^ Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association! crainian Weeklї vol. LIX No. 36 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1991 50 cents Ukraine's independence in forefront in the woke of independence of Canadian PM's Edmonton appearanceParliamen t of U kraine dissolves by Christopher Guly Ukraine will visit Canada later this month. A tentative schedule includes a Communist Party organizations EDMONTON - Emerging from an September 23 meeting with the prime August 30 meeting with six executive minister in Ottawa and a visit to To– by Chrystyna N. Lapychak After suffering one defeat after members of the Ukrainian Canadian ronto the following day. Kiev Press Bureau another, a visibly upset Oleksander Committee, Canadian Prime Minister The announcement followed a tele- Moroz, leader of the Communist majo– Brian Mulroney refused to grant imme– gram, sent by Mr. Kravchuk to Mr. KlEv - The Supreme Soviet of rity in the Supreme Soviet, announced diate diplomatic recognition to U– Mulroney, calling for Canada's imme– Ukraine convened its fourth session in on September 4 that the majority was kraine, choosing instead to wait for the diate recognition of Ukrainian Ukraine's capital city last week, its first officially dissolved within Parliament results of the December 1 referendum in sovereignty. as the Parliament of an independent because the CPU leadership had "be– that republic. The prime minister also agreed to democratic Ukrainian state. trayed" them. include Dr. Dmytro Cipywnyk, presi– Conspicuously absent from the hall The prime minister, who was in on the first day of the plenary session on (Continued on page 11) Edmonton during the official weekend dent of the Ukrainian Canadian Con– gress, and Andrew Witer, chairman of Tuesday, September 3, was the Lenin opening ceremonies of celebrations statue above the chairman's podium, marking the centennial of Ukrainian the World Congress of Free Ukrainians' 1,000-ton Lenin Human Rights Commission, at the removed the evening before by a deci– Canadian settlement, did agree to some sion of the Parliament's Presidium. concessions, however. official opening of the Canadian Consu– to be dismantled late in Kiev. External Affairs Minister The gesture followed the Presidium's At the invitation of the speaker of the Barbara McDougall is to represent the historic decision on August 29 to by Chrystyna N. Lapychak House of Commons, Chairman Leonid federal government at the September 8- dissolve the Communist Party of U– Kiev Press Bureau Kravchuk of the Supreme Soviet of 9 event. kraine (CPU) for its support of what it Prime Minister Mulroney announced called the "unconstitutional" failed KlEv - Oleksander Mosiyuk, Mulroney announces the creation of a Consulate General in coup in Moscow on August 19-21. acting mayor of Kiev, announced on the Ukrainian capital during his visit to The landmark decision banned the Thursday, September 5, that the Kravchuk visit Kiev in November 1989. CPU, an organ of the Communist Party central Lenin monument, formally According to Andrij Hluchowecky, of the Soviet Union, which ruled the called the monument to the October by Andrij H!uchowecky director of the Ottawa-based Ukrai– entire Soviet Union and Ukraine with Revolution, would begin to be dis– Ukrainian information Bureau nian information Bureau of the Ukrai– an iron fist for over 70 years. mantled on Monday, September 9. nian Canadian Congress, the federal Although hardliners in the Supreme The 1,000-ton monument, one of OTTAWA -– Prime Minister Brian government asked that his group sug– Soviet during last week's two-day the largest in the disintegrating Mulroney has reconfirmed an earlier gest members for an official delegation plenary session attempted to have the Soviet Union, is made up of 15 statement made during his recent meet– which will observe the December 1 decision overturned with a statement blocks divided by 15 rods and will be ing with U.S. President George Bush in referendum in Ukraine. signed by 90 deputies (out of the dismantled mechanically, block-by- Kennenbunkport, Maine, that Canada Following the 45-minute meeting original Communist bloc of 239), call– block, over a period of several would consider granting formal recog– with the prime minister and Deputy ing it illegal, they were soundly out- (Continued on page 15) nition to Ukraine if the December 1 (Continued on page 12) voted. referendum shows that the citizens of Ukraine favor independence. Mr. Mulroney also announced that Soyuzivka guests celebrate Ukraine's independence Chairman Leonid Kravchuk of the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet had been by Mart a Kolomayets a deep slumber and 1 must help them in Mr. Petrynenko and his music group invited to visit Canada later this month. some way," said Ukraine's leading Hrono kindled many a soul at the 38th KERHONKSON, N.Y. - "1 don't contemporary pop-rock singer Taras annual Labor Day weekend festivities Speaking to a large crowd gathered at know whose soul will be tapped by what Petrynenko, describing his music in an held at Soyuzivka, the UNA estate the Edmonton Convention Center