EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher Tom Poberezny Vice-President, Marketing and Communications Dick Matt May 1994 Vol. 22, No.5 Editor-in-Chief Jack Cox Editor Henry G. Frautschy CONTENTS Managing Editor Golda Cox 1 Straight & Level/ Art Director Espie "Butch" Joyce Mike Drucks Computer Graphic Specialists Sara Hansen 2 AlC News/ Olivia l. Phillip Jennifer Larsen Compiled by H.G. Frautschy Advertising Mary Jones 4 Vintage Literature/ Associate Editor Dennis Parks Norm Petersen Feature Writers 8 Aeromail George Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks Staff Photographers Jim Koepnick Mike Steineke 9 Cable Weaving. Carl Schuppel Donna Bushman And Other Rigging Tidbits/ Editorial Assistant Andrew King Isabelle Wiske 13 Pete Engelskirger's EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INC, Cessna 170/ OFFICERS Norm Petersen President Vice-President Espie 'Butch' Joyce Arthur MorfJan 604 Highway St. W211 Nll863 Hilltop Dr. Madison. NC 27025 Germantown. WI 53022 17 Vintage Seaplanes/ Norm Petersen 919/427-0216 414/628-2724 Secretary Treasurer 20 Hints for Restorers Page 13 Steve Nesse E.E. -Buck- Hilbert 2009 Highland Ave. P.O. Box 424 Albert Leo, MN 56007 Union. IL 60180 21 Pass it to Buck/ 507/373-1674 815/923-4591 E.E. "Buck" Hilbert DIRECTORS John Berendt Robert C. "Bob' Brauer 22 Mystery Plane/George Hardie 7645 Echo Point Rd. 9345 S. Hoyne Cannon Falls. MN 55009 507/263-2414 ChdW/~~9~~m20 24 Why Do We Bother?/John Hanson Gene Chase John S. Copeland 2159 Carlton Rd. 28-3 Williamsbur8 Ct. Oshkosh . WI 54904 Shrewsbury. MA 1545 28 Welcome New Members 414/231 -5002 508/842-7867 Phil Coulson George Daubner 29 AlC Calendar 28415 Springbrook Dr. 2448 Lough Lone Lawton, MI 49065 Hartford. WI 53027 616/624-6490 414/673-5885 30 Vintage Trader Page 17 Chartes Harris Stan Gomoll 7215 East 46th St. 1042 90th Lane. NE Tulsa , OK 74145 Minnec~lis . MN 55434 918/622-8400 61 /784-1172 FRONT COVER ...Pete and Carol Engelskirger"s Cessna 170B Dale A. Gustatson Jeannie Hill has been selected the Best Restored Classic , 101 to 165 hp at 7724 Shady Hill Dr. P.O. Box 328 Indianapolis. IN 46278 Harvord. IL 60033 Sun ' n Fun in both 1993 and 1994. EAA photo by Jim 317/293-4<130 815/943-7205 Koepnick. Shot with a Canon EOS- 1 equipped with an 80­ Robert UCkteig Robert D. -Bob- Lumley 200mm lens. 1/ 250 sec. at f5.6 on Kodak Ektachrome Lumiere 1708 Boy Oaks r. 1265 South 124th St. Albert Lea. MN 56007 Brookfield, WI 53005 100. Cessna 210 photo plane piloted by Bruce Moore. 507 /373-2922 414/ 782-2633 BACK COVER .. "Test Flight" by artist Duane " Bud " Burgess of Gene Morris George York 11SC Steve Court. R.R. 2 18 1 Sloboda Av. Burlington, IA depicts a scene during the heyday of Mono Roanoke. 1)( 76262 Mansfield. OH 44906 Aircraft, Inc. For more on this painting, see the description in 817/491 -9110 419/529-4378 AIC News on page 2. S.H. -Wes- Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Copyright © 1994 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. Wauwatosa. WI 53213 VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned eXClusively by Ihe EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimenlal 414/771 -1545 Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The membership rate for EAA Antique/Classic DIRECTOR EMERITUS Division, Inc. is $20.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership S.J. Willman is open to all who are interested in aviation. 7200 S.E. 85th Lane POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND AiPO Ocala. FL 32672 ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and AiPO addresses via surface mail. 904/ 245-7768 ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. ADVISORS EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the Joe Dickey Jimmy Rollison 55 Oakey Av. 640 Alamo Dr. authors. Responsibil~y for accuracy in reporting rests entirely w~h the contributor. No renumeration is made. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Vacaville. CA 95688 Material should be sent to: Ed~or , VINTAGE AIRPlANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 414/426-4800. 812/537-9354 707 /45 Hl411 The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA, EM INTERNATIONAL Dean Richardson Geoff Robison CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered 6701 Colony Dr. 