Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 5-31-1974 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1974). Winona Daily News. 1390. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1390 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Partly cloudy ?&N" Classified Ads Are Written of the through Satu rda y; Pedple; by rhe People chance of showers & For the People! Pq& ?eacelash! Israe vvrife brolienwi^ l and Syria sddier says By JONATHAN BRODER ISRAELI "FRONT, Occupied ? Syria (AP) — The plan to- bring peace to the Golan Heights was ready for sighing, but for a /OBMEVA <tiPl) ._. Israel a;m pre-truee period : to- carry cut firing at 6:15 a.m. CDT but grimy-faced Israeli gimner ;. and place at 11:45 a.hV (5:45 . loading shells into a 175mm Syria signed ' a formal agree- CDT) were widespread bdm b i n g raids ithat Syria kept up the firing for after the sewsmen another 15 minutes. ...: howitzer, it; was business a» . meat, today to. separate their ejected ;';! ' '' ." against Arab guerrilla . bases in usual. - - ;;v; .-: ' It was the 82nd ; UPl Correspondent : Thomas warring armes oh the Golan Lebanon; with Israeli forces "Peace hasn't broken out yet. Diplomats throughout the consecutive day .of fighting in Cheatham, Heights front A Syrian spokes- wdrld : hailed, thie sigiiing as the ' in the Golan Heights, said what It's the same here today as it'i ; man . in Daffiascus: announced ; • permanent the-Heights. ;. - :: been for weeks," he said. first step toward• . ; : might . be the; last of the Middle . that . a cease-fire went into peace in the .Middle East. But A Syrian ' spokesman in East wars went out with a bang Israeli and Syrian forces Damascus announced the end of effect at.¦ 6:30 .aim, CDT; 45 difficult and dangerous negotia- that the Syrians extended well were pounding each other with ' . , ;as the fighting in these words: . minutes. • after . the Geneva tions . lay ahead and Syria : past the cease-fire zero hour. tank and- artillery, shells Thurs- ceremony. one of the most tadical of Arab -''Fighting on the Syrian front The Israeli order ''hold your day, the day, after both sides . ¦ Signing ' of the : agreement nations arid heavily backed by stopped at 2:30 p.iri. (6:30 a.m. fire" crackled . out . over . the agreed; to Secretary of State , . worked out in 32 days of the Soviet Union, was expected CDT). With this, Syria h a s Israeli communications, network Henry A. Kissinger's dis- diplomatic endeavor '.by Secre- to take a: hard lme throughput; a b i d e d by the Geneva promptly at noos . (5 a.m. CDT) engagement pact. ¦ agreement." :/ and one of the soldiers' said}-"I tary • -. : of ; State > Henry A. Both Israel and Syria report- ' Israeli soldiers* Arabs in is- : Kissinger was delayed nearly ed extremely heavy fighting; on He said a formal military hope it <:an last,'' For 12 raeli-occupied ; Syrian vi^ges ;¦: : half an hoiir when Syria balked the Golan Heights at the time communique would be . an- minutes the IsraeUs held their and ; Jewish settlers. on the . at signing in. the . presence of of the actual, ceremony and nounced later. \; fire, while : the Syrians bombards Heights waited in hope, that / newsmen. The ceremony took Israel took advantage of the Israel said its troops stopped ed the southern sector of the peace would come after 80 con- Israeli bulge with a thunderous secutive days of shooting, - but : barrage; that left: the battlefield, in fear that it wouldn't. • bathed in smoke. ; :: BACK IN WASHINGTON . V .. Secretary , the Middle East. "When. we heard the. news of ' ' ' ¦ With him is his wife Nancy. Then came the cease-fire. : . of: Staie Henry Kissinger is embraced ' by Mrs. :Mrs. Lord is; the agreement, it prodnced a The¦•'¦. '¦historic disengagement the wife of one of Kissinger's : new feeling that maybe the last . Winston Lord upon his arrival at Andrews Air aides. (Ap-Phptofaxi . v pact, worked out by Secretary days of. fighting :will come " of State Henry A. Kissinger in Force Base early today upon . his return from sbonj" said artillery Sgt. Haim a month of gruelling talks, .Gross;" -;/ imposed an immediate cease- But Gross said .the. news had ;. fire in the Golan region. Maj. no effect on his orders. His bat- Gen. Enso Siilasvuo of .the tery, orf : hulking, ¦ smoke-black-: , United Nations ¦ peacekeeping Nixon latids Kissinger ened L75mm howteers blasted force opened the -historic Syrian positions all day Rafter . ceremony in the. ornate. Council incoming shells hit the Israelis .,. Chamber of Geneva's Palais in the southern Golan and atop des Nations at It: 15 a.m. with strategic Mt. , Hermoii; ¦ '. a two minute speech. friurhph in Middle East In the Arab village of Harfa, He praised; Kissinger for an