Cineplex Odeon Television. 1303 Yonge St., Toronto The Multimedia Group of Canada. 5225 Berri St., International Producers Ont. - M4T 2Y9. Phone: (416) 323 -6600. David Montreal, Que. H2J 254. Phone: (514) 273 -4251/4231. Patterson, sr VP. Producer. Telex: 055 -62281. Jacques Bouchard, pres. Producer and distributor. Cinevisa International Media Distributors Inc. 2 College St., Suite 108, Toronto, Ont. M5G 1K3. Phone: Mundovision World Network Ltd. 2300 Yonge St., Brazil (416) 927 -1724. Michael Murphy, pres. Producer and Suite 805. Toronto, Ont. M4P 1E4. Phone: (416) 480 -2000. George Matta, pres. & mgng dir. Producer 1331, distributor. Herbert Richers SIA. Rua Conde de Bonfim and distributor. Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro 20530. Phone: (021) 288 -8142. Colm O'Shea Ltd. 1075 Bay St., Suite 810, Toronto, Telex: (021) 30 -255. Herbert Richers, pres. Producer Ont. M5S 281. Phone: (416) 968 -3111. Telex: 06- Nelvana Enterprises. 32 Atlantic Ave., Toronto, M6K and distributor. 22302. Louise O'Shea, pres. Producer and distributor. 1X8. Phone: (416) 588 -5571. Telex: 06-22803. Michael Hirsch, chmn. Producer and distributor. Koch Tavares Sports Promotions. Rua Oscar Freire Communications Claude Herouxinc. (1984). 450 St. 379, 1st FI., 01426 Sau Paulo. Phone: 883 -7266. Telex: Paul Est, Montreal Que. H2Y -3V1. Phone: (514) Office National du Film du Canada. 15, rue de Bern, 1121581. Derek Evans, TV matters. Distributor. 842 -6633. Telex: 055 -61765. Claude Heroux. Pro- 75008 Paris, France. Phone: 43-59- 18 -60. Telex: and distributor. CANAD 280806 Pierre Ducharme, dir. Producer and Network Distribuidora de Filmes S.A. Rua Da Lapa ducer distributor. 120, 3rd Floor, Rio de Janeiroro RJ 20021. Phone: Compagnie France Film. 505 Est, rue Sherbrooke, (021) 222 -9337. Telex: 2123018 CPUL BR, Victor Montreal, Que., H2L 4N3. Phone: (514) 844 -0680. National Film Board of Canada. Box 6100, Montreal, Berbera, pres. Producer and distributor. Telex: 055- 61867. Pierre Rene, pres. Distributor. Que. H3C 3H5. Producer and distributor Bulgaria William F. Cooke Television Programs. 890 Yonge Ontario Film Development Corp. (Ontario Group). St., Suite 800, Toronto M4W 3P4. Phone: (416) 81 Wellesley St. E., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1H6. Phone: (416) 965 -8393. Telex: 06- 219728. Shane Kinnear, Bulgariafilm. 96 Rakovsky St., 1000 Sofia. Phone: 967 -6141. Telex: 06528017. William F. Cooke, pres. mgr /sls & distribution. Producer and distributor. 884183. Telex: 22447 FILMEX BG. Bojil Bojilov, deputy Producer and distributor. Producer dir. and distributor. Crawleys International Inc. 50 O'Connor St., Suite Paragon International. Suite 405, 260 Richmond St.. West- Toronto, Ont. Phone: (416) 595 -6300. Telex: Telerimpex/Bulgarian Television. 4 Dragan Tsankov 1611, Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2. Phone: (613) 234 -5688. 