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks Madison. WI 53717 New Haven. IN 46774 of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited. 608/833-1291 219/493-4724 STRAIGHT &LEVEL by Espie "Butch" Joyce What is red with black feet, tired Burlington, North Carolina. On Sat­ good ideas for the convention, please legs, heavy sunglasses and a need for urday, by noon they had quite a few give me a call or drop me a note. We aspirin? Me at Sun ' n Fun Fly-In at aircraft on the grounds. An enjoyable plan to have some very interesting ac­ the end of the day. The red is from part of these fly-ins is that you get to tivities at EAA OSHKOSH '94 - more the sun, black feet from the black dust meet with friends that you have on this later. of the sands, soil and all of the walk­ known for a long time, some of whom Your membership continues to ing needed to cover the fly-in area, only attend the local, smaller fly-ins. grow - we're now over 9,000 members. Convention booths and fly-markets. There seems to be more of the local I have to give the membership credit No doubt about it, this fly-in has type fly-ins popping up all of the time. for asking people to become members grown from what it was in years past. Be sure and check the calendar sec­ of your Antique/Classic Division. The This year's Sun 'n Fun was the 20th tion of your magazine to see what's board of Directors will be starting a fly-in they have held. I certainly en­ happening that you might have an in­ membership drive this summer to help joyed the event and saw a number of terest in, and check the bulletin board with this effort. I think you as a mem­ unique aircraft in the antique/classic of you local FBO - you wouldn't want ber will be happy with this program ­ area. A /C Chapter 1, located in to miss one! it has something for everybody. Florida, really does a great job manag­ Since the flying weather has be­ You'll be happy to know that your ing this area for Sun 'n Fun. I think come more friendly , and you may Division has been very supportive of that a special thanks needs to go to have had your craft laid up for the two Pioneer Airport projects, one be­ Jane and Robin Kimball for the hard winter, I would like to caution you to ing restoration of the Curtiss Robin work they do registering aircraft and be extra careful when you start flying with the Wisconsin Tank Engine. We explaining to potential members why this year. We also have just had an­ have helped with the PT-3 project as it's a good deal to join the Antique/ other hand propping loss in your in­ well. Both projects will be detailed Classic Division. surance program. Please be extra here in the pages of VINTAGE AIR­ The chapter hosts a fish-fry at the careful when propping - there's noth­ PLANE during the coming year. Antique/Classic Headquarters on ing more discouraging than seeing this Should you have anything of inter­ Tuesday evening. It's a fun time type of accident happen, especially est for VINTAGE AIRPLANE, where you can relax and socialize with since they are so preventable. please send it in; we would love to see friends while watching a number of Your Antique/Classic board of Di­ what you have. aircraft depart. rectors have their meeting the second Let's all pull in the same direction This event really kicks off the fly-in weekend of May. We will be dis­ for the good of aviation. Remember, season. Just this past weekend I at­ cussing the trial planning for EAA we are better together. Join us and tended the A/C Chapter 3 fly-in at OSHKOSH '94. Should you have any have it all. '* C3I'WJ compiled by H.G. Frautschy "TEST FLIGHT" ber of historian and placard supplier EXHIBITION AIRCRAFT Noel Allard of Chaska, MN. We've FAA POLICY Duane " Bud" Burgess, of Burling­ been advised that the number published ton, IA has painted a scene rich in his­ was incorrect. The correct number is The final FAA policy concerning the tory. His acrylic painting won an Hon­ 612/448-5047. Noel has a wide variety use of aircraft registered in the Exhibi­ orable Mention ribbon in the 1993 EAA of placard, instrument face and data tion/Air Racing category is now being Sport Aviation Art Competition.
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