for a І do, but my people are awakening from interview earlier this year. nestled in the Catskill Mountains of concert marking the official opening of New York. Performing for the first time the Ukrainian Canadian Centennial since Ukraine declared its independence celebrations on August 30, Prime on Saturday, August 24, Mr. Petry– Minister Mulroney announced that nenko and Hrono energized a Saturday Canada has invited Ukrainian Supreme evening (August 31) crowd of more than Soviet Chairman Kravchuk to visit 2,000 spectators. Ottawa for high-level meetings with Canadian government officials. The The concert, emceed by Olia Cho– unprecedented Ukrainian visit is sche– doba-Fryz, was staged on the tennis duled to take place on September 22-24 courts of Soyuzivka, complete with and is to include a brief stopover in fireworks, smoke and a light show, it Toronto, a city with well over 100,000 featured songs written by Mr. Petry– Canadians of Ukrainian heritage. nenko, including "The Chornobyl Mr. Kravchuk, and a 16-membei Zone," "The Popular Movement," and delegation that is to include National "Left Bank, Right Bank," many of which Council leader ihor Yukhnovsky and have galvanized the youth of Ukraine to the chairman of the parliamentary become aware of their Ukrainian heri– Commission on Foreign Affairs, Dmy– tage. tro Pavlychko, is then to travel to The celebration of Ukraine's inde– Washington for meetings with Presi– pendence culminated with Mr. Petry– dent Bush and senior U.S. officials nenko singing "Ukraina " as the fans, before attending the United Nations who sat on the sloping hills near the tennis courts, stood up, lit candles General Assembly deliberations to larta Kolomayets deliver an address on September 30. (which were sold for Si during the (Continued on page 13) Taras Petrynenko and Hrono from Kiev perform an outdoor concert at Soyuzivka. (Continued 00 page 4) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1991 No. 36 Newsbriefs 1 FYl: Ethnic composition of Ukraine ^ 1 VINNYTSIA OBLAST POLTAVA OBLAST І from Ukraine 1 Ukrainians: 91.596 Ukrainians: 87.99b 1 1 Russians: 5.99b Russians: 10.296 1 RIVNE OBLAST І 9 KlEv — As^a result of reports of a Ukrainian independence, reported 1 vOLYN OBLAST Ukrainians: 93.396 1 Radio Kiev on September 2. The Russians: 4.696 1 commission investigating the activities 1 Ukrainians: 94.696 of public figures during the coup, the meeting was organized by the Ukrai– nian Republican Party. Thousands also 1 Russians: 4.49b Communist Party of Ukraine was SUMY OBLAST 1 temporarily banned by the Presidium of attended a pro-independence demon– Ukrainians: 85.596 1 the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet on stration in Ternopil. (RFE;RL Daily !DNIPROPETROVSKE OBLAST Russians: 13.396 1 August 30. Radio Kiev reported that a Report) 1 Ukrainians: 71.696 document was found that could incrimi– 1 Russians: 24.296 TERNOPIL OBLAST І nate Stanislav Hurenko, first secretary 9 KlEv - The Politburo of the of the CPU, and other Central Com– Communist Party of Ukraine finally 1 DONETSKE OBLAST Ukrainians: 96.896 1 mittee members who signed it. The condemned the "adventurous attempt– 1 Ukrainians: 50.796 Russians: 2.396 1 1 Russians: 43.696 KHARKIV OBLAST І document instructed party organiza– ed anti-state coup" on August 22 (after tions to support the coup leaders. the coup had already crumbled), it Ukrainians: 62.896 1 (RFE;RL Daily Report) criticized the Central Committee of the lZHYTOMYR OBLAST Russians: 33.296 1 Communist Party of the Soviet Union 1 Ukrainians: 84.99b 1 Russians: 7.99b 9 KlEv - Chairman of the Ukrai– for not making a statement on the coup KHERSON OBLAST 1 nian Supreme Soviet Leonid Kravchuk "in proper time" and exposing party Ukrainians: 75.796 1 said that "the interests of one republic" organizations to "unfounded accusa– lZAKARPATSKA Russians: 20.296 і predominate in the interim committee, tions." l(TRANSCARPATHlAN) OBLAST which is headed by the Russian Prime The Politburo also said that "its most 1 Ukrainians: 78.496 KHMELNYTSKY OBLAST 1 Minister ivan Silaev, and that he has re– important goals and tasks" are to "give 1 Hungarians: 12.596 Ukrainians: 90.496 1 servations about the Russian republic real meaning" to Ukrainian sovereignty 1 Russians: 4.096 Russians: 5.896 1 replacing the Soviet Union. He said that and lead the way out of the current CHERKASY OBLAST 1 the future structure of the USSR will crisis, it called for an evaluation of the JZAPORIZHZHIA OBLAST most likely be a confederation. situation at a party plenum as soon as 1 Ukrainians: 63.196 Ukrainians: 90.596 1 (RFE;RL Daily Report) possible. (RFE;RL Daily Report) 1 Russians: 32.096 Russians: 8.096 1 ^ KlEv — Yyacheslav Chornovil, a CHERNIVTSI OBLAST І Ukrainian people's deputy and head of 1 IVANO-FRANKIVSKE OBLAST Ukrainians: 70.896 1 the Lviv Oblast Council, was nomi– ^ KHARKiv - The city council 1 Ukrainians: 95.096 Romanians: 10.796 1 nated as Rukh's presidential candidate here decided on August 24 to change the 1 Russians: 4.096 Moldavians: 9.096 1 for the December 1 elections, Mr.
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