E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1999 No. 50 House of Representatives The House met at 9:30 a.m. and was more open and green spaces. We have Federal agencies so local communities called to order by the Speaker pro tem- seen fundamental changes in how the can be creative in how they meet their pore (Mr. MICA). Federal Government is approaching water challenges. In this way we can f transportation once we acknowledged indeed make sure that we are spending that trying to pave our way out of con- each dollar two or three times over in DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO gestion simply did not work, and just terms of total benefit, and citizen in- TEMPORE as the ISTEA legislation and the re- volvement must be part of the solution The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- cently-enacted TEA±21 are promoting and not simply an afterthought of the fore the House the following commu- innovative approaches to transpor- decision-making process. nication from the Speaker: tation problems, I suggest that it is We have been using such an approach WASHINGTON, DC, time for us to take a new approach to in Oregon. Last November we brought April 13, 1999. how we manage water resources. It together over 300 people to deal with a I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN L. would begin with a vision and a frame- summit on the needs of the Johnson MICA to act as Speaker pro tempore on this work for improving the way the Fed- Creek watershed, 54 square miles, to day. eral Government approaches water re- consider 45 separate plans that exist to J. DENNIS HASTERT, source problems and management deal with land use and regulatory Speaker of the House of Representatives. based on the same flexibility that we issues in this area. It was a beginning f have seen in transportation. for our efforts to deal more comprehen- MORNING HOUR DEBATES For too long, Mr. Speaker, we have sively and creatively together from the treated our watersheds and rivers as Federal level down to the local area. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- machines, costing taxpayers billions of I have suggested in this Congress ant to the order of the House of Janu- dollars as our communities continue to three additional legislative proposals. I ary 19, 1999, the Chair will now recog- face increased risks from flood, de- have already discussed on this floor ap- nize Members from lists submitted by creasing numbers of fish and growing proaches to the Federal flood control the majority and minority leaders for health risks caused by polluted rivers program. I hope ultimately we will morning hour debates. The Chair will and streams. Forty percent of our Na- have municipal watershed management alternate recognition between the par- tion's waterways fail to meet drinking, on Federal lands; and I hope that peo- ties, with each party limited to 30 min- recreation or fish habitat needs, and ple will join with me this week in deal- utes, and each Member, except the ma- that number sadly is growing. Some ing with reforms to the National Flood jority leader, the minority leader, or urban streams and creeks and rivers Insurance Program. High-risk prop- the minority whip, limited to 5 min- are so degraded, people consider them erties for flood insurance right now utes. dead and beyond recovery. make up only 2 percent of all the na- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Yesterday, Mr. Speaker, I joined with tional flood properties, but they claim from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 the America's Rivers program to an- 40 percent of all Federal flood insur- minutes. nounce America's most endangered riv- ance pay-outs. Over the last 18 years, f ers of 1999, a list of 10 such threatened repetitive losses from these properties waterways and what we can do about have cost the taxpayers over $2.5 bil- WATER VISION 2000 it. Well, Congress can help right now, lion. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, and I suggest that we approach water My legislation would deny national since I was elected to Congress I have issues in this session with what I would Federal flood insurance coverage to been focusing on the issue of livable term Water Vision 2000. people who file two or more claims communities and how we create better It would, first of all, suggest that the that total more than the value of their partnerships between the Federal Gov- Federal Government deal fundamen- property. It would suggest that people ernment and our citizens. tally with watersheds. We must think who refuse to use Federal money to The livability movement is gaining more broadly and comprehensively take the precaution of flood-proofing dramatic momentum nationally as we about the missions and how they can their homes or relocating out of harm's watch officials from the Vice Presi- work with local communities through- way would no longer be entitled to con- dent, Mr. GORE, to local city and coun- out the entire watershed cycle. tinuous Federal payment. Now is the ty commissioners champion goals for Second, we must focus on increased time that we in this Congress ought to easing traffic congestion, promoting Federal flexibility. We need more co- dedicate our efforts at every turn to urban redevelopment and creating ordination and responsiveness from make sure that the numerous local and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1869 . H1870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 13, 1999 Federal water agencies are working being spent on other things, that is want to pass the Ed Flex legislation. comprehensively in the watershed, Mr. what this means. The President wants My hope, it will be on the President's Speaker. to spend 38 percent of Social Security desk fairly soon. The next great advance in livability, on new government programs. Repub- The other concern that local school if my colleagues will pardon the ex- licans, of course, want to wall off the board members also share with me is pression, is to be found on the water- Social Security Trust Fund, essentially they say, as my colleagues know, front, and I call on my colleagues to putting trust back in the trust fund ``You've increased funding at the Fed- join me in this Congress in a com- with 100 percent of Social Security for eral level by 10 percent, even while prehensive approach to a new vision of Social Security, and that is a big vic- you've been balancing the budget, in- water resources. tory. creasing funding for education, but if f Mr. Speaker, I also want to note that you look at how those dollars have the Republican budget sets aside al- been spent, only 70 cents of every dol- SPECIFICS OF THE REPUBLICAN most $400 billion more than the Clin- lar actually reaches the classroom. AGENDA ton-Gore budget for Medicare and So- Thirty cents is lost in the Washington The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under cial Security. bureaucracy.'' the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- Now our second priority in our agen- Our goal is to ensure that more dol- uary 19, 1999, the gentleman from Illi- da, of course, is lower taxes for the lars get to the classroom, with a goal nois (Mr. WELLER) is recognized during middle class, and I am one who believes of 95 cents on the dollar reaching the morning hour debates for 5 minutes. that when the tax burden for the aver- classroom, and if we compare that to Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I thought age family in Illinois is about 40 per- the current cost of delivering those I would take a few minutes to kind of cent of their income going to local, funds to our local schools, that is a 25 report on what the last couple weeks State and Federal Government for percent funding increase above and be- were like when I was back home spend- taxes, that that tax burden is too high yond what they are currently receiv- ing time with my constituents during and we need to lower the tax burden, ing. We are providing $22 billion in Fed- the district work period, conducting 15 particularly for the middle class. And eral funding for our local schools. It is town meetings, and I wanted to report when we talk about the tax burden, I just wrong that 30 cents on the dollar today on really the response to the Re- find that constituents, whether it is at currently is lost in Washington. publican agenda of good schools and the union hall or the VFW or the local Let us help our local schools. Let us low taxes and a secure retirement for Chamber of Commerce, they tell me lower the tax burden for the middle all Americans. that the Tax Code is too complicated, class. Let us secure retirement by I have the privilege of representing a requires too much paperwork, and the strengthening Medicare and Social Se- very, very diverse district, the south majority of people have to hire some- curity. side of Chicago in the south suburbs of one else to fill out the tax forms. And Cook and Will Counties as well as a lot I also point out that the tax burden is f of rural and bedroom communities, and really unfair.
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