COMMITTEE REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENT CULTURE & SPORT READING BOROUGH COUNCIL ITEM NO. 13 PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE : 06 March 2013 Ward : Whitley App No.: 12/01430/FUL Address: Burghfield Landfill site, Island Road. Proposal: Development of a Leachate Treatment Plant. Applicant: CEMEX UK Materials Limited Date valid: 09 October 2012 Minor Application: 8-week target decision date: 04 December 2012 26-week target decision date: 09 April 2013 RECOMMENDATION: GRANT planning permission subject to the following conditions and informatives: Conditions to include: 1. TL1 – Full 3 years. 2. AP1 – Development as per approved plans. 3. M2 – Details to be submitted. 4. Detailed landscaping proposals to be submitted to be submitted and approved prior to first use. 5. Landscape and ecological management plan to be submitted to be submitted and approved prior to first use. 6. Development shall not be brought into use until parking and turning space has been provided. 7. No development shall commence until a Construction Method Statement (CMS) has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The CMS shall include measures to deal with: - Vehicle parking; - Loading and unloading of plant and materials; - Storage of plant and materials; - Erection and maintenance of security hoarding; - Wheel washing facilities; - Measures to control the deposition of dirt/mud on surrounding roads; - Details of Footpath/Road closures needed during construction; - Traffic management needed during construction, and - Times, routes and means of access for construction traffic. 8. No development shall commence until details of external lighting measures have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. 9. The development shall only be used to treat leachate from the Burghfield Landfill site. 10. The cessation of the use and restoration of the land to its former condition shall be undertaken when the development is no longer required. Informatives 1. Positive and Proactive Approach by LPA. 2. Development plan compliance. 3. EA Environmental Permit. 4. Building regulations required. 5. Damage to the highway. 6. Terms and conditions. 7. Pre-commencement conditions. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The application site is approx. 0.495 ha in size and lies on the northern edge of the existing Burghfield Landfill site at the western end of Island Road. To the north of the application site lies the River Kennet and wetland habitat associated with Fobney Island including groups of established mature trees. To the east lie other areas of restored landfill level with the application site.To the south lie raised areas of landfill which rise to between 7m and 14m above land at the application site. Immediately west of the application site lies the existing Landfill Gas Utilisation Facility (LGUF), refer to Photo. 1 below and the original approved plans at Appendix 1, which processes gas from the restored landfill and turns it into energy. Further west lies a 30m high pylon and electricity lines and beyond that lies the railway embankment (again raised above the level of the application site) which runs north-south. The closest residential properties include Southcote Mill, approximately 500m to the north west, and dwellings at Manor Farm Cottages, about 700m to the north east. 1.2 The site lies outside of the Council’s settlement boundary which extends as far as the existing RE3 Waste Management Facility on Island Road. The site lies within the ‘Kennet and Holy Brook Meadows Major Landscape Feature’ and within an area of ‘Public and Strategic Open Space’, both of which extends north from Island Road, as designated within the Council’s Core Strategy and Sites and Detailed Policies Document (SDPD) Proposals Map. 1.3 The application site lies within Flood Zone 2 (as defined by the Environment Agency) which has up to a 0.1 per cent (1 in 1000) chance of flooding occurring each year. Site Location Plan: Fobney Island Railway Thames Water Sewage Island Road Treatment Works A33 LGUF Burghfield Landfill site RE3 Photograph 1: Application site – looking west towards the LGUF and pylon. 2. PROPOSAL 2.1 The proposal intends to construction of a Leachate Treatment Plant (LTP) in order to remove leachate from the existing Burghfield Landfill site. The proposed LTP comprises of the following: • Two covered Raw Leachate Balance Tanks (RBLT) – 8m in diameter and 5.5m above ground level at its apex; • Modified Sequencing Batch Reactor tank (SBR) – 19m in diameter and 3.6m above ground level at its apex; • Treated Leachate Balance Tank (TLBT) – 8.6m in diameter and 4.0m above ground level at its apex; • Bunded Chemical Dosing Area – specialist chemical tanks the largest of which would be 3.5m above ground level at its apex; • Site Office and Control Building – 12m x 5m linked modular containers; • Compressor House and Store – each 6m x 2.5m modular containers, and • 2.3m high security fencing around the LTP compound. 