VOL. 119 - NO. 41 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 9, 2015 $.35 A COPY Italian American Heritage Month Kick-off Celebration by Marisa Dellatto The October Italian American rus of the Dante Alighieri Soci- contact with their heritage. He Month kick-off celebration took ety, as well as a presentation by thanked the teachings of his place in the House Chamber at the Color Guard and a blessing parents, to “value the opportu- the State House in Boston on given by Father Jack Rizzo of nities that education provides, October 1st. This year’s celebra- Saint Joseph’s Society. because they didn’t have those tion marked the 16th year of cel- “We are proud to be Italian, opportunities.” ebration. It was also the most and we are proud of our Italian Tino D’Agostino, recording widely attended event in the origins. However, there was a artist, scholar, performer, con- IAHM’s history. Speaker of the time when being Italian was not ductor, musician, and most cur- House Robert DeLeo and Italian that easy,” said De Santis, dur- rently a music teacher at Arling- Consul General Nicola De Santis ing his address. “… During this ton High School, was honored were some of the many es- whole month, we are celebrat- for his leadership in music teemed guests in attendance, as ing what we are and where we education. well as many Italian American came from. The hard work of “He takes kids who are not organizations from throughout your parents and grandparents, going to be professionals and the state. Three Italian-Ameri- those who did not want you to makes them into professionals,” cans from Massachusetts were speak Italian, because they said Carla DeFord, a friend of honored for their service and wanted you to be fully integrated D’Agostino who attended the dedication. Five Italian-Ameri- in this society.” event in his support. “He is such Senator Sal DiDomencio, Dr. John Christoforo, Speak of the can high school students were Dr. Francesco Cesare, Presi- a perfectionist, he works very House Robert DeLeo, October Heritage Month President James awarded scholarships. dent of Assumption College, was hard and has exquisite taste.” DiStefano, and Consul General of Italy Nicola DeSantis. The beginning of the ceremony the first to be honored. As presi- Dr. Luigi Munno, the Italian (Photo by Rosario Scabin, Ross Photography) included the singing of both the dent, he established a campus Deputy Vice Consul, was American and Italian National in Rome and provided students awarded for his public service anthems by Coro Dante, Cho- with ways to come in deeper to the Italian community. guage Advanced Placement tests. music … and the next day play The Frattaroli Family gave Saint Joseph’s Society a piece of rock music and it will scholarships to students awarded Isabella Constantino- still sound beautiful,” said Ericardo Edwards of Boston Carrigan of Arlington High Constantino-Carrigan of her News Briefs Latin High School, and Jude School, for her proficiency in love for the violin. Macannuco of Winchester High music. Constantino-Carrigan is The East Boston Savings by Sal Giarratani School. The two were awarded for a student of Arlington High Bank honored Walter Geovany their success and dedication to School’s music teacher and Galdamez and Albert William Who is the Leader of their Italian language and cul- honoree Tino D’Agostino. She Sauders, IV. The two boys were the Free World Today? ture education, as well as their has been playing the violin for Once, the answer to the above question was always high scores on the Italian Lan- seven years. “I can play Italian (Continued on Page 8) the President of the United States. Today, it’s not so. Look at what Putin is doing in Syria and you clearly see someone who has no respect for President Obama, who must look like a weakling to Putin. Al Natale Honored So what world leader is looking like the leader of the free world? I think it is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin at “Italy American Style” Concert Netanyahu. He was masterful at his annual United Nations address to the General Assembly as he warned by St. Joseph’s Society the world leaders before him that Israel would never by Matt Conti allow Iran to join the nuclear weapons club. He added that once Iran gets the sanctions lifted, “unleashed and Music in Boston’s North End hit a unmuzzled, Iran will go on the prowl.” Natanyahu high note on Saturday night as the sounded so great, I wish he was President of the United St. Joseph’s Society brought a star- States. packed selection of performers to TLC In New York Doesn’t Mean their “Italy American Style” concert Tender Loving Care at St. Stephen’s Church. The North End’s own