ESTABLISHED 1863. l j SIXTEEN TO TWENTY VOL. XXX, No. 20. f TOPEKA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1�. 1PAGES-.l.00A YEAR. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ·SWINE. POULTRY. MISCELLANEOUS. G. HOPKINS &; at. breeders SON, Joseph, Mo., P. ROCK8-Bred at Wtllqw Grove, are SBEEP.:'_Youcan'bnyhlKhqualtty PAGE 2-THII STOOK INTllRlllBT.-Dorset Sheep F• of choice Poland-Ohlna and Small Yorkshire. BARREDthe best. Score 88 to 1If. E"p from 'IIdIe mat,. SHRoPSHIREShI'Qpshlres of the highest breeding aud"llereford swine. solicited. Satisfaction csUle of Wtll T. Monroe located on A Tired Breeder. Rules tor Btart­ Inspeotlon gnaran.· Ings; . .a 'per 18: .rrom llook, '1 per 100. Clark, City, Mo., History. Breeders 16i:· ....r-� lng Balky Horses. Swine Notes. te�d. all recorded. Stock for sale. Circulars free. G. C. Watkins, Hlawatna, IDY. H. &; at. Joe and H., K. &; T. R. R. PAGE a-AGRIOULTURAL MATTIIRB.-The of Southwest Kansas. Kansas Grass VAINS' H1IlRD OF POLAND-CBlNAS.�James C. BROWN LEGHORN8-Theegg machines. I Progress - JIL Mains, Oskaloosa, Jelferson Co., Kas. Selected S� have the IInest yard of these fowls In the WeRt. Bxperlenoo. from the mest.' noted strains In PAGE '-ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT.-The Mid­ prize-winning ·the My blrdR took premiums at Kansas State fair, 1891. country. J'ancy stock of all for sale. 13. 719 dle of the Road. "The Vanguard." ages Ellgs f1 per Harvey .Shnll, Tyler St., Topeka. PAGE 6-THE FAMILY DOOTOR--Answersto STOCK FARM HERD OF THOR­ Correspondents.. Our MIsSion ...... S. C. ORR, VETERINARY SURGEON AND (poem) Potand-Ohtna contain. animals American ASHLANDoughbred hogs, DENTIST.�raduate Ontario Veterinary Col­ Clydesdale .AssocIation. Gossip of the most noted blood that Indiana and IIII· DR. About Stock. Ohto, lege, Canada. Veterinary EdltorKAN8ASFAlDIlIB. aots contains. Stock of both sexes for sale-sired by All dloeases of domestlo animals treated. Ridgling PAGE 6-T1u1 HOIDI �.-Noli to be Won Bayard No. 4693 asslated two other boers, In­ S., by castration and cattle spaying done by best approved That Way (poem). A Bean-Baker'sHobby. spection of herd and correspondence solicited. M. and Flowers. methods. Will attend calls to any distance. Omce: Ballyhood Buddl� C. Vansell, Mnsootab, Atchison Co., Kas. Kas. PAGE 7-TB:11 YOUNG FOLEB.-Do They Miss M;anhattan, Me at Home (poem). Ten Months In Colorado. TROTT, AbIlene, Kas.-Pedlgreed Poland-Chl­ breeders of FINE . years Ply- SAWYER, STOCK AUCTIONEER. PAGE 8-BDITORIAL.--No Constitutional Con­ D• nas ana Duroo-Jerseys. Of the best. Oheap. 'THIRTEENmouth Rocks exclnslvely. Birds SA.• Manhattan, Riley Co., Kas. Have thirteen dlf- vention. A Great Bl>eecb.. A Young Man 1 raised on three farms. Eggs '1 for 18; ferent sets of stud books and herd books of cattle Nominated. In tbe Middle of the Road. To HOWEY, Box 1m, Topeka, Kas., breeder apd 12 for SO. Packed safe to ship any dis- aM hogs. Compile catalogues. Retained by the Our Orop Reporters. An EItravapnt Ap­ VB.• shipper of tboroughbred Poland·Chlnaand Eng­ City Stock Yards, Denver, 0010., to make all their ·proprlatlon. Current News. lish Berkshire swine and Sliver-laced Wyandotte tancejo��'h��i:A'3::r=� CO., PAGE 9-EDIToRIAL.