WASHINGTON (U P I) • : occupied on the 32th day of the exceptional feat of diplomacy - House Cabinet Room meeting, Kissinger's report on What he October . r by ^raeli forces '' " President Nixon and Secretary with top congressional leaderi wa and then called , on. generals ' described, in a 1:45 a.m, pushing toward Damascus, vil- of State Henry A Kissinger of both parties on hand to heat arrival statement as an agree- ' from the two nations to sign the today reviewed Kissingers ^ lagers, were overjoyed; with the eight-point pact.. Israeli Maj. : ment that could contribute to news they would be diplomatic, triumph in securing ¦ returned to Gen. "Herzl Shafir immmediate- "a just and permanent peace in Syrian rule. ';.. " a disengagement of Israeli and Nixon schedules the Middle East. ly opened the blue folder ; and Syrian ; military forces as the " "We will welcome the Syrian signed the document, A Beirut newspaper said soldiers like our . own family," ' gtihs fell silent on the Golan talks with Soviets ¦¦ ' Then suddenly . Syrian . ffeii. Heights front. today that the United States said the village mukhtar -- . Adnanwajih Tayara refused to . WASHINGTON CAP) -- Pres- and Syria ^ad agreed in headman . ^Salman Yusef At- sign the . agreement with news- . After only a few hours of ident Nixon's summit talks with principle to resume diplomatic i mat. - Stion.we¦ wUV be.;Syriarij ¦ ¦ men packed in the , public sleep following his return from Soviet leaders will open June relations. The report ; said Lagaih." ' . ' ; " ' :.; ' . ',', '. " his Mideast'- " peace : mission, : > galleries above recording the ' 27,. the White House announced Alfred Atherton,. a State De- The tiny hilltop village of momentous event. Kissinger ' went to the White today." partment Middle East expert, mud huts ;and . crushed stone Siilasvuo adjourhed the House . for a breakfast meeting The date is several days later paths has been caught between " ity Council meeting In New York- Thursday, '¦; wbtld be the . first U.S. SECURITY COUNCIL MEETS . U.S. : ceremony and Ordered ; the with Nixon in the family dining than expected — ah adjustment ambassador to Damascus since barkirig; Israeli and Syrian bat- , ca^ed room :on; the. first 'floor of Ambassador ^ ihe."United Nations John Scali ^^ pressvcleared from the building, the caused by .Nixon's plans to toiir diplomatic relations were sev- teries since the- October cease- left,; chats withi .his Soviet counterpart, Yakoy agreement. (AP Photofax) The pact was finally signed mansion, v the: .Middle . East during mid- ered during the June, 1967, fire, Five villagers have died Malik prior to the start of a brief U.N; Secur- at ii:45 a.m. After that came a White June. .- ' Arab-Israeli,war. from Syrian shite. ., Thai premief HQuse w IP names interim KocjeH A^!^y&j)f o of 45 <5auA , . Wry cabinet WASHINGTON (AP) -^ The seek an immediate impeach- cast by proxy for an absent that Nixon obstructed investiga- "You know, every man civilian House Judiciary Committee ment vote for contempt of Con- member — demonstrated the tions by the Justice Depart- convicted for murder in . BANGKOK,.Thailand (API- subpoenaed tapes of 45 more gress was tabled, 29-9. One to bipartisan opposition in the ment, the . Senate Watergate . court is not guilty,- and Premier Sanya Tnammasak presidential conversations de- recommend citation for con- committee to the White House committee and the special pros- on the other hand, voL- named an interim all-civilian spite President. Nixon 's refusal tempt but delay House action strategy for fighting impeach- ecutor. .,¦: . ', ' urp.es of propaganda and cabinet composed of relatively to turn over any more Water- until later was tabled 27-11. ment. length of petitions have gate material. The committee Railsback and McClory were young men today to Teplace his also rejected, "He's stonewalling," said among eight Republicans who nothing to do with guilt aging cabinet that resigned last Along with the subpoena , ap- 23 to 15, an effort to open some Rep, Thomas F. itailsback R- supported, the or innocence." ' proved by a 37-to-l vote Thurs- of the impeachment hearings to , letter that warn- . week, , : 111. i borrowing a term made ed continued refusal to honor May 22, 1927. Foreign Minister Charoon- day, the committee sent Nixon the public next week. The "vote popular, by. the White ..House a letter saying his refusal to is expected to keep the committee . subpoenas - would phan Issarangkui and his depu- hear- transcripts. permit members to conclude he comply could provide grounds ings closed at least two weeks vf ty, Chartichai Choonhavan, re- Rep. Aobert McClory, R-IH,, is withholding damaging evi- ^ie.
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