Lei, Yanhui (2014) Urban/village extension - design principles of new urbanism: the case studies of Poundbury and Upton. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. 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Please see our full end user licence at: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/end_user_agreement.pdf A note on versions: The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher’s version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription. For more information, please contact [email protected] URBAN/VILLAGE EXTENSION - DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF NEW URBANISM: THE CASE STUDIES OF POUNDBURY AND UPTON YANHUI LEI, BArch, MSc, MA SUPERVISORS: PROFESSOR MICHAEL STACEY AND DR YAN ZHU Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy October 2014 1 Abstract The motivation for this research is based on the very serious problem – local identity loss of village extensions in the Chinese ordinary villages. During the new development of Chinese ordinary villages, international concrete blocks and multi-storey apartments, which have been mass-produced in urban areas, are simply copied into rural areas replacing the local distinctive built environment. The author of this thesis set out to rethink the design principles of new urbanism in a way which can help create an urban/village extension of a town or a village to respect local identity or local context. Therefore, the research question is that ‘Can the design principles of new urbanism promote local identity or harmony with local context for urban/village extension? By reviewing the primary theories and ideas, the literature review draws upon primary sources of new urbanism including introduction and design principles which underlies a fundamental theoretical framework of design principles of new urbanism, and the overall view of the practice. Once the framework of design principles of new urbanism have been established in this research, it is essential to test it through case studies. The purpose of case studies is to identify if the design principles of new urbanism can promote local identity or harmony with local context in practice. Two UK cases, Poundbury and Upton were selected and analysed. During case studies, the interview plays an important role in modifying the design principles of new urbanism which direct the analysis of the physical environments of Poundbury and Upton. The initial outcomes are expected to confirm that the design principles of new urbanism could promote local identity or harmony with local context based on the case study findings. In order to further investigate these outcomes, factual information was collected through questionnaires administered face-to-face and on-the-spot to the residents of Poundbury and Upton. The findings of the questionnaire provided strong investigated evidence along with the initial outcomes addressed by literature review and the case studies. 2 Finally, it can be concluded that the design principles of new urbanism are appropriate to promote local identity or harmony with local context for creating an urban/village extension. Keywords: urban/village extension, design principles of new urbanism, local identity, harmony with local context. 3 Acknowledgements I would like to express my very great appreciation to all those who have inspired me in this research. There are too many to list, but some of them deserve specific mention. First I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my supervisors, Professor Michael Stacey and Dr Yan Zhu. Their guidance, encouragement and advice have been a great help during my PhD study. Furthermore, I am grateful to Andrew Cameron, Ben Bolgar, Helen Pineo, Ian Madgwick, Lindsey Richards, Peterjohn Smyth, Rosanna Law, Simon Conibear, Sylvia Short, Trevor Beatie, Yanming Shan, and Wenqiang Zhao. It’s important to thank them for their time, the privilege of being able to interview them, and the valuable and helpful ideas for my research. The excellent staff at Poundbury Office, Poundbury Residents’ Committee, the Prince’s Foundation, Homes and Communities Agency, and South Downs National Park Authority provided the careful administrative assistance for my research. Thanks especially to Naomi Drummond, Fran Leaper, Victoria Gilbert, Anthony Sowden, and Sarah Francis. Thanks a lot for providing essential information and helping arrange the interviews and questionnaire. In addition, I would like to thank the some special staff from University of Nottingham such as Professor Brian Ford, Benson Law, and Dr. Katharina Borsi. Moreover, I am also grateful to Sophie N’jar for her excellent proof reading. Additionally, I would also like to express my special appreciation to Dr. Laura Hanks, Dr. Ying Jin, and Dr. Jonathan Hale for the viva voce contributions. Finally, I am deeply grateful to my parents for their encouragement and everlasting love. My daughter, Nuolin, has been a passion and joy during my PhD study. I also must express thanks to my husband, for his insightful knowledge and for being a companion during the ups and downs of this research. 4 Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction to the Research Background ....................................... 1 1.1.1 Research motivation.............................................................. 1 1.1.2 Analysis of the research problem and hypothesis of research question .5 1.2 Research Objectives and Structure............................................... 7 1.2.1 Research objectives .............................................................. 7 1.2.2 Thesis structure ................................................................. 10 1.3 Terminology ........................................................................ 11 1.4 Summary............................................................................ 15 2 Research Methodology ................................................................. 16 2.1 Understanding the Research Methodology.................................... 16 2.1.1 Understanding the literature review .......................................... 17 2.1.2 Understanding case studies................................................... 22 2.1.3 Understanding the questionnaire ............................................. 29 2.2 Potential Application of Research Methodology in This Study ............. 33 2.2.1 Potential application of literature review..................................... 33 2.2.2 Potential application of case studies......................................... 33 2.2.3 Potential application of questionnaire........................................ 36 2.3 Chapter Summary ................................................................. 38 3 New Urbanism............................................................................ 40 3.1 The Background of New Urbanism ............................................. 40 3.1.1 Introduction to new urbanism ................................................. 40 3.1.2 The rise and development of new urbanism................................ 42 3.1.3 Definition of new urbanism .................................................... 51 5 3.1.4 The critics of new urbanism ................................................... 55 3.1.5 Brief of new urbanism .......................................................... 57 3.2 Design Principles of New Urbanism ............................................ 58 3.2.1 American perspective .......................................................... 58 3.2.2 European perspective .......................................................... 65 3.2.3 British perspective .............................................................. 71 3.2.4 Holistic analysis of design principles of new urbanism in this research 78 3.2.5 Clarifying design principles of new urbanism for this study .............. 81 3.3 Typical Practice of New Urbanism .............................................. 99 3.3.1 Key influential American practice of new urbanism – Seaside, Florida, America.................................................................................... 99 3.3.2 Key influential European practice of new urbanism – Heulebrug urban extension, Knokke-Heist, Belgium ...................................................102 3.3.3 Overview of the UK practice of new urbanism ............................105 3.4 Summary...........................................................................114
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