TNe BASEBALL PREV IEW See Page 11 S c R i b E Urivm ity of Bridgeport______________________ Vol. 4 Wo. 18 March 28, 1985 25 cents LRP II FIRST DRAFT IN The first draft of the Universi­ In his preface to LRP II, Presi­ the first instance, such requests ty’s second long range plan (LRP dent Miles said the draft Is largely have been denied. In the second, U) is now circulating for review a collation of constituency and 1 have offered my own around campus. consultants’ views, except where proposals.” in my judgement excessive staff- The 180-page document is Noting that Change threatens," based in part on Cabinet-officer Dr. Miles said he expects some summaries of multiple planning to disagree with parts of LRP II. papers, particularly those from T o maintain internal harmo­ the University Senate, Dean’s LRPU ny, such provacative passages Council, Student Council and ADDRESSES could be deleted. But little would the various college faculties, ALMOST ALL AREAS then be left except the chapter President Miles said. OF THE VNtV. heads,” he said. “A plan which is LRP II addresses almost all not worth arguing about is not areas of the University, beginning worth reading. The last thing UB Billy Crystal, pictured here with an audience volunteer, put on needs at this point is timid a m-m-m-arvelous comedy show at the Harvey Hubbell Gym with a review of the past 11 years ing requirements were made or camouflaging of deep problems. last Sunday. [P h oto by Uri Salomons] of UB programs, including the inadequate solutions were Any hope of resolving such ...see story page 8. first long range plan. offered for urgent problems. In problems depends on frank presentation and open debate." The draft report will be reviewed by the Dean’s Council, UB AGAIN University Senate planning com­ mittees and the Cabinet before LRP II is presented to the Board “COMPETITIVE” of Trustees no later than June 20. In September the final LRP II report will be distributed. The University of Bridgeport is reprints) of Profiles and other ap­ again rated as competitive in Bar­ propriate publications will show ron’s Profile of American Col­ the University with competitive leges, after a drop to the less selector rating. Ju m p e rs competitive ranking. All high school guidance “As soon as we learned of the departments on UB mailing lists, Aid intitial change in our rating, we all international recruiting offices got in touch with the Barron’s and applicant and inquiries to the people, requested a meeting to H e a rt University have been sent an an­ determine how the directory in­ nouncement from the Admis­ formation could be corrected and Association sions Office informing them of received the action from them the revision in the Barron’s rating, that we asked for,” said Richard by John Kovach according to Huss. D. Huss, Vice-President for en­ rollment planning. T h e Barron’s rating of colleges Sunday’s “Jump Rope for Maxine Reed, project editor at is important to many students Heart" raised $1,674.42 for the Barrens, sent Huss a letter in De­ and the error in information American Heart Association, ac­ cember confirming, “I am taking about UB needed to be correct­ cording to the projects coordina­ action today to ensure that the ed quickly, which is what we ac­ tor Justine Talsky. next reprint (and all subsequent complished," Huss added. The marathon-type event in­ volved teams of anywhere from one to six jumpers jumping at in­ tervals for three hours. Ten teams consisting of almost 60 jumpers, entered, and all finished the event. ONLY Talsky said that she was very pleased with the day. "We got my Student Council President Chris Kelly jumps to the aid of the goal money wise and we had no Heart Association [Photo by Uri Solomons] major problems. Everything ran 3 6 very smoothly* she said. DANA SCHOLARSHIP Those who worked the event did an excelent job according to DAYS REMAIN APPLICATIONS Talsky. "Everyone who offered help and assistance went above Dana Scholarship Application cial need (applicants must file a and beyond the call of duty,” she forms are available in the offices Financial Aid Form) and range said. of the college deans. Dana Scho­ from Honorary Awards of $500 The team that earned the most IN THE lars are elected on the basis of to a maximum of $1500. All full­ money will receive six tickets to academic excellence (a mini­ time undergraduates who wiU the Downtown Caberet Theatre mum QPR of 3.2), good charac­ have completed 24 semester in Bridgeport. SEMESTER ter, and leadership qualities, as hours by the end of Spring 1985 determined by extracurricular ac­ with the minimum QPR are eligi­ Talsky, the College of Health tivities, recommendations, as es­ ble. Application deadline is April Sciences student senator, also say, and an interview. 