21rt IHstrict Recomt gied» R^nfficans Ap|i^ : BMrd rf Canvassers Of' Hoe :4eted To Certify ConI(^s New Govemment Body T& Be ter To Eqtrns &|^ Washington, Dec, 3.— (AP)-r¥n-;aehie has ontered: Nkti(nia| Guards-; In & Mesa^ fledieB Or Shew Cause , SimOff To Tint Fonneii lice hhve^final orders preparatory to men mobilized’ tO deal with o i^ dEs-' tiurhances. / To Coi^M s Next Weei^ On Tnesday; Meantime ^.P kpen. y 'rW S the'titrividt tonunfrow of tim f(n t Herbert Benjamin of (%icago, contingents, of mhrehing dexnonsti^ principal sponsor o f the nuueb* still I* , i>" / . •• • stf . tpm epdemroring. to proifinit 'relief was seeking lodgings today for t^ Be Mey {Sefftit Agewir D od lock In Cmmecticnt ',"o, ' 'f/'A denuuids to Congress, groups. W s previous boosing Berlin, Dec. 8.— fA P)—General i , j '•>. ji ° .7 ^ orders "Indwfcd, provisions for plans cffllapsed wbdn tt was found Kurt von Schleicher today assem­ ■ 'Y y :•'"■i •'■>//■ n6 ^ " y Y y \ StrougR additional g iu ra at the that thq Foderal guvepunent‘ held Senate v;. - bled a new Cabinet to guide Ger­ ' A r ' <■ WhRq. Rpuse and Oaidtid to fore- the lease on a warehouse he expect­ ^ </// YV>>A sfaft attempts at a mass demonstra- ed to hire. many out o f domestic disunion, and .'.MV.- ‘ Speaker Gfuner'bais ren ■ Because ofr ibeee difficultiee- Ben­ every indication pointed to a gov- Washington, Doc.' 8.— (AP)—r Bridgeport, Dec. 8— CAP) — The le permit for the.Capi- jamin postMned^ until Tuesday the Wito CbngresatoiDal opposition apr party lineup In the state Senate re- emmeot similar in makeup to the and 'demonstrators at proposed attempt to' rally ait the parently moire podtivo tium eviw, nMined deadlocked today, as far as administration of Franz von.Papen. i ' . ■ ■ ' i ' r- ; House are forbidden by Capitol. A group of prominent Unemplosrment aid was one of the ctUnpaign pointin'made by dbnt^ect FraUcUp D. Indleationa: today wors that fbreign t ^ official canvass was concerned, Like Von Papen, Gen. Schleicher New York Women came to Wario- will face the Rdchstag December 6 and here yoii see Mrs. Roosevelt (at right) engaging hi aietiVe reil( work.: She hripM'4wrve ' offioials have made no spe- ington yesterday in behalf of the nations would be told agato Iff PstfAi while Frederick W. Harrison, Re- emidoyed'women end their children at'the Gnmd Central R«tai cloth^ with prefrideuti^ autiunlty it in N«w .York. jements to meet any call demonstrators, but were unsuccess­ ident Hoover'a^meosage to pubUcan .candidate in the'21st Dis­ to dissolve the'law makers if that for assistance if metropifiltaD police ful in presenting a petition to Presi)> trict prepared to carry his fight for drastic course becomes necessary. are unatfie to control any difflcultiea. dent Hoover. Tb^ claimed tiie that tiiey are eaqpbeted to m «et a recount to the Supreme Court of Nevertheless the "power behind Nevertheless, they watched closely marchers were bei^ deprived of comber 15 war debt; paymeffte. Errors. the Von Papen government’’ went devilm ents in neighboring Mary­ their constitutional rights; This Replies to tbo new ptoui from Judge Frank P. McBvoy o f Su­ about his task with the idea of AMERICAN LAND DEFENSE land Where Gbyenibr Albert C. Rit- was denied by Vice Resident Curtis. Great Britain and France befonn perior Court refused Harrison’s ap­ making his Cabinet a "govemment( then seemed uidikely, ea4 it efy plication for a mandamus ordering of condliatioa,’’ openly inviting co­ peered that Mr. Boovnr wouM o i^ a necheck of the voting m^hines operation from the Rdchstag; line to Qtmgress next wedi Us obn^ yesterday afternoon. The candi­ The ministries of agriculture, BROW PAR, SAYS HURLEY .piste views oa the debt sttuatitoi, date’s announcement that he would economics and-labor were the fiscal p^bably litiking tha debts with dii* appeal came a short time after Dr. points of attention, because it is in A- OLD LETTER DESCRIBES armament and proposals to es> William L. Higgins, secretary of those posts that cbangM are likely Preadent-Rled Cafls. Finnic chsags them for tn ds eeocsssUnar. state, said the Board of Canvassers to come. Secretary irf War h Ananal ARGENTINE ALSO Official quarters fshsrally eiir would probably certify the election The threat of dissolution if the MAJOR ANDRE’S DEATH peeted that tbs PraMofft woUdM o f Willmm N. Conley, Democrat, as Reichstag should start trouble was dal Experto To Ihke i affirm his stand against an sxt«^ soon as officially notified of the expected in some quarters to sub­ Report Abo Objects To Sion of tbs morstonum, but s t ttb oourtfs actton. due the loudly proclaimed Nazi op­ HASDEBTPROBIlM sams time suggett erseUoB of a(l Beserved Dedalon position who control the biggest Snnrey o f ^ n a tio a ogieney to Study tbs prablsm of In' The board of