Raceway Project Gets State, -SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME Occasional fog and period! el rain or drizzle today, Ugh la THEflMLY mid 4th Gradual clearing to> night, low In upper tOs. Fair Red Bank, Freehold FINAL and cool tomorrow, Ugh around Long Branch 59. Sunday'* outlook, fair and J mild. Copyrlght-The Red Badk Register, Inc. 1967. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS Paid it B*4 Bank and at Additions MtlllnK offices. VOL. 89, NO. 200 Iiiuod dalljr, Monday torourh Friday. Second dm Poitagt FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Bus Bill Amendment Fight Looms TRENTON (AP) — A behind- easier to administer." County Residents Testify the cost of transporting parochial from state and local funds. the-scenes battle was shaping Feldman made the comment (See Page 26.) and private school pupils. Several Assemblyman Joseph Woodcock up today on the ultimate form of after listening to more than 100 witnesses characterized the mea-a Bergen County Republian, pro- Gov. Richard J. Hughes' contro- witnesses in two days of public way," a source close to the com-sure as in need of an overhaul. posed eliminating the mileage fac- versial private and parochial hearings on the bill. mittee said of the bill. Monstrosity tor altogether. Woodcock said school busing bill. The measure would entitle pri- But the source added it was "It's poorly conceived, hastily there should be a maximum cost Several members of the Senvat- e and parochial school stu- unlikely an anti-discrimination promoted and (an administration for busing private and parochial ate Education Committee were dents to free transportation to clause demanded by a number monstrosity," declared Dr. Harschoo- l students equal to the per known to favor substantial amend- their schools up to 20 miles from of witnesses at the hearings would mon V. Wade, superintendent of capita cost of busing public ments to the Assembly-approved their homes at public expense. be included in it. the Bridgewater Raritan Regional school students within the same bill, particularly with regard to Limit Is Issue The bill will be the subject of School District. district. the 29-mile maximum free ride However, Sen. Ned J- Parse- discussion between Hughes and Wade said his district has 9,- Feldman said later there wasn't limit. kian, a Bergen County Demo- Democratic leaders before the 000 students, of whom 7,100 aremuch chance of the Education But Chairman Matthew Feld- crat, and some Republican com- Legislature meets Monday. bused at a cost of $457,000 a Committee adopting Woodcock's man, D-Hergen, all but ruled out mittee members are known to The 20-mile free service limit year. proposal. the possibility of any substantial have reservations on the 20-mile was attacked throughout the hear- Wade proposed lowering the Meanwhile, the Hughes admin- amendment, saying that the only limit. ings by a number, of witnesses 20-mile limit and letting private istration stuck to its estimate changes possible are "technical "There's no question that it'll and organizations. Under the bill, and parochial, schools do their that the measure would cost no ones which would make the bill have to be amended-in some the state would pay 75 per cent of own busing with reimbursement more than a total of $8 million. To Discuss Report With Owner Y0UN9 HERPETOLOGIST — Alan Hook, right, poset with a large snake (kin that was part of hit grand prize winning display at the seventh gradV science fair ar Airport Talks Knollwood School, Fair Haven, last night. With him are Richard Mekenian and Mrs. Marion Hamilton, seventh grade science teachers. (Story, Page 2.) FREEHOLD — Freeholder Director Joseph C. recommendations on the preliminary report within not get Ut, Brown's airport on Rt. 34 at a "reason- (Register Staff Photo] Irwin said yesterday he will meet with Edward I. a month so that a final document can be prepared. able price," It should' buy an undeveloped, unas- Brown, owner of Monmouth Airport, Wall Township, "I don't want Mr. Brown to fhink we are sembled, 675-acre tract in New Shrewsbury. next week to discuss a site selection study report fighting him," said Mr. Irwin, explaining to re- While both sites were predicted to show losses that recommended the county buy his airport. porters the reason for next week's meeting. until 1980, the New Shrewsbury tract, it was esti- During a press conference, Mr. Irwin released "I can't see why a mutual arrangement can't mated would top Monmouth Airport net income of a preliminary study, reported in an exclusive be reached with him," said Mr. Irwin. He made $133,000 by $42,000 with 100 per cent county oper- Raceway Plans Clear Daily Register account Tuesday, recommending no mention of possible county condemnation ac- ation. that