Register Offices Move to New BELOW Sonny but Cold i Sunny but cold today. Clear, FINAL very cold tonight. Sunny, cold Re4 Bank, Freehold tomorrow and Wednesday. Lone Branch (See details page 2) I EDITION Honmouih County's Borne Newspaper for 0$ Years VOJL. 93 NO. 149 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 18 PAGES TEN GENTS; Apollo Future in Doubt SPACE CENTER, Houston and Mitchell would return "That's basically it," said this was a little — but frus- when an oxygen tank explod- (AP) - The Apollo 14 crew, from the lunar surf ace to link Roosa. trating, problem. Sjoberg ed. That wiped out any hope using a flashlight and radioed again with the command ship "You've exhausted our im- said if the landing could not of landing and the astronatus do-it-yourself instructions, piloted by Roosa. agination for right now on' be made, the astronauts would used their nose to nose lunar tried unsuccessfully today to "We will have to convince troubleshooting the probe," attempt an alternate mission module to pump electricity pinptfnt the cause of a mal- of orbiting the moon. and oxygen to the command ourselves... that the thing is said Mission Control. "We'll 1 function that threatens to wipe indeed satisfactory for dock- worry about it some more It confronted the astronauts craft for then voyage back out their long-sought landing ing," said Sigurd Sjoberg, overnight and be back with three hours after launch yes- home. on the forbidding moonscape director of flight operations. you in the morning." terday when they turned their -me space budget proposed of Fra Mauro. Asked whether the astro- No Safety Threat command ship for docking. to Congress last week is the Alan B. Sheparti Jr., the pa- nauts will go through with The^'1 e was no argument If Antares lands, Shepard smallest in a decade —$3.13 triarch of American space- Friday's landing -attempt on from the astronauts, who had and Mitchell will become the billion. It envisions three men, and rookies Edgar D. the moon's craggy highlands, been awake for more than 19 fifth and sixth humans to dis- moon landings to follow the Mitchell and Stuart A. Roosa Sjobe.-g said, "I'd like not to hours by that time and in the turb the ancient.dust of the current mission, but a failure deliberately tried for more speculate on. that right now." spacecraft, for 16 of those. No moon. would assuredly give support than an hour to make a link- The astronauts worked the threat to their safety was in- Their challenge is to com- to congressional critics who ing mechanism fail to work — latches by hand on instruc- volved. plete the mission Apollo 13 left would like to curtail even that as it had when they attempted tions from Houston-without a Experts who had watched unfinished '—.'to bring'back many flights. Apollos 18, 19 to dock their command ship single failure. their ffforts via television rocks formed 4.6 billion years and 20 already have been can- with the lunar lander earlier. "In other words, what you studied the problem during, ago at the birth of that world celed to conserve money. "It works," Roosa said fi- are trying to tell me is you the crew's 10 hours sleep and OUTS'. The Apollo 13 atcident nally." Just real fine." Theap- still haven't come up with any- time. Apollo 13 was 205,000 miles forced $25 million in modifica- paratus must be able to work thing that would be a prob- Unlike Apollo 13, which was from earth and a day away tions to Apollo 14 and raised for it3 next use, when Shepard lem/' Mission Control said. endangered by an explosion, from the moon last April 13 its cost to $400 million. Tunnel' Problem Licked SPACE CENTER, HOUS- The Apollo 14 command of th? probe hook on to a But last night something probe to allow the docking TON (AP) — Pouring water ship, Kitty Hawfc. has a cone- docking collar on the lunar faappwed to the funnel. latches behind the probe to into a narrow-necked bottle shaped probe which is tipped module. For some reason, the cap- engage? REGISTER MOVING DAY - Bell Telephone and Associated Preis representatives without 8' funnel is tricky, but with three latches. These This is what the astronauts ture latches were not hooking Roosa, following Instruc- were kept busy over the weekend to insure the orderly changeover of The Daily not impossible. latches are designed to pene- call hard dock. The spacecraft the lip of the drogue. tions, retracted the probe. Register's offices from a house at 111 Chestnut St. to the Kinkel Building at 44 Astronaut Stuart A. Roosa trate a hole in The bottom of are firmly joined together and Roosa tried five times, and Then he inched forward, far- Apple St., New Shrewsbury. The