',prT€.rtsnv Jo E]olC,,eql ur uorlEcrlqndrreql go ecue,,rpeur sed,{lolca1 Jo uoqcelaspJocel ot pup seu€u alcprlel ot s.rededgo selrJsJno sJnurtuocuorlnqutuoc srql uollJnpoJlul .,{le{EIg , .V ?9 uepretr4{octdstltssas y puc qlueg DJDJtdslqau ,uepr€tr4trttuosln[ .y '.qtueg sapotpaqda .V 'uapret\ s!sualptD8looJ y :sgureuSurtrolloJ eq] JoJpepJoJe.r ere suorlucr;rdflolcel.uortrppB uI urlsr?tr^trg .y ,(,(trurJlu ue1,.oJDluJo dsqnsstsuaw4otqtoi{ puE u,rou{un.}o) ullsEINry up,roJ 'urlsvl .Je^ .y,(.qluegelecrdsnlnu DdrDJo\iuox y { 4) ue,roC otzJpullKc DIlKqdoatals .V o} peteler) -V .y,ur1svt14 urlsEtAluB,^ oC rinBuls V'(qlueg saplotpaqda ot peteler)urTSeI ? up,roJ rpuodat .urlsul .dsqns -V,(.wqen1 uet oJ Dllolqn|od dsq\s oll{tldourJuo y l T ue,$oJ ow7n0 o Kqdotnau lluosuaqqlnTv ot petrler) .V,(8zt\J urts€I J? ue|/\oJ DJo^al l oUKqdorflra yol potBler)urts?r{ ? uet^oJ DJsaBuoJu|V'(uep\el/i. .y .^ou .tr.JS .qwor .urIseIN lluosLnl uo p3sBq) la T uE,roC (uoprEtr^l) ,urlsetrAtr tluostnI Je^pue urlsuINe uel o) otllold rp^ ? uE,ro710p1ad tero.tnauotalatl.y,(Ap>1u1g ry uoprBl\Ilrajsqa$ y ot pot€leJ,{lsnonuel) ullsel^I T u€,roJnsoqqlS V,(qluegDr auotalaq-V o! patElo])urtsutr ue^oJDlDlrnunpada .y,ullsEj,{ .y,(Tlentr .C l ? ? uB,{\oJsadtpxu.dsqns wxto|tasap l .V,(qlvegru oaut8towuponb yot pet€leJ)urTsrt{ 2ttuE^\oJ Dsslwap auopJaq yo} petele:)urtsB1,a{ uB,{|oJ 'urtsutr .dsqns 'ultsEl T) D)lrpuut) y J 4) ue,roJ sr,raau11 fluosuaqqfiJ.y I ry ule/{io}J7UDI 'dsqns .V,(u\selNDuolsawrf.y pur ur1sey41ryuu,tro3 rsr;ia dsqnsstsuarp.utSlooc ot petelel) urls€tr{ uB^\oJDiDlltlwD y:epeu T uorlEurquoc,rau euo pup pasodorderu uxrl uelle4SnVulelseiN,treu 0Z 'rell.Iuepeqlrcs€p .(S66I) sercedsp:e,res;o uo4elturrlepaq1 8ur,(glJEIJ ol lueprJuroJ Z9-gI :(I) '(e€eprosorurw 0I EIS],{nN €llBllsnv uretsal&ur :eEsoulua8el) aon11lln|uorytas f,ltsoul,r?rDryJo uxEl paqucsepFlsnor^eJd uo seloupue exul ,l,i?N .0T,{usllocsrj,,{ ,/JDry urls€tr^{.U.g pue .S.U ,up,roJ pBrlsqY ,ouoJ .tOI z9t9 r?{ejlsnvure}se/d xog od 'lueue3DueI .unueqeH I pw1 pueuoqr^rosuo) Jo tueuluudeo mrlBrtsnvualse/d .s.d urtsEhtru.g puEuu^roc BJIErlsnYuralsea\ u.r '(eBapJosourrtr\l ( :eBsoulun8el) aD.rolfqnI' uollres fpsoru DrrDrV Jo exPJl paqlrlsap ,{1sno.r,ra.rduo selou puB exEl ^raN .0I fuBlJe)s!tr\l,rrmy G66t) Z9-SI:(t) 0r rrst{nN R NuytsiaVol. 