-KansasCropsOtliclally. chickens. Loree, Mlaml ce., Indiana. !��ef�,:::!�ril�:e�lr�g�.t;s:�:���t�l:eed��� Bupr Beets In Michigan. Bugar Beets In 'e' cattle In America. Auction sales of line horaes a Kansas. Kansas Weather - crop Bulletin. VALUDY HERD OF POLAND-OHINAH.­ sPecialty. Large acquaintance In California, New . l!libllsbers' KAWM. F. Tatman, Rossville, Kas., proprietor. Kaw - MexiCO, Texas and Wyoming Territory, where I Pa,ragraphs. - :PaGE 100HoRTIOULTURII. -The Q!1rysanthe­ Chlolf, full brother to the.sao hog Free Trade, at have made nnmerous public wes. head, astIleted by three other line boars. I nau bators an d B d : mum-Its History and Culture. The CUlture : rqp( 8ri�'1 ot. JI,oses. Horticultural Notes. Bl'OOden ollb' .S. Belt ad JatUt�8IIt1oaJ� PAGE ll-lN TBII DAmY.-The Proper Dalry HERD OF LARGE BERKSHIRES."­ ,t.lJl,lponltrr_Acfdreuaeo.8.BIDpr.CUlllQtoll.O TOPEKATwo choice boars, a tew good sows, and a Cow. Unselved Problems In ...... ext� �eylng little POULTRY young stulf. Prices very low to clear out. H. All AR NESS IUIB,MflM= THII YARD.-Feed fOI Chickens. ages, for sale. ;A W• CoWLlD8;,'l,'opeka, Kas. OArrrLE • H ...iii'i'e'h .,."'" Notes.. �. HOLSTEIN Poultry . " r"w fancy·b"lld y�u'i'g \0 \II Bartle. bulbi,. 4Ireo\ \0 \lie 00II- .' . WIll peNlDlq •• PAGE l2-TIIE bulle.' -, - ,- VETERIN:A.RIAN. M�ket, � Car­ I1IIIItr I' fIo\o!1·prlou.- mW&'" oatlloiU ... ,. .' "w. W:A:LTMIRE, • bondale, breeder SHROPSHIRE SHEEP. NI!•• . W· Ku., :�;s�::�I��� ·�ATIONALHA.. �O.Olnolnnatl.OhJo; P�1'�THia .APIARY.�,w:�i�. ,.{ of Improved Chester Whl� sale.. -'" swine and Short,.horn cattle. Stock for sale. BERKSHIRES and POLAND-OHINAS. , Correspond­ _r.�__ .. enee Invited. Fanoy-bred pigs at low prices. Write for catalogue and prices., Visit Connors, Wyandotte Co., Ka8., BREEDERS' for Holsteins and Poland-Chlnas, and Leav­ Dl'RECTORY. JOBNKEMP, Hoge, enworth Co., Kal.; for Shropshlres and NORTH Berksh!N8. Tower', TOPIllKA, KANSAS, Carda lines or luI will be �merted the KIRKPATBIC:K':a S0N:'; of four in Breeder of Improved Bre..ur.' Directory for·$15.00 per lIear, or $8.00 for ria: months; each addjUona! !im, $2.60 I"'r lIear. A Cop1J CHESTER WIDTE SWINE of the paper wil! be Bent to the the adverUBer auting Stock for sale. SHORT-HORN BULLS conUnuance of the cara. Jrnprove FOR SALE. HORS�S. BE"'1::3��''''''SHI'''I:::3E� WATERLOO DUKE OF SHANNON HILL 81l!79 G. W. BERRY, Berryton, Shawnee Co., Kansas. will be sold, as I can use him no longer In my herd. Longfellow Hodel, winner of IIrst In class and sweep­ He Is an extra fine animal, lit to head any herd, and BRYANT, Carbondale, Kas., Import­ stakes at Kansas City, at head of herd. Orders SLICKER the blocky, meaty progeny. ers and breeders of getter.of HEISEL'&; Clydesdales, Percherons, booked now for line Short,.horn bulls i, Ciual"&l)tcc4 and spring Also six young ready for use. Royal. Belgians German coach horses. The best PIGS . t: _. to be found In America. Every one guaranteed a Address G. W. GLIOK, Kas. !.Absolulely Watc� breeder. Terms that will command Atchiilon, patronage•. "YJ. HOME­ . proof. OOVELL, Wellington, Kas., breeder of Rer­ E-V1IlRGREENSTEAD herd of Poland­ ill China swine and MD.