Ohio Northern University DigitalCommons@ONU Alumni Journal University Archives 10-1930 Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1930 Ohio Northern University Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Ohio Northern University Alumni Association, "Ohio Northern Alumnus - October 1930" (1930). Alumni Journal. 9. https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@ONU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Journal by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ONU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNUS INAUGURATION of OR. ROBERT WILLIAMS as PM"sident of OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY VOl, IV oerou8tt, t!t:!O NUMUt;l! 3 Vol. IV !\umber 3 OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNUS Pt.bl. A,d Q aartf'riN 6r1 tit# Altr•nti A ~t-ot I Oluo \G tArn. t ,......;tJt ,.., A~IIQ' Cl·b· Erltt&r. w. 0. ~ I S\\ 4'11t:R, ... OlfiC't", Room 8, Rill Ruilrlint. \•In Uhiu f:~tltf"trl tl• •~rtn•d 4'lt&.U tliultrr, FtbrtiOYJI S, IIJ.tfJ, «t lht llfl,.l•l/firt' raf Ailtl. OlliCI, ftl'lllrr the a.ct of Mru•rh ;J, N"lli ~vblffriJ,tfmt prire II.QO per uear; ~tinol•· t'tlJntM .M t"rt~l.ot CONTENTS: Northern's New President Homecoming Inauguration Program Freshman Registtation Faculty Changes Message to the Alumnae Oass of 1930 Athletics Prominent Alunmi Alumni Notes NORTHERN'S NEW PRESIDENT A committf'e of the boaTd of truJ~I the !uet WIA evident upon lh(' umpus of of Ohio Northern University, a.lttr more that Jar~ ¥tate in~tituti.on. than a year'l IMfth, unanimousiJ ~ R~lifioas Educalor mended the eltdion of Dr. Robert WUIIam• aa president of t.he tnatitution. The tl"U..teel Dr. WHiiama has become one of the in their m~ting of December 26, 1928, outstandlnjt l r:ul er~ in religiou11 follueatlon. unanimously atcti)LC'd the recommendation He and Pre~ddcn t Soper of Ohio Wesleyun Univerliity delivered the educaUonal ad· ol the eommht~ The new president a .. •umed the duhee of lh<~ ofiict.. St-p~ber df'e$$E'fl bttore the West Ohlo Con!el"t'nce. 1, 19'29 as adinJ president for one ,_I', At the N'orthea.~~;t Ohio Confennc:e he again with full ad:minlq.rative powen. On Sep­ wu the speaker lot edocatlon nil'hL This tember 1, Jut, he became president of the add.rt'.as waJ dC"Il"e~ bttore a very large Univerlity. nnd enthu~~:ln"tic audience. The <:hoice waa baaed, to a considerable Aclmlnhtirative llollcy dl'gree, upon atade.mic and admtnlltratlve One ol tht oulstanding featufft of the ~xpuience. Dr. Willia.m.s graduated from polier of tM new execoti"t b to grant Wedeyan Oni~nity, Middldown, Connee­ \nut, with the dqoree of A. B. in 1911. Be ~~ froedom 10 admlnlstratl•e headl, bold· rtceived the Matter of Arte: detTM from in.g tht:m teJ~poruJble for re1uJu, a policy BO!:Iton UnJveralty and holds the dearcc• generally llf<'('pted by succeurul executlves. of n. D. fl'om Albion College and LL. 0. The ~;am~ !)Olley largely holda llJI regard& from Ohio Wetltyan Unlvenlty. After the studfnt body. It is hla belief that a graduation, nine yean was devoted t.o t.he wholesome atmO!phere amonr ltudenllt can chwdt a..'l pastor In the East New York eon-. best bt obtalntd by combinin&' propu social It~. For th~ years he was dea:n and relationt with aood instrudion. Dr. Williams proftMOr of •;naU~'h and Grft.k of Otc:kln· will alway• be follftd a\ the ltudf'nt and fae­ Mn Academy at Wlllial'n!port, Pa.. Ht t.hen ulty gnthtrintr• and intereol1e&iate contests un!lwered a call to Albion College All dean if at all J)OII"Iblc. nnd profesaor of J)hli080})h)r. During the Anoth{'r Important mattor Js the aca· tight yean at Albion he WalJ an imJ)Ortant demie rating of the faculty. Every effort is hfWr in the growt.b and ac&demic advance-­ being madf to encourage the faculty in its menC. of that in~<tltutJon. graduat... Jtudles. Additlona .,. made on The New Field tnt- bali• of hiab IK'holanhip u t•ldenced br the new faeW~y membert announced on In the new fit'ld Dr. Wjlliams hu already page llvt'. Studf'ntA: and fneulty are made uuutf" an enviable ~cord in the f!hort apeace we]comf' to lnLer\•lcw the pl"t'tddant and to or one year. A molit wholesome atmo"J>here ilil!leu&~ any probl('ttlS thnt they ha\'C. Every prevails u~n t.he campu&. The faculty 11.nd report of hi" r~tnona.l relaiiOnllhip with 11tudent body arft In accord as to th~ prog· faculty and lltud«.