Over 5,000 People ♦ What an object lesson the con- + * .At a t Ignatius’ College, Chi ♦ + dition of the Church In France ♦ 4* cago. recently, Vice President ♦ + and Germany affords ut of the ♦ 4" Fairbanks is reported to have 4- In Attendance. ♦ value of Catholic journalism. In * Holy Father Also Appoints * spoken in part as follows; * ♦ France, a totalled Catholic coun- * 4* “ You said well that the educa- ♦ + try, there are few Catholic papers ♦ Bishops and Archbish­ + tIon of the intellectual faculties. 4> ^ and the best of them have only 4- 4* and the instilling of morality ♦ Holy Father Writes Letter to Daughters of the Faith First National Peace Congress Held In New YorK Great + a limited circulation; whereas ♦ ops and Denounces ■f Into the heart is the purpose of 4> 4* in Germany the Catholic press is 4- Frence Govern­ * the school body; yes, my friends, 4> Representative Gathering of Catholic W omen Success. Carnegie Hall Crowded to Doors. ♦ strong and vigorous. There are 4* 4> education, no matter how grand 4* 4* many papers and periodicals and 4> m e n t 4- and how splendid it is, it a dan- 4> Overflow Meetings Held. Bishop ♦ all are well supported. They keep ♦ + gerous element if there does not 4- (Staff Correspondence.) hooks, of idle and wanton conversation 4> the Church In Germany alive with 4* 4- not go hand in hand with It the 4 Farley's Address. + an enthusiasm of faith and devo- 4> New York.—The following cable waa 4’cultivation of the moral virtues 4 New York.—The Daughters of Faith, and gatherings, and the shameful ex­ tion to the truth that are the + received here this week; 4 In us. The permanence of our in- 4 ; a society of the Catholic Church, or- travagance of dress." wonder and admiration of the ♦ 4 stitutions does not rest upon the 4 Archbishop Farley urged the women CorresiKMifJfiict:.) The white gowns of the women of Pope Plus X held ajsecrct Consistory : ganized for the puriK)se of social re- world. The Catholic press of ♦ 4 law; does not rest alone upon ^ to use their influence with lukewarm New York. — The flrgl National the Oratorio Society, who sat In tiers on Germany is a reflex of th» Insplr- 4* April 16th in the VaOcan and created 4 the virtue of constitutions and 4 (onns, held a meeting at the Catholic seven Cardinals, as tollows: Mgr. Ca- CuthoUes. and (old them to look after Celebration and Feace Congress the stage, help- d to accentuate the ing dictum of Bishop Ketteler of ♦ 4 of statutes, no matter how wisely 4 Club. 120 AVest Fifty-ninth street, last Mayence, uttered thirty years 4- vallari, Patriarch of Venice; Mgr. Rl- 4 they may be expressed. In the 4 we»>k. A representative gathering of the ediicattoo of the children and see was held In New York City, |K>aoe color scheme. Two large-slsed ago: naldinl. Papal Nuncio to Spain; Mgr. 4 final analysis, the performance 4 Catholic women was present, with that they went to church schools. week commencing Sunday, April flags at the rear of the stage on a white " If St. Paul lived In our days, + 4 must rest upon the honesty, upon 4 Ix;renzelll, ex-Papnl js’nncio at Paris; Archbishop Farley in the place of A letter was read from Alice Sulli­ Uth, The crowd was so great that silk background were crowned with he would be a journalist." 4> 4 the education, and upon the mor- 4 Mgr, Lualdl, Archbishop of Palermo; I honor on the platform. van, secretary of the Queen’s Daugh­ many were turned away and overflow the word "Pcac" ' In brilliant electrics. France is just awakening to the 4> 4 allty of the great body of our 4 necessity of a Catholic press. * Slgr. Mercler.^Archblsbop of Malines, 4 countryman." 4 Mgr. Lavelle presided, and there ters. an organization formed to offset meetings were held to accommodate Fringed whiu bunting ran clear 4* Mgr. Maffi, ArchblshjlHt of Pisa, and 4 4 were addresses by Archbishop Farley, the work of the King’s Daughters in ibosc that could not get Inside Came- around the two lower galleries, form­ twss-w* 4^^-4>+4-4-M-4"F4-4-+4‘+4-4*4*4'4-+++’M* r s -s" 'F f F T I 1 W the Protestant Churches, asking the ing a background for the flags of all Mgr. Aguirre y Qarcid, Bishop of Bur­ Dr. .1. J. Walsh. George Roesch, John glo hall. Over B,000 people were pres­ ual i)cace is a nalural fruit of the relig­ Daughters of Faith to help. nations. .American flags were used gos. Spain. Archbishops and Bishops National Conventions Jerome Rooney, and the Rev. Father ent. ious sentiment. I.oglcally, therefore. It chiefly to decorate the two upper gal­ apitolnted Included Mgr. Albert Guer- Sweeny, Miss Anna R. McIntyre read "There are 8,000 children in the