Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 'its-'on Entered at the Post Office at Chicago, 111 , for /rans'ii thrniiph the iiiuiln a', .lenond-clasn rales. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTKD TO THE ELEVATOR AND GRAIN INTERESTS. J ONE DOLLAK PEE ANNUM, mitoh^lb^Jompany[ Vol. XXII. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 15, 1904. No. 8. SINGLE COPr, TEN CENTS. j IT IS TIME REMEMBERTo think about your new elevator, and while you are doing your thinking You make no mistake in having your plans made by the BURRELL ENGINEERING (Si CONSTRUCTION CO. VESIGJSfETiS AJSIV 'BX/IL'DE'RS OVER THIRTY COUNTRY ELEVATORS BUILT LAST SEASON, ALL IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION AND GIVING BEST OF SATISFACTION. Write before the early rush sets in 265 La Salle Street. CHICAGO MORE SALEM BUCKETS USED THAN ANY OTHER. SKILLIN <a RICHARDS MFG. CO. 127-147 FULTON STREET. CHICAGO MAJ^\/FACT\/'RE'RS AJ^T) F\/'RJ<fISHE'RS OF ALL KIJVDS OF ELEVATOR MACHINERY WRITE FOR. CATALOG AND PRICES. POWER TRANSMISSION, ETC. COMPLETE OUTFITS L. R. FYFE L. H. MANSON The Post or Stock Orders Executed Journal con- taining our Daily Market on New York Stock Letter, in which ap- pears Chicago Board Exchange Over of Trade continu- Private Wires ous quotations from the open- ing to the G/fA/NePROVfS/ONS. c 1 o s e of business will be sent free upon application Members Chicago Board of Trade, STOCKS BONDS COFFEE COTTON Milwaukee Chamber of S4-S6 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago Commerce MIMMKAROUB BT. LOUI8 MiLWAUKKm TeL Harrison 1925-2189 M. M. Pmynter, In Chmrgm of Cm»h Grain Department AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. Corn SKellers? Do We Make Em? Well, just ask us for a copy of our Catalogue No. 35 TT tells all about the best and most complete line of Corn Shelling Machinery manufactured. We make Shellers and Cleaners as separate machines. Also a complete line of Combined SKellers aad Cleaners ^LsMCRtN ones, c co. NEW PROCESS CORN SHELLER ONLY. for shelling both husked and unhusked corn. The New Process Combined Shuck Sheller and Cleaner is the only machine that can be fitted for either husked corn of Northern states or the unhusked corn of Southern states. If you re going to buy a Corn Sheller or Corn Cleaner, get a New Process. We are also manufatturers of Power Transmission Appliances and Grain Elevating and Conveying Machinery. We solicit specifi- cations and the privilege of quoting on any requirements in this line. MARSEILLES, NEW PR0CC55 dORM CLEANER ..^,P'„^RS£'-'"'V'o; "^ ttAn5*>t Marseilles Mfg. Co. ILLINOIS. BRANCHES NEW PROCESS CORN CLEANER, WITH SHUCK SEPARATING FAN. Peoria. III.. Council Bluffs and Cedar Rapids, la., Kansas City. Mo. The Evans Controllable Wagon Dump THE BEST WAGON DUMP BUILT AUTOMATIC Cbo be UHed LOCKING I itI< h and DEVICE njthiiut dump scales CYCLONE DUST COLLECTOR AhBolute safety control, gri'St Btrengtb and durability. ateiited, April \W6. Rose Creek. Minn.. Feb. 10, 1901. Write for Gentlemen: —We are more than pleased with the Evans Wasion Dump you placed in our elevator last circular and prices summer. Don't want anything better. JOHN CKONAN & CO. E. leth street. miINrNE/\F»OLIS, miINN HURRY UP! A GRAIN SPOUT AND ORDEK THE That wiU load cars without shoveling'. It i.s worth its weight in gold. It will .save you in labor all it cost in less than a THE KNICKERBOCKER CO. month. JACKSON. MICH. mm Send for Prices mFor mailing your grain, seeds, flour, etc. to Carries safely, fasiens securely, insures delivery. HEYWOOD MFG. CO. H.SANDMEYER&CO., 420 No. Third St., Minneapolis, Minn. PEORIA, ILLINOIS. AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. 