14th. For further information, ran the UB United Way drive Scholarships are based on finan- contact George Blake, x4687. during the Fall Semester. Page 2 March 28 The Scribe NEWS GRANTS AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL FOR OVERSEAS SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE STUDIES STUDY IN SIENA, ITALY ANNUAL FULBRIGHT COMPETITION BEGINS The Italian Graduate Scholar­ Rome. Transportation from ship Committee of the Universi­ Rome and Siena, will be provid­ The United States Information al Exchange Act of 1961 Creative and performing ar­ ty of Bridgeport for the second ed by the U.B. Italian Scholarship Agency (USIA) and Institute of (Fulbright-Hays Act) and by for­ tists are not required to have year is offering a two month Committee. All other expenses International Education (HE) to­ eign governments, universities, bachelor's degree, but they must scholarship for study in Italy. The are the responsibilities of the day announced that the official corporations and private donors. have four years of professional program is being offered at the recipient. opening of the 1986-87 compe­ Applicatns must be U.S. study or equivalent experience. Scuola Di Lingua E Cultura According to Mrs. Irene Tessi- tition for grants for graduate citizens at the time of application, Candidates in medicine must Italiana Per Stranieri (School in tore, Italian Scholarship Commit­ study or research abroad in aca­ who will generally hold a have an M.D. or equivalent Italian Language and Culture for tee President and George Pughsi, demic fields and for professional bachelor's degree or its equiva­ degree (e.g., D.D.S., O.D.) at the Foreigners) at the University of who made arrangements for the training in the creative and per­ lent before the beginning date of time of application. Siena, Siena, Italy. study project, the applicant must forming arts is scheduled for May the grant and, in most cases, will Application forms and further To be eligible, an applicant be approved by the University of 1, 1985. It is expected that ap­ be proficient in the language of information for students currently must be enrolled in the Universi­ Bridgeport through the Halsey proximately 700 awards to over the host country. Except for cer­ enrolled at the University of ty of Bridgeport either as an un­ International Scholarship Pro­ 70 countries will be available for tain specific awards, candidates Bridgeport, may be obtained dergraduate or in the graduate gram (H1SP), the Italian Scholar­ the 1986-87 academic year. may not hold the Ph.D. at the from the Fulbright Program Ad­ school or have been a graduate ship Committee and Scuola Per The purpose of these grants is time of application. Candidates viser, Dean De Laurentis, who is of U.B. The applicant must be of Stranieri, Siena, Italy. to increase mutual understand­ for 1986-87 are ineligible for a located in CBPM Dean’s Office- Italian origin and not have Applications are available from ing between the people of the grant to a country if they have Mandeville. The dealine for filing reached his 35th birthday by the the HISP office, Park Hall, United States and other countries been doing graduate work or applications on this campus is end of December 1985. University of Bridgeport, through the exchange of persons, conducting research in that Tuesday, October 15, 1985. In­ The recipient will receive tui­ 576-4976, and must be received knowledge and skills. They are country for six months or more terested students are urged to tion, room and board provided in the H ISP office by May 1, provided under the terms of the during the academic year consult Dean De Laurentis as by the Scula Per Stranieri, and air 1985. Selection will be made by Mutual Educational and Cultur­ 1985-86. soon as possible. fare ticket from New York to June 1, 1985. STUDY IN HUNGARY The Halsey International Graduate Scholarship Program in conjunction with the Interna­ tional Cultural Institute of Hun­ gary offers to a qualifying applicant, a ten month scholar­ ship for post-graduate or research studies in the applicants major or minor field, at the University in Hungary, selected on the basis of the applicant’s field of study, during the academic year 1985-86. The applicant will receive free tuition, free lodging with a Hun­ garian family, a grant for the pur­ chase of books, a monthly stipend, free medical and dental treatment arid free transportation in Hungary for trips connected with the approved study plan. If desired, free tuition for six lessons per week in the Hungarian lan­ guage will be provided to appli­ cants whose field of study is not the Hungarian language. The applicant must provide transpor­ tation to and from Hungary, and all other expenses.
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