Bibliography of British Columbia1 Compiled by Melva J. Dwyer, Librarian Emerita, University of British Co­ lumbia. Books Alternative Vancouver. Vancouver: Visions Underground, 1989. unpaged. $3.95 plus $2.00 post. (980 West 16th Ave., Vancouver V5Z 1T2) BALL, Norman R. ed. Building Canada, a History of Public Works. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1988. 336 p. $37.50. THE BARRIE ART GALLERY. The Northwest, a Collector's Vision. An Exhi­ bition of Native Art of the Pacific Northwest Coast from the Peacock Collection. Barrie, Ont.: The Gallery, 1988. 20 p. ill. some col. $15.00 (17c Mulcaster St., Barrie, Ont.) BEGOUN, Paula. Discover the New, the Best Places to Kiss in the Northwest. Seattle: Beginning Press, 1989. 208 p. $11.95. (54J^ South Brandon St., Seattle, Wash. 98118) BELL-IRVING, Elizabeth. Crofton House School, the First Ninety Years, i8g8- ig88. Vancouver: Crofton House School, 1989. 273 p. ill. $21.00. (The School, 3200 West 41st Ave., Vancouver V6N 3EI ) BISH, Robert L. Local Government in British Columbia. Richmond, B.C.: Union of British Columbia Municipalities/University of Victoria School of Public Administration, 1987. 157 p. $10.00. BOELSGHER, Marianne. The Curtain Within, Haida Social and Mythical Discourse. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1988. 234 p. $27.95. BRITISH COLUMBIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Union Catalogue of British Co­ lumbia Newspapers. Hana Komorous, comp. Vancouver: The Associa­ tion, 1988. 3 v. 1200 p. pre-pay to B.C.L.A. $45.00; $15.00 post. (Mar­ garet Friesen, Library, Interlibrary Loans, University of B.C., 1956 Main Mall, Vancouver V6T IY3) BROWN, Elaine et al. Historic Spallumcheen and Its Road Names. Arm­ strong, B.C.: Armstrong-Enderby Publishing Co., 1986. 134 p. $6.95. BURBRIDGE, Joan. Wildflowers of the Southern Interior of British Columbia and Adjacent Parts of Washington, Idaho and Montana. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1989. 398 p. col. ill. $29.95 hard; $19.95 so^- 1 30 April 1989. 83 BG STUDIES, no. 82, Summer 1989 84 BG STUDIES BUTTERS, R. A History: The Department of Metals and Materials Engineer­ ing, The University of British Columbia igi§ to ig8y. Vancouver: The Department, University of B.C., 1987. unpaged. GAS SIDY, Frank and Norman Dale. After Native Claims? The Implications of Comprehensive Claims Settlements for Natural Resources in British Columbia. Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1988. 252 p. $14.95. (Box 10, Lantzville VOR2HO) Central Okanagan Records Survey. Kathleen Barlee, ed. Part 1 of the Okanagan-Similkameen-Shuswap Records Survey. Kelowna, B.G. : Oka­ nagan College Press, 1988. 123 p. $10.00 (History Department, Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Road, Kelowna VIY4X8) CHAMBERLAIN, K. E. Design in Canada: ig40-ig8y, a Bibliography. Rich­ mond, B.C.: The Author, 1988. 44 p. $8.00. (K. E. Chamberlain, 9780 Seabright Rd., Richmond V7A4G2) CHITTENDEN, Curley and Arnold McComb. The Harrison-Chehalis Chal­ lenge. Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.: Treeline Publishing, 1988. 136 p. $11.95. (Logging in the Fraser Valley, 1890-1980s) (Box 188, Harrison Hot Springs VOM IKO) GHOKO, Marc H. and David L. Jones. Canadian Pacific Posters 188^-1 g6^. Montreal: Meridian Press, 1988. 