ScottishIssue 3 | September 2002 www.christianscotland.orgUpdateThe newsletter of The Christian Institute (Scotland) TALE OF TWO CITIES: Glasgow bans lap dancing while Edinburgh embraces the ‘sex industry’ GOSPEL FREEDOM: Executive considers ‘religious hatred’ law ADOPTION LAW: Will McConnell allow gay couples to adopt children? CANNABIS DOWNGRADE: How the Home Secretary’s decision to soften the law on cannabis will affect Scotland Don’t take my mummy away Latest on the plans to ban smacking CONTENTS inside Out and about Past and future meetings of The Christian Institute, plus a report in Gaelic on our meeting in Stornoway, p4 Smacking stand The personal story of one ordinary mother who met an infl uential committee of MSPs and told them not to ban smacking, p8 Gay rights in Aberdeen City bosses launch plan to promote ‘gay rights’ after city is dubbed ‘homophobic’, p9 Sex lessons fail New research shows current sex lessons are failing and the Executive announces a change in the way it will recommend sex education materials, p10, 11 Lap dancing ban Glasgow’s hard line against the ‘sex industry’ couldn’t be more different to Edinburgh’s approach, p12 Drugs worry How new cannabis laws will affect Scotland, plus COVER STORY: The latest news on the alarming levels of drug-driving and other news on plans to change the law on smacking, p6 drugs, p13-15 Tough motherly love Read the inspiring story of Maxie Richards, an ordinary housewife who opened her home and her heart to help drug addicts, p15 Gagging the Gospel? The Christian Institute, PO Box 23282, Edinburgh, EH1 2XU Tel 0131 226 3555 Fax 0131 226 3888 How laws on ‘religious hatred’ could end up being used [email protected] to gag religious debate and silence Christians, p16 www.christianscotland.org The Christian Institute is a company limited by guarantee and a charity registered for the promotion of the Christian faith throughout the United Kingdom. Registered Charity No. 100 4774 Company No. 263 4440 2 ScottishUpdate | September 2002 September 2002 | ScottishUpdate 3 EDITORIAL ScottishUpdate The Section 28 effect Politicians! Do they ever accept the anti-family agenda. the Executive’s Deputy Justice actually listen to ordinary ‘Keep the Clause’ was a great Minister says he would prefer people? Well, yes sometimes encouragement to Christians. a total ban on smacking. But they do. Here is an example. The campaign had a powerful that is not what the Executive First Minister, Jack McConnell, message which even sceptical is proposing, it is planned that has recently blocked plans to politicians and journalists could only some forms of smacking give out the morning after pill not ignore. will be banned. This is because in schools (see page 11). That is When Christians make they are scared of upsetting no small thing. The Executive a courageous stand for the public. As it happens, even was defi nitely pushing the idea morality on issues of public these lesser proposals have a year ago. Why the sudden concern, they are a preserving outraged people – and rightly change? Simply this: McConnell infl uence. They are salt and so. In fact, a committee of MSPs wants to avoid direct light (Matthew 5:13-16). seem to be particularly worried confrontations with family and Christians can provoke people’s about the proposals to ban the Last year, ScottishUpdate Christian groups. That’s the consciences which can then smacking of under-threes (see reported that the Section 28 effect. be a good infl uence on public page 6). Executive was pushing Christians joined forces in opinion. This can be a real The very safeguards won the idea of giving out a remarkable way against the restraint on our politicians. in the Section 28 battle are the morning after pill in repeal of Section 28, yet it was Even people who have no now being used to protect schools. That has now repealed despite over one Christian faith see this. The children from inappropriate been stopped by Jack million people voting against atheist philosopher, Jeremy sex education materials. The McConnell. It is widely it. One or two people have Bentham, said: “...such is the Executive has been forced to thought he wants to asked me, if a million people nature of man when clothed change its policy on how it avoid confrontations voting in an independent with power...