The ShamrockLead Story Headli ne O hEidirsceoil Clan E-Bulletin February 2009 Edition 1 Mora na maidine dhuit - From The Chieftain Top of the morning to you! (in case The other important thing, now that O’Driscoll, or had attended Clan you can’t read the Irish headline) we have gotten off the ground is to Gatherings. Again, I suggest you decide what belongs in the news- forward our newsletter to others you I hope you enjoy this first of what letter as ongoing items, and I’m think will be interested. They can e- we are planning to be a regular thinking of website addresses for mail Natalie, or Marilyn and me, and newsletter to the O’Driscoll/Driscoll families, perhaps related to geneal- be added to the distribution. We clan and family relations around ogy or family gatherings; maybe a don’t want to upset anyone by send- the world. Thanks go to Matt profile of an O’Driscoll/Driscoll writ- ing unsolicited e-mails. O’Driscoll from England for propos- ten and submitted by a family ing the idea at the 2008 Clan Gath- member; and I’m sure there are Enough from me. Enjoy the news- ering, and a big “Thank You!” and other subjects. Perhaps we could letter, cousins, and we hope to see “Well Done!” to Natalie O’Driscoll, even talk Eamon Lankford into you in Baltimore June 25-28, for the Australia, for bringing the idea from submitting a regular short historical Gathering. concept to reality. Natalie is Editor article on the family and the Balti- Bruce Driscoll and Publisher at this time. more area. I don’t know. Clan Chieftain As I’m sure you all understand, this What I do know is that the ideas is a volunteer endeavour, and we need to come from all of us. I also must rely on goodwill and time and know that if the newsletter is to energy from our family members to succeed, Natalie will need assis- make this happen. It is important tance, as she has work and college that we get support from everyone, and her own life to live. As I ex- in the form of articles, letters, pic- plained earlier, we do need to tures…in fact anything you believe make this a true family responsibil- would be of interest to the larger ity. group. If we are lucky enough to receive so much information that If you receive this newsletter it is the size of the publication gets un- because you originally got my wieldy, well we’ll deal with that Christmas greeting, based on dis- when it happens. I think most of us tribution lists I had set up with the recognize that electronic articles approval of clan members who had can get too big to transmit properly, been in contact over the years with especially with a great number of people like Dave Driscoll, Marion pictures or graphics included. Bushe, Neil O’Driscoll, John Page 2 THE SHAMROCK—CORK NEWS Do you know any 400 Job Losses in North Cork Due to Dell Closure Irish News? Have you seen any great THE impending clo- first area for this semi- at Dairygold, the clo- (or bad) Irish Films, sure of computer giant nar due to the high sure of Nestle and the read any Irish Dell will mean that 400 levels of job losses sugar factory were books, or listened to jobs will be lost in resulting from Dell's given as the main any Irish music that North Cork. closure. causes of Mallow's you would like to tell jobs losses. Cllr Shea- Figures released by Speaking to The Cork- us about? Being han added that falling Enterprise Ireland this man, county Cllr Mi- attuned to the cul- car sales will soon week revealed that the chael Donegan esti- ture of Ireland is a result in a significant closure of the multi- mated that the closure great way to keep in amount of redundan- national computer of Dell will see the touch with our famil- cies at Kostal, Mal- business at Limerick greatest level of job ial roots. Please low's only major em- will hugely increase losses for Charleville feel free to tell us ployer. what you think about unemployment for in a decade. Accord- all things Irish! North Cork. It is ex- ing to Mr Donegan, Noting that the pres- pected that by this the closure of Dell for entation did not men- November the majority Charleville could be tion Duhallow, Cllr of the 1,900 Dell em- compared to an esti- Noel Buckley pointed ployees at the Limer- mated 1OO redundan- out that Duhallow is ick plant will be redun- cies at Golden Vale in seen as a dant. The roll-out of the town ten years 'unemployment' “Live register redundancies will start ago. blackspot. to take effect this May. figures show "I know a lot of people Mr Doyle called for the that Regional Manager at who have families