www.ukrweekly.com zo-t' I -4 20 ^ ' ч jB^-n m 0 I;^ -o 'озe е о о Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a frattrnal non-profit association . -У,- Ki" .Й . O) . w rainian Week m VoU No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3,1982 25 cents Pope appoints Marusyn secretary Krasivska arrested in Lviv NEW YORK - Ukrainian dissident of Oriental Churches congregation Olena Antoniv Krasivska, who was the VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul and a Melkite - who held the position subject of a defamatory article in the II named Bishop Myroslav Marusyn of secretary. August 18 issue of a Communist Party titular archbishop of Cadeun and Archbishop Marusyn's appointment newspaper, was arrested shortly after appointed him the secretary of the marks the first time in history that a the story appeared, according to hu­ Sacred Congregation for Oriental Ukrainian holds such a high position in man-rights groups here. Churches on Saturday, September 25, the Roman Curia. The exact date of the arrest and the reported America, the Ukrainian Ca­ Upon receiving news of the arch­ nature of the charges against her are not tholic daily newspaper. bishop's new position, the hierarchs of known. Prior to his appointment, Archbishop the Ukrainian Catholic Church, includ­ Ms. Krasivska, 45, was accused in a Marusyn was the apostolic visitator for ing Archbishop-Metropolitan Stephen story published in Vilna Ukraina, a Lviv Ukrainian Catholics in the Benelux Sulyk, Bishops Basil Losten and Inno­ daily, of stealing money from the countries and for Ukrainian Catholics cent Lotocky and Auxiliary Bishop Russian Social Fund, which was esta­ without an exarchate. Robert Moskal, who were gathered in blished by author Alexander Solzhe- Archbishop Marusyn has already Philadelphia for the 70th anniversary nitsyn before his exile to aid families of taken on the duties of the secretary of celebration of the Providence Associa­ Soviet political prisoners. the Eastern Congregation, a position tion, sent a congratulatory telegram to The article charged that Ms. Kra- that was vacated by Archbishop Mario Rome. sivka, who managed the fund in Ukraine, Brini. The congregation, currently It was also reported that the Very did not distribute the money to dissi­ beaded by Cardinal Wladislaw Rubin, Rev. George Mylanyk has retired as the dents or their families, but spent it on has existed for 65 years. During this undersecretary of the Sacred Congrega­ lavish living, fancy cafes and restau­ time, .there have.been pnly two other tion for Oriental Churches. Msgr. rants. ,, ' . hierarchs of the Eastern Rite —a Greek Mario Rizzi now holds this position. In a three-pronged attack, the article assailed Ms. Krasivska's character, the financing of the fund and its intended Olena Antoniv Krasivska benefactors, and what it called the Patriarch's pastoral letter urges ulterior motives behind dissent in the receive. As further "proof," the paper Soviet Union. printed what it said were direct quotes Christian and national maturity Ms. Krasivska, the article said, from Ms. Zarytska, Mrs. Неї and Mr. became a dissident out of "egoism," and Osadchy, each saying that they never ROME - Oh the occasions of the issued a pastoral letter that calls on all pilfered monies from the fund for her received any money. Feast of St. MaryTthe Protectress and Ukrainians to strive toward both Chris- own material gain. The fund itself, On hearing of Ms. Krasivska's arrest, the 40th anniversary of the founding of tian and national maturity. which depends on private funds, is in Natalia Solzhenitsyn, wife of the Nobel - the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), The patriarch asks all Ukrainians to reality financed by the CIA and other laureate and president of the Russian Patriarch Josyf Slipyj of the "Po- cast aside their reUgious and political U.S. government agencies, the paper Social Fund, issued a statement refut­ misna" Ukrainian Catholic Church differences and to unite in the spirit of said. ing the charges brought up in the article. brotherly love and forgiveness. He asks The recipients of the fund, among The authorities are trying to drive a all clergy and faithful brethren to pray them prominent Ukrainian dissidents wedge between Ukrainians and Rus­ together on the Feast of St Mary the Ivan HeL Kateryna Zarytska and My- sians," she said, "because they are Protectress, a holy day that brings khailo Osadchy, were described by the deathly afraid of any solidarity that may together all the sons and daughters of paper as '^nti-Sovieti? Ukrainian na­ exist among honest people against their the Ukrainian nation. tionalists. despicable regime, which is an enemy of The pastoral letter goes on to say: Referring to what it said were Ms. all people." "Particularly this year, the feast day Krasivska's private records, the paper Ms. Krasivska is married to Ukrai­ takes on an even greater meaning; this