• I.tered Pereherons. At.head, Bucenteare 2378 Short-horn (1097), Imported by Dunham, and half·brother of his cattle. All breeders regis­ :�owd I Brilliant 12'11 (766). Flnely·bred colts a specialty. tered. Write for wants. F WOOL SUckers have eel !f'M btll . D. T. 1)01 motto. ABlBRS, GANTT, GROWHRS, my Steele Nebraska. be.sldetheFlsh Brand tjA'e� City, And ShlDDers of Wool on Collllll18s10n. � L STOCK FARM.-Reglstered,lmported T.�uoneveryCoati0,. PROSPECTand high-grade Clydesdale stallions and mares for PARK HERDS.­ We solicit your consignments. Write us for sale cheap. Terms to suit purchaser. Two mile. ROMET. A. Hubbard, Rome, tags, S't:T- circulars and latest market reports. Our eommts­ west of Topeka, Sl.J:th street road. H. W. McAfee, Sumner breeder Co., Kas., slon Is moderate. We make returns - charge Topeka, Kas. I of POLAND CHINA and prompt • and advances. References-Bradstreet's Soff-Weelen I liberal ��.t LARGIll ENGLISH BIllRK· �!�II 'I, (' I I" and Dun's mercantile agencies and Chemical Na- SHIRIil HOGS. My herds are - tional Bank, St. Louis. CATTLE. composed of the richest blood In the U. S., with Collar. style and Individual merit. Show pigs a specialty. THE BElIREBB HIDE & FUR Watch Outl Twelve high-grade Short,.horn bulla, one and two 00., Send f. RED POLLED CATTLB.-Yonngstock years old, red and roans. Commission Merchants, 112 Pine se, �UIS ENGLISHfor sale, pure-bloods and grades. Your orders A J. TowER. MFR. BOSTON. MASS �11101U'' solicited. Address L. K. Haseltine, Dorchester, [Please mention KANSAS FARM� Greene Co., Mo. [Mention Kansas Farmer.] POULTRY. M. MARCY &; SON, Wakarusa, Kas., breeders of T• registered Short-horn cattle, have now for sale LANGSHANS.-Eggs U per Sitting, at a bargain twenty bulls, 18 to 22 months old. Car- pURE.BRED.13 eggs. Address Robt. Crow, Agent Mo. PaclOc load lots of heifers or cows a specialty. Railway, Pomona, Kas. PURE-BRED BEREFORDS.-Headed cows, S. C. LEGHORN EGGS-For Incubators, 400 J!'ort1lne Sir Cheerful by 2080, Evelyn 9660, CHOICEat reduced rates. Two hundred for eI6. Orders Strawberries, Ch�rries, Peaches, Apples, 2d and others. Car lote Boy 20029, Dewsbury 18977, booked for Incubators for a limited time. Send and herds a young specialty. Jno. A. Moore, 661 and stamp for Belle L. Mar­ 663 Grand Kansas reply. Sproul, Frankfort, And all Fruits and to Ave., City, Mo. shall Co., Kas. - Early Vegetables, . CATTLE.�erben's Royal E. HOLSTEIN-FRmSIANand Empress Josephlne3d'sConsolatlonatheail. MYJIlRS, We1ll1lgton, Kas., breeder of B. BERT B. thirteen; Butter record In seven days: Gerben 82, Empl'8l!8 _Langshansand Mlnorcas-eggst.! per Bronze turkey, 12.60 per Pekin U.2li per Josephine 3d, 81� Ibs. aU years. Everything guaran­ nine; duck, nine: I showed ten birds and won four IIrsts, three teed. Write for catalogue. M. E. Moore, Cameron, Mo. ' s�conds and speclal at Wichita. PATCH mIDT' ANn PRODUCE COMPANY, Holst.ein - Y'riesia.n Bulls. POULTRY YARDS-Jno. G. Hewitt, I have for sale several very choice young bulls, out SHAWNEEProp'r, Topeka, Kas., breeder of leading varie­ CC>::La. of Imported cows. Writ!! for prices. ties of Poultry, ·PlflIOfIIJ ana Rabbll6. Wyandottes :DEl1'Q'"yEl;:R.," . J. S. WATSON, Emporia, Ku. �d P.
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