canvassers, in of- tingle bloo in the Reichstag. n d ljp K Independence, -Wu W rittn Two Days After LAKES FISHERMEN ternational oMigatioiis in the Bght fleialty announcing the results of Last night in Thuringia, Hitler,, r of world eeonbfflle dUBoulf^ the November election Wedxwsday the Nazi leader, made an address G ileses Auny-Nary MoT' Warm gpriii.1, Oa., Dae. (AP) ffifto ric EtcoI Took Place Stimson^s night, refused to certify the elec­ but be failed to mention Von Its . Agents Here To Ash HOLD CONFERENCE tion in the 21st District pending the Schldcber. —a drastic change in the nation's gseretary Bttanson said yasi outcome of the legal fl^t. Failure President von Hindenburg await- ger. Biudiers For Easier budgetary system wUeh would di­ Dr Soldier Wke Witnessed after the Presidents I CeU m to announce a result in this district vide the budget orlgipiMing power tog that “it mey not fiA Gen. von Schleicher at 11:80 a. to reply" to tho latsst left the Senate deadlocked with 17 m. Up to that hour, Von Schleicher equally between Ooq^reiw a i^ the Demodiats and 17 RepMbUeaas. Exeentieo. A s Coaplamts Before hter- French notes, and this .merely hod been requested to forin Washington^ Dec. .3.— (AP) — Terns, New York Ream. CUef Executive is being, studied by Oonlty, in the early rstams, was a Cabinet plus the steadfast credited with a 2S vote victory over The view that existing conditioiw aonmi^of the advisers of Frsidclln D. CougresslonsI leaders, To Be CHiaiicello r , aatioiial Board—Ask For leave the issue squSiely Harrison. After that hour it -was expected throughout the world make Ameri­ New. York, Dec. 8.—<AP) — Rooilvelt In s u r v n ^ xfar Urn WilUamsburg, Va., Dec. 8,-r-(AP) Dr. Higgins said the board would foaeign, powers—pay or be would be fornially named chan­ can land defiBrtiws below pm* was ex­ Amieridaa bab4MM c'fferkl metBOds toward’lmprovement. ■ —A Ibtterjfeund in the attte of <a& Doeemtier Ig .. probably await the outcome of ah cellor, and Us m lnik^ appointed. Unform Roles. pressed today Secretaiy. Hurity Abends here jyge^e gpv- - The plan Which some of the bud old bouae.heto and puMlshed for ths , The expeetation in I Pertiingtbff appeal beforo Certifying. Up election It waafKNrtbte the nimistries fkould getary imd financial in the disputed district. Memlprs be aaneawd later day: in Us annual riport 't o . Prenideiit .et;npeat^;ah)e,'^ Uttare^ first time! giymiiiigpr faeta alMut the waa .that the debtor nsttons w w bcuu^t here to Uiy meeV tim * “ ---------------- of the board have been ordered by If Vos. Ildilalebar^ifeould. H i ^ l ^ ' ' ------- «Kl JuUke HeBvoy, on s, iphwt>nn « f ■ Itopiljdrk, N. T(., Dect M causTjstay^iey UMild hot certify tima: ..... > comtort;^ of Like would 'craste ti ttON Oonley'a^elsetioat. ^ > Chancelldr,. General. Kuri' von niepl hha not yet huule ')K^.;^-_bailng''t^^ fbi- ’ ** o f the b iM ia s duesttoBk Harrison in ^asking a mandamus ScUeldier. , motion laWi for: Ara^'Uncetn, shg* btay s t ^ but y e S r d S ^ t tittit industty on tun goyen^bhlill aetultteih quote* FMsm demitt am charged discrepancies existed be­ Defense, /General BSiirt vqir. gested lies^Bbtion flit'A "eominr^ .received a reconanendation tirbm its ) Details o f^ e ‘plan have not beeti the lnberiiatiflpal adVttory dctototr tween. the* vote recorded from the Schleicher. sive soUffitm’’ - Musele 8hba^, Mndhaal adyi8<»',;committee tbat lt he waa kaiinged tiiat^'The gehtiaMti te e ^ w l^ is attsmiitlfig to aolvb oqme fresti oentintonds' tbit Burdpo voting machines and the ballots as coinjiletetd .l^ t tmder -it ^oale preew>t cpi^’ bear bibs witneiir, he coubontrats ofi disannianeDt tistf Foreign affUrs, Baron Kofistan- problem,'^ and said that in tha.'lpst ipmiedid^y .q i^ negotiati!^ yrith the proposal believe a bw th^ {^lems. shown by the check lists. tin yon Neurath. year f^tringent economy * * *^haa, British and. other credit-. dled'iilte.'a! brave ihah.*^ The committee met. yesterday to promotion bf trbde relationa befofs fer^pesult comd be attained thish-mg' Aii;ac«>unt bf -tke-ekeilhtism was 1***^Jf ridfef. TUs waff tiie at­ Interior, Baron Wilhelm von heenrepfopG^ ip. every, agaacy und^’ prs ^ bbtalp A -reduction in the .der the praHjht ssrsb^ ' by ^wWeh, Torpidp,;for disouapioti- and petioB Gayl. the'department's co^rol.** hmoupt o f debtl services trader hon­ foudd )i3nong the papeiA ii of ' St. w m s a s is ^ to conserve the dimto- titude o t Chiirmen Bbrih of tils ri»ey say. .C tagym wmim' , p&soe- George-Tuoker. It was-written from Senate forelga raUtibUS oottnnittim; Finance, Count Lutz Schwmrln "The problems-of armament *aze orable ctmditipai compatible with meal on budgetmy Ifg ls ^ ^ Borne ishlng sniroly of fish in the lake ^ von Kroslgk.
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