was she one more Simon Guggenheim. senator fron ent at a Oridiron dinner.'- And with that living: that "made ' rebuff the viator started ofT again on his expense account." Colorado. e Gardner. <t"est for Col. Bright. Miss Riff-rafferendum was another flMM W. Gwynne Washington cot who had a notion that D. C. A SECOND APPEAL. ! pleasant D. AID FIGHT A C. AIDSBRIDGEPROJECT 1 J. T. TO WIDE SCOPE Granger. MAPS HAS Initiate Two Members. "things right side up at present shouh Washington. l»e turned upside down." Thomas Jeffer Frank K. GorreH. Maryland, The Associated Charities and «*iitizens' Relief Association, whose fiscal Commotion was occasioned by a very when theorles Dr. John Alton Harriss. New York, October *h. Half of the 528.000 son suggested that strange E. Hamilton. year began 1, report at approximately ( animated conversation between Manager oppress the nation we need Prof. Higher George Washington needed has been contributed. Thei-efore $14,000 is still required to enable Education, and that worthy rode into th<e X>- C. Anti-Saioon League Adopts Cooper Introduces Bill for Report on Possibilities of Night of the hotel and the major domo of J. Thomas Heflin. front these two to meet a dequatelv tiieir responsibilities for the hall on a child's tricycle. representative organizations | Potomac the hour, which finally was taken Alabama. I relief and prevention of distress in the District of Columbia. of President KaufTmann. It lames C. New York Times Novel Publicity Scheme. Grant-Lee Memorial.. Water # by Educates Officeseekers. as Supply. cognizance D.Hemphill. secretary to th<» Owing to the continued mild w'eather. their receipts to date, *as explained tiiat the Sigma-Pi-Pi-Sigma Charles Hilles, He proceeded to "educate" the ganii President. pared with a year ago. show a fali off of nearly five thousand dollars,coming School was fciaternlty of Vale law Herbert C. Washington no de- that they had hired the of officeseekers clamoring for post office£ Hengstler. Yet their expenditures, barring tinp item of fuel, indicate marked j insisting outside. D. C. for which hail for the purpose of initiating two and other patronage pie. To the tune of Frank 11. Hitchcock. Postmaster j crease. In fact, thes'e societies for the month of December, LOCATES LIQUOR PLACES NATION-WIDE CAMPAIGN ON COL LANGFITT'S BIG JOB neophytes and were tenacious of their the "gobble duet" from the opera. Mis: eral. Gens ports are at hand, gave 25 per c< more relief and befriended :t0 perresult to the embarrassment of Mr. rights, great and tiie sang ti Charles E. Howe. Washington. D. C. cent more families than a year ag flight, it was rinalh derided to siisftend Democracy professor Boston and Albany James H. Hustia. Tho irtint fin.irn'U com tn i 11 \vi« who have thus the dinner ar.d let them go with theii plea for and refusal of office. To lie r dies to thank all tliose Petitions Presented at Excise Board Committee Seeks to Will Soon Tell Commemorate * railroad. to do so to I Engineer Congress initiation, whereupon they entered iti f"H plaintive cry of "Office, office, office" h<p Kin Hubbard. "Abe Martin." far contributed, and urgently re<iu ests those who are willing i i of panoply their order. only answered. "Bah. bah. bah." rtnliq Vpwk Indian<i send in their gifts as soon as possible in order that the committee may Meeting Fail.Ten Cases to Be TTnitv of th* Conntrv of Magnitude of Proposition to One of the neophytes was "Brother "The School of Journalism" 1 I William B. Hibbs. Washington. D. C William" of «'iticinna t;: tie other. provide" Elmore W. Hurst. Rock Island, 111. know what it lias to count upon. ' of Their material for tnucli merriment to th<? j I" M I ETON E. A 11 (MS. Chairman, Heard This Week. I I Furnish Light and Power. Brother Theodore" oyster Bay. The of the schooI i Richard C. Hollydav, rear admiral. induction into the oiilei furnished guests. "professor" II <>\Y.\UI> S. HE ESI DE. Treasurer. called a of his to ex - S- N DEDICATION IN 1915 IS AIM, for some merry persiflage. turningoeca.-ion up couple reporters j major general amine their work the , Charles F. Humphrey, Joint finance committee. off hits on the last election and then the upon assignment: ' Maps showing the location of the Rtnewed iiitncst is I i: ki manifested in to Muit haH hppn Tlipni Tito rtrut itpn1 : j:: H street northwest. "goat" was brought in for tlo-ni ride. <j Albany. X. T. tilt* it1 turned in related a remarkable ease o I Edmund X. Huyck. public schools and licensed liquor possibilities of the water supply To murmurs raised bst Brother Bill .