Political Reviews The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 2011 nic maclellan Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2011 david chappell, jon fraenkel, gordon leua nanau, howard van trease, muridan s widjojo The Contemporary Pacic, Volume 24, Number 2, 359–431 © 2012 by University of Hawai‘i Press 359 414 the contemporary pacific • 24:2 (2012) International Briefing First Quarter 2012: appeared to have misled Natapei on 68–72. his departure from Vila into believ- sibc, Solomon Islands Broadcasting ing that he could be trusted to defend Corporation. Daily Internet news service, their existing partnership in the face Honiara. http://www.sibconline.com of the ouster motion. Several months later, however, Kilman revealed to the SSN Solomon Star News. Daily news- , press that the turn of events in early paper, Honiara. Online at http://www .solomonstarnews.com/ December had not simply happened out of the blue but was the result of sto, Solomon Times Online. Daily Natapei’s failure to live up to an early Internet news service, Honiara. promise to redistribute ministerial http://www.solomontimes.com/ portfolios within the coalition more equitably. Several letters sent to the prime minister requesting action had been ignored. Kilman was obviously Vanuatu under pressure from his own people The relative political calm during the to act, and Natapei’s intended absence early weeks of 2011 was deceiving, at the moment a vote of no confidence given the controversy surrounding the had been tabled obviously provided change of government that had taken the opportunity to resolve the problem place the previous December (see (VDP, 28 April 2011). The events that Van Trease 2011). Having survived followed would seem to indicate that in office since the last national elec- there had been prior planning, and it tion in September 2008, a period that is therefore understandable that Nata- included several changes to coalition pei and the vp leadership felt betrayed partners, the Vanua‘aku Pati (vp)–led and deceived by Kilman’s final words government under Prime Minister to Natapei on his departure that Edward Natapei was ousted in a vote December morning. Political betrayal of no confidence and replaced by his is not uncommon in Vanuatu politics, deputy, Alliance Group leader Sato but the fact that this had occurred Kilman on the afternoon of 2 Decem- on such a personal level created an ber 2010, shortly after Natapei left the obvious desire for revenge that would country, having received assurances lead to an unprecedented period of from Kilman that the pending no- political instability in the months that confidence motion was under control. followed. That afternoon, however, once Parlia- Rumors began to surface in Janu- ment had convened, the Speaker took ary that moves were afoot to table the unusual step of banning all media a motion of no confidence against and the public from the chamber. At the new Kilman government, but the that point, Kilman and his Alliance Opposition did not have the numbers Group crossed the floor to join the to act, and the Union of Moderate Opposition. The vote of no confidence Parties (ump) dismissed the rumor that was carried with 30 votes in favor, 15 it would be leaving the government against, and 7 abstentions. (VDP, 15 Jan 2011). However, the On first impression, Kilman decision by the Council of Ministers political reviews • melanesia 415 to postpone the first sitting of Parlia- prime minister, and Natapei got assur- ment, which was to take place on 21 ances from the president, Iolu Abbil, January, indicated growing concern that he would not dissolve Parliament that certain backbenchers could be unless the situation became seri- looking for new opportunities and ous (VDP, 15 Feb 2011). The prime might be susceptible to offers from the minister’s public relations officer, Opposition (VDP, 20 Jan 2011). Richard Kaltongga, protested that This was indeed the case. On 12 the visit by the leader of the Opposi- February, the two ump ministers in the tion to the president was inappropri- government, Serge Vohor and Charlot ate at this time, as the Constitution Salwai, resigned to join the Opposi- of the Republic of Vanuatu states tion, taking their members with them clearly, “The President of the Repub- and complaining that the sharing of lic may, on the advice of the Council the thirteen ministerial portfolios per- of Ministers, dissolve Parliament” mitted under the Vanuatu Constitution (article 28[3])—not on the advice of had not been done fairly. The ump, the Leader of the Opposition (VDP, 17 with eight members of Parliament, the Feb 2011). In the meantime, Kilman single biggest party in government, sought to salvage the situation by had been given only two ministries. quickly filling the two vacant ministe- The Alliance, the largest bloc (made rial positions: one went to a vrp mem- up of Kilman’s People’s Progressive