10,No. I (1995) Methods AC as SI of the /ext. The text is comprisedof descriptionsof new taxa,discussions and noteson Arrangement el representingindividual taxa, previously describedtaxa andlectotypifications ofnames. The binomials qr informal groupingsof taxa,are arranged in alphabeticalorder' Taxa aswell as thoseused to designate 9- within the three informal groups that are recognizedhere, namely, the A. heteroneura group, the A. multispicata group and the A. neurophylla group,are also orderedalphabetically. ln m the Taxonomic rank.lt is perhapsuseful to comment on our approachto the application of rank to el journal, "Flora taxa describedhere and in forthcoming issuesof the as well as in the of Australia" le possible assignmentof tteatmel,tof Acacia. Absolute consistencyin this regard is not b€causethe lo group of rank is largely a subjectiyeexercise dependent on onesknowledge of the relevanttaxa. In a ni such magnitude as the genusAcacia the problem is compounded. Our basicpremise is that taxa are et biological entitieswith an evolutionaryhistory; they shouldexhibit geographicintegdty and havemore discontinuities. Assessmentof the impo anca of these moryhologic or less distinct morphologic T to our determinationof rank. differencescontributes heavily 5( For a population or populationsto be accordedspecies recognition we would wish thereto be one featuresin both the vegetative reproductive systems. However, for practical or more distinct and sl reasonswhich are noted below we have not always beenable to realize this ideal. We have usedthe categoriesof subspeciesand variety to call attentionto degrcesof distinctnessofpopulations within hi the species.Furthermore, we have attemptedto indicatevariation within taxaby recognizinginfbrmal AI entities, referred to as variants. The reasonfor not formally recognizing thesevariants is the very n( considerabletime andefforl, especiallyin field studiesoverlong distances,that is requkedto distinguish n( and rank theentitiesreliably. Moreover, recognitionof informal vari-antsidentifies research iu opportunitiesfor future botanists. nl ol bibliographic consequencesand Becausethe determination of rank has its nomenclatural and dr any more than absolutelynecessary, we have becausewe preferrednot to changecurrent nomenclature SI ( 1) the rank we bave accordednew taxa (our taxa taken a conservativeapproach. This is evincedby: l, might be tueatedat a level higher by someworkers); (2) the fact that we have commonly adoptedthe 2, rank and namesused by earlierauthors, particularly for species;and (3) our having rccognizedYariants, p' rather than giving thesea formal rank II IE Typification. Our approachto typification is discussedelsewhere (Maslin & Cowan, in press). ir b Consen)ationstatus. We have assessedconseNation statusof taxa included in this tr€atmentusing te the criteria outlined on page 141 of this journal. 