186 p. col. ill. $34.95. (Société d'infor­ mation et d'affaires publiques, 1980 Sherbrooke St., West, Suite 520, Montreal H3H IE8) COLOMBO, John Robert. Mysterious Canada: Strange Sights, Extraordinary Events and Peculiar Places. Toronto: Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1988. 436 p. $29.95. (Includes a B.C. section) DAWSON, George M. The Journals of George M. Dawson, British Columbia I8J5-I8J8. Douglas Cole and Bradley Lockner, eds. 2 v. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1989. 611 p. $70.00 per set. DE SANTE, David and Peter Pyle. Distribution Checklist of North American Birds. Lee Vining, GA: Artemisia Press, 1986. 442 p. US$30.00. (Includes lists of birds for each American state and all provinces of Canada) (P.O. Box 119, Lee Vining, CA 93541 ) DOWD, John. Sea Kayaking: A Manual for Long-Distance Touring. Rev. ed. Vancouver: Douglas & Mclntyre, 1988. 304 p. $16.95. EWING, J. B. Fraser River Pile Driving, the Company History ign-igj6. New Westminster: Gamart Studio Ltd., 1976. 44 p. ill. $4.95. (Still avail­ able) (7015 Gurragh Ave., Burnaby V5J 4v6) Explorations in the History of Canadian Mapping: A Collection of Essays. Barbara Farell and Aileen Desbarats, eds. Ottawa: Association of Cana­ dian Map Libraries and Archives, 1988. 274 p. $30.00. Bibliography 85 FISHER, Robin and Kenneth Coates. Out of the Background: Readings in Canadian Native History. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd., 1988. 294 p. $18.75. Forestry Malpractice on Rise in British Columbia. Western Canada Wilder­ ness Committee Education Report. Vancouver: The Committee, 1989. 8 p. ill. free. ( 103-1520 West 6th Ave., Vancouver v6j iR2) FRANCIS, Diane. Contre preneurs. Toronto: Macmillan, 1988. 309 p. $26.95. GEROW, David and Elizabeth Smith. Hornby Island: The Ebb and Flow. Campbell River, B.C.: Ptarmigan Press, 1988. 83 p. $19.95. (1372 Island Highway, Campbell River) GOLDBERG, Michael A. and H. C. Davis. Global Cities and Public Policy: The Case of Vancouver, British Columbia. UBC Planning Papers. Com­ parative Urban & Regional Studies #i7. Vancouver: UBC School of Community & Regional Planning, 1988. 23 p. $5.00. (The School, Uni­ versity of B.C., 6333 Memorial Rd., Vancouver V6T 1W5) HAMMOND, Herb. Forests Forever? A Case for Holistic Forest Use. Vancou­ ver: Western Canada Wilderness Committee, 1988. $4.95. (103-1520 West 6th Ave., Vancouver v6j 1R2) A History of British Columbia: Selected Readings. Patricia E. Roy, ed. To­ ronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd., 1989. 357 p. $16.95. Hoof prints in History. Tales of the Chilcotin Past. 2 v. Tatla Lake, B.C. : Tatla Lake School Heritage Project, 1986; 1987. 54 p.; 84 p. ill. n.p. (Tatla Lake Elementary-Junior Secondary School, General Delivery, Tatla Lake VOL ivo) HUNGRY WOLF, Adolf. Off on a Wild Caboose Chase . New York: Wil­ liam Morrow and Company Inc., 1989. 205 p. ill. $25.00. Hunting and Fishing in Canada, a Turn of the Century Treasury. Frank Op- pel, ed. Secaucus, N.J. : Castle Books, 1988. 472 p. $9.99. (Several articles on B.C. from late nineteenth and early twentieth century publications) INGLIS, Robin and David Whetter. Maritime Centre Concept Report. Van­ couver: Vancouver Maritime Museum, 1988. 17 p. free. (A Plan for a new museum) (The Museum, 1905 Ogden Ave., Vancouver v6j IA3) ISENOR, Dick E., E. G. Stephens, and D. E. Watson. One Hundred Spirited Years: A History of Cumberland. Campbell River, B.C. : Ptarmigan Press, 1988. 