401 Why Delay Purchasing a Hess Pneumatic Grain Drier until your losses from ill-conditioned grain amount to more than the first cost of a drying plant? YOU DO NOT EXPERIMENT THE HESS SYSTEM of drying and conditioning grain has been the most pro- nounced success, and since the machines were offered to the public have been pur- chased by many leaders in the grain business, among whom are the following: THE ARMOUR GRAEN COMPANY, Chicago BARTLETT, KUHN ®. CO.. Terre Haute BARTLETT, FRAZIER ® COMPANY, Chicago BARTLETT, KUHN CO., Evansville, Ind. CHICAGO RAILWAY TERMINAL ELEVATOR CO., VPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY, Omaha Chicago ILLINOIS CENTRAL R, R. COMPANY, New Orleans CHICAGO DOCK COMPANY, Chicago TEXAS <a PACIFIC R. R. COMPANY, New Orleans THE RICHARDSON COMPANY, Chicago KANSAS GRAIN COMPANY, Hutchinson, Kans. CHICAGO GRAIN SALVAGE COMPANY, Chicago OMAHA ELEVATOR CO., Omaha. Nebr. E. R. BACON (Wabash Elevator), Chicago MIDLAND ELEVATOR CO., Kansas City. Mo. CONSOLIDATED ELEVATOR COMPANY, Duluth BRODNAX ^ McLINEY, Kansas City, Mo. NORTHERN GRAIN COMPANY, Manitowoc JOHN I. GLOVER. Kansas City, Mo. CLEVELAND GRAIN COMPANY, Cleveland DVFF GRAIN CO.. Nebraska City. Nebr. To-day it is an incontrovertible fact that the Hess Drier is a necessary and profitable adjunct to the grain dealer's business. OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK DESCRIBING THE DRIER FREE Hess Warming and Ventilating Co. 710 Tacoma Building ^ Chicago, Illinois , 402 AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. Riter=Conley Mfg. Co., Dodge Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS, ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. ENGINEERS. FOUNDERS. MACHINISTS. Grain Elevators of Steel, SVo'S Mishawaka, Ind., U. S. A. ALSO Branches: CHICAGO, BOSTON, New York. Cincinnati, Atlanta, Ga., London, Eng. Gas Holders with Steel Tanks. manufacture a complete line of Water and Oil Tanks, GRAIN ISl^JSyAI^OR Steel Buildings, Steel Stacks and MACHINERY Steel Construction of Every Description, Embracine latest types of Grain Tricpers, Power Shovels, Car Pullers. Belt Conveyors, Marine Leg- Spouting, Etc.; Self o ling and Dustproof Bearings, also Dodge American System Manila Rope Transmission. Desigfned, The fallowing Grain Eievatora, 'jiiaer construction or In operation, are among those reccnCy equipped: Furnished and Illinois Central R. K., New Orleans, La., capacity, l.'iOO.OOO bu. Erected in Northern Grain Co,, Manitowoc, 'Wis., 1,200,000 •' Northern Grain Co., Council Bluffs, la.. 75 fm •' All Parts of the World, • Cross section of Great Northern Elevator furnished by Botsford & Jenks, Meaford, Out., i.ooo.oo'i " us at Buffalo, N. Y. Three million bushels' capacity. Chicago Dock Co., Chicago, 111., - 1,000.000 Steel throughout. D. H. Stuhr Grain Co., Hammond, Ind., 600,000 " - - ' Electric Steel Elevator, Buffalo, . 1,200,000 - •• McReynolds & Co., Hammond, Ind , 2,000,000 •• Calumet Elevator Co., South Chicago, 111., 1,200,000 General Office, Water Street, Pittsburg. Rosenbaum Bros., South Chicago, 111., 1.000,000 •• •• Plate, Tank and Boiler Works, First, Second and Third Aves. Peavey G rain Co. , South Chicago, 111. 1.500000 Chicago-O'Nell Grain Co., South Chicago. 