Capital & Revenue Works Programme 2016 / 2017 Reserve List of Works Resurfacing / Reconstruction Road Road / Burgh Description Wards Job No Chart Length Qty Unit A95 Keith - Glenbarry RoadU15H Eastwards towards 02 \ 99 3 300 500 Sqm Roselea. Edge Strengthen. A95 Keith - Glenbarry Road600m West of C48H Edingight to 02 \ 99 3 1010 6100 Sqm C34H Knock.- Resurface A98 Fochabers-Cullen- Tynet Bridge Eastwards - 04 \ 99 3 300 1797 Sqm Fraserburgh Road Resurface A98 Fochabers-Cullen- Aradoul Westwards - Resurface 04 \ 99 3 350 2100 Sqm Fraserburgh Road A98 Fochabers-Cullen- Buckie March Road at Jct. A98 - 03 \ 99 3 64 1000 Sqm Fraserburgh Road Shape and resurface to remove ponding water. A98 Fochabers-Cullen- Fochabers Woods. Edge 04 \ 99 3 120 200 Sqm Fraserburgh Road Strengthening. A98 Fochabers-Cullen- Jct. A990 to Tibbertyn - Edge 04 \ 99 1 186 465 Sqm Fraserburgh Road Strengthening A98 Fochabers-Cullen- Cullen Bay Hotel Eastwards - 02 \ 99 1 96 240 Sqm Fraserburgh Road Edge Strengthening A920 Dufftown-Huntly Road Bakebare Eastwards - Resurface 01 \ 99 2 620 4050 Sqm A920 Dufftown-Huntly Road Bridge of Alltnacreich Eastwards - 01 \ 99 2 500 3000 Sqm Resurface A920 Dufftown-Huntly Road Boghead Bridge Westwards 01 \ 99 3 187 1122 Sqm through Auchindoun - Resurfacing A920 Dufftown-Huntly Road A941 to Tulluchallum Farm - Edge 01 \ 99 3 100 150 Sqm Strengthen A920 Dufftown-Huntly Road At entrance to Corsemaul - 01 \ 99 3 120 720 Sqm Resurface A939 Nairn-Tomintoul- 200m uphill from Lecht culvert - 01 \ 99 3 200 1300 Sqm Ballater Road Resurface A939 Nairn-Tomintoul- Lecht Brae, from "Lecht 2090" 01 \ 99 3 450 2925 Sqm Ballater Road sign downhill - Resurface A939 Nairn-Tomintoul- Topliss Cottage to Well o Lecht - 01 \ 99 3 901 5406 Sqm Ballater Road Resurface A939 Nairn-Tomintoul- Opposite forestry layby, 900m 01 \ 99 3 200 1300 Sqm Ballater Road downhill/west of Topliss Cottage - Resurface A939 Nairn-Tomintoul- Cattle grid Lecht Ski Centre - 01 \ 99 3 15 83 Sqm Ballater Road Resurface A939 Nairn-Tomintoul- Fodderletter to Bridge of Avon - 01 \ 99 3 400 600 Sqm Ballater Road Edge Strengthening A940 Forres-Grantown RoadAt bend at 'White House' - 08 \ 99 3 500 3000 Sqm Resurface and edge strengthening A940 Forres-Grantown RoadBalnaferry Roundabout to 08 \ 99 2 500 3000 Sqm Whiterow - Resurface A940 Forres-Grantown RoadFrom Kerrow Bridge to Braemoray 08 \ 99 3 1150 6900 Sqm Lodge - Resurface A940 Forres-Grantown RoadFrom north entrance to Dunphail 08 \ 99 3 985 5910 Sqm House to B9007 - Resurface A940 Forres-Grantown RoadLogie School Layby - Resurface 08 \ 99 3 130 780 Sqm A940 Forres-Grantown RoadSluie to U89E Jct (Altyre) - 08 \ 99 3 1500 9000 Sqm Resurface A940 Forres-Grantown RoadFrom Ardoch north to Dunphail 08 \ 99 3 265 1590 Sqm House entrance - Resurface A940 Forres-Grantown RoadBetween Knockach Bridge and 08 \ 99 3 178 243 Sqm Tombain - Edge strengthen A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Opposite Dufftown Railway 01 \ 99 1 20 70 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Station large patch Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Raws Cottage to Laggan -Edge 01 \ 99 1 374 748 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Blackfolds Northwards - Edge 01 \ 99 1 482 964 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Bridgend Southwards - Edge 01 \ 99 1 286 572 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Strengthening Road (East) Page 39 Capital & Revenue Works Programme 2016 / 2017 Reserve List of Works Resurfacing / Reconstruction Road Road / Burgh Description Wards Job No Chart Length Qty Unit A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Jct. B975 Resurface HRA 01 \ 99 3 80 660 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Bazaar Bridge to Grouse Inn - 01 \ 99 1 1500 3000 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Edge Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Junction U102H to Glenburnie - 01 \ 99 1 692 4844 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Resurface Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Kingsford Bridge Southwards - 01 \ 99 1 487 974 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Edge Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Tullochallum Southwards - Edge 01 \ 99 1 708 1416 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Bridgehaugh to Raws Road Jct 01 \ 99 1 1500 3000 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie (U94H) - Edge Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Bridgehaugh south to Layby - 01 \ 99 1 1100 2200 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Edge Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Grouse Inn to Bridgend - Edge 01 \ 99 1 1200 2400 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- From Dufftown to Railway Station 01 \ 99 3 750 5100 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie including Distillery junction B975 Road (East) H.R.A. A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- From Bridgend south towards 01 \ 99 3 600 3120 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie U86H - Resurface, including Road (East) widening (land required) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Grouse Inn to U82H - Recycle 01 \ 99 2 1800 9900 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Layby between Bridgehaugh and 01 \ 99 2 110 620 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Glacks of Balloch - Surface Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Westerton Brae South bound - 01 \ 99 1 60 90 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Edge strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- U86H to Grouse Inn - Resurface 01 \ 99 3 1000 5500 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- 150m South of Burnside Entrance 01 \ 99 1 90 135 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie north bound - Edge Strengthening Road (East) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- At junction of U39E - Resurface at 04 \ 05 3 40 360 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie junction Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Between Coleburn & Nether Glen 01 \ 04 1 300 450 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Quarry (various locations, west Road (West) channel) - Edge strengthening (prior to R/S or S/D) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- 300m north of Birkenhill (west 04 \ 99 1 60 80 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie channel) - Edge strengthen Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Immediately north of 'The Old 01 \ 99 3 25 200 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Toll', Rothes (at culvert) - Road (West) Resurface (large patch) to settlement area A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- 100m north of Bulwark Cottage 01 \ 99 1 100 150 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie (east channel) - Edge strengthen Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- At Conerock Lay-by - Resurface 01 \ 99 3 40 150 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie entrance & exit bellmouths Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- At Lay-By immediately north of 01 \ 99 3 65 165 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Craigellachie Bridge - Resurface Road (West) Lay-By Page 40 Capital & Revenue Works Programme 2016 / 2017 Reserve List of Works Resurfacing / Reconstruction Road Road / Burgh Description Wards Job No Chart Length Qty Unit A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Elgin Boundary to 'barrier bend' - 04 \ 05 2 1000 6500 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Between Drumbain Croft and The 01 \ 99 3 200 1460 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Cotts - Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- C2E to Fogwatt - Resurface 04 \ 99 3 680 4590 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Gedloch Quarry access south 01 \ 04 3 1000 6750 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie through Coleburn - Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Gedloch Lay-by (at north end) - 04 \ 99 3 50 400 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- At B9102 Jct. (Dandaleith Lay- 01 \ 99 3 225 1125 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie by) - Recycle Lay-by Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Rothes town boundary south to 01 \ 99 3 300 2100 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie former Petrol Station - Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- B9135 to Paddockdale - Resurface05 \ 99 3 500 3750 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Rothes Glen Quarry southwards 01 \ 99 1 300 450 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie for 300m - Edge Strengthen (east Road (West) channel) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- 200m south of Drumbain Croft - 01 \ 99 1 50 75 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Edge strengthening (west Road (West) channel, prior to resurface) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Dandaleith Farm access to Spey 01 \ 99 3 700 5110 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Bridge - Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Nether Glen Quarry north towards 01 \ 99 3 750 5475 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Coleburn - Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- At Pitcraigie Farm (between 01 \ 99 3 330 2400 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie access roads) - Resurface Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Between Pitcraigie Farm (southen 01 \ 99 1 200 300 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie access) and U131E - Edge Road (West) strengthing (east channel) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Opposite Littlehaugh Cottage - 01 \ 99 1 75 113 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Edge Strengthening (west Road (West) channel) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Rothes Glen Quarry to former 01 \ 99 1 200 300 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Rothes Glen Hotel - Edge Road (West) Strengthen (west channel) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- Spey Bridge , Craigellachie - 01 \ 99 3 145 1059 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Resurface bridge deck Road (West) A941 Lossiemouth-Elgin- 200m south of Drumbain Croft - 01 \ 99 3 300 2190 Sqm Dufftown Rhynie Resurface Road (West) A942 Buckie-Findochty- Through Strathlene golf course 03 \ 99 1 50 60 Sqm Portknockie Road e/b - Edge Strengthen A942 Buckie-Findochty- Cemetery Westwards - Resurface 03 \ 99 3 561 3313 Sqm Portknockie Road A942 Buckie-Findochty- At Jct. U68L on inside of bend - 02 \ 99 1 58 145 Sqm Portknockie Road Edge Strengthening A990 Enzie-Portgordon- Portgordon eastwards - Resurface 04 \ 99 3 500 3000 Sqm Buckie Road B9007 Forres-Ferness-Duthil Logie Steading to Logie Bridge - 08 \ 99 2 250 1500 Sqm Road Resurface HRA B9007 Forres-Ferness-Duthil From Relugas House to Relugas 08 \ 99 3 600 3600 Sqm Road Mains - Resurface Page 41 Capital & Revenue Works Programme 2016 / 2017 Reserve List of Works Resurfacing / Reconstruction Road Road / Burgh Description Wards Job No Chart Length Qty Unit B9008 Delnashaugh- North and South of Entrance to 01 \ 99 1 70 140 Sqm Auchbreck-Tomintoul Lyneriach Cottage - Edge Rd Strengthening B9008 Delnashaugh- Croftbain Southwards - Edge 01 \ 99 1 250 500 Sqm Auchbreck-Tomintoul Strengthening Rd B9008 Delnashaugh- Layby, 500m north of 01 \ 99 3 20 150 Sqm Auchbreck-Tomintoul Tomnavoulin - Surface central Rd access road and install drainage.
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