065- 28207. Isme Bennie, pres. Producer and distribu- Blvd., Sofia 1040. Phone: 6652- 69/6611 -21. Telex: Tamara Andruszkiewicz, gen mgr. Producer and tor. 22581 BT SOF BG. Todor Markov, dir. Producer and distributor. distributor. Ralph C. Ellis Enterprises Ltd. 1231 Yonge Street, Poly Spec Tele Video P.S.T.V. Inc. 3670 Provost, Ste. 201, Toronto, Ont. M4T 2T8. Phone: (416) Lachine, Que. H8T 3H8. Phone: (514) 637 -5821. VP. Canada 924 -2186. Telex: 06- 22435. Stephen R. Ellis, chmn. Telex: 05- 25134 -MTL PST. Jean -Marc Beaudoin, Distributor. Producer and distributor. Alberta Motion Picture Development Corp. Suite Premiere Television Inc. 2222, boul. Dorchester 820, 10020 - 101A Ave., Edmonton, Alb. T5J 3G2. Evergreen Raccoons Marketing Inc. 400 MacLaren Quest, Buriau 1, Montreal, Que. H3H 1R6. Phone: Phone: (403) 424 -8855. Lome MacPherson, pres. St., Ottawa, Ont. K2P OMB. Phone: (613) 238 -4455. (514) -3500. Jacques Payette, VP. Producer. Producer. Sheldon Wiseman, Ares. Producer. 932 Primedia Productions Ltd. 219 Front Street East, Alliance Entertainment Corp. 92 Isabella St., To- Feline Films Inc. 1230, Dr. Penfield, 204, Montreal, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1E8. Phone: (416) 361 -0306. Telex: ronto, Ont. M4Y 1N4; 360 Place Rayale, Montreal, Que. H3G 185. Phone: (514) 282 -2018. Telex: 055- 06- 22745. Pat Ferns, pres. Producer. Que. H2Y 2V1. Phone: (416) 967- 1174/(514) 844- 60302. Carmela Tutino, pres. Distributor. 3132. Telex: 06- 23775/05 -25828 Denis Herboux. Producers Group international. 38 Charles St. E, Festival Juste Pour Rire (Les Films Rozon Inc.). 63, Producer. Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1T1. Phone: (416) 972-0555. Telex: Prince -Arthur Est, Montreal, Que. H2X 184. Phone: 06- 984731. Charles Falzon, pres. Producer and Amazing Spirit Productions. 517 Wellington St. West, (514) 845-3155. Telex: 055 -61572. Gilbert Rozon, distributor. Suite 406, Toronto, Ont. M5V 1G1. Phone: (417) pres. Producer and distributor. 597 -8783. Telex: 07- 986766. Paul Stephens. exec Les Productions de la Capitale Inc. 35 rue Saint Inc. 4060 ouest, rue Ste. producer Producer and distributor. Fllmoption Internationale Andre, Suite 100, Quebec G1K 3Y1. Phone: (418) Suite 315, Montreal, Que. H3Z 2Z3. Phone: Catherine, 694 -9903. Michel Rodrigue, pres. Producer. Les Ateliers Du Cinema Quebecois Inc. 602, rue (514) 931 -6180. Telex: 055- 60680. Lizanne Rouillard, Notre -Dame, St- Lanbert, Que., J4P 2L1. Phone: (514) dir. Distributor. Productions Pedie -Pedía Inc. 353, rue St- Nicolas, 466 -2190. Jean Dansereau, producer. Producer. Suite 106, Montreal, Que. H2Y 2P1. Telex: 055- 62024. Les Films Cina Inc. 1207 St- Andre, Montreal, Que. Roger Morellec, producer. Producer. Atlantis Releasing Inc. Cinevillage, 65 Heward Ave., H2L 358. Phone: (514) 843.7070. Telex: 055 -62171. Toronto, Ont. M4M 2T5. Phone: (416) 462 -0016. Telex: Micheline Charest, pres. Producer and distributor. Productions Pixert Inc. 1755 Boul. Rene Levesque 06- 218923. Michael MacMillan, pres. Producer and est, (Bureau 102), Montreal, Que. H2K 4P6. Phone. distributor. Films Transit. 402 est, rue Notre Darne, Montreal, (514) 522 -8811. Jacquelin Bouchard, pres. Producer. Que. H2Y 1C8. Phone: (514) 844 -3358. Telex: 0500- CBC /Societe Radio-Canada (English Network). C.P. 60074. Jan Rofekamp, pres. Distributor. Les Productions via le Monde (Daniel Bertolino) 500 Succursale A, Toronto, Ont. M5W 1E6. Phone: Inc. 326 rue Saint Paul ouest, Montreal, Que. H2Y (416) 925 -3311. Telex: 062 17796. Dennis Harvey, Fremantle of Canada. 