West Nile virus (WNV) activity in humans and mosquitos Summary of 2018 Following is a summary of human cases, animals, birds and mosquitos positive for WNV by location for 2018. In 2018, 147 human cases of West Nile Fever (WNF) were reported in Israel, of which 62 were suspected*. As expected, most of the morbidity occurred during the summer and autumn months, with over 50 patients in August alone. The level of morbidity was higher than the 2011-2017 average. Most of the patients this year resided in the Coastal Plain area. The distribution of patients by district was: North (19), Haifa (38), Central (54), Tel- Aviv (27), Jerusalem (1) and South (8). A significant increase was noted in the number of infected animals as compared to the last few years. אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 In 2018, WNV infected mosquitos were found in 42 locations in the country. In the middle of June in the Valley of Springs at the Northern District and in Yehuda Plains; in July, in the Jordan Rift Valley in addition to the Valley of Springs and in Rehovot area, in August, in the Jerusalem area and in the Coastal Plain; in September, in the Galilee, the Hula Valley, in the Jerusalem area and in the Coastal Plain; in October, in the Arabah Valley and in the Samaria area; and in November, in the Arabah Valley. * A "suspected" human case refers to a patient whose lab test results indicate a possibility of infection with WNV. A human "confirmed" case refers to a patient whose lab test results show a definite infection with WNV. The final definition status of a case patient who initially was diagnosed as "suspected" may be changed to "confirmed" due to additional lab test results that were obtained over time. אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 Table 1: Positive test results for WNV in humans by location: Date sample Diagnostic status Locality No. Locality Chamber received in lab according to lab 1 Umm Al-Fahm 15/10/2018 Confirmed Natanya 2 Or Yehuda 25/07/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Or Aqiva 12/08/2018 Suspected Hadera 3 Or Aqiva 02/09/2018 Suspected Hadera 4 Oranit 06/09/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa 5 Azor 28/05/2018 Suspected Tel aviv 6 Elat 12/08/2018 Confirmed Beer Sheva 7 Elyakhin 25/06/2018 Confirmed Natanya 8 I'billin 09/01/2018 Suspected Akko Ashdod 22/07/2018 Confirmed Ashqelon 9 Ashdod 26/12/2018 Suspected Ashqelon Baqa Al-Gharbiyye 14/08/2018 Confirmed Hadera 10 Baqa Al-Gharbiyye 23/09/2018 Suspected Hadera 11 Binyamina-Giva'at Ada 29/08/2018 Suspected Hadera 12 Bizzaron 12/01/2018 Suspected Ashqelon Bene Beraq 15/07/2018 Suspected Tel aviv Bene Beraq 30/07/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Bene Beraq 12/09/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv 13 Bene Beraq 21/09/2018 Suspected Tel aviv Bene Beraq 16/09/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Bene Beraq 29/10/2018 Suspected Tel aviv 14 Basma 27/09/2018 Confirmed Hadera 15 Bazra 19/08/2018 Confirmed Natanya אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 Table 1: Positive test results for WNV in humans by location - continued: Date sample Diagnostic status Locality No. Locality Chamber received in lab according to lab 16 Bat Yam 27/08/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv 17 Giv'at Hayyim (Ihud) 17/04/2018 Suspected Natanya Gan Yavne 07/08/2018 Confirmed Rehovot 18 Gan Yavne 19/08/2018 Confirmed Rehovot 19 Gan Ner 12/09/2018 Suspected Afula 20 Dimona 19/08/2018 Confirmed Beer Sheva Herzliyya 02/07/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Herzliyya 20/07/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv 21 Herzliyya 26/07/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Herzliyya 12/08/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Herzliyya 19/08/2018 Confirmed Tel aviv Zikhron Ya'aqov 29/07/2018 Confirmed Hadera 22 Zikhron Ya'aqov 05/08/2018 Suspected Hadera Zikhron Ya'aqov 08/08/2018 Confirmed Hadera Hadera 27/06/2018 Suspected Hadera Hadera 04/07/2018 Confirmed Hadera Hadera 15/07/2018 Confirmed Hadera Hadera 25/07/2018 Confirmed Hadera 23 Hadera 02/08/2018 Suspected Hadera Hadera 22/08/2018 Suspected Hadera Hadera 26/08/2018 Suspected Hadera Hadera 12/09/2018 Suspected Hadera Hadera 20/09/2018 Suspected Hadera אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 