![Vorticity in the Acoustic Analogue of Gravity. Part 1 [PDF]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences Te Kura Pangarau, Rorohiko Vorticity in the acoustic analogue of gravity Matt Visser Text School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences Te Kura Pangarau, Rorohiko And I cherish more than anything else the Analogies, my most trustworthy masters. They know all the secrets of Nature, and they ought least to be neglected in Geometry. --- Johannes Kepler Text Abstract: Sound waves propagating in a flowing fluid can be described by a wave equation on an “acoustic geometry”. This geometry is described by an “effective metric” that leads to a “curved spacetime” qualitatively similar to that of general relativity. In particular, it is relatively easy to set up “dumb holes” which trap sound in the same way that the black holes of general relativity trap light. rTelativext ely easy to set up "dum b holes" which trap sound in the same way that the black holes of gener al relativ ity trap light. Vorte x flow create s an "acou stic geom etry" that is qualit atively simila r to the equat orial plane of a rotati ng Kerr black hole. There is an acous tic analog y to the gneral relativ ity notio n of an "ergo spher e" as well as to the gener al relativ ity notio n of "horiz on". I will first qualit atively explai n these ideas, and descri be why they are useful, and then make a quanti tative comp arison betwe en the analog acous tic and gener al relativ istic sytem s. Abstract: Vortex flow creates an “acoustic geometry” that is qualitatively similar to the equatorial plane of a rotating Kerr black hole. There is an acoustic analogy to the general relativity notion of an “ergosphere” as well as to the general relativity notion of “horizon”. I will first qualitatively explain these ideas, and describe why they are useful, and then make a quantitative comparison between the analog acoustic and general relativistic sytems. Key idea: Consider sound waves in a flowing fluid. If the fluid is moving faster than sound, then the sound waves are swept along with the flow, and cannot escape from that region. This sounds awfully similar to a black hole in general relativity --- is there any connection? Yes! (Of course the devil is in the details...) Key results: Acoustic propagation in fluids can be described in terms of Lorentzian differential geometry. The acoustic metric depends algebraically on the fluid flow. Acoustic geometry shares kinematic aspects of general relativity, but not the dynamics. Einstein equations versus Euler equation. In particular: Acoustic black holes divorce kinematic aspects of black hole physics from the specific dynamics due to the Einstein equations. Advanced features: There are also other “analogue models” of general relativity, apart from the acoustic models. Acoustic black holes have Hawking radiation without black hole entropy. Hawking radiation is a purely kinematic effect that exists independent of whether or not the Lorentzian geometry obeys any particular geometrodynamics. You do not need the Einstein equations to get Hawking radiation. April 2000 Sponsored by: Photonics Technology News Send News to: [email protected] Water down the Drain Leads to Black Holes in the Lab Archimedes, the famous story goes, cried, "Eureka!" and leapt from his overflowing bathtub, having discovered the principle of buoyancy. But the drain has much to offer, too. Physicists Ulf Leonhardt and Paul Piwnicki of the Royal Institute of Technology suggest in the Jan. 31 issue of Physical Review Letters that vortices or other rapid flows analogous to the swirl of water down the drain may enable researchers to model the relativistic effects Sponsoredof black holes.by: April 2000 AprilSponsored 2000 by: Leonhardt explained that, as early as 1818, Augustin-Jean Fresnel predicted from theories of the luminiferous ether that a flowing medium will drag light with it. "For quite a long time we Photonics Technology Photonics Technology were rather puzzled and could not understand what is happening in moving media if one takes them seriously," said Leonhardt. "Then, News News suddenly, the picture emerged, and we realized the connection to Send News to: Send News to: gravity and curved space-time. This has come as a surprise." [email protected] The researchers demonstrated that, if a medium swirls more [email protected] quickly than the speed of light through it, the vortex it forms can Advertising decelerate and trap light in much the same way as a black hole. If Information they could be created in the lab, these optical black holes would Water down the Drain Leads enable physicists to test such controversial concepts as Hawking Water down the Drainradiation, the emissions Leads by black holes theorized by Stephen W. Hawking. The problem is that no known materials display to Black Holes in the LabApril 2000superluminal rotation without also formingSponsored a hollow core by: that is to Black Holes in thelarger than Lab the critical optical event horizon. But recent efforts by Lene Vestergaard Hau of