liv- community to become Enterprise Ireland ing in Milford and involved in setting up unemployment Martin Doyle attended Newtownshandrum new businesses in Mallow a special meeting at that were reliant on around North Cork. Annabella in Mallow Dell. Out of the 400 stood at 957 He explained that an last Monday. At the people who will lose Enterprise Ireland in Jan 08 meeting he revealed their jobs around building can be set up the massive impact North Cork, it is hoped while this Jan in an area if the coun- that Dell's closure will that some will start cil donate land. The it was 1,908” have on the North new businesses, and community then pro- Cork region. the seminar in March vide 5% of the cost might help them," said County councillors while Enterprise Ire- Cllr Donegan from throughout North land will supply the Cork attended the At the Enterprise Ire- balance required. presentation by Mr land presentation last Live register figures Doyle, who outlined Monday, Cllr Tom show that unemploy- the importance of pro- Sheahan expressed ment in Mallow stood moting the establish- serious concern about at 957 in January ment of new busi- the level of unemploy- 2008 while this Janu- nesses in the area. ment in Mallow. He ary it was 1,908. pointed out that while Enterprise Ireland Charleville is suffering Figures for Newmar- plans to hold a semi- job losses, Mallow ket stood at 624 in nar in Charleville this should be viewed as a January 2008, while March. The seminar priority. this January they will offer advice for stood at 1,209. people interested in Cllr Sheahan pointed setting up new busi- out that in the past few - LOUISE nesses. Mr Doyle indi- years thousands of MCCARTHY cated that Charleville jobs have been lost in Corkman was chosen as the Mallow. Redundancies THE SHAMROCK—MEMBERS’ SUBMISSIONS Page 3 O’Driscoll Office Interiors New firm dedicated to “I love helping people covered or manufac- green office interiors by solving their work- tured within 500 miles and creating inviting place challenges and of the jobsite wherever work spaces that help finding solutions that possible,” says O’Dris- define company identi- work for their budget, coll. ties. time frames and Denise’s business taste,” says Denise Denise O’Driscoll, acumen and code of O’Driscoll. founder of O’Driscoll ethics also make her a and Sons, Inc,. An- Denise’s belief in sav- leader. She is the nounces the opening ing the environment past president of the of her new firm, has led her to work International Facility O’Driscoll Office Interi- with a number of com- Managers Associa- ors, in the business of panies, including tion. Former as well the design, sale and Modular Office Solu- as current clients in- “I love helping placement of furnish- tions, a furniture com- clude Toyota Re- ings for the workplace. pany founded on the search (Goleta), Busi- people by With more than 20 principle that it is wiser ness First Bank solving their years of experience in to refurbish and re- (Santa Barbara), Van- workplace the designing and fur- use, rather than al- denberg Air Force nishing of offices for ways make new pur- Base, Wyatt technol- challenges and companies and gov- chases. The company ogy, Bermant Devel- finding ernment agencies utilizes state of the art opment, Infogenisis, throughout Southern powder paint, free of the City of Santa Bar- solutions that California, Denise’s VOC emissions, as bara, Environmental work…” taste, style, knowl- well as bio-based fab- group office, Ci- edge of workplace rics and laminate that tysearch and even ergonomics and com- are Green-guard certi- Match.com. mitment to the envi- fied. Chamber of Com- ronment make her a “I also believe in pro- merce newspaper in leading expert in the viding recycled fur- Oxnard field. nishings that are re- American Driscoll Reunion The descendants of Picnic was held at the nese Auction and a concluded on Sunday Charles and Ellen Driscoll Forward Township variety of games in- with brunch at R Place celebrated the 30th Anni- VFC Picnic Grove. cluding sackraces,' Restaurant and a visit versary of their Family The Greeting was balloon toss, horse- to the family sites at Reunion on July 11 to July given by Paul Driscoll shoes, and tug-of-war. St. Patrick’s Cemetery 13, 2008. Over 75 family of Goodyear. Ariz. A Pictures, family history in Alpsville and the members attended the moment of remem- and a "Driscoll Family former Driscoll home festivities. brance was given by Recipe Book" added in Coulter.
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