101 Duncan Mill Rd., Don Mills, 2A3. Phone: (514) 285 -1658. Telex: 055- 62243. Daniel VP TV net. Producer and distributor. Ont. M3B 1Z3. Phone: (416) 443 -9204. Telex: 98 -6562. Bertolino, pres. Producer and distributor. Randy Zalken, VP Producer and distributor. CBC /Societe Radio Canada (Roseau Francais). Rhombus International. 14 Belmont St., Toronto, 1400 est, Blvd. Rene-Levesque, Montreal, Que. H2L Group Coscient. 3405, Rue St- Urbain, Suite 200, Ont. M5R 1P8. Phone: (416) 962.9131, Telex: 063666. 2M2. Phone. (514) 597 -5970. Telex: 05 267 417. Montreal, Que. H2X 2N2. Phone: (514) 284 -2525. Sheena MacDonald, pres. Producer and distributor. Franklin Delaney, VP TV. Producer and distributor. Laurent Goudreau, pres. Producer and distributor. Societe de Radio Television du Quebec /Radio Canamedia Productions Ltd. 511 King St. West, Suite GRTD G. Ross Tele Distribution Inc. 435, St- Louis, Quebec. 800 rue Fullum, Montreal, Que. Phone: (514) Phone: -9678. 301, Toronto, Ont. M5V 1K4. Phone: (416) 591 -6612. Montreal, Que. H2Y 1A9. (514) 842 521 -2424. Telex: 05- 25808. Pierre Roy, VP progmg. Telex: 06 22080. Andrew Johnson, VP opns. Producer Gerald Ross, pres. Producer and distributor. Producer and distributor. and distributor. 1 Homer Thomas Howe Associates Ltd. -1226 St., Sogestalt 2001 Inc. 355, rue Ste -Catherine Quest, CBC Enterprises/Les Entreprises Radio- Canada. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2Y5. Phone: (604) 687 -4215. Suite 504, Montreal, Que. H3B 1A5. Phone: (514) Box 500, Stn. A., Toronto, Ont. M5W 1E6. Phone: (416) Telex: 04- 508654. Thomas Howe, pres. Producer and 845 -5131. Telex: 055 -62355. Ronald Pare, exec 975 -3500. Telex: 06- 218269. Lyse Larouche, gen distributor. producer. Producer and distributor. mgr. Producer and distributor. Ironstar Communications Inc. 65 Heward Ave., Specie! Video Inc. 355. rue Ste -Catherine O., Suite CBC Enterprises/Les Entreprises Radio-Canada. Toronto, Ont. M4M 2T5. Phone: (416) 466 -2522. Telex: 301, Montreal, Que. Phone: (514) 288 -5363. Telex: 218868. Derek McGillivray, pres. Producer and 415 Yonge St., 4th Floor; Box 500, Station A, Toronto, 06- 055- 62355. Daniel Harvey, VR. Producer. Ont. M5W 1E6. Phone: (416) 975 -3504. Telex: 06- distributor. 218269. Paul gen mgr. Producer and Sullivan Films Inc. 16 Clarence Square, Toronto, Cadieux, Lightscape Internatioal Ltd. Box 6135, Stn. A, distributor. Ont. M5V 1H1. Phone: (416) 597 -0029. Telex: 06- Toronto, Ont. M5W 1P5. Phone: (416) 465- 7726/925- 218692. Annette Frymer, dir of mktg. Distributor. Cimadis Inc. 825 rue Sherbrooke est, Montreal, Que. 8445. Harold Tschipper, pres. Producer and distribu- H2L 1K6. Phone: (514) 524 -2680. Telex: 055- 61586. tor. Tele -Metropole Inc. 1600 Blvd. de Maisonneuve est, Bernard Dagenais, pres. Producer and distributor. CFTM -TC Canal 10, C.P. 170, Succ. C, Montreal, Que. Lumisphere International, Ltd. 17, St. Joseph St., H2L 4P6. Phone: (514) 598- 2969/526 -9251. Telex: M4Y 18J. Phone: Cine- Contact Inc. 826 est de la Gauchetiere, Mon- Suite 258, Toronto, Ont. (416) 05- 267329 PLITMJPLMTL. Pierre Aumais, dir. Pro- Fournier, pres. treal, P. Que. H2L 2N2. Phone: (514) 849 -6294. Telex: 960-3280. Helene Producer and distri- ducer and distributor. 0525 -134 MTL. Michele Renaud -Molnar, pres.
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