Register has leased the rear section .of "th» performed a similar task last the drogue and hook over the held rigid by the 12 latches. each time the capture latches ther into the tunnel than be- Kinkel plant for use until its own building it constructed in about a year. night when he docked the lip of t.Se hole. The probe and drogue can slipped. fore. He continued to fire Apollo 14 command ship and When this happens, the as- then be withdrawn from the "We better back out of here small thrusters to keep the (Register Staff Photo) the lunar module without, in tronauts call it "capture." docking mechanism and and think about this one," command ship's point drilling effect, a funnel. After capture is achieved, brought inside the command Roosa said afteranearlytry. even tighter against the The "funnel" is a bowl the probe retracts, pulling the ship. This opens a tunnel into Later he commented, drogue. Then, suddenly, the shaped depression on the lu- two spacecraft together. the lunar module, allowing the ?'Okay, Houston, it held for docking latches slammed into Daily Register Moves nar module, Antares. This de- As tins happens, 12 larger astronauts to move back and four seconds and it didn't place on the docking collar. pression is called a drogue. latches located in a ring back , forth. stay.? "I got Hard dock," Roosa If the capture latches won't shouted. And cheers drifting _work,—Mission—Control ~rea^ -down fronLspaceJoined those soned, why not retract the in Mission Control. Into New Shrewsbury RED BANK — The Daily Not housed in* the New most departments is 741-0010. Register, which operated sev- Shrewsbury plant areThe Cir- The exceptions are Classified Atlantic City Probe eral of its departments in a culation Department and the Adyertisements,< 741-6900; Cir- house at 111 Chestnut St. after Composing Room. Circulation culation Department, 741-333C, a Christmas Eve fire de- has moved into the HI Chest- and Sports Department, 741- stroyed its building at 105 nut St. "loose and Composing 0017. Chestnut St., today is in busi- continues to use the facilities The move to the Kinkel Is Galled Failure ness in the Kinkel Building at of the Asbury Park Press in Building was accomplished 44 Apple St., New Shrewsbury. Asbury Park. Eventually, the Saturday. It was made by An- NEWARK (AP) - The has been uncovered although In the Kinkel building are composing operation will be derson. Brothers Moving and State Investigation Commis- the probe continues 'quietly." the editorial, display advertis- shifted to New Shrewsbury. Storagi. Banfield Moving and sion has failed to find any It was also reported that ing, classified advertising, The mailing address for all Storage, Middletown, trans- tangible proof of corruption constant pressure for evidence and business offices. The of- departments continues to be ported desks and chairs in Atlantic City, the Newark is put upon the probers by fices of the publisher and the 105 Chestnut St., Red Bank, loaned by Electronic Asso- Star-Ledger reported yester- Gov. William T. Cahill and comptroller also are in the N.J., 07701.. ciates. Inc., West Long day. State Atty. Gen. George F. building. The telephone numbers for Branch. The Star-Ledger quoted a Kugler Jr. source involved in the two- "Let's get something going year probe as saying no evid- in Atlantic County, they say. ence to interest a grand jury I'd like nothing better," an in- Marlboro's Zoning Code vestigator said. Major Target Lacey Will But the investigator added that, "Atlantic City is a major target, for investigation and an Is Termed in Conflict Take Bench area where we haven't devel- oped a major corruption case. • MARLBORO — Charles M. Citing the reaction of par- new home would add an aver- Post Today "In Atlantic County, there Pike, chairman of the county ents at Friday's meeting, age of seven car trips per day are independent, petty local Planning Board, has advised Counciman Lawrence Gross- to the area's traffic pattern. NEWARK (AP)-New Jer- the township Council that the man today called for the re- sey loses a U.S. attorney but officials, and this makes it a "In that case, the residen-' hell of a lot tougher p'ace to proposed zoning ordinance im- moval of the office-research tial development would gener- gains a federal judge today zone west of Rt 18, and asked when Frederick B. Lacey crack than Hudson County," plementing the township's ate as much or more traffic an investigator said. master plan is in conflict with that the zone be made resi- as office-research complex takes the oath of office as a dential. U.S.
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