>nt..<t indicate~ an ln~.tru;cly ~ of academJ(" c:onditions. A ffrf'lina or human attitude. c.:onf«Wnee Pft"nil• at "'·e:ry tum. Public Spt-aktr Not only ia thi• fteing to be found upon our campus. Out~tide the university a very Dr. Willinmf' has beeomo one or the most c:orrlial relation hn,.. developed among edu· widely known "l>CtLkCl!3 in Ohio. H" lx con• c·at.ors. At the Jaat. meeting of the Ohio St.lltC ~t.an tly in cltom8nd as ~ speaker OOJ'orc civic Jo;ducational Conf('ortncc Dr. William• wu dubs, ehurchr~, ('t.c. This repuatlon is by given a plaee u one of the prominent no means Umjt.ed to Ohio. Whtn introduced "Pf&ktn. At a ~nl meeting of tht 0. N. at a Rot.:lry mN>tiDg in ColumbuA. Ohio, the U Club at Ohio State Unin!rsit)', Proft'JI.Aor chairman aaJd tM dub bad ,ont nee.rly halt Charles A. Dice. 006, • former profenor of way around the world to ~"' tbtir aptak· Ohio Xorthern, aahl th~ new pre!tiflent had er, as ho hed hf'nrd him in a publJc add.ress 11 ot been in his new position six weekw unUI in London, b'ngland~ in the .summer of 1929. "• OHIO NOR THERN ALUMNUS HOMECOMING Th~ tune i• a,pin at Sa1urda1 N .on. hand wh('n thouurwb of for­ f"ollowing the inaagural mf'r IJtudenta and gradualH u:ttciiC'll former &tudent:s of the Unh·tniLy ~·ill Y."tlnd 1nd fritnda win brule: bread their way bac:k home-. It is togC"ther at the loncheon in the tta~n the )'~ar when ot Ta rt. fC'ymnas.lum. A spoclal nt~ture lm1m~AIK'I tl1e be8uti­ l)f'O"'rftm with 80me promi· fu l thoutrht ftJ[llln upon our n ~nt IIPt'Akcn has been a:r.. mindP. ••Whf"n the fro1t is on rang<'d. 'l'hi• will put you in th(' pumpkin and the fodder'& Lrhn for tho big game. in the• 1hork," r('calls the mnny plcn&llnt evenings at the old fireside. t~lpltft l vt. Northern Vtl")' har>PY nre we to know that the You wiJI 1w given a real opportunity to old !i~1ddc ha• 1M-en kept burning. Alma Jet Of( ~m~ Of thl t txtl'tl Rteam a.t this Mater 11 awaltln.- our rf'tum for the happy occasion. Your dlrnlty can be thrown to the ()("CVion. IA"t u111 not di.sappoint ourselves wind11. Oiret>tor F.. R. Miller hu a fighting or the olMr membtn of the family. They ~uad. You will '" a.ome rul thrills. Thtn. I.Oo, wll'h to be wartned again by the old too, t.h-e band will be out to do its atuft• .-lo~ of tnthu.. lu.m of atudent days. Your A•umnl Coundl Pft«n« will bf' a rital fad.or in the IQC:~ ~ of the happy oecasion. Your absence A .-In~ of tho <0<1ndl w!ll be hcld at 6:30. IL .. hoped tltot the T&rio.. dubs will b. a ~al dlaappointrtw'nt to your dea:r old frien<D. ~ill ha,·e tht"ir offidal <h!ftgatel preeent. )lutb time tnd t-ftort tor the liQCICeS5 Alumni Party ol tht O«U1on 111 bt-lnJt g;,·pn by the alumni AL 8:00 p. m. In the Taft gymnasium C'ommlt.t.t'r In conjun~tio n with a committee will be Lh e Alumni Surpriae Program. A of tho ~tudcnt body. The olumni committee ~;pedal committee I• In r.ha.rge the event con!!.l.!!hl of Hnrold "Meredith, Violet Lewis ot that will g iVfi you an evening of real en· ~md 1A.'fl.t<'r Sht'ptlrd of l,ima, and Dr. T. J. ttrtainmcnt. Smull nnd W. 0. NIMwnndcr. It is the pla.n of thJa grou1, to provide entertainment every We a~ not goinK t.o divuiA"e a.ny of momenL du•·ln.t your 11t11y at dear old Ada. the ~ecrels of Lhc ocr.atlon but you are as· t•"rlda)' A ftf'rnoon sun-d thRt it wilt be the pcrtoet ending ot a F' riflay morni n~t will bE' gi'•en ovet' to biJr day. Some of the old timers are going golf nt tht t.o•t c~"k course on Route to be ver)' contp1cuout by their presence C. R 30, juMt f'ft.. ••t of Lima. Tht> ttrt4:'n fee and lhf' rol(' t hf'y are t.o play. Paul Bainter will be GOc.-. Tum in your acono to Burke from Za.ntnlll~.
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