said that they show that Ms. Krasivska nian Helsinki monitor Zinoviy Krasiv- year it coincides with the 40th anniver­ bilked several dissidents of sky, who is currently in the second year sary of the founding of the Ukrainian the amounts they were entitled to of a five-year internal exile sentence. Insurgent Army, the last all-national effort to free Ukraine from its enemies. This army sprang up in the hope to free Ukraine, the homeland, from its ene­ HUD grants ^6.7 million loan mies; it was a manifestation of love for one's country." for Ukrainian seniors' housing The pastoral letter also stressed love. "Love for your motherland, based on WARREN, Mich. - The U.S. De­ and various church and community love for God, blends together into one partment of Housing and Urban De­ organizations of Metropolitan Detroit. great love; this love should be active, velopment on September 22 awarded Messages of congratulations on the alert Love without action, like faith S6.7 million to a non-profit Ukrainian receipt of the grant were sent to the without action is dead. The words from corporation for the building of housing Ukrainian Village Corporation by Sen. the First Epistle of St. John (3,18) 'My for the elderly. Donald Riegle.Rep. Hertel and Mayor little children, let us not love in word, The Ukrainian Village "Non-Profit Randlett. neither in tongue, but in deed and in Housing Corporation was given ap­ The corporation, which has worked truth', reflects every kind of love includ­ proval by HUD for a 56,737,000 low- for 15 years on finalizing the project, ing love toward one's motherland," the interest loan for the project. It was the plans to build 146 units of housing for patriarch writes. largest such grant ever awarded in the elderly on a seven-acre site in Michigan. He also notes: "A good patriot is a Warren, which has a sizeable Ukrainian person who is, first and foremost just The grant is one of eight awarded this population. year to projects in the state of Michigan. and noble and gives of himself without The non-profit body was organized profit. Work on the improvement of It was obtained with the aid of Rep. on the initiative of the Detroit Regional your heart and soul should bind the love Dennis Hertel, Warren Mayor James Council of the Ukrainian National v.v Patriarch Josyf (Coatfaatd oa pap If) Randlett, the Rev. Bernard Panczuk Women's League of America. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLV SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3.1982 No. 40 Dissident profile "disseminated" such "anti-Soviet" material as the second manuscript of "The Right to Live." Yuriy Badzio: Earlier this year, samvydav docu­ ments reaching the West from Ukraine among the vanguard indicated that Mr. Badzio had gone on three separate hunger-strikes in 1981 to JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Since that Ukrainian nationhood. He became protest his arrest. In a statement from a day in 1965 when he joined Ukrainian known to the West in 1972 for his Mordovian labor camp dated February dissidents Ivan Dziubaand Mykhailyna "Unpublished Letter" to the members 22, 1981, Mr. Badzio announced a Kotsiubynska in disrupting a screening of the presidium of the Ukrainian three-day fast to protest "the dictator­ at Kiev's Ukraine film theater to protest Writers' Union, the Literaturna Ukraina ship of the Communist Party of the the destruction of Ukrainian culture magazine and to the delegates of the Soviet Union (CPSU), violations of and the mass arrests of Ukrainian sixth conference of the Ukrainian human rights in the USSR and the right 'intellectuals, Yuriy Badzio's name has Writers' Union. to national sovereignty" for non-Rus­ been inextricably linked with Ukrainian In 1978, the KGB conducted a search sian nations. nationalism and dissent. of Mr. Badzio's apartment. Various The hunger strike was called to Today, Mr. Badzio is in the third year items, including material for his thesis coincide with the 26th Congress of the of a seven-year labor camp and prison on national and political problems, CPSU, Mr. Badzio said. term, which will be followed by five were confiscated. In March 1979another The second, dated April IS, 1981, was years of forced internal exile. search was conducted in Mr. Badzio's addressed to French Communist Party Yuriy Badzio was born on April 24, apartment. leader Georges Marchais on the eve of 1936, in Verkhna Lypytsia in the Muka- Shortly after, on April 23, 1979, Mr. the French federal election. In it, Mr. chiv region of Transcarpathian Ukraine. Badzio was arrested in Kiev and charged Badzio accused the Soviet government In 1953 he graduated with honors from with "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ Yuriy Badzio shortly before his arrest in of contravening the Marxist ideology it secondary school and enrolled as a ganda" under Article 62 of the Ukrai­ 1979.
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