* . COKCOKAX THO.M, I'resident. restored: Dr. D. Percy Hickling. Washington places in the have been Impressive Exercises Would Include the Potomac river in the vlcirnt\ of he xyjght mii;!:: hr.-ak tin Kent's back it memory D C. .1 OHN JOY EDISON. Treasurer. city prepared was that he would be careful, "After forgetting it for sixteen yean, X. Y. by the Anti-Salo<*n League, and are tlieat Falls for increasing t' . water scrv. suggested John E. W. Harden. New York. Associated Chari t ies. Grand Reunion of Armies of as sin -e the last campaign he had great Barrett, director of the Pan-Ameri Samuel J. Henry. Washington. D. C. distributed throughout the city,beingli tee of the District and providing. in for a goat. can I'nJon. has remembered he is ;^ New York. MICHAEL I. WELLKR. Presiderit, sympathy democrat." Routs X. Hammerling. is expected by members of the the Blue and Gray. jiower sufficient to supply all addition.t The goat was a two-headfd affair, one Hendrlck. Washington WILLIAM J. FLATHKR. Treasiirer, uses o . J. Thllman that the the light and power required for the end being the head of an elephant and "Did you find out." asked the professoi Relief Aissoeiat ion. publicity givenorganijzation » D. C. Citizens' the I'nited States and c.e o* the other the head of a moose. It was of tlie otiier pupil, "why Senator Lodgi Calvin F. Hummel. Washington. D. C question, by means of the maps, will government was is the only senator In the America? Tribune. be the District of Columbia. explained that neither candidate Arthur S. Henning. Chicago of great assistance in the campaign Added impetus was Riven the pro- to let th«- other ride the regular willinggoat Academy of Immortals?" William I*. Jackson, senator from against saloons in the of the Col. Langfltt. the engineer officer in and a wa- "Ves. sir: Senator vicinity posal to build a bridge across the i*o- aJ<">ne> "double header" Lodge got up tin Maryland. I! There are eight districts which cover the schools. charge of the District water swpplv so that both roll Id ride at once. list." from t< mac river, connecting Potomac I'ark provided. Ollie James, senatoi-elect entire city and each district is in charge who has been making an Y\ hen mounted tiie "goat" collapsed sure I'nder tin head of musical notes wa< Ken' An unsuccessful light was waged by the and Arlington, when Hep- s'-tent, tucky. of a trained social worker, yesterday, and study of these questions for sev enough. Brother Teddy cried: "I came the statement that "Kncle Joe" t'annov1 Evan M. Johnson, major, LT. S. A. Those who have really investigated the league against the transfer of a license resentative Cooper of Wisconsin Investigation victorious. 1 couldn't 1 ;<ie the lierned will have the exclusive swan song " Washington. 1"». j era! months past, is now engaged in t e t|* William C. Johnson. FOR All work that lias been and is being done at I11 street northeast at a hearing a bill in the House to but I «>f MADE introduced smashed it PLEA for the ffing. 4'ongress next thirtyprlvilegesC. think it a mighty good record. And this. before the excise board. Miss preparation of his final report and "It was a for me. I ... | yesterday, $J.000.000 for a memorial bridge knockout confess." days. Wesley R. Jones, senator from too, it is pointed out, despite the fact appropriate to have it ready for submission to said Brothel Bill, "but I will hack These were other items turned in: Flora Hcndley. supervising principal of to tlrandt and I^ee. and announcement expects Washington. that the receipts have fallen off nearly Congress within the next few days against th»- world for a good loser."myself "Speaker Clark and Leader St. Routs. 1j the sixth school division, assisted the was a , Charles F. Joy. 0 S.-.ono. as compared with those of a year made of the inauguration of a Then their were removed, " Needed for Destitute Hie Investigation was called for by disguises when interviewed by theUnderwood,Dr. 11. R. E. Johnson. Washington. Money ago. for the month of December alone, Anti-Saloon Leaguers in the light, and for the erection of two new member* of the Gridiron?! on reporter PresideniGridit j campaign nation-wideprovision of the LHstrict of Columbia ap disclosing concerning D. C. it is set fort the at hand show Club. John K. Monk of the St. Paul Wilson's statement that lie will take| D. | It. reports Kev. Paul P. Watliugtou, pastor of a bridge at the same point in memory l»is-j Kldridge K. Jordan. Washington, of that tiiese two societies gave -a per cent proprlation bill, approved June iM, patch and John P.
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