6 Measltrements. All measurementsand obseryationswere made from dried specimensunless stated P otherwise. J. P l, Descriptions and notes N 1. Acacia ampliata Cowan & Maslin, sp. tlov. L I Frutex vel arbuscula2-5 m alta, cortice cinereo longitudinaliter et subtiliter fissurato. Ramuli subteretes,modice flexuosi, appresso-puberuli.Stipulae caducae. Phyllodia lineari-elliptica ad lineiuia, 'Pl III 'Erlultsnv '(B,relinl uletseft\ tsor'qtnos I Jo lse,rqUou qUou uI{ 001 r) rfu1u1ec1oo33oqlnos urorl uorlr.lloo ouo qlr,{\puu E3Jeu.rslln1{ sql ol pelJrrlsel uotlllqlJ$le '(HJuad) ',{\eue8ult'{ llgt uusow y €' sprv.{\olB.rallnli{ rllo4 rul t 9 :(Hldgd) 99uus,tw A g'trcue8uryl spJe,rolr,rollntrAl mo{ [ur{ 8 t] qulwwnC selrrrjg :(HIdAd) tgIZ f V',rauaSurt\trsprE,rot E.4\allnw Jo S lru)l I 9] selrurZ E :(HJdgd qloq) q€€6I puE€€t6I 3u11u1un)[A'Etellnj JoA [ur{8 SI] salrur8 6:(HIdAd) 6fILWoag St '8.{BlulEclooJ Jo S :(HIUAd 609t,tSqsV hl V tol sdultqd g puu (HIdAd) 60gl tqqsv W V'repurd p: spru,\\ole,rellnhtrJo A [LDl9I r] selur0t J:VIIVXISnV N\IAJSIL { paulwDxasuaxulrads D4tO '(i) ueplo8'paploJ-qcnru'Funurel 3r 'eBrDl 'podlrqs-n luu :otnuru eloerp :BerBalrq,r {Freu;o e4uec ut pelEcol ruBJSoJneld:{t€[q u,rolq 'apr,r '8uo1qo-rqdr1le Uup'^urqs'Irrq] urur9 l-I urur9 E-t'8uol ruurg-9 i o1cqd111e ,41epr,r'spod ur peBue.ue,{llvurpnlr8uol sp?as sJrrq-urseru,{\orq-per qtr^\ snolnreqnd-pesse:ddu,{lelnurur'u,^ oiq-per 'snonJrdsuoJ 'pelJeu 'pe,unc 'snoec4snJc 'epr,{\ sa,ueuurBur Z Jo I ,{leurpnlr8sol d11q3qs pleq tuur '3uo1 'spees '.reeull-{crql 9-9 uro I I ot uee,rteqpatculsuoJ Foqgrls pue re,\o posrpJ ,rpod snoln:aqnd 's 'a^Jeu 'snoln.raqnd'peltun-y7g-g77 -pessarddr,{:e,t[ls f,-nra6 pesserddussel.ro a.roul slrEq eql uo tseellp 'papuedxe s7o7ao|d4uo sruq urseru,rorq-pel qI,{\ snolueqnd luq,,neurosxede qtr,{\ luaurl 'pstrun-Z/I ul 'qt8ual y1g-711slodag snoloru g .rra,rolC 'slluq-urser ulroJq-pal peleltDcsqtr,$ pue edrts lu1ad a1 elu8uoleo1 se13ue lq8u tEuunuDl eql 'snolruaqnd'etBlledqns 01 elulnqluds seloelcurq :parer' olJ ,(lesuep '.ur€rp 'ueplo8 'pro8uolqo 'perrud pr ruur S-L'3uo1ruu 7y 6 o1pr osdrlle ,{lepr,tr ueq,r Jeqloaqt eroL?q euo '8uol 'epou Surmtuurspeeq :uruq-urser u,rorq-pelJo seqcludq1r,tr pue snolnreqndpessuddu ulru 6-S g '€lncsqo rcd 7 rc 1 sa|cunpal epelqJo osEqrEeu puElSiapBtq oqt Jo ssou{cql eqt u€ql lepuorq puu 'pesruJ '1e1p:ed 'snojournu qr snoncrdsuocseAJ€u IuurSmtu eql ,{lsnoncrdsuote^leuprru eql ,{lesolc se,uou '3uol 'se,u?u q1 :snolnreqndpessejddu ultu g Z-Z snur^lnd:dr]paue{crql qlr,r etnc?xedE :snocnDl8qns 'po^rncur '3urp(eJSD ,{. uae,rtaqluecselqclS lnq snolnreqndpesserddu ,{leJnJsqo uouo elour ot tq8r€Jls 'pI8u'epr,.