THEORY OF COMPUTING, Volume 2 (2006), pp. 225–247 http://theoryofcomputing.org Matrix Approximation and Projective Clustering via Volume Sampling Amit Deshpande∗ Luis Rademacher† Santosh Vempala‡ Grant Wang§ Received: August 11, 2005; revised: September 28, 2006; published: October 12, 2006. Abstract: Frieze, Kannan, and Vempala (JACM 2004) proved that a small sample of rows of a given matrix A spans the rows of a low-rank approximation D that minimizes kA−DkF within a small additive error, and the sampling can be done efficiently using just two passes over the matrix. In this paper, we generalize this result in two ways. First, we prove that the additive error drops exponentially by iterating the sampling in an adaptive manner (adaptive sampling). Using this result, we give a pass-efficient algorithm for computing a low-rank approximation with reduced additive error. Our second result is that there exist k rows of A whose span contains the rows of a multiplicative (k + 1)-approximation to the best rank-k matrix; moreover, this subset can be found by sampling k-subsets of rows from a natural distribution (volume sampling). Combining volume sampling with adaptive sampling yields the existence of a set of k + k(k + 1)/ε rows whose span contains the rows of a multiplicative (1 + ε)-approximation. This leads to a PTAS for the following NP-hard ∗Supported by NSF Award CCR-0312339. †Supported by NSF Award CCR-0312339. ‡Supported by NSF Award CCR-0312339 and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. §Supported by NSF Award CCR-0312339. ACM Classification: G.1.3, F.2.1 AMS Classification: 68W25, 65F15 Key words and phrases: algorithms, matrix approximation, projective clustering. Authors retain copyright to their work and grant Theory of Computing unlimited rights to publish the work electronically and in hard copy. Use of the work is permitted as long as the author(s) and the journal are properly acknowledged. For the detailed copyright statement, see http://theoryofcomputing.org/copyright.html. c 2006 Amit Deshpande, Luis Rademacher, Santosh Vempala, and Grant Wang DOI: 10.4086/toc.2006.v002a012 A. DESHPANDE, L. RADEMACHER, S. VEMPALA, G. WANG projective clustering problem: Given a set P of points in Rd, and integers j and k, find 2 subspaces F1,...,Fj, each of dimension at most k, that minimize ∑p∈P mini d(p,Fi) . 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Let the rows of a matrix be points in a high-dimensional space. It is often of interest to find a low- dimensional representation. The subspace spanned by the top k right singular vectors of the matrix is a good choice for many applications. The problem of efficiently finding an approximation to this subspace has received much attention in the past decade [19, 15, 1, 14, 16]. In this paper, we give new algorithms for this problem and show existence of subspaces lying in the span of a small set of rows with better additive approximation as well as multiplicative approximation. At the heart of our analysis are generalizations of previous sampling schemes [19]. We apply these results to the general problem of finding j subspaces, each of dimension at most k, so as to minimize the sum of squared distances of each point to its nearest subspace, a measure of the “error” incurred by this representation; as a result, we obtain the first polynomial-time approximation scheme for this projective clustering problem [5, 32, 6, 3] when j and k are fixed. The case of j = 1, i. e., finding a single k-dimensional subspace, is an important problem in itself and can be solved efficiently (for j ≥ 2, the problem is NP-hard [30], even for k = 1 [15]). The optimal T projection is given by the rank-k matrix Ak = AYY where the columns of Y are the top k right singular vectors of A and can be computed using the Singular Value Decomposition. Note that among all rank-k 2 2 matrices D, Ak is the one that minimizes kA−DkF = ∑i, j(Ai j −Di j) . The running time of this algorithm, dominated by the SVD computation of an m × n matrix, is O(min{mn2,nm2}). Although polynomial, this is still too high for some applications. For problems on data sets that are too large to store/process in their entirety, one can view the data as a stream of data items arriving in arbitrary order, and the goal is to process a subset chosen judiciously on the fly and then extrapolate from this subset. Motivated by the question of finding a faster algorithm, Frieze et al. [19] showed that any