Iowa vs. Purdue Special Welcome Alums! Fair And Warmer Generally f.lr ....-r MCI Sun· Weekend Events d.y. A little warmer .....y; Hunl",.. ':.11:" ,m~ Unlen hlg" 60'. northeast t. 71'. south· The Homecoming 1965 events H.rv.rd R_ Wist. lIttl, fwnperetvrl dwI"" for the weekend are: oil owan .....l'IIMCy, '·11 :", tonight and Sundey• . Seroing the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City TODAY 'ulllll", Lou_ ....1 IC.~ 1,.lIon e.... n'. phyll­ I:" ...... - OMicron Delt. IC .... OIl ecluCitlon ',It.rnlty). 1t ....... 10 cents per copy Iowa City, lowa-Saturday, October 9, 1965 ~ AI"",nl ....Ief .... Unlen Lue ... noon. Athlltlc OffiCI confer.na II<NIfIe -- AlUmni Coffel Houl'll e.lpIIa. kottl... HI, .. I.nden - ,.:" ....1cI11y) --• .m .... oon. Union Olel Golel __ .ull..... Idue.tlen, ':)0-11 ....... III ....1111,. H.n Women', .... yalcll Iducltlen. , .. 11:45 ••m.. WIGS. W..... n·. Gym Dent.1 HYWIIfIe .net col,-" of ......._ - Alumni ...Ist, .. Dentistry - ':)0-11 ..." •• Dentistry LI,.ry tlon. Union south lobby President's' Surgery 11 ..,,,.·11:30 _. - 0ffI. ldueello". 9:)0-11 101"., Will .t ... I ... H.II cili. Lunc_. 'liid Houll 1",lnII,I"I, ':)0-11 1",1. 1:. p.m. - '001.... 11: Purdue wert", 'ullol", L",,_.m.. H.':.":....... - In,IIIII,ln,. 0,... H_ Ic_I... ,. ..." .... oon. •• , p..... _ DoI .... ln lhOW, Union O,lent.1 It_ 71.m ,"' JOUrMu..... 9-" ..... ~ C_unl- "el HOUII Pool ..tlon. c.nt., Lou_ • p .......... ldn ..'" - H_.... I'" '" Is Deemed 'Success' L ••• , ... Lew C."ter O.nee. Itoy McKlnl.y. Un .... Lou_ n._. Indonesians Burn Reel Building SUNDAY YOUNG DEMONSTRATORS burned the headquarters of the Madlcl .... , • .m .... oon. , .. Madl· 1:" ...". - Women', closl", eel It.... 'ch Cent., houn Indonesian Communist party - PKI - Friday and demanded dis· solution o( the party, which the army blames for a leftist uprising No Evidence Of Malignancy bere last week. "Long live America " they crled in a motor parade past the U.S. Embassy, the scene In recent months of denunciation of Found After His Operation things American by Red-led Indonesian mobs. Troops who crushed the coup cordoned off approach streets and WASHINCTON (AP) - President Johnson came through IIU'-Ie no effort to Interfere as the youths set fire to the Com· 2~ hours of surgery Friday in what he himself called fine munists' one-story building and reduced it to ashes. shape, a few hours later took his first steps, and then again • • • Friday night was up briefly. His doctors passed the word they were very much encour­ Sheila Bauer, A3, Livingston, lish and secondary education. Omnibus Farm Bill Voted N.J., ia the new MIss University 'Other activities she is In this year aged the presidential performance, AN OMNIBUS FARM BILL providing for a four·year program by of Iowa. are Union Board (literary direct· of production and price controls for major crops and for retirement And today Jobnson plans ------------------------1 Sheila was crowned Friday nigllt or), rush chairman of ber sorority, of surplus cropland was passed Friday by the House and sent to the get down to a bit of work, after the traditional Homecomlng Lay Theological Studies board and parade. Associated Women Students per­ Senate. his gaU bladder and uretal Ticket Schedule Winning the sweepstakes trophy sonnel board. She also holds the The roil-call vote was 219-150, with most of the opposition com· These were removed In operations through a single The sc....... 1e fo, plckl", up In the noat contest was "Herky Alpha Delta Pi National Scholar· ing from Republicans. IIcII." for ...1It _k', 1_.oMln. sion. _ ....... I, 10 ..umN,: Goes to Market," built by Quad- ship Award. The bill previously had passed both the House and Senate, but In rangle Aaaociation and Daley, Me· The Cbamber of Commerc. laid a dillerent form. White House press secretary Mond.,,: D. Moyers said some membera I to II.... 7 ••m. to ....n Broom and Wellman Houses of that local businesses will cJOte at It marks a departure (rom the customary policy of enacting the White HOUSe staff would IUU1t.1U6.. _ to , p.m. Burge Hall. noon today for the gam. and DOl piecemeal farm legislation annually instead of (or longer periods. conferring with Johnson In bls TU.~I First and second place In the re-open in the afternoon. • • • pita! room today and the U76tt'014" .. 