGLQWKHHQFORVHGSURMHFWUHYLHZSDFNDJHUHVXOWVLQUHDFKLQJWKH DSSURSULDWHGHWHUPLQDWLRQV7KHUHIRUHZHFRQFXUZLWKWKH“no effect” and “not likely to adversely affect” GHWHUPLQDWLRQVIRUOLVWHGVSHFLHVDQGFULWLFDOKDELWDWand “no Eagle Act permit required” determinations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pecies Conclusions Table Project Name: VA CIG 15-15 Pulaski Kersey Bottom / Case Knife Road Neighborhood Revitalization Program Date: 30 November 2015 Species / Resource Name Conclusion ESA Section 7 Notes / Documentation / Eagle Act Determination Bat, Indiana Species present No effect The project area is located in Pulaski County, which does not contain a federally- (Myotis sodalist) designated critical habitat. As the species is present, further evaluation of the Critical Habitat No critical habitat present potential impact was performed and determined to have no effect. The Habitat Requirements were reviewed: x Winter – species hibernates in caves or mines; no mines, caves, nor cave entrances are present in the project area. x Summer – species roost under the peeling bark of dead or dying trees; while approximately .80 acres of undeveloped land will be cleared for construction of three new single-family homes, adequate undisturbed forest land is located adjacent to (17-acre parcel) and approximately one mile from (19,258-acre National Forest) the project area. Note that a fourth home is to be constructed on a vacant lot which was previously occupied by a single-family structure and will have no effect. https://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A000 Bat, northern long-eared Species present No effect The project area is located in Pulaski County, which does not contain a federally- (Myotis septentrionalis) designated critical habitat. As the species is present, further evaluation of the Critical Habitat No critical habitat present potential impact was performed and determined to have no effect. The Habitat Requirements were reviewed: x Winter – species hibernates in caves or mines; no mines, caves, nor cave entrances are present in the project area. x Summer – species roost underneath bark, in cavities, or crevices of both live and dead trees; while approximately .80 acres of undeveloped land will be cleared for construction of three new single-family homes, adequate undisturbed forest land is located adjacent to (17-acre parcel) and approximately one mile from (19,258-acre National Forest) the project area. Note that a fourth home is to be constructed on a vacant lot which was previously occupied by a single-family structure. https://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A0JE Bat, Virginia big-eared Species present No effect The project area is located in Pulaski County, which does not contain a federally- (Corynorhinus (=plecotus) designated critical habitat. A final critical habitat has been designated for this townsendii virginianus) species, but it consists of five caves in West Virginia, which is outside the project Critical Habitat No critical habitat present area. As the species is present, further evaluation of the potential impact was performed and determined to have no effect on the species. The Habitat Requirements were reviewed: x Winter – species hibernates in caves or mines; no mines, caves, nor cave entrances are present in the project area. x Summer – species roost underneath bark, in cavities, or crevices of both live and dead trees; while approximately .80 acres of undeveloped land will be cleared for construction of three new single-family homes, adequate undisturbed forest land is located adjacent to (17-acre parcel) and approximately one mile from (19,258-acre National Forest) the project area. Note that a fourth home is to be constructed on a vacant lot which was previously occupied by a single-family structure. https://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=A080 Snail, Virginia fringed Species present No effect General - Live individuals were found in 1971 from six miles of bluffs along the New mountain River in Pulaski County Virginia. The project area is approximately 5 miles from the (Polygyriscus virginianus) No critical habitat present New River bluffs (see attached map). Critical Habitat Habitat Requirements - This snail is usually in areas where limestone is mixed with clay soil. It is associated with permanently damp rock fragments and angular limestone pieces approximately 0.4 to 4.0 inches across. These areas are heavily shaded and may be overgrown with honeysuckle. Living individuals occur in the soil at depths of four to twenty-four inches. Live snails have never been observed on the soil surface. No other information is available on the life history of this species. The project scope does not include any work which will disturb or affect any permanently damp rock fragments as described above, so a determination of no effect was made. http://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/profile/speciesProfile.action?spcode=G00Z#crithab 12/11/2015 Species Profile for Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ECOS ECOS / Species Profile for Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) Federal Register | Recovery | Critical Habitat | Conservation Plans | Petitions | Life History Taxonomy: View taxonomy in ITIS Listing Status: Endangered Where Listed: WHEREVER FOUND General Information The Indiana bat is a medium­sized Myotis, closely resembling the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) but differing in coloration. Its fur is a dull grayish chestnut rather than bronze, with the basal portion of the hairs on the back a dull­lead color. This bat's underparts are pinkish to cinnamon, and
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