2.2 The LTP compound would also be enclosed in a bunded area to contain any potential spillages and exclude flood waters. The height of the bund would vary between 0.2m to 1.0m, depending on ground level, so that the top of the bund is at 41m AoD. Main other features outside of the LTP compound include a car parking area (6 spaces), access road and landscape areas. 2.3 Following pre-application discussions, the applicant proposes to partially bury the SBR tank in the ground to a depth of 6m in order to limit its visual impact. 2.4 The leachate would be pumped from cells within the existing landfill to the proposed LTP facility from where it could be discharged directly to the nearby Thames Water Sewage Treatment Works. This system would replace the existing arrangement whereby a 45,000m3 litre storage tank that collects the leachate has to be emptied twice daily and transported by road tankers off-site for treatment. 2.5 The applicant has advised that the proposal is required to comply with environmental permits relating to the restored landfill area and complies with best practice guidance. 2.6 The following supporting information has been supplied with the application: Drawings: • Site Location Plan (Drawing no. JW30192 - 1) • Key Local Features Plan (unreferenced) • Planning Applications Boundaries (Drawing no. JW30192 – 2A) • Proposed Landscaping Planting (Drawing no. JW30192 – D1C) • Proposed Site Layout (Drawing no. JW30192 – 3H) • Proposed LTP Compound Lighting Plan (Drawing no. JW30192 – 5B) • Proposed Elevations (Drawing no. JW30192 – 4D) Documents: • Planning Supporting Statement (including Design & Access Statement) • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (including photographic survey) • Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report (Jan 2012) • Great Crested Newt Survey (July 2012) • Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) 3. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 12/00029/SCR Request for an Environmental Impact Not EIA Assessment Screening Opinion for the development development of a Leachate Treatment Plant. 03/10/12 01/00678/FUL Installation of Landfill Gas Utilisation Facility Approved (LGUF), three electricity generators and 08/01/02 ancillary plant. 4. CONSULTATIONS Statutory Consultees Environment Agency (EA) 4.1 The EA support this proposal as it would allow for greater volumes of leachate to be treated and thus comply with the conditions of the applicant’s Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Environmental Permit for the site. The EA has accepted that adequate leachate management and secondary containment measures would be put in place as part of this proposal. A condition to secure details of a landscape and ecological management plan is also requested. Non-statutory Consultees RBC Transport Development Control 4.2 Transport DC raises no objection to this application as the proposal would result in a significant reduction in vehicle trips and adequate parking and manoeuvring space for vehicles would be provided on site. 4.3 RBC Ecologist Raises no objection to this proposal as it would result in no significant or adverse ecological impacts. However, conditions are suggested to secure details of any contractor’s storage compound, details of any external lighting measures and a detailed landscaping scheme. RBC Environmental Protection 4.4 Raise no objections to this proposal but have requested that the EA is consulted on this application. RBC Parks & Open Spaces 4.5 Raise no objections to this proposal. RBC Building Control 4.6 Advise that Building Regulations approval is required. West Berkshire Council 4.7 No comment. Public consultation 4.8 A site notice was displayed and an advert placed in the local press advising that the application forms a departure from the development plan. No written representations were received in respect of this proposal. 5. RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY AND GUIDANCE 5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that proposals be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Material considerations include relevant policies in the National Planning Policy framework (NPPF) - among them the 'presumption in favour of sustainable development'. 5.2 The following local and national planning policy and guidance is relevant to this application: Reading Borough Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2008) CS1 Sustainable Construction & Design CS2 Waste Minimisation CS6 Settlement Boundary CS7 Design and the Public Realm CS8 Waterspaces CS24 Car / Cycle parking CS28 Loss of Open Space CS34 Pollution and Water Resources CS35 Flooding CS36
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