The Official Publication of the Fiard College Community 'ol. 2, No.1 Annandale-on-li udson, .Yell' York October 7, 1959 WINTER expanded Orien ta tion COLLEGE INEW FACULTY ENROLLMENT >rogram Is Instituted From] anuary 4 to February 10, MEMaERS It is very fitting that Bard's Orientation Committee honor the 1960, Bard students may elect In the Art, t-.lusic, Drama, and Dance Division, there are five ollege's 100th entering class with as full-scale a program as to attend the recently formed new faculty members, including the head of the drama department, winter college. 'a s carried out this year. September, 1959 marks the first time ~Ir. William Driver. lat the Orientation Committee, working with the Dean's Office THEME OF COURSES Assistant Professor William Driver holds a degree of Master nd the admissions Office, has attempted so extensive a program. The courses offered by the of Arts in Classics and Philosophy from Merton College, Oxford The Committee, under the leadership of David Robison, started winter college will be concerned University, where he was secretary of the Oxford University Dra­ orking at the end of last term. During the summer, committee with "dying traditions and new matics Society. For several years he was both actor and director emb ers contacted entering students via mail, Bell telephone intentions," or the study of the in England in repertory companies such as the ~ottingham Play­ ystem and even house visits. But their biggest job came during changes which have taken place house, the Manchester Library Theatre, and the Old Vic. He was le Orientation days from September 5 until September 14. place between the nineteenth and also active in television and motion pictures in England. Upon twentieth centuries and the ex­ coming to the United States he held the position of Director of the RIE~T ATIOt\ A SUCCESS? more important aspect of making a scholastic adjustment was not tent of their influence on con­ Poets' Theatre, Cambridge, Massachusetts. _____ Several new students were dealt with enough in the orogram." temporary sociology, psychology, Mordecai Gorelik, described low ship for two years. Most re­ ,ked for their opinions about literature, history, and meta­ by President Case as one of the cenrly he held a Fulbright grant e orientation program, and how ANN HO, freshman, from Tarry­ physics. A few of the courses to outstanding figures of the Am- wh ich enabled him to spend a ey thought it can be improved town, New York. Orientation be offered are The Emergence of erican theatre, has been ap- year painting in France. !xt year, how it differed from week was certainly a success. Modern Europe, Changing Per­ pointed Visiting Lecturer in Mr. Ablow's appointment is as her schools they might have The extra day was needed and spectives in Literary Expression, Drama and will offer a course in a partial replacement for Profes­ tended, and, in general if it helpful, and the informal ac­ Structures of Cultural Metamor­ stage design under the title of sor Stefan Hirsch who has been :IS a succes s. The majority tivities were very good. If maps phosis, Modern Psychology, and nScenic Imagination." This granted a Bard College Faculty It that orientation was a suc­ of the campus had been sent to the Breakdown of Nineteenth t:ourse has been given by Mr. Fellowship for the current year. !SS especially in regard to the entering students sometime Century Rationalism and Radi­ Gorelik in New York to a group Professor Hirsch and Miss Elsa .ning of events. Enough ac­ during the summer, much con­ calism • limited initially to professional Rogo, his wife, has just sailed "ities were planned so that fusion could have been saved. stage designers and later en­ B CREDITS for Franc e wh ere they will spend Also, the period when new stu­ larged to permit professional lrticipants in the program did much of the coming year in paint­ dents broke into five groups for A student enrolling in the directors and producers to enroll. It get bored, but also had enough ing and in completing a book on discussion was not very effective winter college may elect to take Mr. Gorelik was a student of the ne to meet people and just talk. art on which they have been borh because not many questions were only one course, carrying eight late Rovert Edmund Jones and working for some time. Professor Almost all agreed that the pre­ asked and it was extremely dif­ credits, which will meet for three was designer for ap proxima tely Hirsch came to Bard in 1942 and ninary registration conferences ficult to hear. two hour seminars a week. In ad­ fifty Broadway plays including is a senior member of the Di­ ~re helpful. Some