• - . • • ~ •• , ..,,.._ -- -· - ..... ,, ..... _ •• -,- ....... If ....... -- ... ~··~~"'~--, 1594 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 5, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE WOMEN'S HEALTH AND Finally, the Women's Health and Cancer City Club events have been covered on C­ CANCER RIGHTS ACT OF 1997 Rights Act ensures .that individuals diagnosed SPAN, the local PBS radio station, and cable with any type of cancer have access to a sec­ television systems. A debate between Repub­ HON. SUSAN MOLINARI ond opinion, including one that may be outside lican candidates for the U.S. Senate was car­ OF NEW YORK of their health plan network. It is vital that an ried statewide on cable TV. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES individual facing a potentially life-threatening The City Club has held fundraisers for other Wednesday, February 5, 1997 disease, such as cancer, have the opportunity nonprofit organizations, including Habitat for to consult a second physician and not the anx­ Humanity, the National Conference of Chris­ Ms. MOLINARI. Mr. Speaker, I would like iety of whether or not it will be covered by tians and Jews, the San Diego Public Library, today to introduce the Women's Health and their insurance. the United Negro College Fund, and the Na­ Cancer Rights Act of 1997. This unprece­ Unfortunately, almost all of us have had a tional Jewish Hospital. These efforts are nota­ dented legislation is not only critical for breast family member or known someone who has ble, for it is highly unusual for one nonprofit cancer patients, but also for all cancer pa­ been hit by breast cancer- and frankly all organization to undertake fundraising for other tients. women live with that fear. This bill is attempt­ similar groups. Last year in the U.S., 182,000 women were ing to provide some sense of security that A lighter side of the City Club includes holi­ diagnosed with breast cancer and 85,000 hospitals and medical providers are able to do day parties, whale watching trips, theater eve­ breast cancer patients received a mastectomy nings, a trip to the Nation's Capital, and Aspen as part of their treatment-7,500 of which the right thing. We will be able to claim suc­ were performed in New York State. A similar cess if we can minimize the pain, confusion, ski trips-featuring programs with outstanding survey found that 43 percent of the respond­ and trauma following a breast cancer diag­ speakers as well as time on the slopes. ents had been denied coverage of followup re­ nosis-and the Women's Health and Cancer George Mitrovich, the president of the City constructive symmetry procedures and nearly Rights Act aims to do just that. Club and prime mover behind its success, has 20 percent had been denied insurance cov­ stated: "The ability of any democracy to sur­ erage for revisions of an initial breast recon­ vive, even in the United States, depends in no THE CITY CLUB OF SAN DIEGO: small degree upon the wisdom of its people­ structive surgery. These numbers are far too TWO REMARKABLE DECADES high and this denial of coverage must end. a wisdom that public forums help instill." Currently, many insurance companies are This is the mission of the City Club: to the sole decision makers in how long a breast HON. BOB f1LNER present an arena where the best ideas might cancer patient should stay in the hospital, OF CALIFORNIA prevail. On the joyous occasion of its 20th an­ without taking into account her individual IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES niversary, I am honored to publicly recognize needs or circumstance. In addition, these Wednesday, February 5, 1997 and honor the accomplishments of the City companies are frequently reluctant to pay for Club of San Diego. Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in the initial breast reconstruction, as well as fol­ recognition of the 20th anniversary of the City lowup procedures because they deem recon­ struction cosmetic. Ironically, insurance com­ Club of San Diego. " ENNIS COSBY KNEW WORTH OF A Over the past 20 years, the City Club has panies do not deny reconstructive surgery for HELPING HAND"-A COLUMN BY become an integral part of San Diego-pro­ an ear that is lost due to cancer. Insurance ROBERT SCHEER viding a public forum for nearly 500 programs companies are simply not being sensitive to presented in the highest public interest. These the needs of breast cancer patients, and this HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH accomplishments have earned it the distinction bill seeks to ensure a breast cancer patienf s OF Omo as one of America's great public forums. access to an appropriate hospital stay as well IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The President and Vice President of the as reconstructive surgery. Wednesday, February 5, 1997 There are few procedures which are of such United States have appeared before the City a sensitive nature as mastectomies. Under the Club. On six occasions, the Governor of Cali­ Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, research stud­ Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act, the fornia has spoken. The list of speakers pre­ ies indicate that learning disabilities affect patient in consultation with her physician, de­ sented represents a remarkable variety of indi­ about 15 percent of the American population. termines when it is medically appropriate to be viduals and opinions, from Jerry Falwell to One of the most common learning differences discharged following a mastectomy. Rather Gloria Steinem, from Maureen Reagan to Tom is dyslexia, which makes it difficult for persons than leaving the decision to insurance compa­ Hayden, from Tom Wolfe to Anthony Lewis. to read and understand the written word. Our nies or even to Congress, this crucial decision Local, State, and national elected officials, Nation recently suffered the tragic loss of is made by those personally involved. So if a journalists, ambassadors, judges, authors, Ennis Cosby, a young man with dyslexia who woman is prepared mentally and physically to bank officers, media broadcasters, professors, was committed to using his influence and edu­ be discharged soon after the procedure, she business and sports figures, and others have cation to start a school for children with dys­ may do so with her doctor's permission. This presented their ideas in the forum of the City lexia. Robert Scheer, renowned author and is also true in the case when a woman is not Club. The speakers represent rich and varied contributing editor for the Los Angeles Times, quite ready after several days. Patients should professions, philosophies, and political views. has written a sensitive essay about how dys­ never be denied the opportunity to be covered Senator JOE BIDEN returns for his 7th appear­ lexia affects even the most successful persons by insurance in this frightening situation. ance as the featured guest of the 20th anni­ in our society. I commend this column to my The Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act versary celebration on February 8, 1997. colleagues. In addition to the forums, the City Club has also ensures access to all stages of recon­ ENNIS COSBY KNEW WORTH OF A HELPING structive surgery. Surgeons across the country offered other special events: a national con­ HAND ference on immigration; another on press, have confirmed that the problems with reim­ (By Robert Scheer) bursement have grown worse in recent years libel, and American freedom; and a third on Properly credentialed and steady at my as insurance companies become more cost­ the state of our language. One of the City post in the press section at the president's conscious. Women have been denied cov­ Club's most ambitious undertakings was a inauguration, within shouting distance of erage for reconstructive surgery even in four-part series on leadership in San Diego, the man himself, a witness to history sur­ States where coverage for breast reconstruc­ focusing on government, justice, finance, and rounded by the most successful of my peers, tion was mandatory. the media. I am, as so often before on such occasions, • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 5, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1595 filled with fear. This time it makes me think tion speech of William Jefferson Clinton, a As we move toward deregulation of the of Ennis William Cosby. guy who also came up the hard way but who electric utility industry, these subsidies will Fear, not of the violence that took his life was blessed with the saving grace of testing give TV A an unfair advantage over the utility but rather the more mundane persistent and well. Clinton knows he benefited from the personal terror shared by all dyslexics over level playing field, and he will not com­ companies that pay taxes and are required to having to perform in conventional ways promise government's obligation to keep it abide by State and Federal regulations. It is when your brain does not track quite that level. But where he has failed is in reaching time we leveled the playing field. This legisla­ way. In my case today, it's the pressure to out to those who need a helping hand, as tion is the first step in making these refonns. file properly spelled, cogently organized, Jesse Jackson might put it, to be pulled I urge my colleagues to cosponsor this leg­ grammatically correct copy, on deadline. from the quicksand of failure to the high islation. Small potatoes to some, a horror to others. ground of opportunity. I'm not complaining, mind you.
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