matrix A has k/ε rows whose span contains the rows of a 2 rank-k approximation to A within additive error εkAkF . In fact, the subset of rows can be obtained as independent samples from a distribution that depends only on the norms of the rows. (In what follows, A(i) denotes the ith row of A.) Theorem 1.1 ([19]). Let S be a sample of s rows of an m × n matrix A, each chosen independently from the following distribution: row i is picked with probability kA(i)k2 Pi = 2 . kAkF If s ≥ k/ε, then span(S) contains the rows of a matrix A˜k of rank at most k for which ˜ 2 2 2 ES(kA − AkkF ) ≤ kA − AkkF + εkAkF . THEORY OF COMPUTING, Volume 2 (2006), pp. 225–247 226 MATRIX APPROXIMATION AND PROJECTIVE CLUSTERING VIA VOLUME SAMPLING This can be turned into an efficient algorithm based on sampling [15].1 The algorithm makes one pass through A to figure out the sampling distribution and another pass to sample and compute the approximation. Its complexity is O(min{m,n}k2/ε4). These results lead us to the following questions: (1) Can the error be reduced significantly by using multiple passes through the data? (2) Can we get multiplicative (1+ε)-approximations? (3) Do these sampling algorithms have any consequences for the general projective clustering problem? 1.2 Our results We begin with the observation that the additive error term drops exponentially with the number of passes when the sampling is done adaptively. Thus, low-rank approximation is a natural problem for which multiple passes through the data are highly beneficial. The idea behind the algorithm is quite simple. As an illustrative example, suppose the data consists of points along a 1-dimensional subspace of Rn except for one point. The best rank-2 subspace has zero error. However, one round of sampling will most likely miss the point far from the line. So we use a two-round approach. In the first pass, we get a sample from the squared norm distribution. Then we sample again, but adaptively—we sample with probability proportional to the squared distance to the span of the first sample. We call this procedure adaptive sampling. If the lone far-off point is missed in the first pass, it will have a high probability of being chosen in the second pass. The span of the full sample now contains the rows of a good rank-2 approximation. In the theorem below, for a set S of rows of a matrix A, we denote by πS(A) the matrix whose rows are the projection of the rows of A to the span of S. Theorem 1.2. Let S = S1 ∪ ··· ∪ St be a random sample of rows of an m × n matrix A where, for j = 1,...,t, each set S j is a sample of s rows of A chosen independently from the following distribution: row i is picked with probability (i) 2 ( j) kE j k Pi = 2 kE jkF ˜ where E1 = A, E j = A − πS1∪···∪S j−1 (A). Then for s ≥ k/ε, span(S) contains the rows of a matrix Ak of rank at most k such that 1 E (kA − A˜ k2 ) ≤ kA − A k2 + εt kAk2 . S k F 1 − ε k F F The proof of Theorem 1.2 is given in Section 2.1. The resulting algorithm, described in Section 2.2 uses 2t passes through the data. Although the sampling distribution is modified t times, the matrix itself is not changed. This is especially significant when A is sparse as the sparsity of the matrix is maintained. Theorem 1.2 raises the question of whether we can get a multiplicative approximation instead of an additive approximation. To answer this question, we generalize the sampling approach. For a set S of k points in Rn, let ∆(S) denote the k-dimensional simplex formed by them along with the origin. We pick a random k-subset S of rows of A with probability proportional to vol(∆(S))2. This procedure, which 1Frieze et al. [19] go further to show that there is an s × s submatrix for s = poly(k/ε) from which the low-rank approxi- mation can be computed in poly(k,1/ε) time in an implicit form. THEORY OF COMPUTING, Volume 2 (2006), pp. 225–247 227 A. DESHPANDE, L. RADEMACHER, S. VEMPALA, G. WANG we call volume sampling, is a generalization of the earlier sampling approach which picks single rows according to their squared norms. Theorem 1.3. Let S be a random k-subset of rows of a given matrix A chosen with probability vol(∆(S))2 P = . S ∆ 2 ∑T:|T|=k vol( (T)) Then A˜k, the projection of A to the span of S, satisfies ˜ 2 2 ES(kA − AkkF ) ≤ (k + 1)kA − AkkF . We prove this theorem in Section 1.4. Moreover, the factor of k + 1 is the best possible for a k-subset (Proposition 3.3).
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