Page 2 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 10 ONTICELLO NEWS M145th Year No.33 Wednesday, September 4, 2013 50¢ 46¢ + 4¢ JCKC Robber Gets Life FRAN HUNT The trial went through the jury further found that shortening the sentence. black men entered the ECB Publishing Thursday and into Friday, during the course of the “He will serve 100 percent building through a side Staff Writer and went to the jury for a burglary a person was as- of his sentence,” said Wil- door. man charged verdict at 11:15 a.m. At saulted. son. One of the suspects, with the robbery 11:55, the verdict came Once the verdict was The Sheriff’s Office later identified as McKin- Aof the Jefferson back, guilty as charged. handed in, the case went did a great job putting the ley, jumped through the in- County Kennel Club The jury found Damon straight into sentencing. case together,” Wilson formation window, and the (JCKC), was sentenced last McKinley, 31, of Arizona, McKinley was sentenced added. “They left no holes money room window, week to life in prison, to be guilty as charged of rob- to serve life in prison, day- to exploit. while the other two sus- served, day-for-day. bery with a firearm, and for-day, with no chance of Recapping the case, on pects held employees at Assistant State Attor- the jury did find that dur- ever getting out. He was November 3, 2012, JCSO gunpoint. ney John Wilson reported ing the course of the rob- sentenced under the deputies responded to After entering the that the defense motioned bery, he actually possessed prison release re-offender JCKC in reference to an money room, McKinley for a change of venue, but a firearm. The jury also act, which states that if armed robbery, which had pointed a handgun at a that motion was denied found him guilty of bur- someone is convicted of a Damon McKinley just occurred. male employee, and told after successfully choosing glary of a structure, find- first-degree felony within first-degree felony, the At the scene, deputies him to put the money a six-person jury for the ing again that he actually three years of being re- maximum is a life sen- spoke with witnesses, who Please See case. possessed a firearm, and leased from prison for a tence, with no chance of said that three masked MCKINLEY Page 3 Wards Creek Property Florida’s Jobless Rate Back To Square One Holds Steady At 7.1% LAZARO ALEMAN (Furor Abates For Time Being) ECB Publishing Senior Staff Writer LAZARO ALEMAN net at the meeting, lorida’s jobless rate held steady at 7.1 percent ECB Publishing Williamson said. in July, making for the third consecutive Senior Staff Writer “We asked the Cabinet Fmonth of the lowest rate since September 2008, he recent furor to let the land stand on its when it was 7.0 percent. over the proposed own merit and be handled The US unemployment rate, meanwhile, was 7.4 Tsale of Wards as a normal transaction,” percent in July, 0.2 percentage point lower than June’s Creek as surplus land ap- Williamson said. rate of 7.6 percent. pears to have abated, for He said the group had Jefferson and Madison counties, on the other hand, the time being at least. emphasized several points experienced slight increases in their unemployment Stephen Williamson, a to the Cabinet. One was rates in July, from 6.2 and 9.4 percents to 6.3 and 9.6 per- United Waterfowlers of that the public notice cents respectively. Florida (UW-F) board process had either failed This comes from the Florida Department of Eco- member and regional di- or not been followed appro- nomic Opportunity (FDEO), which released its latest rector for the northwest, priately. Otherwise, how unemployment report on Friday, Aug. 16. reports that the issue has explained that no one from Statewide, the 7.1 percent represents 665,000 jobless been returned to the the public had been aware Floridians out of a labor force of 9,404,000 -- not count- Florida Department of En- of the property being ing individuals who have given up the search for work vironmental Protection placed on the surplus list or are underemployed or employed part time. (FDEP) and its Acquisition and consequently no one The FDEO reports Florida’s seasonally adjusted and Restoration Council showing up for the ARC total nonagricultural employment was 7,521,900 in July, (ARC) for further review. It hearing. Which meeting, an increase of 9,300 jobs over the month. Seasonally ad- was ARC that recom- incidentally, had been held justed means the numbers have been purged of sea- mended to the Cabinet that 25 miles away from the af- sonal