B-18 THE EVENING OTAR. Washington, D. C. rainav. a rail. is. itaa WHERE THE PASSING SHOW . t AND WHEN MMCHMMB^®BMMIMMBMBM£££iiSk?^'2Sf?)B’ i7'^K, '? 'ff - * ¦* 'yawr* wanum.. j«*aiw«imo—— Currant Theater .Attmetlona and Tim* mt Showing Fernandel Brightens OUT 0 1 Stag* Aswan "Mademoiselle Co- Bob Hope's 'Holiday' lons be" S:SO pm. National—“No Tima for Ser- By HARRY NwARTHUR geants"; |;I0 p.m. ¦Mr atsff Writer Shabert—"Jane Eyre," 1:30 Routine The credit* for "Pari* Holiday'’ <*t the Capitol Theater) pm. Films of More Than Merit DRIVE IN THEATERS llat a “Mr Robert Hope" a* author of original story and the Screen • "DON'T GO NEAR THE WATER"—War beyond shell range producer je*t Aaron of the film. Whether thl* 1* done In or In pursuit Ambassador "Marjorie la a hilarious melee for Glenn Ford, Mickey Rhanghnesey. 0r?Too of dignity 1* not made clear. One thing Is made clear, however, MAH 0 Mornings tar"; I, 1:06, GODFREY”—HIIekIy N, VKN~J U?A“LiTS§ 7i before the unreeling of thl* adventure 1* finished: Bob Hope 6:10. "MY MAN remade, with David Niven D^,D D 7:l# and •:» pm ns the blneblood butler, June Allyson aa the sany deb. ' "OC* has fared better In the hands of other producers than he 1 HUD*&n'. Capital - "Parts Holiday”: fares in the hands of Mr.i "¦AtONARA”—MarIon Brando and Red Button* In n fine ' •tpKrr ' KtNT TAY 11:3# am.. 1:40, 1:45. 5:50. .** Cartoon Located In Robert Hope. ••PARIS HOLIDAY.” United Artists lllm of James Mkhener's Last-meets-West novel. i Arlmtton on U. 8 Route I, Just release ol Told* fllm. produced 1 7:55 and p.m. Over the *t hr Bok * I '*• 10 14th Brloee_Klrt. Free Nobody else ever cast him In , Hone, directed he Oerd Oewejd. screen- ¦1|||||i ‘ Jjgi jt "TAMMY AND THE BACHELOR”—Daddy-long-legs revis- ol»7 kr Edmund Beinln end Deen Hela- Calnmbla—"Knights of the a picture with Fernandel. who Ser. Hone, by ited. retrieved by Debbie Reynolds' refreshing sparkle. eroelnelf„ etorir b* intutc Round Table”; 13:30, 4:30 and LEE _ iJoeetih Ulle*. in Technicolor end HWT.-AIL. RLVD. 1Techr.lrem*. Al the CenIMI Theater. 1:00 p.m. | "THREE FACES OF EVE”—Melodrama chiefly noteworthy PRIVR-IM TRKATKR Jk ,1-tMt Jay Cormody, dram* critic tor Th* The Cat* pi- Dopant for Oscar-winning schizophrenia. Between 7 Camera and Palrfat I "Marcellno”; 1. Joanne Woodward’s Circle Ratrsktos La* Ha, ar Ar- Hop* • 'A"' "kI Star, it ta rant* fa Europe to hoi Robert Letll* Hunter Rob ¦ w 3:46, 4:35, 0:30, llneton Bird (Via Hallaas ltd I. { Fernydel Fernandel t:10 and 10 at tke etficiel ? ,r* p.m. WEEK-END United State* dele- -.. Anil* Bkbere 4-UNIT rhe Film Festival Ann ..McCall Martha H*er & -V .:M AMBASSADOR WHELAJtB gate te Cant** ,'reeton Morel). Keith's Silent, "i-MV** THEATERS With Riureee. Andre "Run Run a-aapa SPECIAL Alan Clifford. Maurice Ternae, Deep"; I:3#, 3:36, co. 7 ! Ives Bralnvilla, Jean 11:36 am.. AICDRIYE-H 1 HOUR OF FUN, 7:00 could a scene Murat and p.m. "Marjorie Morningstar" '«rr- steal from Mt. 5:40. 