272 p. many ill. n.p. (1372 Island Highway, Campbell River) JOHNSON, Elizabeth L. Translations of Tradition, Joanna Staniszkis, Recent Work. Catalogue of an Exhibition, January 24-April 16, 1989. Museum note no. 24. Vancouver: Museum of Anthropology, University of B.C., 1989. folder, 6 leaves. $2.50. KLINKA, K. et al. Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia. Vancouver : UBC Press, 1989. 288 p. col. ill. $36.95. 86 BG STUDIES LAWRENCE, Barb and Judy Robb. Where Eagles Flew: An Early History of the Chilliwack Flying Club. Chilliwack, B.C. : Ghilliwack Flying Club, 1987. 40 p. ill. $5.00. (Fraser Valley Custom Printers Inc., 9224 Young Street, Ghilliwack V2P4R2) LEAN, Pat. Sacred Heart Parish, Merritt, British Columbia, Canada. Merritt, B.C. : Parish Council, Sacred Heart Church, 1986. 86 p. ill. n.p. Liberties. John Russell, ed. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1989. 240 p. $14.95. (British Columbia civil liberties) (2504 York Ave., Vancouver V6K IE3) LONG, Bob. Fishing the Queen Charlotte Islands. Sandspit, B.C. : Raser En­ terprises/Donald Soûles, 1988. 127 p. $8.95. (Raser Enterprises, Box 459, Sandspit VOT ITO) MGINTYRE, Kerry J. A Century of Faith: The History of Cooke's Presby­ terian Church, Chilliwack. Chilliwack, B.C.: Cooke's Presbyterian Church, 1988. 159 p. ill. n.p. (Cooke's Presbyterian Church, 45825 Wel­ lington Ave., Chilliwack V2P2Ei) MCNEIL, Bill. Bill McNeil Presents Voice of the Pioneers. Toronto: Double- day Canada Ltd., 1988. 255 p. $24.95. (Some B.C. recollections) Matrix: The Story of Women in Dialogue. Nanaimo, B.C. : The Spider Press Collective, Nanaimo Women's Resources Society, 1988. 65 p. ill. n.p. MOORE, Terry. Toothpaste & Peanut Butter: A How-to Collection of House­ hold Hints. Surrey, B.C.: Hancock House, 1987. 142 p. $9.95. Mountain Magic, Images of Blackcomb and Whistler. Vancouver: HKM Publications, 1989. 64 p. col. ill. $16.95. (Little text) NEWLAND, Marv. Marv ig88. Vancouver : Pines & Palms, 1988. 80 p. n.p. (203-1168 Hamilton Street, Vancouver V6B 2S2) The Oxford Book of Canadian Political Anecdotes. Jack McLeod, ed. To­ ronto: Oxford University Press, 1988. 273 p. $24.95. (Several B.C. poli­ ticians included) PORTEOUS, J. Douglas. The Mells. Saturna Island, B.C.: Saturnalia, The Saturna Island Thinktank Press, 1988. 93 p. $7.95. (P.O. Box 41, Saturna Island VON2YO) RANGER, Al. The Kootenays: Sketches, Maps and Trip Notes. Parksville, B.C. : Al Ranger Books, 1986. 116 p. ill. $12.95. (po- Box 983> Parksville VOR2SO) RUNNALLS, Francis Edwin. A History of the Knox United Church, Prince George. Prince George, B.C. : Prince George Printers, 1986. 140 p. ill. n.p. (Prince George Printers Ltd., 1220 Second Ave. V2L 3B3) Saint Francis Xavier Church, i88y-ig8y. The Saint Francis Xavier Historical Society, comps. Shawnigan Lake, B.C. : Salmon Publications, 1987. 198 p. n.p. Bibliography 87 SOUTHERN, Karen and Peggy Bird. Pulp, Paper and People: 75 Years of Powell River. Powell River, B.C. : Powell River Heritage Research Asso­ ciation, 1988. 256 p. ill. $34.95. (7155 Hazelton St., Powell River V8A IP9) SPARKS, Dawn, Martha Border, and Damien Inwood. Echoes Across the Inlet. Deep Gove, B.C. : Deep Gove and Area Heritage Association, 1989. 138 p. many ill.
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