roiraan 'Jo Serving Summit . Ill Herald For 61 Years For Local News and Summit Recent Year—N*. SI M SccwM flu* Matter M tht Pu*tein<* SUMMIT, N. J.,' . MAY tst rtto at Suunit, H, i . L'a4c* ta« 4tt •» Mart* J. UTt. 14 A YEAR t CENTS Charter Plan Unit For Summit Is Aim City Schedules Construction Of Women Voters On New Lincoln School in'52 At their annual meeting held Barring unforeseen circumstances. Summit will have last week, members of the League ,-a new Lincoln School in the 1952 school year, according to of Women Voters of Summit ap- proved a program of work on the a statement on the school construction program issued" local, state and national levels. jointly by the Board of Education and .the Common Coun- F*rom six items offered for con- cil this week. The statement wasreleased to the press fol* sideration for active current agen- . ___ . .—„___— jawing s. cV-,nffr. nee h<-:.-i_ Saturday da on the municipal level, one with representatives of th* Lin- proposal was wflected, ''to work coln School PTA. It wan rfatl trt for the establishment of a Char- Hospital Building the Lincoln Sch.io! PTA at a meet. ter Commission to study Sum- ing of tn.it orK*n;*si:inn Monday mit government." Fund Tops Goal, wrung by John Mi -k;e. PTA pres- Commenting on the League de- ident. The PTA membership ap- cision, Mrs. Joel B. Peterson, pres- proved the' statement Recent tally Shows Mr.. Markit* also riprsrtcd on projj* ident of the Summit League, r ss beln ni(ld{> stated. "The study of form; and Thp $l>T0.tVvi Overlook Hospital ^ - K « ^->»n?«> Field by procedures of government ia of ng Fund hns been over- the Board of Education to fi-1 the. course historical and basic to ihi'ii. ;t wa-s mnnounred laM need for a p!aygroun<! in the Lin- coln School artni prior to the build- the League program. This present night by HiJU\v Watts, chairman ing oi th ne ch o1 The of the fund, who reported that * '*' " ° - site, h'« choice follows the more recent the sal<*' '* now bein& enclosed with a ajid specific study and support of Kihecriptiorw .jnfide aince formal pnd of ttfe> public campaign 'encc, cleared of trees, grass hat the well publicized Faulkner Op- been planted and » jhelter built to tional Charter Plans, written last on ApK! 77 hftve rni»ed the total am'ount p>dgcd to $1,211,61$. ^ house a water fountain. Equipment veek' into New Jersey law." will be'installed .ami a supervisor To Form Local Group 'Lsir-si figures for the successful appointed by the Board of Recre- public campaign, for which an ob- "The initial step before any ation for the summer months. _jwt;v«» of $250.00t> had tx^n es- survey can be begun will jbe the tablished, show that 6,492 aub- Present at the Saturday morning establishment of a Charter 'Com- sctibfts pledged a total of $3Sg,2«5 meeting of city, school and PTA mission of Summit citizens whose KNUCKLE DOWN — Neighborhood "rnibs" stars officials -were Major Perdy M». the contestant! try a shot Left to right a.v Paul •to the fund, augmenting 6f>0 ad- duty would be to study the local gathered last Saturday morning at the various city Kluchnik, Lynctte Smith, Warren Snuth, Wayne government and to make sugges- playgrounds to compete in the marbles tournament 1 vance contributions of $923,353 to FIRST POPPY SALE—Karen Sat Van Tronk, four-years-old, jumps Kluchnlk, Robert Coyle, James Maroney, Jerry Brat put the building fund over the top. the «un on the American Legion Auxiliary when she sells Mayor Perd- tion for its improvement if the sponsored annually by the Board of Recreation and and Paul Ellis. Finals are scheduled for this Satur- Ross Tuttle, Leonard EJBest, Mrs. va! M. Bland a poppy the day before the official opening of the memorial need is felt The League of Wom- VFW, Post 190, Above is a group of intent young- day at Memorial Field.—(Chell Frantasen*. of Joha R sters at Mabie Playground1 critically watching one of observance. The annual poppy sale, in mtmory of the heroes of two! *» Voters* interest ia not neces- president of the board of trustees. sarily in any change. Rather, it t,f R WorH Wars, will be held today and tomorrow. They will be distributed are already at work in the prep- F ia in focussing a communitywidp by members of Summit Unit 138. Karen Sue is the daughter of Mr. aration of plans for an early start R h * R , "i t"« ,T interest in an objective study in construction. and Mrs. Frank J. Van Tronk, Jr., of 6 Aubrey atreet, and grand- March of Dime Drivt . i . John Nordahl, Robert Potter daughter of Mrs. Frank J. Van Tronk, Sr., chairman of poppy days- of our city in the light of its Visiting Nurse Commercial Head growth and needs of today, some- Rttpmsf itats 1949 Success