cD~@G:J(]JGBv (j3J ~ ~BOiJ@ plus ·Male Dancers & More Special Guests Show starts promptly at 11:30pm 13th and Lavaca • (512) 474-6481 * THE TURTLE, CREEK CHORALE PRESENTS * The Official -{;:{ MISS BIG THICIZETIE 1996 Pageant Edna Jean Robinson . .... Miss Big Thickette 1993 Miss Big Thickette 1994 Sunday,***March 24 3 pm Sharp With * * {1 Y-* Cheer Dallas *1} Nelda Pickens {1 1z {1*{1 Di Di Rodrigues and a host of honeys ic .v. vying for the coveted 1996 Crown * Benefiting * The TCCAIDS Fund, Inc. * *1} *{1 of' GOOl) * ~~ »~ * 1z** 1}{1 R~~\\II~,~ ic~ ';t.~ ~kJ .v. o ~4': ~~ ~ * ~~ :D·up'~f{;O * O/i' GOO~ ~ ** -it 3912 Cedar Springs, Dallas * 214.521.9611 * ~ 'Reg. Video Rooms Only - Noon to Midnight THE TCCAIDS FUND, INC. R O. BOX 35801 DALLAS,TEXAS75235 Explore the energy at our Dallas location MID TOWNE DALLAS • 2509 Pacific (214) 821-8989 MID TOWNE HOUSTON • 3100 Fannin (713) 522-2379 PAGE4 TWTMARCH 22 - MARCH 28 1996 Check Us Out On The Intemel at HnP:/IWWW.MIDIOWNE-SPA.COMISPA Everyone's 25¢ Draft Ladies Favorite $2.00 Well Night! Country OJ... Female Dancers leiano Donna Kick Ass "a\l\l~"OU~ plus SOc with $2.00 Well Pf\ees ~\\N\\e Draft & No Cover! N\ghU Cruz! Sundays! Male 50C Well $'\.15 New Zoo Company's 50~ We" Openat6pm 9:30-"10:00 9:30-10:00 Bo\\\e Beer Dancers & Famous OJ... C $2.00 Mark Montez! 50C Draft OU/1yard Margarilas & 50~ Ora" All Night $1.75 BOHle Beer $2.00 All Nigh\ $'\.15 and Well (6-9/11II) pius 25C Draft We" or\n\(.S Well D.J. Mark Montez TUESDAY SATURDAY Male Dancers We're the Laughing Stock of Dallas. Every Wednesday, Ne~ ComedylVariety night! I '/i' f'~ Appea:rinll rf, •••'." Wednesday, March 27 ..•••.•.~•l and April 3 Jerry HAllidAY, Lolli, VOLUME 22, NUMBER 3 MARCH 22-28, 1996 Joan &. Bette 13 THEATRE Hidden: A Gender at Frontera in Austin Reviewed by Bruce Williams 16 VIEWPOINT Morrison Case Shows Need for HIV Testing in Boxing by Bruce Williams 25 HISTORY The Day A Dallas Mayor Visited DGPC by Don Baker 30 FRESH BEATS Kristine W:s New Single, Mones Next #1, Kelee's Remixes by Jimmy Smith 37 CURRENT EVENTS 49 BACKSTAGE Frankly. Scarlett at San Antonio's Josephine Parodies Movie Search 53 STARSCOPE Minds Fall in Sync with Goals as the Sun and Mercury Enter Aries 67 TEXAS SPORTS Adventuring Outdoors Plans Hike/Bike Trip to McKinney Falls 68 TEXAS NEWS Cheer Dallas Donates $14,000 to Two Local Nonprofits 72 COVER FEATURE Frank Goodman of Houston Photos by Exposure Prints/Tio 75 TEXAS TEA The Pageant Season Is in Full Swing 82 CLASSIFIEDS 91 OBITUARIES 93 GUIDE TWT (This Week in Texas) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhaimer in Houston. Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those oflWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWTis not to be construed as any indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: 579 per year, 540 per half year. Back issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1996 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, article or feature, copy or photograph from 1WTIsspecifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GElLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street EDITOR 811 Westheimer, Suite III Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston .Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214) 520-TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527-9111 ART DIRECTORRichard Bang • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue, B.J.Smith • TYPESETIINGTuong Huy Nguyen CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSChris Gray. Aaron Howard. Phil Johnson, C. Lichtenstein. Brent Shockley. Jimmy Smith. Bruce Williams STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Brown, James Franklin, Richard Scudder, Tio. Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX 520-TWIT MOlY Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Robert Jackson (512) 832-1396 • Dallas / Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antonio / Corpus Christi - Jefllinthicum (210) 754-5837 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Dallas Chris Gray • Houston Brian Keever I TWT© 1996 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company I SHANE RUFFPR. ESIDENT/ CEO / DIRECTOR ROY KLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR •Ii))DC~ Represented Nationally by Rivendell Marketing, Inc. play its regional premiere at Hyde Park Theatre in Austin. Outstanding doesn't begin to describe the results. This is arguably the best show that has been put on in Austin this year. The biggest shame is that today and Saturday (March 22 and 23) must be the final performances before