Harvard Archimedes, the famous story goes, cried, "Eureka!" and leapt University in Cambridge, Mass., have dramatically slowed light from his overflowing bathtub,Archimedes, having discovered the famous the principle story goes, of cried,with Bose-Einstein "Eureka!" condensates and leapt (see Photonics Spectra, April buoyancy. But the drain has frommuch histo offer, overflowing too. Physicists bathtub,Photonics Ulf having 1999, discoveredTechnology pages 26-27), the andprinciple they could of produce the 1-cm/s speed limit Leonhardt and Paul Piwnicki of the Royal Institute of Technology required by Leonhardt and Piwnicki’s model. Leonhardt also buoyancy. But the drainNews has much to offer,suggested too. that Physicists rotating alkali Ulf vapor could create a "weak" black suggest in the Jan. 31 issue ofLeonhardt Physical Reviewand Paul Letters Piwnicki that of the Royalhole that Institute only traps of light Technology moving against its current, as may other vortices or other rapid flows suggestanalogous in tothe the Jan. swirl 31 of Sendissue water of Newsdown Physical to: Review Letters that the drain may enable researchersvortices to model or other the [email protected] flows effects analogous to the swirl of water down of black holes. Leonhardt explained that, theas early drain as may 1818, enable Augustin-Jean researchers to model the relativistic effects Fresnel predicted from theoriesof blackof the holes.luminiferous ether that a flowing medium will drag light Leonhardt with it. "For explained quite a long that, time as weearly as 1818, Augustin-Jean were rather puzzled and couldFresnel not understand predicted what from is theorieshappening of in the luminiferous ether that a moving media if one takes themflowing seriously," medium said will Leonhardt. dragWater light "Then, with it. "Fordown quite a long timethe we Drain Leads suddenly, the picture emerged,were and rather we realized puzzled the and connection could not to understand what is happening in gravity and curved space-time.moving This has media come if asone a surprise." takesto them Black seriously," said Holes Leonhardt. "Then, in the Lab The researchers demonstratedsuddenly, that, if thea medium picture swirls emerged, more and we realized the connection to quickly than the speed of lightgravity through and it, curvedthe vortex space-time. it forms can This has come as a surprise." Advertising decelerate and trap light in much The the researchers same way as demonstrated a blackArchimedes, hole. Ifthat, if the a medium famous swirls story more goes, cried, "Eureka!" and leapt Information they could be created in the lab,quickly these than optical the black speed holes of light would through it, the vortex it forms can enable physicists to test such controversial concepts fromas Hawking his overflowing bathtub, having discovered the principle of decelerate and trap light in much the same way as a black hole. If radiation,Advertising the emissions by black holes theorized by buoyancy.Stephen W. But the drain has much to offer, too. Physicists Ulf Hawking.Information The problem is thatthey no knowncould bematerials created display in the lab, these optical black holes would superluminal rotation withoutenable also forming physicists a hollow to testLeonhardt core such that controversial is and Paul concepts Piwnicki as Hawking of the Royal Institute of Technology larger than the critical opticalradiation, event horizon. the emissions suggest by black in holes the theorized Jan. 31 by issue Stephen of W.Physical Review Letters that But recent efforts by LeneHawking. Vestergaard The Hau problem of Harvard is that no known materials display University in Cambridge, Mass.,superluminal have dramatically rotation slowed vorticeswithout light also or forming other arapid hollow flows core that analogous is to the swirl of water down with Bose-Einstein condensateslarger (see than Photonics the critical Spectrathe optical, April drain event may horizon. enable researchers to model the relativistic effects 1999, pages 26-27), and they could But recentproduce efforts the 1-cm/s byof Lene speedblack Vestergaard limit holes. Hau of Harvard required by Leonhardt and Piwnicki’s model. Leonhardt also University in Cambridge, Leonhardt Mass., have dramatically explained slowed that, lightas early as 1818, Augustin-Jean suggested that rotating alkaliwith vapor Bose-Einstein could create a condensates"weak" black (see Photonics Spectra, April hole that only traps light moving1999, against pages its 26-27), current, and Fresnelas maythey other could predicted produce the from 1-cm/s theories speed limit of the luminiferous ether that a required by Leonhardtflowing and Piwnicki’s medium model. will Leonhardt drag alsolight with it. "For quite a long time we suggested that rotatingwere alkali rathervapor could puzzled create anda "weak" could black not understand what is happening in hole that only traps light moving against its current, as may other moving media if one takes them seriously," said Leonhardt.
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