N ancy Cowles, EE, Georgette and Go-Go Girl at Georgia was also in Miss Athens Contest Lynda Seitz, Ae-University of Louisville Laurel Queen VOLUME 63 WINTER 1969 NUMBER 4 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 FRANCES WARREN BAKER, Editor NATIONAL COUNCIL National President-Mrs. Gordon Duncan, 6416 Garland, Fort Worth, 3 Come-Convene-and Celebrate at Sarasota Tex. 76116 7 1874-1974 Mission LK Centennial lsi Vice President-Mrs. Walton 8 'Our Young People Have the Right to Know' Dismukes, 1530 Escobita ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94306 11 IU Students Build Center, Not Float 2nd Vice President-Mrs. W. P. 13 Judith Priddy Chosen First Dean of Women at Georgia Haddon, 698 Parsippany blvd., Tech Boonton, N.J. 07005 National Director of Membership­ 14 Scholarships the Sigma Kappa Way Mrs. Leslie Collins, 8636 Fountlee 15 My Visit to American Farm School Made Me an Ex­ Crest SW, Seattle, Wash. 98116 uberant Fan National Director of Extension­ Mrs. Patricia Carlin Smith, 511 19 127 Collegiates are Guests at National Panhellenic jn Malvern Hill circle, Hampton, Va. Miami 23369 24 Entertains Troops in Vietnam National Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs. 25 Wives or Widows? Women in POW Battle E. D. Taggart, 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 27 Our College Chapters are ACTIVE 46 Pledges 55 Deaths CENTRAL OFFICE 56 Significant N ews of Sigmas 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. 4620~. Director, Mrs. E. D . Taggart. 60 Reports from Alumnce Chapters 62 Milestones TRIANGLE STAFF SIGMA KAPPA TR!ANGLB is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Editor-in-Chief-Mrs. ]. Stannard Baker, by George Banta Company, Inc., official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. 60022 at Curtis Reed plaza, Menasha, Wis. ~4952 . Subscription price $2 a year; single copies ~04; life subscription $ 15. College Editor1-Mrs. ]. B. Coleman, 78 Send change of address, subscriptions. and correspondence of a business natuJe Meadow lane, Meadow Estates, Wheel­ to Mrs. E. D. Taggart, Curtis Reed plaza, Menasha, Wis. H952, or 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46205. ing, W.Va. 26003 Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. ]. Stannard Mrs. Henry Booske, 2026 Northbrook Baker, 433 \Xfoodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. 60022. Chapters, colleges and alum· dr., Lancaster, Pa. 17601 nre, must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editors bdore the fifteenth of March, June, October, and December. Alum,.. Editor-Mrs. Harold B. Lines, Members of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters rertaining to national 234 Salt Springs rd ., Syracuse, N .Y. advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines AS<ociated. 1618 13224 Orrington ave ., Evanston. Ill. Second-class postage paid at Menasha, Wis. Printed m U ..A . Martha Entenman, t:.A, Pi Lambda Theta education honorary at Wayne State. Come -Convene - anJ Cefetrale al Saradola By ALICE HERSEY WICK, Permanent Con-vention Chairman and Past National President The more I hear of Sarasota and that part of Florida, which is new to me, the more excited I become at our plans for next June. Beautiful scenery, beaches, fine hotel accommodations­ all were to be expected, and it sounds like a unique community, with some really world fa­ mous attractions. The Ringling Museum of Art, Circus Hall of Fame, Jungle Gardens, Floridaland and many more musical and theatrical offerings, should all be worth seeing. Southern hospitality, whether Florida, Ala­ bama, Georgia, or North Carolina style, is also famous, and we can anticipate more than the usual from our hostess chapters from those four states. We are adding a full day to convention this time, hoping that we can thereby accomplish more in the line of thoughtful, intelligent deci­ sions without so many night meetings, or such jam-packed days. This period in our history­ American, college and sorority-is a crucial one, and we need to give our best thoughts to our own particular jobs and responsibilities. I keep saying that for every right there is a re- , sponsibility-and keep wishing that people would start demanding their responsibilities. Here is a very condensed version of the con­ vention program, enough I hope to whet your appetite and make you decide NOW to come join us: Alice Hersey Wick Thursday, June 18 . -WHO KNOWS about Conventions Registration all day; Informal Welcome Dmner with Sarasota-Bradenton and St. Petersburg Alum­ nre as hostesses. Province Area meetings will get Conventionites and Alumnre, with Speed Baker and delegates acquainted before swimming and singing. Eleanor Haddon in charge, aided by Orlando, Palm Beach County, Broward County Alumnre. Dinn ~r , friday, June 