December 21, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8263 and look forward to more joining us as community revitalization. Libraries Whereas the University of Central Missouri we work together to urge swift action are important information centers for is a leader in promoting soccer and the val- to adopt this important legislation. workforce development, health infor- ues of teamwork, commitment, and excel- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise mation, and digital and financial lit- lence: Now, therefore, be it to join my colleague from Rhode Is- Resolved, That the Senate— eracy. Museums are also vital commu- (1) congratulates the University of Central land, Senator REED, in introducing the nity partners that work to connect our Missouri women’s soccer team for winning a Museum and Library Services Act of communities to the cultural, histor- national title for the first time in the his- 2017. This bill would reauthorize the ical, natural, and scientific pieces of tory of the University of Central Missouri core programs administered by the In- our heritage. women’s soccer program while maintaining stitute of Museum and Library Serv- From providing job search resources an undefeated season; and ices (IMLS), which support libraries and free internet access to exposing (2) encourages the University of Central and museums in Maine and across the children and families to enriching lit- Missouri to continue promoting the values of teamwork, commitment, and excellence country. This bill includes important erary and educational experiences, li- updates to improve the abilities of li- through the soccer and other athletic pro- braries and museums serve vital roles grams of the University of Central Missouri. braries and museums to meet the needs in our communities. I urge my col- of local communities. leagues to support this legislation. f The Museum and Library Services Act represents a commitment to sup- By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself SENATE RESOLUTION 365—CON- porting libraries and museums that en- and Ms. MURKOWSKI): GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY rich our communities. Libraries pro- S. 2273. A bill to extend the period OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN vide not only a wonderful learning during which vessels that are shorter VOLLEYBALL TEAM FOR WIN- tool, full of books, public documents, than 79 feet in length and fishing ves- NING THE 2017 NATIONAL COLLE- and internet access, but also are com- sels are not required to have a permit GIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION munity hubs where citizens can meet for discharges incidental to the normal DIVISION I VOLLEYBALL CHAM- to share and explore ideas. Likewise, operation of the vessel; considered and PIONSHIP great museums do more than accumu- passed. late artifacts—they tell stories. The Mrs. FISCHER (for herself and Mr. S. 2273 programs reauthorized in this bill SASSE) submitted the following resolu- would help libraries and museums Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion; which was considered and agreed across Maine and the United States resentatives of the United States of America in to.: Congress assembled, better serve the public by helping with S. RES. 365 SECTION 1. EXTENSION OF MORATORIUM. research, planning, and programming. Whereas, on December 16, 2017, the Univer- Section 2(a) of Public Law 110–299 (33 The Museum and Library Services sity of Nebraska-Lincoln Cornhuskers won U.S.C. 1342 note) is amended by striking ‘‘De- the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Asso- Act would make important improve- cember 18, 2017’’ and inserting ‘‘January 19, ciation (referred to in this preamble as the ments to IMLS’s ability to collaborate 2018’’. ‘‘NCAA’’) Division I Volleyball Champion- with states and communities. It would f reauthorize the Library Services and ship in Kansas City, Missouri in an over- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS whelming victory over the University of Technology Act (LSTA), the only fed- Florida by a score of 25 to 22, 25 to 17, 18 to eral program that helps public libraries 25, and 25 to 16; meet their community’s needs, en- SENATE RESOLUTION 364—CON- Whereas the University of Nebraska-Lin- hance their services through tech- coln has won 5 NCAA volleyball champion- nology, reach underserved and rural GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY ships; populations, and recruit new profes- OF CENTRAL MISSOURI WOMEN’S Whereas the Cornhuskers ended their sionals to the library field. Ensuring SOCCER TEAM FOR WINNING THE championship season with a 19-match win- that federal resources reach our rural NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATH- ning streak and finished the year with a record of 32 wins and 4 losses; communities is particularly important LETIC ASSOCIATION DIVISION II WOMEN’S SOCCER CHAMPION- Whereas each member of the University of to me, and I am pleased