7:40 3:40 Natali* Wood. Oana Kolly. 1:00 CH. MMi At rfiular pricp* citoaa-BLAZE or apache' Vesuvius. is among MaeArthnr “The .1 8:28. MARLON BRANDO. Rfo BUTTONS ARROW* Fernandel _ describe Hope as ‘‘a cool cat Smallest ii7T*ilO. LIL MIYOSHI UMKKI In the winner of Hope's lesser problems here, i Show on Earth”; 0:15,1:06 and 4 Aradfmv Award*. 2—"ESCAPE FROM ... ... *viLn»„Tt.:sr.. however. He turns out to be crazee. man out of 10 pjn. "SAYONARA” RED ROCK" ROMANCE PLUS LAUGHS * a definite asset In a movie zees world." Metrapalitan "Marjorie ¦agrafe ?»“*"' ! •"‘p , ,m 1 Itarrln* BRIAN DONI.EVY. al Virginia Aw«S.^ c?,?, V?! ». SUPERIOR ENTERTAINMENT comedy not overladen wltji ** * a McKenna and BillTravera are the romantic Morningstar”: a.m., 1:06, ¦rvrat vit s-ss**. i»tk a r , Sfff; & 11 ¦bVMIal s|s. N.E. Free Parkins ROCK HUDSON them. new comedy, " In Its se- duo In the British "The Smallest Show 3:15, 5:30, 7:30 and 0:35 p.m. '¦ADDLE THE WIN D Rokart climactic chase • HILLSIDE DRITE-H JENNIFER There probably nothing on Earth,” now showing the MacArthur Theater. Ontario "Witness for the Taylor. 8:25, A 15; UNDERWATER ! JONES was quence. "Paris Holiday" finally at WARRIOR." 7.A1l StSA Marlboro Mke. Md JO * 7tM. wrong with Hope's original Prosecution”; 1:30. 3:40, 5:50, ROCK HUDSON, JENNIFER JONES. 3"A FAREWELL looks like a first-rate movie pat yriT« s-easA. **v* VITTORIO de SICA In Daeld O story something about 3:05 and 10:15 p.m. kAITUI WloMMla An. N.W. Selanlck a "A FAREWELL TO TO ARMS” an comedy. This is a really sany S COPE AND » American Young Pre* Parkins "FAREWELL TO ! 1 COLOR. IA entertainer In Paris affair, with at the Palace—" The Lions'': AMU. " Rock Hudson 6IKI. 8 60 K °S&, A BPY THRILLER Fernandel £JW. ’• , ROCK 11 " who becomes Involved with a' helm of a helicopter, reading 10:40 pjn., 1:36, 4:30. 7:30 and rrmii me. * *»n iM*tk , 7:1 At 4 “DEADLINE UE.A IrMIDHL .«* 14,5 * gang of ruthless International 10:25 p. m. a,. N Near Parkins °~* M#p *tarrln(_ Hum Botart, 12:10 a book on how to operate it. 35; •HinvvaiinAMACOSTIA » who think he can Playhouse—" The Mystery of "BAYOU/* 1J 20. 3.25 6:30. A si IU FO7O OP«K 6 :1.1 criminals Dangling from the end of a OUTLAW'S dON" Dana Clark. ROCK HUDSON JENNIFER JONES. MODERN CAPITXRIA Identify them. But there seldom Picasso"; 11 13:45. 3:35. lI:«M,_i:AA. A ini. A:nA. VITTORIO dt BICA In Dwvld O Kiddies Playiand rope ladder below is Hope, as am.. Mmirk 3 and Patio Is anything wrong with HOLLYWOOD 0:10, • and 0:50 pjn. an they swoop around the French 4:30. KENNEDY ZjZT g not IT “A FAREWELL ate I M LOtW'6 60 S SITt original story. It's long Plasa "And Ood Created C Kl *• countryside pursued by the vil- ¦fM w ?)’ TO enough to have anything wrong Woman”; 1:15, 3:30, '•¦aßßle thS i n aSiVt ARMS” NT. VEHNON OPEN All liana in 11:30 a.m.. Taylor. 7 lA. 6:85 I (Ml. 3:40. S:7O. p (Ml automobiles and barely Sf SHtILAH GRAHAM ' Color. with It. , XyP" 5:25, 7:33 and 5:45 p.m. am Ll 7-ataa. naa Pm. 11 *• * • missing all manner of obstacles. Trans-Lax—"The Bridge on rUH a H< m pr « Forking HIGHLAND ***& When For the record, girls In "PAREWELI TO AS M a." Rock ROBERT TAYLOR JULIE LON- i;r.m the ” Every Friday the original Is being the River Kwai"; 10 a.m., 1,4, Hudron. A 15. 9 15. tic AP I DO?rM^’6«G“4?rand_Baturdar U Nisht spasmodically funny 1 DON. "SADDLE THK WIND Color. expanded to feature size this but 7 and 10 pm PROM RED ROCK.' *OO Doors M.'dl « IA JOEL MrCREA. "OUN- movie " I—CARTOON Open A PM CARNIVAL Is when the trouble can arise. often leaden comedy are Mar- Now It's Ava and Bandini Uptown "South Pacific"; -BIOHT RIDGE 7:AO tha tIVOVtO- A-iaoa. aos* ntk 3TI *• Copitol A Aflonlir AT 6:50 And that’s where Mr. Robert Hyer and Anita Ekberg. p.m. aJlvtl* «t. n.w. Hit hard IHTtr t - BRIAN DONLIVY A) Incog- 5:30 JllleAUlll. Q , 4100 f,wM Hope Miss Hyer is attractively I HOLLYWOOD <NAN and that she will travel MAN." Clay Madison *4(l. »:.»«»: RILEXN JANSSEN ran Into it. Edmund beilev- 1 • S:M) ROBERT TAYLOR. 'ULIE ION- Paging Kim Navak! Marie nito, to avoid reporters. Warner "Search for Para- JUNOLt HRAT." Uta Show DON SADDLE WIND,' and Dean able as an employe of the Amer- Coma at at no THE "ESCAPE FROM Beloin Riesner. who Bandini 5:30 Tonlsht Latr 11 Color. (I :|||. R:3A JOET McCREA. and Ava Gardner have And while in the land of the dlsc": pjn. " wrote screenplay, and Gerd ican embassy in Miss P.M. and Baa Both Paaturaa. 'THE GUNSIOHT RIDOE 7:50. RED ROCK” the Paris. ! each Caesars, AMA7INO COLOSSAL MAN ' A!to _ | Oswald, who directed, have not Ekberg is eye-popplngly unbe- discovered other. The mil-. Vlveea Lind for* la in- ¦THI CAT OIRL" ltonaire canned-tomato dulging in shopping spree CONGRESS enlarged their boss' yarn into lievable as a she villain. (She tycoon a 7 7f' who swooned for Kim until there which has the natives SHCBIDAN r; At Reeular Prlcea' MARLON 100 minutes of unrestrained apparently turns out In* the ¦•PARIWELL TO ARMS." Rock BRANDO. RED BUTTONS MI- "FAREWELL TO Prince Aly swooped into gasping. While marking STa YOSHI UMEKI In the Winner of gaiety. end to be less villain than she Khan Hudson. »:lIT 4 Academy Award*! "aAVONARA." ARMS” her Is in the "I time to his role CalatalMa *:»« life. now could start with In- (If ST. a-AAOS. (L7O, _ At It is not without Its fun, of has been up to this point. The OILWPSTUI Color. 0. > land did) dance all night" stage srid Bergman and Robert Do- ad. ol Ooorato Aaa. 4703 Marlboro Plw.
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