5524 THE LONDON GAZETTE; OCTOBER 8, 1897* Re JAMES HOULDSWORTH Deceased. tribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the OTICE, is hereby given that all creditors and other persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims N persons having any claims or demands against the and demands of which they shall then have had notice estate of James Houldsworth Esquire late of 36 Queen's- and they will not be liable for the assets of the said gate London and Coltness Wishaw N.B. deceased (who deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person died on the 8th day of September 1897 and whose will or persons of whose claims and demands they shall not with a codicil thereto was proved in the Principal then have had notice.—Dated this 4th day of .October Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High 1897. Court of Justice on the 30th day of September 1897 by BORLASE MILTON and BORLASE Penzance Mrs. Katharine Jane Houldsworth James Hamilton Solicitors for the said Executors. Honldsworth Esqaire Walter James Houldsworth Esquire the Reverend Henry Walter McGrath Sir Christopher MATTHEW NELLESS Deceased. Robert Lighten and Captain Ernest Frederic Sulivan Pursuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Vic. cap. 35 the executors therein named) are hereby required to intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Pro- send the particulars in writing of their claims or demands perty and to relieve Trustees." to James Logan of the Coltness Estate Office Coltness NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other Wishaw N.B. on or before the 30th day of November persons having any claims or demands against the 1897 after which date the said executors will proceed to estate of Matthew Nelless late of Spital Dene Farm of distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the North Shields in the county of Northumberland, Farmer, persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims deceased (who died on the 8th day of September 1897 and demands of which they shall then have had notice and of whose personal estate letters of administration and they will not be liable for the assets of the said were granted by Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any Newcastle-upon-Tyne District Registry on the 23rd day person or persons of whose claims or demands they of September 1897 to Henry Christopher Nelless the shall not then have had notice.—Dated this f fth day of brother and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased) October 1897. are hereby required to send in particulars in writing HARGROVE and CO. 16 Victoria-street, West- of such claims or demands to me the undersigned on minster Solicitors to the Executors. or before the llth day of November 1897 after which date the said administrator will proceed to distribute Re ELIZABETH GELL Deceased. the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Vic. cap. 35. entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other demands of which he shall then have had notice and N persons having any claims or demands against the said administrator will not be liable for the assets of the estate of Elizabeth Gell deceased late of Yew Tree the said deceased or any part thereof so distributed to Farm Burnage-lane Withington in the county of Lan- any person or persons of whose claims or demands he caster (who died on the 23rd day of October 1896 and shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 6th day of whose will was proved in the Principal Probate Registry October 1897. Of the High Court of Justice on the 8th day of Septem- AUGUSTUS WHITEHORN 60 Sayille - street ber 1897 by Robert Gell and Martha Gell the executors North Shields, Solicitor for the said Adminis- therein named) are required to send particulars thereof tator. in writing to us the undersigned on or before the 6th day of November 1897 after which date the said Re FRANK BELL, Deceased. executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Pursuant to 22 and 23 Vic. cap. 35. said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto OTICE is hereby given, that persons having claims having regard only to those claims and demands of N against the estate of Frank Bell, late of 32, Oxford- which notice shall have been received and they will not road, Canonbury, deceased, who died on twenty-second be liable for the assets of the said deceased or any July last and whose will was proved in the Principal part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High whose claims and demands they shall not then have had Court of Justice on 25th ultimo, are hereby required to notice.—Dated this 6th day of October 1897. send particulars of their claims to the undersigned by BROWN and CO. Stockport Solicitors for the said 23rd instant, after which the executors will distribute Executors. the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they then THOMAS WARDLE Deceased. have had notice.—Dated this 4th day of October. 1897. Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 2.) Viet. cap. 35 s. 29. ROSA BELL. A LL creditors and others having any claims against A. or to the estate of Thomas Wardle late of Harrop's-buildings Soothill and formerly of Marsden Re EMMA HAMILTON Deceased. both in the county of York Miner deceased (who died on OTICE is hereby given pursuant to Statute 22nd the twenty-sixth day of. August 1897 and administration N and 23rd Viet. cap. 35 that all persons having any of whose personal estate and effects was on the twenty- claims against the estate of Emma Hamilton late of fourth day of September 1897 granted by the Wakefield the Laburnams Lime Grove, New Maiden in the county District Registry of the Probate Division of Her of Surrey, who died on the 21st day of July 1S97 and to Majesty's High Court of Justice to Mark Wardle of whose estate letters of administration was granted by Longnor in the county of Stafford Labourer) are hereby the Principal Registry to James Osborne the natural and required to send particulars in writing of their claims to lawful Father and next-of-kin on the 14th day. of the undersigned Edward Brooke Wilson the Solicitor for September 1S97, are requested to send particulars in the said Mark Wardle on or before the sixth day of writing of such claims to the undersigned before the. November 1897 after which date the said Mark Waidle 22nd day of October 1897, after which date the adminis- will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Thomas trator will distribute the assets among the persons Wardle amongst the persons entitled thereto having entitled having regard only to the claims of which he regard to the claims of which the said Mark Wardle has shall then have had notice.—Dated this Cth day of then notice and he will not be liable for the assets or October 1897. any part thereof so distributed to any person cf whose PETHERICK and SONS Town'Hall Exmcuth claim he shall not then 'have had notice at the time of Solicitors to the Administrator. distribution.—Dated the sixth day of September 1897. The Reverend ROBERT SNOWDOWN Deceased. EDWARD B. WILSON Mirfield Solicitor. •Pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Victoria chap. 35. JOHN LAITY Deceased, OTICE is hereby given that all persons having any Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rd Victoria N claims or demands against the estate of the Reverend chapter 35 intituled " An Act to further amend the Robert Snowdown' late of 26 Grove-green-road Ley- Law of Property and to relieve Trustees." tonstone in the county of Essex deceased (who died intes- OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other tate on the 16th day of August 1897 and to whose estate N persons haying any claims or demands upon or letters of administration were on the 1st day of October against the the estate of John Laity late of Goldsithney 1897 granted by Her Majesty's High Court of Justice .at in the parish of Perranuthnoe in the county of Cornwall the Principal Probate Registry thereof to Catherine Gentleman deceased (who died on the 6th day of April Snowdown the lawful Widow of the said deceased) are- 1897 and whose will was proved in the District Registry hereby required to send particulars of their claims and at Bodmin of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's demands to me the undersigned as Solicitor for the High Court of Justice on the 23rd day of September administratrix on or before the 10th day of November 1897 by Silas Hood. Laity of Gears St. Hilary Cornwall 1897 after which date the administraiix will proceed to Farmer and Thomas Laity of Trerose Mawnan Cornwall distribute the assets having rrgard only tp the claims of Farmer the executors therein named) are hereby required which she shall then have had notice.—Dattd this 4th to send the particulars in writing of their claims or day of October 1897. demands to us the undersigned as Solicitors to the said DRURY FREEMAN 124 Chancery-lane London executors on or before the llth day of November 1897 or Lilac Ho.use Leyton Essex or 10:Manor- after which date the said executors will proceed to dis- terrace Lea Bridge-road.Leyton •E'-sex..
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