of the subscription cam- an(j Mr. Mackie. Proceeds from the sale of the paper flower with the white tag and j paijm and the receipt of approxi- •Jlue letters go to the Auxiliary's rehabilitation and child welfare thing which has never been done Will Cost $800,000 before. At SHS Resigns; mately jaoo.000 in federal grant*. fund. ' • Drive Hears Final result* in Summit's I960 J following final approval of build- The new Lincoln School will cost "If, after a look at ourselves, March of Dimes drlv* were an- i ing plan* by state authorltif*, will an estimated 3800,000 including such a survey shows the- present Half-Way Mark nounced thb week by Mr*. G. Taught 30 Years ! permit completion of the program equipment and a playing field. municipal eet-tip to be the best Merrill Brown, treasurer, as being i for the construction of a new. Plans call for the building to b« $7,985,69. This \s a gain of $3,025.69 started in 1952 and completed dur- Lions Club Donates $1,200 for our kind of a community, the The campaign of the new Visit- The resignation of Miss E§te!!e •' six-story wing at Overlook, sub- over the 1949 total and an all-time ing the 1053 school year. Plans and result will be renewed vigor and ing Nurse Association of Summit Van Patten, chairman of the ; »tantia!ly expanding the number of confidence, and above all, a great- and Vicinity had nearly reached high for Summit. The drive was specifications have already been For Blind Work of Overtook conducted by Postmaster Daniel Commercial Department at Sum-> accommodation* for patient* and prepared to a point where bid* can er understanding by the whole 'the half way point toward its goal mlt High School was accepted by j strengthening the scientific serv- Summit Lions vded $1,200 to Overlook costing WOO. citizenry of the workings and of $12,640 as this week's Summit J. Fitapatrick. he solicited. Overlook Hospital for u«e in blind Doyle Heads Officer Slat* the Board of Education, Tuesday |-ices .available for diagnosis and problems of this city. If, on the Herald went to press. The "Union County Chapter of night. Mise Van Patten, who has ! treatment. The joint. statemwrt-TW*H* that aid ajid eight conservation work At it* Thursday luncheon, the two major needs of the Summit (Continued on Page 20) "The outlook U still uncertain,** the National Foundation is now been associated with--the Summit t that Institution at their lunch- club voted to receive toe report Summit Owr the I school system were recognized some a member of the campaign coin* I peUil oases, 161 schools for thirty years, taught eon Thursday at the Hotel Sub- of 1|» nominating committee MK eccuftld In 1949 and l^ui'idmi; fund volunteers jn three (year* ago. The first v*» the n#ed mittee aaid. "A good many of th« hir fir*t y«ar at Lincoln School. communities exceeded their local urtyjn. The vote- wu 'fit* confirma- (Contlnued on Page 20) teams have not yet reported. We 54 from other yeana : of improvement in teachers' sal- tion of their board of directors' Northern Baptists Since then she ha? been at Senior objectives during the public cam- i iries and the other- was the school have not pressed too hard because The total amount raised in the High School where she aucceeded r.'commendation of affirming the county this year was $78,263.26, paign. In Summit, where the goal I building program. -Salary adjust* our campaign has had to come the late Misa Emily Bemasnger as majority report of the club'» an increase of $25,524.95 over the 1 was S1W.00O. a total of $127,108 was ments will be completed by the be- Memorial Day To Honor Dr. Hazen close after the hospital drive and chairman of the department. bjnd aid and eight conservation we wanted to give the good people previous year. Summit was the subscribed. Millburn Township ginning of the next school year remmittce. third highest community. MiM Van Patten ha« been ad- : residents, with an objective of !an 4 priority 'Improvements ia school of this area a breather." visor to the administration of the Rites Scheduled In Boston Tonight .....= ._ . .u. $wow subscribed 151,109. and housing, such as the Franklin Tfie futds, which were raised Officials of the Association student activities fur.dij and ad- In recognition of his long and potted re- in N*e»- Providence piedgm School addition and High School by public support, were presented a good many people visor to the business-preparatory amounted to $15,601, topping the .addition, have also been aceom- to Overlook by President James faithful service as corresponding !ha(j For Bonnel Park s«cretary of the Northern Baptist made modest contributions.
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