people sug­ dition, the winter college will "Men In White," "Golden Boy," (Continued Page 3, Col.3) vision of Art, Music, Drama and 'sted that the pre-registration offer a number of concerts, films, "All My Sons," and "Hatful of Dance. ogram be extended so that one lectures and other activities. Rain." He has also been pro­ n discuss more thoroughly duction designer for many films Mr. Allen Brings has been ap­ TUITION th his advisor wh at courses to Clubs for R.K .0., Republic Studios, pointed Instructor in Music. Mr. loose. For those students expecting 20th Century Fox, and English Bring s is both a profe ssional Below are some views on the Active to enroll, the inclusive fee will and French film companies. He pianist and a composer who has 'ientation program expressed What to join? There isn't any be approximately six-hundred has taught in this country and publicly performed and recorded a few of the new students. problem at Bard concerning mem­ dollars plus a small assessment abroad, is the author of "New some of his own work. He is a bership in clubs. Each club is for community dues. Further in­ Theatres for Old" and of articles graduate of Queens College, re­ )N A VIROM, freshman, from open to all students. The meet­ formation concerning the winter in leading encyclopedias. He ceived his master's degree at lr Rockaway, New York. ings are announced by bold college may be obtained at the has held research fellowships Columbia and obtained a Mosen­ )rientation week impressed me posters on the bulletin board. Dean's Office. Anyone planning from the Guggenhiem Foundation thaI Fellowship. He recently being satisfactory. The pro­ The following is a brief run-down to attend the session is urged and the Rockefeller Foundation. completed a tour of duty with am seemed the result of m'uch to act immediately. the U.S. Army in Germany. anning and it managed to intro­ of some of the various clubs on Also appointed to the Drama ce ana loosen up the incoming campus. Six S t 1I d y Department is Mr. Reese Sarda Mr. Harold Herreman, who is udents. Also the introduction The Psychology Club aims to of Hyde Park, New York. Mr. teaching Physics this year, has Sarda is a young writer, actor, come to Bard from Berkeley, dorm life and general school increase the interest of the stu- Ate lin i c licy was we 11 taken care of. dent body in this subject. Stu- stage designer, and stage tech­ California, where he has been en­ lere were perhaps too many dents' papers are read and dis- Six Bard psychology majors nician. He wi 11 be in charge of gaged for the past two years in research on electrical discharges eart-to-heart' talks on the cussed at meetings. Lectures on are participating in a research stagecraft at the College under in gasses. Prior to this research lique' advantages of this 'u- interesting topics, are given by project on aggression at the Rip the supervision of senior mem­ project, he taught physics at 1ue' school. All in all the invited well· known authorities Van Winkle Foundation in Hud­ bers of the department. Georgia Tech for twelve years • .entation week was quite ade­ in the field. Plans are now being son. The six involved are Amy Mrs. Vida G. Deming, Assist­ Mr. Herreman did his under­ ate; the committee should be made for movies and a trip to the Green, Brenda Steinberg, Chickie ant Professor of Drama, part­ graduate work at Stanford Uni­ ·11 thought of." Mokino Institute, a center for the Dachuck, Mitzi Neurenberg, Dick time, is the only former member versity, and received other de­ use of pyschotherapy in drama. Gomel, and Elly Chatzky. HL COFFINO, freshman, from of the Drama Departme nt return­ grees at the University of Cali­ ing this year• • Vernon, New York. Orienta­ The Social Studies Club spon- Every Monday this year, these fornia. .n week should have been sers lectures as well as an an- students will spend four hours II The new drama faculty at orter and more intensive. There Because Mr. Herreman arrived nual International Weekend. At at the Foundation. The first of Bard this year," Mr. Case said, at Bard in late summer, he had re too many intervals in which this event, one chosen theme is these hours will be devoted to "offers exciting possibilities in ~re was nothing to do. Also, an opportunity to attend some of discussed with visiting foreign a seminar discussion lead by Dr. the deve lopmen t of college theatre the Orientation Program for the conferences should defi­ students. This year, for the first Eron of the Foundation. The dis­ a s one of the liberal arts. It also ely be longer, and there could new students.
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