CATALOGUE OF PALAEARCTIC COLEOPTERA I. LÖBL & A. SMETANA ERRATA New taxa and new replacement names published within the Errata chapters of some volumes may have been overlooked, therefore they are here listed separately: Pterostichus gaturs Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus bhunetansis Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus bucciperis Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus parkwon Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus gonar Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus asinubas Davies, nom. nov . [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus cunibakus Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Pterostichus setosicus Davies , nom. nov. [Carabidae, published in vol. 2, December 31, 2004] Cissidium matthewsi Johnson sp. nov . [Ptiliidae, published in vol. 4, June 30, 2007] Acrotrichis (A.) williamsi Johnson, sp. nov . [Ptiliidae, published in vol. 4, June 30, 2007] Cardiophorus gurjevae Cate, nom. nov . (for Cardiophorus gracilis Gurjeva, 1966, nec Cardiophorus gracilis (Wollaston, 1864) [Elateridae, published in vol. 6, February 22, 2010] Autosilis Kazantsev, gen. nov. type species Cantharis nitidula Fabricius, 1792 [Cantharidae, published in vol. 7, February 15, 2011] Blepephaeus puae Lin, nom. nov . (for Blepephaeus undulatus Pu, 1999 nec Blepephaeus undulatus (Pic, 1930) [Cerambycidae, published in vol. 7, February 15, 2011] Labidostomis centrisculpta kafiristanica Regalin & L. N. Medvedev, nom. nov. (for Labidostomis nuristanica afghanica Lopatin & Nesterova, 2007, nec L. nuristanica afghanica L. N. Medvedev, 1978) [Chrysomelidae, published in vol. 7, February 15, 2011] ERRATA for VOLUME 1 Sphaeriusidae p. 26, add AB to distribution of Sphaerius acaroides Waltl, 1838 Gyrinidae p. 26, add original combination ( Gyrinus ) to Aulonogyrus concinnus Klug, 1833 p. 27, correct author, year and page of Gyrinus from O. F. Müller, 1764: xvii to Gyrinus Geoffroy, 1762: 193 [see ICZN, Opinion 1754] p. 27, add: guernei Méquignon, 1942: 9 in synonymy with Gyrinus distinctus Aubé, 1838 p. 29, correct spelling of Orectochilus allax Peschet, 1923 to fallax Peschet, 1923 p. 29, add original combination ( Gyrinus ) to Orectochilus villosus villosus O. F. Müller Trachypachidae p. 33, add CT to distribution of Trachypachus zetterstedti Gyllenhal, 1827 Hygrobiidae p. 35, add SZ to distribution of Hygrobia hermanni Fabricius, 1775 Noteridae p. 33, add N: TU AFR to distribution of Canthydrus diophthalmus (Reiche & Saulcy, 1855) p. 34, remove AFR from distribution of Canthydrus laetabilis (Walker, 1858) p. 34, add A: IQ SA SY to distribution of Canthydrus luctuosus (Aubé, 1838) p. 34, add ORR to distribution of Canthydrus nitidulus Sharp, 1882, and add bifasciatus Régimbart, 1889b: 148 to its synonymy p. 34, add AFR to distribution of Canthydrus notula (Erichson, 1843) p. 34, remove Neohydrocoptus angolensis (Peschet, 1925), the Palaearctic records refer to N. jaechi p. 34, add: N: EG A: SI to distribution of Neohydrocoptus jaechi (Wewalka, 1989) Dytiscidae p. 37, Agabus labiatus (Brahm, 1791): change year to 1790 p. 40, Agabus nebulosus (Forter, 1771): add synonym humeralis Audinet-Serville, 1821: 96 ( Dytiscus ) p. 41, Ilybius balkei (Fery & Nilsson, 1993): add original genus assignment (Agabus ) p. 42, Ilybius erichsoni (Gemminger & Harold, 1868): add original genus assignment (Agabus ) p. 43, Ilybius subtilis (Erichson, 1837): add original genus assignment (Agabus ) p. 45, Meladema lanio (Fabricius, 1775), synonym Colymbetes lowei Gray, 1832: change year to 1831 p. 48, Acilius canaliculatus (Nicolai, 1822), synonym Dytiscus sulcipennis Zetterstedt, 1824: change author to C. R. Sahlberg, 1824: 157 p. 51, Dytiscus circumflexus Fabricius, 1801, synonym Dytiscus dubius Audinet-Serville, 1830: 90: change year to 1821 p. 52, Dytiscus marginalis Linnaeus, 1758, synonym Dytiscus circumductus Audinet-Serville, 1830: 90: change year to 1821 p. 55, add AFR to distribution of Bidessus complicatus Sharp, 1904 p. 55, Bidessus tiragalloi Sanfilippo, 1978: format as synonym of B. muelleri A. Zimmermann, 1927 p. 58, Deronectes opatrinus (Germar, 1824): add synonym silphoides Ponza, 1805: 82 ( Dytiscus ) p. 59, remove European record from distribution of Graptodytes pietrii Normand, 1933: p. 60, Graptodytes veterator veterator (Zimmermann, 1918): add [NP], add synonym montenegrinus Schaufuss, 1882: 559 (Hydroporus ) [NO] p. 61, Hydroporus dobrogeanus Ieni ŗtea, 1962: change author to Ieni ştea p. 62, Hydroporus lucasi Reiche, 1866: add [NP], add synonym perplexus Schaum, 1847: 39 [RN] [NO] p. 63, Hydroporus planus (Fabricius, 1781): change year to 1782 (as p. 501 is in the Appendix to Vol. 2) p. 64, Hydroporus sahlbergi (Nilsson, 2001): replace WS with ES p. 66, Nebrioporus seriatus (Sharp, 1882): remove record from LE p. 71, Herophydrus guineensis (Aubé, 1838): add synonyms mutatus Gemminger & Harold, 1868: 437 ( Hydroporus ) [RN] and ruficeps Boheman, 1848: 253 ( Hydroporus ) [RN] p. 72, Hygrotus marklini (Gyllenhal, 1813): synonym Hydrocoptus mixtus: change to mixtus Fischer von Waldheim, 1829: 27 (Hydroporus ) p. 76, Laccophilus minutus (Linnaeus, 1758), synonym Dytiscus virescens Brahm, 1791: change year to 1790 Rhysodidae p. 78, add SP to distribution of Rhysodes sulcatus Fabricius Carabidae p. 86, Nebria ( Alpaeus ) glacialis Ledoux & Roux, 1999: change as follows: glacicola Ledoux & Roux, 2001: 145[RN], synonym glacialis Ledoux & Roux, 1999: 68 [HN] p. 87, Nebria ( Alpaeus ) tatrica L. Miller, 1859 (all subspecies): replace SL by SK p. 87, Nebria ( Alpaeus ) turcica lassalei Leoux & Roux, 1990: change to lassallei Ledoux & Roux p. 88, correct year and page of Nebria nivalis nivalis Paykull, from 1798: 184 to 1790: 52 p. 89, Nebria ( Boreonebria ) traznaiana Ledoux & Roux, 1998: change traznaiana to tryznaiana p. 89, add following species: Nebria (Eonebria ) augustini Ledoux & Roux, 1999: 167 A: SCH Nebria (Eonebria ) guttulata Ledoux & Roux, 1999: 168 A: SCH Nebria (Eonebria ) nigricans Ledoux & Roux, 1999: 170 A: SCH p. 90, Nebria (Eunebria ) jockischii jockischii Sturm, 1815 is a junior homonym of N. jockischii Duftschmid, 1812 ( Carabus ) (synonym of N. rufescens rufescens Strøm, 1768). Sturm's name should be declared nomen protectum p. 90, Nebria ( Epinebriola ) nouristanensis noristanensis Ledoux, 1985: change noristanensis to nouristanensis p. 90, Nebria ( Epinebriola ) tangjelaenswis Shilenkov, 1998: change tangjelaenswis to tangjelaensis p. 90, add following species: Nebria (Epinebriola ) murzini Ledoux & Roux, 1999: 171 A: XIN p. 90, Nebria ( Eunebria ) decatrai Ledoux & Roux, 1996: change decatrai to dacatrai p. 90, Nebria ( Eunebria ) jockischii Sturm, 1815: synonym atterima A. Fiori, 1896: change to aterrima p. 92, Nebria ( Nebria ) longilingua Ledoux & Roux, 1991: remove, correctly listed in Eonebria p. 92, Nebria ( Nebria ) lucidissima Sciaky & Pavesi, 1994: remove, correctly listed in Eonebria p. 92, Nebria (Nebria ) cameroni Andrewes, 1925: remove, correctly listed in Eunebria p. 92, Nebria ( Nebria ) chasli Fairmaire, 1886: remove, correctly listed and correctly spelled (as chaslii ) in Orientonebria p. 92, Nebria ( Nebria ) cinctella Andrewes, 1925: remove, correctly listed in Eunebria p. 92, Nebria ( Nebria ) hikosana Habu, 1956: remove, correctly listed in Orientonebria p. 92, Nebria ( Nebria ) lewisi Bates, 1874: remove, correctly listed in Eunebria p. 93, Nebria ( Nebria ) plagiata Bänninger, 1923: remove, correctly listed in Eunebria . p. 93, Nebria ( Nebria ) stricta Ledoux & Roux, 1991: remove, correctly listed in Eonebria p. 93, Nebria ( Nebria ) yunnana Bänninger, 1928: remove, correctly listed in Eunebria p. 95, Nebria (incertae sedis), add: asiatica Ledoux & Roux, 1998a: 85 A: SCH p. 95, Nebria (incertae sedis), add: kubaniana Ledoux & Roux, 1998a: 86 A: YUN p. 95, Nebria (incertae sedis) parvula Ledoux & Roux, 1995: change as follows: parvulissima Ledoux & Roux, 1998b: 100 [RN], synonym parvula Ledoux & Roux, 1995b: 28 [HN] p. 122, Carabus gehinii munakatai Ishikawa, 1968: remove synonym tagawai Nakajima, 1993; correctly listed as synonym of C. gehinii gehinii p. 126, Carabus patroclus parvipes Cavazzuti, 1996: remove, correctly listed as C. delavayi parvipes p. 136, Carabus menetriesi menetriesi Hummel, 1827; change to Carabus menetriesi menetriesi Faldermann [in Hummel, 1827] p. 139, Carabus auronitens costellatus Géhin, 1882: remove synonym armoricanus Oberthür, 1935; correctly listed as synonym of C. auronitens auronitens Fabricius, 1792 p. 144, Carabus smaragdinus smaragdinus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823 is a junior homonym of Carabus smaragdinus Duftschmid, 1812 (in Harpalus ). Action needed to resolve this homonymy p. 151, Carabus obsoletus obsoletus Sturm, 1815 is a junior homonym of Carabus obsoletus P. Rossi, 1790 (synonym of Carabus leucophthalmus Linnaeus, 1758, in Sphodrus ). Sturm's name should be declared nomen protectum p. 161, Carabus morbillosus macilentus Lapouge, 1899 is a junior homonym of Carabus macilentus Olivier, 1795 (presently in the genus Polyhirma ). Lapouge's name should be declared nomen protectum p. 164, Carabus kolbei aino Rost, 1908: remove synonym hidakamontanus Ishikawa, 1966; correctly listed as C. kolbei hidakamontanus Ishikawa, 1966 p. 181, correct year of angustatus L. Redtenbacher [in synonymy with Carabus sylvestris
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