ber, Marcellino Pipite, who was not Party [ppp] with three members of prepared to follow Korman into the Parliament and various other small Opposition, thereby revealing a split parties and independents) had ten in the vrp that had been brewing for members in total and five portfolios. some time (VDP, 19 Feb 2011). With Ham Lini’s National United Party the return of several other supporters (nup), with only three members of to the government camp, Kilman was Parliament, had two ministries—the able to secure the requisite numbers, same number as the ump—and the and the Opposition withdrew the Vanuatu Republican Party (vrp) motion of no confidence (VDP, 22 Feb had one ministry plus the position of 2011). Speaker. The Harry Iauko faction of Kilman’s struggle to maintain his the vp, with only three members of majority in Parliament was made even Parliament, had two ministries, and a more difficult by an incident involv- group of independents had one (VDP, ing Harry Iauko, minister of public 12 Feb 2011). Kilman responded by works and leader of the vp break- hinting that he might seek a dissolu- away faction. On 4 March, Iauko tion of Parliament rather than allow a led a group of men to the office of new round of political instability (VDP, the Vanuatu Daily Post, assaulted 14 Feb 2011). the publisher, Marc Neil-Jones, and In anticipation of a successful chal- threatened the editor and other staff lenge, Serge Vohor (ump), Edward over articles published in the news- Natapei (vp), and Maxime Carlot paper. The articles were critical of Korman (vrp) signed an agreement Iauko’s handling of land issues while that would see Vohor take over as he was minister of lands and of his 416 the contemporary pacific • 24:2 (2012) suspending the board of Air Vanuatu 2011). This was a shocking response, while he was minister of public works to say the least. and infrastructure. The Daily Post Criticism of the government’s had also published critical articles failure to deal with Iauko continued by Transparency Vanuatu as well as to appear in the paper until late June anti-Iauko letters to the editor (VDP, when the case was brought before a 5 March 2011). Indeed, on the day senior magistrate. Iauko and his sup- of the assault, Transparency Vanuatu porters were found guilty of assault specifically mentioned Iauko’s alleged and received fines ranging between “corrupt land dealings” and a recom- 15,000 and 85,000 vatu—roughly mendation by the Ombudsman that us$175 to $900. Iauko was fined the “Public Prosecutor investigate 5,000 vatu (us$60) for aiding and criminal proceedings” against him abetting damage to property and (VDP, 4 March 2011). 10,000 vatu (us$110) for aiding and Response to the assault was imme- abetting intentional assault. Neil- diate. Neil-Jones vowed to pursue Jones expressed his disappointment at the assault case in court, stating that the result, noting that the fines were “Iauko should be sacked” and that small given the gravity of the offenses the case was an obvious “criminal and that he would likely appeal the offense” and a “serious breach of sentences (VDP, 30 June 2011). Neil- the leadership code” (VDP, 7 March Jones’s disgust with the outcome of 2011). In a letter to the prime minister, the case is understandable, as he had printed in the Daily Post¸ the chair- also suffered an assault in 2009 by man of the Pasifika Media Association members of the Correctional Services (pma), Savea Sano Malifa, expressed over articles published in the Daily how “deeply disturbed and saddened” Post that revealed their alleged poor the pma was about the “unjustified performance. To this day, the courts acts of violence” perpetrated by a have not dealt with that case (Van minister of the Vanuatu government Trease 2009, 474). and others against the Daily Post pub- Attacks on the media are an ongo- lisher and urged him to allow “justice ing issue in Vanuatu, and the decision to prevail” (VDP, 9 March 2011). The by Prime Minister Kilman not to disci- response from the prime minister’s pline a minister involved in an alleged office was that the government was criminal act—not uncommon in the aware of concerns about the assault country’s political history—dem- from media organizations in the onstrates the damage done by years region, but it was up to the publisher of political instability and coalition to take the case to court. The prime governments. When it came to taking minister’s public relations officer also a clear stand in support of media free- cautioned that “the public have their dom by disciplining a member of his right and freedom to write or say coalition, the prime minister could at what they want but they also must be least have suspended him pending an prepared to answer their critics or face investigation and court action, but he any consequences that may arise from chose not to risk his majority.
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