the freeholders take immediate action to ac- tion, a weapon once mentioned by the freeholders Both sites, it was predicted, would bring in quire Mr. Brown's airport if a fair price can be as an ultimate means of taking the Wall field. less revenue under a fixed-base operator program fixed. No decision has been reached yet, he con- whereby the county would lease its facilities to a State, Local Hurdles To be eligible for 55 per cent Federal Aviation tinued, on how the airport would be operated, private contractor. By 1980, New Shrewsbury reve- Administration aid this year, Mr. Irwin said, the either 100 per cent by the county or with a fixed- nue' would be $122,000 less, and Wall, $102,000 less, FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — The commission also approved Chairman William Benas- board must reach a site decision by Wednesday, base operator. than with a full'county, operation, it was estimated. Freehold Raceway got past its the appointment of Jack Loome, si opened the meeting to public April 26. The study by Porter, Armstrong, Ripa and As- The study represents a limited development last legal hurdle on the road to general manager of Bowie thor- comments just before the board The freeholders are expected to make their sociates,.-Newark, advised that if the county could plan for a county airport, said, Mr.- Irwin. '•'. a (750,000 track expansion proj- oughbred track in Maryland, as went into executive session to <See AIRPORT. Pg. 3, Col. 7) ect last night. general manager at Freehold make its final decision. The five member Township He succeeds John Croninwho re- Objections Raised Board of Adjustment unanimous- signed recently. ~ Gilbert Landre of Gordon's ly gave its approval for a vari- The proposed new track wil Corner Rd. urged the group to ance application to permit the be widened to about 80 feet and delay decision on the matter to May Get Clojixiiiiiter AnthAirport Code raceway to realign and widen realigned on the present site allow for additional public hear- the racing oval. more closely parallel to Rt. 9,ings. Yetterday the track also re- and only 40 feet from the road- "I understand this application ceived the official blessing of the way. includes lighting for.night rac- Repeal Action Voted New Jersey Racing Commission The variance was required be- ing" Mr. Landis said, "am} as for the project. The Commission cause of a township ordinance elected and appointed officials, of Tax Lifted |f NEW SHREWSBURY - Bor- .Section 26 of the ordinance — has been pressing the track own- requiring a 200 foot highway set- this town you have a duty to. ough Council last night had sec-the portion the new ordinance ers to expand facilities primar- back. carry out the will of the people; By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON If the injunction is granted, no taxes ond thoughts about the contro- would repeal— reads: "No land ily for the safety of horses. Prior to the board's final de- who came out against night NEW YORK - O. John Rogge, could be collected pending an anticipated versial anti-airport ordinance or building , shall hereafter be Presently, only six horses can cision, Ronald C. Weyer, assis- racing." special counsel engaged by the American . appeal by the state and city to the U. S. used not shall any building be adopted after considerable dis- constructed,, occupied, designed fit across the 43 foot wide track tant secretary to the State Rac- While the state was approving Commuters Association to knock out New Supreme Court. If the injunction is denied, cussion at a stormy council meet- at .the start of races, with two ing Commission told the board the night racing referendum on York state and city non-resident income - said Mr. Mitzner, the ACA will appeal to or used for an airport, airdrome, horses stuck in the back row. the commission was very'anx- last November's ballot, resi- taxes, said yesterday that a halt to col- the highest court in the country.. , , ing Feb. 2. landing, strip'or for other ac- Normal racing practice is to line ious for the track to get the dents of both the township and lections might be possible by July of this . The theory of the suit is that New Mayor John E. Lemon Jr. wascommodations for servicing the op eight horses abreast. approval. Freehold Borough voted against year. York denies non-resident taxpayers all put squarely on the spot when landing or. takeoff of airplanes the proposal by a substantial Bernard M. Mitzner, Mlddletown, ACA benefits made possible by the tax. Mr. the. council deadlocked three and aircraft of all kinds, includ- margin. president, said Mr. Rogge, a former as- Mitzner said the state revenue is ear- votes to three last night on aning helicopters or lighter-than- Mr.
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