and other factors that could skew the results. the property be sold. fected site, he said. For Jefferson County, the 6.3 percent rate translates Williamson said the “The property wasn’t into 412 jobless persons out of a labor force of 6,564 in referral back to the FDEP put on the surplus list for July, compared with 405 jobless persons out of a labor was an outcome of the 2013,” Williamson said. force of 6,529 in June, when the rate was 6.2 percent. public outcry that the ARC “There is nothing illegal In July 2012, the comparable figures were 568 job- proposal generated, along about it, but we pointed less persons out of a workforce of 6,564 when the unem- with a meeting that he and out it was bad public pol- ployment rate was 8.7 percent. several other concerned icy.” erty was indeed state sov- elsewhere in the state? For Madison County, the 9.6 percent translates into individuals had held with A second point the ereign land. Williamson said the 679 jobless persons out of a labor force of 7,093 in July, members of the Gover- group raised was the ques- He said another issue Cabinet members had lis- compared with 670 jobless persons out of a labor force nor’s Cabinet on Friday, tion of whether the prop- brought up before the Cab- tened and appeared appre- of 7,118 in June, when the rate was 9.4 percent. July 26 -- the day after the erty was sovereign state inet was that Wards Creek ciative of the import of the In July 2012, the comparable figures were 802 job- Jefferson County Commis- land, which by law can’t be was part of Jefferson issue. less persons out of a labor force of 7,328, when the un- sion adopted its resolution sold. Williamson said a County’s watershed. He “They don’t like to be employment rate was 10.9 percent. opposing the sale of the similar attempt to sale the said the question was blindsided,” Williamson The FDEO report indicates that the industry gain- land. property in 1909 had re- asked, was one county’s said. “It doesn’t make for ing the most jobs continues to be trade, transportation In fact, the group had sulted in a Florida watershed to be sold as good PR. I think they were and utilities, up 53,800; followed by leisure and hospital- hand-delivered a copy of Supreme Court ruling es- surplus land when water- Please See Please See the resolution to the Cabi- tablishing that the prop- sheds were being protected WARDS CREEK Page 3 JOBLESS Page 3 Sneads Smokehouse Dam County Receives $9,163 Removal Set For Hearing From Public Lands Here LAZARO ALEMAN LAZARO ALEMAN objectives. ECB Publishing ECB Publishing The original legislation required Senior Staff Writer Senior Staff Writer that water management districts make hose with con- n keeping with a program that PILT payments for a 10-year period that cerns about the reimburses rural counties for was slated to end in 2009. A few years ago, removal of the T Ilost property taxes as a result of however, the Legislature amended the earthen dam at the Sneads tax-exempt pubic lands in their particu- law so that rural counties would con- Smokehouse Lake in the lar jurisdictions, the Suwannee River tinue to receive the funds until their northeastern part of Jef- Water Management District populations reached 150,000. ferson County will get an (SRWMD) recently pre- The change meant that opportunity to voice those sented Jefferson the majority of coun- concerns, as well as get County with a check ties in the SRWMD state officials’ side of the for $9,163. would continue to argument, at a coming George Cole, a receive the PILT public hearing. county resident revenues. The Michael Hill, a fish- and member of amendment also eries biologist with the the SRWMD translated into Florida Fish and Wildlife Board of Direc- increased PILT Conservation Commis- tors, did the revenues as of sion (FWC), says a public honors, present- 2010, given that hearing on the dam re- ing the check to the payments moval project will be held Clerk of Court were reinstated at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. Kirk Reams on for properties that 12, in the courthouse Hill estimates it will years with the aquatic en- Tuesday evening, had earlier fallen annex. He said hydrolo- take about two months to hancement and restora- Aug. 20. The check, off the program be- gists and other experts complete the project, once tion section of the FWC Cole mentioned, came cause of the 10-year will be on hand to give work begins. He said re- and his overall 36 years from the payment in lieu cap.
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