par­ Whlte^bunting, faintly sprinkled should be the mental habit of a so­ leries. tln, Bishop of Manchester, New Hamp­ 'I letter from the Pope to Miss Eliza­ ish,’’ the letter said, ,‘'onIy some 2.000 ' with glittering gold stars, was every­ ciety, that, speaking In a very broad Catholic Knights of America. Archbishop Farley’s address as read shire; Mgr. James Davis, Bishop of beth O'B. Lummls, founder of the so­ under the care of the Church. Thous­ where on the stage and the tiers of sense, calls itself Christian, knows no The sixteenth biennia! supreme con­ by Father Lavelle said in part: Davenport, Iowa; Mgr. Emanuele Ruiz ciety, approving of the work. He ands of souls may he lost to us because galleries. White was everywhere, the higher ideals than those of the Prlnoe vention of the Catholic Knights of “W’ar is so groat an evil that one of y Rodireguez, Bishop of Plnar del Rio, spoke of the necessity of striving they are taken In at the settlements or symbol of peace. of Peace. America will be held at Cincinnati the world’s greatest generals described Cuba, and the Right Rev. William A. 1 against ‘‘naturalism, the Increasing the King's Daughters get them Into Among those present at the first “We ought to welcome all organized May 14 to 17. The headquarters willw.u | the day,” and added, speaking of the It with laconic eUxiuence as the most Jones. Bishop of Porto Rico. Cardi­ their churches. We have formed the night’s session were: Bishop Henry C. effort In the interest of a general be at the Hotel Havlln. i reform to which the Daughters perfect state of human misery. There nal MartlnelU was appointed Chamber­ Queen’s Daughters to counteract this Potter, representing the Protestant peace, for all such effort is essentially Solemn High Mass will be celebrated j ^g^^te themselves chiefly: Is wanting to It no horror, moral or lain of the Sacred College. work, y/T he tabernacle on Broome Church; Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch of Chi­ Christian and supremely humane and In St Peter's Cathedral May 14 In -Among these duties we mention material. Us benefits. If any, arc Indi­ The Poi>e, In an allocution delivered strept is most harmful to us, and it cago. representing the Hebrew, and uplifting. The real evil of our modern the presence ot Archbishop Moeller. | rect and uncertain; Its eviis are imrafe to the Sacred College, referred to the piirtScularly that of protecting Chris- codld be purchased for a not \ ery large Mgr. Lavelle of the Cathedral, repre­ industrial and commercial conditions The sermon will be preached by Arch- diate, Inevitable and universal—vitia­ struggle lu France,, which he said was tian marriage against the dlsgracefiij.'^um of money. We need a building senting the Catholic. is the selfishness they tend to engen­ particularly painful to him. es be loved bishop Glennon of St. Umis. supreme providing idr and we need helpers.” Archbishop Farley had planned to tion of human clmracter, waste of life spiritual director of the order. At the education within the d^m ^c der. Why should we Ignore the most that "most noble nation." "This subject is very near to my speak and had prepared an address. and gain, arrest of human progress, in­ o)>ening session, addresses of welcome powelrfiii solvent of selfishness that "Its sorrows and joys,’’ he went on, walls as well as within the soji'ools: of heart,” said Archbishop Farley. “The justice to the helpless and innocent, will be made by Mayor Dempsey, He was unavoidably detained in Wash­ has ever been discovered, the religious "I consider as my own Instead of being checking those pests ' of isociety, popular and permanent legacies of Archbishop Moeller and State Presi­ Protestant clergy are less engaged in ington, where he went to attend the sentiment? those of her French rulers, who, after namely, the shameless license of spec­ hate, and all the fiercest and most dent Altenhurger. In the evening a proselyting than the women, and it is yearly conference of all the American "I believe with all my soul that until arbitrarily denouncing the Concordat, tacular representation and Immoral ruinous passions of the human breast, joint initiation of a large class ot women workers that we need." archbishops, and Father lAvelle ap­ we recognize, openly the moral power violently despoiling the Church, and its genuine symbol is the storm that members under the new ritual will peared In his stead and read the and authority of religion, not of the (ailing to recognize the ancient and blots out in a brief space the harvest, take place.
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