111., 750,000 •• etc., etc. Structural Works, Preble Avenue, Allegheny City, Pa. OfiBce, and Cortlandt New York 39 41 Street. Have tbe Largest Factory In the World Exclusively Devoted to the Manufacture of Power Transmliilii« Machinery. CATALOGUE UPON APPI ICATION. LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. Feed Mills A A T^E make them for all purposes. ^ ^ We make them for orrindine all kinds of feed as well as fine meal for table use. Our line includes Willford's Liijht Running Three Roller Mill and Barnard's One, Two and Three Pair High Mills. It pays to operate a grinding mill in connection with your other outfit. You utilize your spare power and add another source of income to your plant. Send for our latest circulars. Barnard Leas Mfg. Co., Moline, 111. Builders of ^levators and Elevator Machinery AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. 403 KAY-PIM MNFG. CO. Elevator Boots Manufacturers of Elevating, Conveyinj^ -AND- Power Transmiitin^ Machinery SPECIALTIES for GRAIN ELEVATORS and MILLS Sprockets and Link Belting Spiral Conveyors Elevator Boots and Buckets Flexible Spouts, Swivel Spouts Our Improved Cast Iron Elevator Boot has been adopted by many of the most prominent grain elevator owners in this country. IV/iy/' Simply because it is well made, plenty of room inside, removable self locking shields, removable front and back and is practically dust proof. It is fully illustrated in our new catalog, No. 7. Shafting, Couplings, Bearings, Wood and Iron Pulleys, Gearing, Twin Heads and Special Elevator Belting. Special Facilities for the Manufacture of Rope Drives. GENERAL OFFICE AND WORKS: Stephens-Adamson Mfg. Co. NORTH BROADWAY. MONROE AND SECOND STREETS Aurora, Illinois ST. LOUIS, MO. Builders of GRAIN HANDLING MACHINERY CUSTOM WORK! UTILIZE YOUR POWER BY OPERATING A GOOD MILL FOR GRINDING ...FEED AND MEAL... IT PAYS WE MANUFACTURE THREE-ROLL, TWO-BREAK MILLS, 2 Sizes. THREE-PAIR HIGH, SIX-ROLLER MILLS, 4 Sizes. TWO-PAIR HIGH, FOUR-ROLLER MILLS, 5 Sizes, VERTICAL UNDER RUNNERS, PORTABLE FRENCH BUHR MILLS, UPPER RUNNERS, 85 Sizes and Styles. PULLEY AND GEAR DRIVES. SEND FOR BOOK ON MILLS. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES and POWER CONNECTIONS. ROPE DRIVES. QEARINQ, CORN SMELLERS and CLEANERS, GRAIN CLEANERS. DUST COLLECTORS (Tubular. Automatic). I T We manufacture Elevator Cups for all purposes, and make a g;reater number of sizes than p^ found in any standard I ist. Our Cups have greater capacity ^ than others of same rated sizej for instance, our 3^x3 inch, list price 9c., has as much capacity as others 3ix3i inch, list price lOc Our prices are right. CORRESPONDENCE SOLIQTED. NORDYKE & MARMON CO., INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, U. S. A. FLOURING MILL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. ESTABLISHED J85J. 404 AMERICAN F.LEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. 6onv6i)infl, Eievatlno ann Power-Transmittlno MaoliKi! H. W. CALDWELL & SON CO. GENERAL MACHINISTS, Western Avenue, 17th to 18th Streets, Chicago, III. Eastern Sales and Eng-ineering Office, R. 410, 95 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Southeastern Sales and Engineering Office, R. 917 Empire BIdg., Atlanta, Qa. Southwestern Sales and Engineering Office, R. 20Z Trust BIdg., Dallas, 1 ex. CALDWELL HELICOID CONVEYOR.= PERFECT SPIRAL Specialties for THE ONLY CONVEYOR; with Flight of One Elevators and Mills.
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