Table 1: Positive test results for WNV in humans by location - continued: Date sample Diagnostic status Locality No. Locality Chamber received in lab according to lab 24 Holon 07/10/2018 Suspected Tel aviv Haifa 13/03/2018 Suspected Haifa Haifa 28/06/2018 Suspected Haifa 25 Haifa 29/06/2018 Suspected Haifa Haifa 13/09/2018 Confirmed Haifa Haifa 15/10/2018 Suspected Haifa 26 Tiberias 18/11/2018 Suspected Kinneret 27 Tayibe 07/11/2018 Suspected Natanya 28 Tire 16/08/2018 Confirmed Natanya 29 Tirat Karmel 28/10/2018 Suspected Haifa 30 Yanuh-Jat 27/08/2018 Confirmed Akko 31 Yad Hanna 29/08/2018 Confirmed Natanya Yehud 16/07/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa 32 Yehud 27/08/2018 Suspected Petah-tiqwa Yehud 27/08/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa 33 Yaziz 13/09/2018 Suspected Ramla 34 Yarhiv 20/09/2018 Suspected Ramla 35 Kisra-Sumei 03/09/2018 Suspected Akko 36 Kefar Hess 30/04/2018 Suspected Natanya 37 Kefar Habad 11/06/2018 Confirmed Ramla Kefar Yona 19/07/2018 Confirmed Natanya 38 Kefar Yona 27/08/2018 Confirmed Natanya Kefar Yona 14/10/2018 Confirmed Natanya אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 Table 1: Positive test results for WNV in humans by location - continued: Date sample Diagnostic status Locality No. Locality Chamber received in lab according to lab Kefar Sava 13/08/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa 39 Kefar Sava 20/09/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa Lod 09/08/2018 Confirmed Ramla 40 Lod 23/08/2018 Suspected Ramla Lod 17/09/2018 Confirmed Ramla 41 Maggal 23/07/2018 Confirmed Hadera Modi'in-Makkabbim-Re'ut 23/07/2018 Suspected Ramla 42 Modi'in-Makkabbim-Re'ut 10/10/2018 Suspected Ramla Modi'in-Makkabbim-Re'ut 19/11/2018 Suspected Ramla 43 Modi'in Illit 06/09/2018 Confirmed Ramla 44 Mazor 08/08/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa Mazkeret Batya 16/08/2018 Confirmed Rehovot 45 Mazkeret Batya 27/08/2018 Confirmed Rehovot 46 Ma'alot-Tarshiha 26/09/2018 Suspected Akko 47 Mattan 26/08/2018 Suspected Petah-tiqwa Nahariyya 26/02/2018 Suspected Akko 48 Nahariyya 04/07/2018 Confirmed Akko 49 Nizzan 16/09/2018 Confirmed Ashqelon Nazerat Illit 25/07/2018 Confirmed Afula 50 Nazerat Illit 30/08/2018 Confirmed Afula Netanya 13/08/2018 Suspected Natanya 51 Netanya 20/08/2018 Confirmed Natanya Netanya 30/08/2018 Confirmed Natanya 52 Adi 15/08/2018 Confirmed Akko 53 Omer 03/10/2018 Suspected Beer Sheva 54 Ein Mahal 19/11/2018 Suspected Nazareth אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 Table 1: Positive test results for WNV in humans by location - continued: Date sample Diagnostic status Locality No. Locality Chamber received in lab according to lab 55 En Sarid 27/08/2018 Suspected Natanya Afula 26/08/2018 Suspected Afula 56 Afula 11/11/2018 Confirmed Afula Pardes Hanna-Karkur 27/08/2018 Suspected Hadera 57 Pardes Hanna-Karkur 04/07/2018 Confirmed Hadera Pardes Hanna-Karkur 19/08/2018 Confirmed Hadera Petah Tiqwa 16/08/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa Petah Tiqwa 05/09/2018 Suspected Petah-tiqwa 58 Petah Tiqwa 16/09/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa Petah Tiqwa 06/11/2018 Confirmed Petah-tiqwa 59 Zurit 20/08/2018 Suspected Akko 60 Zerufa 11/10/2018 Suspected Hadera Qalansawe 20/08/2018 Suspected Natanya 61 Qalansawe 06/09/2018 Suspected Natanya 62 Qiryat Atta 23/08/2018 Confirmed Haifa Qiryat Bialik 23/07/2018 Suspected Haifa 63 Qiryat Bialik 25/09/2018 Confirmed Haifa Qiryat Bialik 27/11/2018 Suspected Haifa Qiryat Motzkin 08/10/2018 Confirmed Haifa 64 Qiryat Motzkin 29/10/2018 Confirmed Haifa 65 Rosh Haayin 23/08/2018 Suspected Petah-tiqwa Rishon Leziyyon 28/06/2018 Confirmed Rehovot Rishon Leziyyon 06/06/2018 Confirmed Rehovot 66 Rishon Leziyyon 20/08/2018 Confirmed Rehovot Rishon Leziyyon 03/09/2018 Confirmed Rehovot Rishon Leziyyon 03/09/2018 Suspected Rehovot אגף לאפידמיולוגיה Division of Epidemiology משרד הבריאות Ministry of Health ת.ד.1176 ירושלים P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem [email protected] [email protected] טל: 02-5080522 פקס: Tel: 972-2-5080522 Fax: 972-2-5655950 02-5655950 Table 1: Positive test results for WNV in humans by location - continued: Date sample Diagnostic status Locality No.
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