\\ '3uo1 'lPaurl IE urtu 9-g urJ 6l-8 o1c4d1y1e tEeur| sapon[qd snoJnpBosalndrls s;req ul urse.ru,rorq per qlr,r pels€,\ur,{lesuep ql,{\olS ,{\eN sJrBq-srsaru,$oJq pe:Io seqcludperettucs qlr,\\ 'uoqs 'esonxeU 'peqqr:,{pq8rls EI pas:ads:e1ursrrrq ,4JoAIrs qlr,r snolnreqndpesse:ddu lvq,ratuos uago 'eteJelgns ',{er8 lr s]alqouD)g 1:uq pernssr;flaur; ,{1uurpn1r8uol qgr.tr11u1 tu g-7 aatt DLusro qn)qs el '(AN 't&SN ''Iaht') 'C 'SNVC :osr:It8Z9I00 HIdAd :otoq)6/09 ullsDw Ag'186IJequacacrl'Drlurtsnvuretse1!\',traue8ur141o1puo:uou,re11n1t1gogru1g:snd,t-. ol J, (a)oernu'rl€ururet'osourunJo^ le e- olurrld-q1nuro1lrru 'elnurru lu p1y1ed aloe;e 'uqlrqns Eeruur EururerSorneld'el8ru oeuuruq,ols:1eeprtru 'ertrssurJ 'Dtul 'l78uolqo-ocqd11ye 'DtlDurpntr8uol J( ruur g I-l urur g t g'E8uol ruru g g g pe ecqdqle otul J( Eu[u?S sreuun]q-o:qn:srlrd urnc srln:oqnd-osse:ddeelnurru '€lu^leu lotrl€urpnlrFuol'BtsAJnr Jelr,\el 'DecDtsnJc-oJnp'ulul 'Eurures ..1 urur ]a vBuolurt pe J€lurulaulsuoc JelrAeJ le vururese:dns u1u,lelo 9-g I I el 'Er-ruourJ-osseJceururnBel urnlruoqnd-ossordderunelueSru urnuu,tO eIrueqnd-ossarddea,lsnurur 'uluuuoc-y7g-977 'uleuuoc-771 snld r:F1e.1srsredsp sreuunjq-orqnr srlrd le elnreqnd 'e1u1nq1uds-uueuq 'equunbeu selrudrp]3d t/E-Z/l aurpnlrSuolvledeg rJeu-S selolC onbsrsourselsreuunJq oJqnl srlrd 'squlnqlpds'srtElrdqs 'snquolj 'oJteur€rp 'ae8uol el 1estyn:eqnd oBuolsrloetcurq esuep urur g-1 unu 71 6 'e?ornu'auopro8uolqo pe 'r3uo1 '€llrxE E' eeeplosdrlle-olulrlnlrduc :rtnleqnd osse;dde uru 6-9 E enbonb 't 'sJnJsqo 'o1e ur Z uesEq adord evurruBl epuEl?:osuudxegt€l tpur8reur o,l]eu ,ta1e [eA I Ilncunped u encrdsuocorpeur o,rleu 'srlallBrpd3IJJE 'srsoJeurnu srr.rEpuoces srue,t ercr;redns enbonb ur ,srtnplSqns 'snqrluacse:qu13 'sq€^Jncur .snqrluapueJSu pes slynreqndosse:ddu etncsqo enburn.te1dle^ srlcel 'srpr8u'srtul 'sr8uol 'o1rueqnd-osse:ddu'o8uol urur9-€ urJ 6l-8 siurluel uru g 7-7 our,tlnd'u1nce 0t {uxfia]srw,rrrry'urrsvlr'\trU g pu?ur^\o) S { NuytsiaVol. l0,No. I (1995) R. rel Habitat. In mallee scrub on light brown loam, sandyloan and red or orangesand' 1.: August' rit Flotveringtnd periods Flowering specimenshave been collected in April' June' Jruiting ln mature seedshaYe been collected in mid-December' October and December; ter readily Affinities.
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