that this bill Nebraska-Lincoln volleyball team, including highlights support for rural and tribal SHIP AT SWOPE SOCCER VIL- LAGE IN KANSAS CITY, MIS- Annika Albrecht, Hunter Atherton, Hayley areas. Densberger, Mikaela Foecke, Allie Havers, Every state in our country receives SOURI Briana Holman, Kelly Hunter, Kenzie Malo- its share of the LSTA, which leverages Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself and Mr. ney, Chesney McClellan, Sami Slaughter, the federal investment with a state and BLUNT) submitted the following resolu- Lauren Stivrins, Jazz Sweet, Anezka Szabo, local funding match. In Maine, the tion; which was considered and agreed and Sydney Townsend, contributed to that LSTA has helped libraries lend books to: outstanding victory; and other materials by mail to reach Whereas head coach John Cook, assistant S. RES. 364 coach Tyler Hildebrand, assistant coach residents in communities that do not Whereas, on December 2, 2017, the Univer- Kayla Banwarth, volunteer assistant coach have libraries nearby or who are home- sity of Central Missouri won the National Ryan Coomes, director of operations Lindsay bound. It has helped Maine libraries Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Peterson, video coordinator Kelly O’Connor, serve individuals with disabilities Women’s Soccer Championship at Swope and graduate managers Joe Klein, John through access to book recordings and Soccer Village in Kansas City, Missouri, Henry, and Bre Mackie, guided that out- special media players, including braille which was the first national championship in standing group of women to a national and audio downloads. It has helped my the history of the University of Central Mis- championship; state improve online access to maga- souri women’s soccer program; Whereas Mikaela Foecke and Kelly Hunter zines, newspapers, and reference books, Whereas the University of Central Missouri were named the co-Most Outstanding Play- women’s soccer team completed an ers of the 2017 NCAA Championship; and spurred innovative collaborations undefeated season with a record of 26 wins Whereas Kelly Hunter was named the Big with schools statewide. and no losses or ties, setting a new Division Ten Setter of the Year, becoming the first The bill would also reauthorize the II record for wins in a season; Nebraska player ever to earn that award; Museum Services Act, providing sup- Whereas the University of Central Missouri Whereas Annika Albrecht, Mikaela port for museums to collaborate with women’s soccer team tied a Division II sin- Foecke, and Kelly Hunter were recognized as schools, libraries, and colleges and uni- gle-season record with 21 shutouts; All-Americans by the American Volleyball versities, and to encourage new tech- Whereas the University of Central Missouri Coaches Association, and Briana Holman re- nologies to extend the reach of pro- women’s soccer team finished the season as ceived an honorable mention; and grams and museum collections. As the top-ranked team in the United Soccer Whereas an NCAA Tournament record- with the LSTA, museums are Coaches Top 25 Division II postseason poll; breaking crowd of 18,516 volleyball fans at- Whereas 5 of the University of Central Mis- tended the championship game, reflecting incentivized to leverage other sources souri Jennies, Ana Dilkes, Jada Scott, Kayla the tremendous spirit and dedication of Ne- of support to match the federal invest- Hamner, Baylie Edwards, and Abby Rhodes, braska fans supporting the Cornhuskers as ment. were named to the Division II Conference the team won the national championship: This reauthorization underscores the Commissioners Association All-America Soc- Now, therefore, be it role that libraries and museums play in cer Teams; and Resolved, That the Senate— VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:29 Dec 22, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.043 S21DEPT1 S8264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2017 (1) congratulates the University of Ne- (3) in 1969, was formally granted a name (4) is 1 of only 2 historically Black colleges braska-Lincoln volleyball team as the win- change by the Alabama State Board of Edu- and universities to produce a Rhodes scholar; ner of the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic cation and became Alabama State Univer- and Association Division I Volleyball Champion- sity; (5) has graduated a number of African- ship; Whereas notable figures of the civil rights American luminaries, including the Mayor of (2) commends the University of Nebraska era attended and graduated from Alabama Atlanta, Georgia, Maynard Jackson, film di- players, coaches, and staff for their hard State University, including the Reverend rector Spike Lee, and the Reverend Martin work and dedication; Ralph David Abernathy, attorney Fred Gray, Luther King, Jr.; (3) recognizes the students, alumni, and and the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth;
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