trumpeter, Recently, a Manhattan federal judge ruled that New band leader and philanthropist York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission violated Albert Natale, 92 years young, was the constitutional rights of drivers by seizing their honored with the society’s Musical vehicles. The TLC officers have been towing the cars of Achievement Award. drivers they believed were gypsy cabbies working with- In addition, Pastor Fr. Antonio and out a hack license as well as Uber drivers driving out- Fr. Claude from St. Leonard’s Par- side the scope of their licenses. ish presented an Apostolic Blessing The vehicles were held until the owners either pleaded from Pope Francis and read a letter guilty or paid a fine. The judge said what the commis- from Cardinal Sean O’Malley. Bos- th th sion was doing was a violation of the 4 and 14 amend- ton Mayor Martin J. Walsh, repre- ment rights of freedom from unreasonable seizure and sented by the North End’s Maria due process. The Constitution still lives in New York Lanza, declared October 3rd as Albert City. Thank God. Natale Day in the city. Putin Takes on ISIS in Syria Host and organizer Angelo Picardi The Obama Administration is confused, as it has been introduced the slate of talented per- for some time, when it comes to fighting ISIS forces formers at the concert, including the growing their caliphate which is now larger than all of NEMPAC Singers, Street Magic, Ray L-R: Honoree Al Natale, President of the St. Joseph Society Peter Bagarella, and Angelo Picardi. (Continued on Page 14) Cavicchio, Sharon Z, Gian Faraone, BPD Officer Steve McNulty, and the (Photo by Matt Conti, www.northendwaterfront.com) Tom LaMark Orchestra. (Continued on Page 9) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO VENTURE REALTY, 343 CHELSEA STREET, DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON 02128 This office is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 9, 2015 REMINDER: RACHEL REVERE COMMUNITY MEETING October 14, 2015, 6:30 - 8:00 pm ST. JOHN SCHOOL THE ETERNAL FLAME 9 Moon Street, North End, Boston, MA 02113 The whole concept which family unit. Meanwhile, the reveres the sacrificial reverence which had devel- fire, the candlelight vigil, oped for Hephaestus in and every manner of eternal Greece encouraged the flame, appears to have worship of Vulcanus or been born with Greek Vulcan in Rome. Also, af- Mythology. It all started with ter learning about Hestia, Hep-haestus, blacksmith of the Romans developed the gods; then the flame their worship of Vesta, god- passed to Prometheus, one dess of the Roman hearth. of two brothers who were She was worshiped by the charged by the gods to cre- Romans during ancient ate man, and to provide him times independently of any with the means necessary connection with Greece. for his preservation. Zeus The worship of Vesta became angered when goes back to the time when THE PROJECT: Prometheus tried to trick it was difficult but neces- As part of the Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s him, so the mighty one sary to obtain fire. Then, continuing efforts to provide quality open space and recre- threatened to destroy the as well as now, among human race by withholding some primitive tribes, the ation areas for use and enjoyment by all residents of the fire, and to create other custom of always keeping city, efforts are underway to make improvements to Rachel beings in place of humans. a fire alive for use in the Revere Square. Prometheus was so con- community was developed, Prometheus Brings Fire by Heinrich WE NEED YOUR HELP! cerned about saving those and even to carry it to new Friedrich Füger. The Parks Department is very interested in what the com- poor mortals that he went settlements. This custom munity has to contribute to the design process. We need up to Mt. Olympus, stole fire which grew whole again each was preserved in the religion of from the gods, and brought it night. later Greeks and Romans even your help in determining how this plaza will look and func- back to mankind in a hollow As man developed his facili- after more modern technologies tion in the future. reed. When this act was dis- ties to control the use of flame, had been developed. WHAT TO EXPECT: covered, Zeus ordered that the fireside became the center The sacred fire, the source of Kyle Zick, Principal with Kyle Zick Landscape Architects, Prometheus be seized and of family life, and the Greek god- all Roman life and power, was will facilitate the meeting, supported by a Parks Depart- chained to a rock high on a dess Hestia was worshipped as kept alive in a structure known ment official.
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