19 . hostessed by Gamma Phi and Raleigh Alumnre, wtll Formal business meetings and area meetings. Bir­ feature our Philanthropies. mingham Alumnre and Epsilon Iota will be hos­ tesses for the Modern Trends dinner. Monday, June 22 . Round tables are scheduled all day. The evenmg Saturday, June 20 . meal will be a Beach Party, hostessed by Omega, Business meetings in the mormng; Intttatwn m the Miami and Tallahassee Alumnre. Collegiates will afternoon under the supervision of the Past Na­ wear chapter ~K outfits or ~K blouses. tional Presidents and with the help of Beta Tau. At the formal banquet, Atlanta and Epsilon Epsilon Tuesday, June 23 . will be in charge. Some of the big national awards, The morning off! = for a sightseemg tour .. Fit;Jal formal business session in the afternoon, with m­ including Scholarship, will be given. stallation of new officers. The Awards dinner, that Sunday, June 21 . glamourous outlay of trophies that makes us look Memorial Service will be held Just before church. like a Tiffany's window, will be under the super­ Round tables are scheduled during the day. The vision of Epsilon Alpha, Gamma Rh o, and Char­ luncheon is a special one--honoring Confirmed lotte Alumnre. WINTER 1969 Wednesday, June 24 get ready for memorial contributions. I have a Convention offi cially ends after breakfast. Some­ lot of fun but I'm certainly no ad for the cam­ we hope many-lucky souls will take off for the era profession. Anyhow, I do answer any per­ trip to the Bahamas, while the new Council starts working immediately for the immediate future, and sonal hotel solicitations that come in, and tell the hundreds of Sigmas lucky enough to attend a whether there is any possible chance of our national convention, will sca tter to their homes. We ever considering that particular location. hope they will take with th em enough inspiration, knowledge of and loya lty to th eir sorori ty to make Carmel Bixby Danner, ®, as Secretary of the this co nvention a never to be fo rgotten experience. Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, wrote me just I'll be looking for you! such a Jetter, personalized as all Sigma letters should be. I replied that there was little chance that we could consider Sarasota, since we were The story of our deciding to go to Sarasota booked for 1970, but asked for more informa­ in 1970 is a bit out of the ordinary. I am often tion anyhow. Well- guess what-at the San swamped with mail from hotels, offering some Diego convention we found that the hotel we of the most fabulous and/ or ridiculous ideas for had planned for 1970 was not yet up to our conventions, like some of the gambling-golfing­ standards in facilities as expected, and we had goofing off types that are really not our style 1 to make a quick change. We investigated sev­ In fact, some of you may remember the A W­ eral places in a hurry (usually we work at least FUL picture of me in the TRIANGLE two years four years ahead) and found that Sarasota was ago, surrounded by mail (most of it huge bro­ our best bet for dates, hotel accommodations, chures from hotels, I keep the essential infor­ and in a way most important of all to me, a mation but have to park the big things in the candidate for Assistant Convention Chairman round filing thing because they won't fit into who was a real natural-of course, Carmel. I the file drawers) , which I had sent to Ye Editor think it's great that she can kill two birds with as a joke, to prove I worked at home. It was one stone by combining her regular Chamber such a terrible picture that several friends wrote of Commerce job with managing the details of promptly after they saw it and wondered about Qur convention, and I am sitting back relaxing my health and if they should send fl owers or with joy while she does the local details. Sigma Kappa Post Convention Tour to Grand Bahama June 23-25, 1969 Wednesday, June 23 Friday, June 25 After breakfas t, check out of hotel in time for flight After breakfast and a last swim, you'll leave the to Freeport vi a Eastern Airlines. After an approxi­ hotel in time for your fli ghts back to West Palm ma te ly two hour fli ght, yo u will land in Freeport. Beach or Miami to connect with your flights home. After cl earing customs, yo u wi ll be transferred by Those of you who have chosen to return by ship private coach to the wonderful King's Inn and Golf will depart Freeport at 8 :00 A.M, aboard the M/V Club which will be your home for the next three FREEPORT to arrive in Miami at 1:30 P.M. days. D on't forget to pack your new purchases all to­ 3:00 P.M. Boa rd a red double decker bus (all the gether so that it will be easier to clear customs way from London) fo r an interesting tour of Free­ when you arrive in the U .S.
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