[that] whatever recommends materials (see with Christian and family referendum can be ignored mischief has not yet been page 10). This is largely the groups. He doesn’t want by the politicians what is the actually done by him today, he result of ordinary people any more repeats of the point of making a stand on is sure to be meditating today, making a stand at a local and Section 28 fi asco. other issues? But perhaps those and unless restrained by the national level. people didn’t realise that two fear of what the public may The world will always need major battles were won in the think and do, it may actually be Christians to be salt and light. fi ght to keep the clause. done by him tomorrow.” If we maintain our Christian First, important legal It was because Christians distinctiveness and make safeguards for parents were spoke out that Jack McConnell sure that our salt does won. Parents must now be changed the Executive’s not lose its saltiness, consulted on their child’s sex policy on the morning after then we will be “the education and the materials pill. Holyrood is clearly now salt of the earth” to can be legally challenged frightened of upsetting the carry out preserving where they are inappropriate. public on issues of family work in a decaying Those safeguards would not be values. Public opinion is one world in desperate in place if people had not made reason why Glasgow is taking need of Christ’s love a stand. a different view to Edinburgh and forgiveness. Second, and perhaps over the ‘sex industry’. more importantly, the profi le Glasgow’s Evangelicals, Roman of the whole debate and the Catholics and feminists appear response of ordinary people to have joined forces to combat made clear that there is sleazy lap-dancing nightclubs Colin Hart, Director widespread support for family (see page 12). values. Most Scots do not On the issue of smacking, “McConnell wants to avoid direct confrontations with family and Christian groups. That’s the Section 28 effect.” 2 ScottishUpdate | September 2002 September 2002 | ScottishUpdate 3 MEETINGS Christian Institute meetings: where we’ve been and where we’re going Turas an Institiud Chriosdail Joe MacPhee air leth inntinneach cluinntinn Ged is e seo a’ chiad turas gum bheil an t-Institiud a-nis aig an Institiud ann an Leodhas Air Dihaoine an 10mh latha a cumail suil gheur air na tha tha sinn cinnteach nach e den Mhaigh 2002, thainig gabhail aite aig Riaghaltas na an turas mu dheireadh aca a John Burn, (Cathraiche) agus h-Alba. bhitheas ann. Humphrey Dobson, (Ard Bhruidhinn Humphrey Neach Sgrudaidh), bhon Dobson an uair sin nas Institiud Chriosdail a Leodhas mionaidaiche mu obair an airson a chiad uair a chumail Institiud, leithid an leasachadh dà choinneamh ann an a tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba Steornabhagh a bha air leth am beachd a thoirt a mach an soirbheachail. aghaidh pàrantan a bhitheas a Bha a’ chiad choinneamh smachdachadh an cloinne gu h-araidh airson ministearan agus mar a thathar a agus eildearan a thoirt deanamh strì airson an comhla bho air feadh an lagh an aghaidh a bhi eilein. Chruinnich ceithir cleachdadh canaib gu duine fi chead gu leir o na h- bhith air atharrachadh. eaglaisean eadar-dhealaichte Bhruidhinn e agus chaidh comhradh cuideachd air inntinneach air adhart mu obair na ceumanan an Institiud agus mar as urrain eagalach a tha na h-eaglaisean taic a thoirt luchd fearas- feise a le fi osrachadh a chumail ris na gabhail airson gun coimhearseachdan aca fhein. urrainn dhaibh Feasgar, chruinnich sluagh clann uchd- mor de shia fi chead neach ann mhacachadh. am Bun Sgoil Steornabhaigh, Chaidh a dearbhadh gum bheil uidh grunnan mhor anns an obair a tha an cheistean Institiud a deanamh. fhoighneachd Mhìnich John Burn dhan aig deireadh na coinneimh mhiunntir a bha g’eisdeachd agus an uair sin bha cothrom nadar na h-obrach anns am aig daoine billeagan bheil iad an sàs agus mar a tha fi osrachaidh a thoirt soirbheachadh leotha. Bha e leotha. Far and wide in 2002: past and future meetings ppastast mmeetingseetings ffutureuture meetingsmeetings (see(see ooppositepposite ppage)age) 4 ScottishUpdate | September 2002 September 2002 | ScottishUpdate 5 MEETINGS Christian Institute meetings: where we’ve been and where we’re going Christian Institute meetings planned for Autumn 2002 This Autumn, The Christian Executive’s policy against drugs a stand for Biblical truth. The Institute will be holding a and proposals to make divorce meetings will be encouraging series of meetings throughout quicker and easier. Other topics and informative. Scotland. Each meeting will focus will be covered too. If you would like further on issues of current concern to Staff from The Christian information about any of our Christians. These will include Institute will be able to offer meetings, please contact The the plans to change the law on advice and practical help for Christian Institute. Telephone smacking, the softening of the individuals who want to make 0131 226 3555. Inverness 26th Sep Motherwell 23rd Oct Thistle Hotel, 7.30pm GLO Centre, 7.30pm Milburn Road, Inverness, IV2 3TR 78 Muir Street, Motherwell, ML1 1BN Edinburgh 3rd Oct Glasgow 24th Oct Holiday Inn, 7.30pm Glasgow Hilton Grosvenor, 7.30pm Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 6UA
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