MINUTES The Parish Council Meeting of Catworth was held on Wednesday 8 January 2020 at 7.30pm at Catworth Village Hall Present P Carr (Chair), A Moore, J McAuley, Stuart Rupp, C Wilson (Vice-chair) and C Ellson, Parish Councillors. 1 member of the public R Mimiene, Clerk OPEN Each person wishing to address the council will be allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes MEETING subject to the Chair’s discretion. This part cannot be longer than 15 minutes. Chairman welcomed everybody. Member of the public wished everyone a prosperous New Year. 2019/20 01/746 To Receive Apologies and Reasons for Non Attendance 01/746.1 Cllr J Hurley sent apologies for absence. 01/747 Declarations of Interests for Members (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) 01/747.1 None. 01/748 To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 11 December 2019 Proposal: Proposed by Councillor AM, seconded by Councillor SR, all in favour and it was RESOLVED Carried that the minutes be accepted and signed as a true record of the meeting. Chair signed the Minutes. 01/749 Planning Change of use of former shop/post office (A1) to residential (C3) including alterations to a listed building. Site Address: 41 High Street Catworth Huntingdon Reference: 19/01217/FUL Change of use of former shop/post office (A1) to residential (C3) including alterations to a listed building. Site Address: 41 High Street Catworth Huntingdon Reference: 19/01218/LBC – comments within 21 days from 10 Dec 2019. Extension provided till 9 Jan 20. Nothing has been presented that addresses our previous concerns. Proposal: Proposed by Councillor SR, seconded by Councillor CE, all in favour and it was RESOLVED Carried to recommend refusal to the above planning consultation. 01/750 Clerk’s Report 1. Clerk’s address changed. Website now updated with the new details. 2. The post is redirected for 12 months. 3. Clerk was trying to get Lloyds change of address mandate sorted but could not download Clerk acrobat reader on the lap top, so will try again for the next month’s meeting. 01/751 To Consider and Discuss NP for Catworth Cllr PC is doing further research. PC 01/752 Finance - Budget Reports 01/752.1 Finance report: To note a Bank Reconciliation, Cashbook and I&E up to 31 Dec 19. Noted. Bank Balance and Cashbook balance as at 31 Dec 2019 was £45,271.23, no outstanding payments. Noted. 01/752.2 To Consider Support to Brington School for children’s computers, Cllr J McAuley Letter received but PC would like a more detailed information before granting the money. Cllr JMcA JMcA is going to seek clarification for PC to make a decision. Leave it on the Agenda. 01/752.3 To consider the expenditure of the CIL funds received £2,564.16 – 1st instalment received in Apr 2019 is ring fenced for footpaths LHI scheme £7,692.51 – 2nd instalment received in Oct 2019 to be used for completion of the streetlights project Remove this item from the Agenda as the money already been allocated. 01/752.4 To Approve the change of PC postal address mandate Yet to be done. Clerk 01/752.5 Expenditure for approval 8 January 2020 Ramune Mimiene Catworth Parish Council Proposal: Proposed by Councillor CE, seconded by Councillor CW, all in favour and it was RESOLVED Carried that all items tabled in 01/752.5 are to be paid. Councillors AM and CW agreed to authorise the CW, PC online payments. 01/753 Hedges and Paths in the Village - trees 01/726.1 Feedback re: Church Lane hedges, update by Cllr P Carr Cllr PC scanned the plan. PC 01/726.2 Feedback re: The offending hedges in the village, report by Cllr S Rupp Cllr SR drafted the letter which was delivered to the houses in the village on Mon this week. SR Cllr SR to draft a further letter re other overgrown hedges owners in the village. Footpath issue raised by Cllr CE – leaves on the paths make it very slippery. Volunteers group to SR be set to carry out immediate works, Cllr SR will circulate the dates and advertise on Facebook AM page. Parish Path Budget is £1,300 and could be spent for this kind of work. 01/754 Highways issues in the village: Outcome after meeting with CCC Highways 01/727.1 LHI scheme application: No feedback from CCC yet. Await further contact. The Huntingdonshire Local Highway Improvement Panel meeting will be assessing the LHI 2020/21 applications on Monday 3rd February 2020. The panel meeting will be held at Huntingdon Highways Depot, Stanton Way, Huntingdon, PE29 6PY At the panel meeting applicants are allowed up to 3 minutes to highlight the benefits of their application and then answer any questions from the panel members or council officers. Alternatively, if you do not want to or are unable to attend the panel meeting you may submit a written representation (limited to one side of A4) by email to [email protected] by Monday 17th January. Cllr PC will accept the feasibility study. It was agreed to go for a last slot, Cllr PC will respond to that email and book it. Cllr SR might join as well depending on work load on the day. PC 01/727.2 Cllr CE reported a pothole onto County Council website in Church Road which was filled in. 01/755 Streetlighting – Ongoing 01/728.1 Cllrs AM and PC will arrange a date to sort out the file on streetlights and prepare for the AM, PC next stage. 01/756 Correspondence – Noted. 01/729.1 A further letter from the resident re: Land adjoining 34 Church End received. Cllr PC will PC draft a response. 01/729.2 Cllr AM will be representing Catworth at the A14 meeting in Bythorn tomorrow 9 Jan 20. AM 01/757 Councillors’ questions 01/730.1 Cllr AM noted that construction vehicles are going via bridleway from Leighton Bromswold junction/turn into Little Catworth. Explanation provided. 01/730.2 Streetlight not working. Cllr AM will provide the Streetlight number. AM 01/730.3 Cllr CE received an email re: Village Halls week in Catworth VH on 25 Jan 20 from 10am AM till 4pm. A stand of what PC does would be useful to have at the event. Cllr AM will look for the stand. 01/730.4 Cllr CE was approached by the parishioners re: The parking issues on the footpaths. Cllr SR SR will approach the resident. 01/758 Date of the next meeting: Wed 12 Feb 20 at 7.30pm at the VH Meeting finished at 8.45pm. These minutes are considered draft until ratified at the next Catworth Parish Council meeting ________________________ _________________________ Date Chair: Philip Carr Ramune Mimiene Catworth Parish Council .
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