7 .......e _ category o( beauty were "Hare Over 300 alumni InclucDng 100 dent would be signJna a few 14"', en _ .. , , ..... CO!Des the Victory 'Tor·t·U•. " returning dentists, 'had rtCistered u.s. Uses Nonlethal Gas which Moyers said were of bullt by Delta Delta Delta and by Friday ngbt. Thousands more Sigma Pi and "Herky GoeI to are expected to stream back to THOUSANDS OF U.S, paratroopers invaded a Viet Cong jungle minor nature. Market. .. their alma mater (or coffee houri stronghold Friday and used tear gas against the guerrillas, a U.S. With the help of a mild Winners in the category of orig· In the various department. tbi. milltary spokesman reported in Saigon. live. Moyers said, the School Board went to sleep at 9:45 p.m. EDT. Inality were "The Magnl£lcent Men morning, the game this afternoon It was the first authorized use of nonlethal gas 81n~e last Janu· by in Some time be(o.re that he was fed on tbe Iowa Team," built Kappa and the dance the Union tonigbt ary. When news of that operation leaked out In March It caused DO Alpha Theta and Delta Upsilon, at 8 featuring Ray McKiniey and lucb a world furor that use of tear gas was dlacontinued. through a vein. Iscusses first; and "Hare Comet the Vic· the Glenn Miller Orchestra. In the air war, Guam-based U.S. B52s struck twice at the Viet "He's asleep and it's going to be tory 'Tor·t·U.,'" second. Delta Upsilon led in the badge Cong stronghold, 30 mlles no.rth of Saigon in D Zone, before the a quiet night," Moyers said, add· S. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sig· sales contest for the firth straight U.s. ground drive began. Ing that he had talked with a Ite ma Alpha 'Epsilon won firs! in the day Friday. Some 12,000 badges couple of the President's doctors Problem humor category with "Herky Lay'· bad been sold by Friday nig"". Elsewhere, U.S. jets pounded targets In North Viet Nam around and "they think things are par the clock, while other U.S. and Vietnamese planes hit Communist em Out." Second place went to Sigma Nu and Lambda Chi Alpba for the course - that it's going By PAUL · 8UTLIR "Purdue'U Get Raggedy·Ann," were in third and fourth piaces, installations in South Viet Nam. the spokesman said. to be a smootb nillht." Copy IcIltor • • • built by Pi Beta Phi and Phi Gam- respectively. The 57-year-old Johnson At a bastiJy-calJed Friday mom· ma Delta. * * * Newspaper Strike End Hinted his first steps with the help or a press conference, the Iowa The Elk. Club trophy to the best Nancy Laughlin Mig sOr of dthOClofir. and nurse 31th2 p.m., less School Board attempted to float by a men', residence hall 1964 wbo was unable to attend the A TENTATIVE AGREEMENT between the AFL-CIO New an ve hours a f ter e operat on. lOme "misunderstandings went to Hillcrest who built "We're cro~ng of Miss U of r of 1865 York Newspaper Guild and the strikebound New York Times Fri· Then he stood up again and took as to the proposed west side high f on the Right Track" with Kate because she is studying thi' se- day paved the way for an end to the city's 23-day partial newspaper a few more steps at 6:30 p.m .. school site." Miss University 0 Iowa Daum House. mester at the Sorbonne Academy blackout. again with a bit of assistance. Referring to a closed Monday The Kiwanis Club trophy to the In Paris, sent the following letter All that was needed to get the presses rolling again on six The President's daullhter, Lynda, nigbt meeting of the board and to Jim C.rlhln (left), Al. Davenport, and L.rry Goettsch, Ll. MontI- best float by a fraternity and to- addressed to the student. of the closed dailJes was ratification of the peace terms by the guild 21, arrived at the hospital early subsequent prest criticism' of the cello. a ..lst Miss U of I, Shilla a.u.... Al, Livingston. N.J .• with rority went to Alpha Xl Delta and University. It was to be read at unit of the Times. Strike leaders forecast a favorable vote. this evening after a night board's failure to keep the public her crown .ncI cape at the ceremonies Frld.y night. Sheil. wa. Pi Kappa with their entry "A the crowning ceremonies last nlght • • • Texas, where she is Informed, Pres. 0, D. Bartho- so ,xcltocl on btl", n.mod qllH" that the crown would not st.y on Grimm Tale for Purdue." by James A. Carlton, A3, Daven· school. She had "a nice .aid: her bud. -Photo by Paul aoaver Members of Miss Bauer's court port, director of the Miss U of I with her (ather, Moyers" -----------,--------------------------- B k Beh N4 Ced P t B d Typhoon Pounds Islands and then retired to a The board Is not tryinll to hide ~ . are ec y rens. , ar agean oar. across the hall while Mrs." Oil 0 h PI Falls; Sally Hildreth, AS, Des "Although it is not possible for A HEAVY TOLL OF LIFE among 200 islanders and crewmen I er rc estra T0 ay MOines; Mary Joan Schaetzel, AS, me to attend the Homecomlng fes· o( seven missing Japanese fishing boats was feared after a typhoon son continued to sit in the Denver, Colo.; and Linda Weis, A4, tivities of 1965, I want to express furiously pounded Agrihan Island in the northern Marianas Friday dent's bedroom.
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