its run ends, and that it is not being put on in a larger space to accommodate more theatre-goers. The opening-night show March 15 was a full house - and the audience included the REVIEWED BY BRUCE WILLIAMS author, who was seeing her work for the first time as a viewer instead of as a Austin Produrtion ot Kat, 8ornst,in's participant. HIOO£N: A G£NO£A "I was asked to write a play about trans- sexuals; they knew I was one," Bornstein Mtlds Humor, Insight Into said in a post-show Q&A with the cast and Tbought-Prouoking Look At Oitttrtntts, production team. "I wanted to shake things up. I wanted the actual experience of the Samtn,ss And On,n,ss play to blur, to crash into itself and crash the audience .... 1 was just amazed, grati- fied by tonight's performance; it just blew me away." The play centers around vignettes and monologues describing the lives of Her- culine (Paula Rester), in the mid-19th cen- tury, and of Herman (julienne hannah goins), in our day. Herculine was a real-life French person, desiqnated a girl at birth in t'samazing to think that a playas well- 1838 and redesignated male at age 22 for Iwritten, thought-provoking and down- being a hermaphrodite, born with ambigu- $1.00 right enjoyable as Hidden: A Gender has ous genitalia. Herculine become Abel; over languished on theatre catalogue shelves a century later, Herman becomes Kate, for nearly seven years, unused and unap- undergoing genital conversion surgery to WELLJ)RJINKS preciated. So the issue of intersexuals and let out the true person Herman/Kate be- transsexuals and gender blur makes some lieves him/herself to be. $1.51 people uncomfortable; that's what good art What could be a tragic, technical tale is should be about, challenging the borders lightened with humor and irony by L.C. Lo: and the preconceived notions. And in a "Doc" Grinder (Missy Thomas), the emcee time of movies like Priscilla and To Wong of the stories, who offers up a seductive Foo, Hidden: A Gender is a tale whose elixir called Gender Defender to enlighten time has definitely come. and relieve others of the confusions Her- The play was written and first produced culine and Herman must face. "Don't cross in 1989 by Kate Bornstein, a male-to- the line," Grinder warns us, saying we'll female postoperative transsexual lesbian then become victims of Gender Blur. But writer, performer and activist. It toured for a then the show goes on to teach us why about a year, then quietly faded onto the maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing, if back shelves while Bornstein went on to the prejudices and preconceived notions other efforts, like her book Gender Outlaw: can just be conquered or put aside. On Men, Women and the Rest of Us. Thomas and Ehren Christian play nu- It was Austin's Jules Odendahl who de- merous supporting characters here, with cided a year ago to resurrect and direct the Thomas also constantly switching back to play locally, in partial fulfillment of a master the Grinder persona. Christian has one of of fine arts in directing degree at the Uni- the show's slickest and funniest mono- versity of Texas-Austin. Odendahl assem- logues as a strict teacher lecturing on pro- bled a stellar cast of four talented and nouns and genders, a piece worthy of the brave actors, they put things together in level of Abbott & Costello's "Who's On just four weeks and last Friday gave the First" routine: "I has no gender, and neither PAGE 12 TWT MARCH 22 - MARCH 281996 one whose life touches yours gets the infection. Morrison is the third world-class athlete in recent years to announce he's been found to be HIV-positive. Basketball player Earvin "Magic" Johnson of the Los Angeles Lakers and Olympic diving gold medalist Greg Louganis preceded Morrison into this unwanted spotlight, and each has become a vociferous spokesman on the issue, helping to spread much-needed education and awareness about HIV and AIDS. BY BRUCE WILLIAMS Professional boxing is a sport that would highly benefit from mandatory testing of its participants for HIV. Bloody fights are fairly common, as an unintentional sudden hit- :y ting of heads might at any time cut one or both boxers. The exchange of blood in the heat of action through such cuts is highly possible - and that's one of the very few ways the HIV virus can be transmitted from person to person. A slim chance. A never-proven possibili- ty. A hypothetical thing. But these are peo- ple's lives we're dealing with, and giving participants as much safety as possible is one of the things organizers try to provide :oxers in boxing.
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